[PATCH v2 1/2] cxlflash: Remove driver

Andrew Donnellan posted 2 patches 1 month, 1 week ago
[PATCH v2 1/2] cxlflash: Remove driver
Posted by Andrew Donnellan 1 month, 1 week ago
Remove the cxlflash driver for IBM CAPI Flash devices.

The cxlflash driver has received minimal maintenance for some time, and
the CAPI Flash hardware that uses it is no longer commercially available.

Thanks to Uma Krishnan, Matthew Ochs and Manoj Kumar for their work on
this driver over the years.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Donnellan <ajd@linux.ibm.com>
v2: rebase
 Documentation/arch/powerpc/cxlflash.rst       |  433 --
 Documentation/arch/powerpc/index.rst          |    1 -
 .../userspace-api/ioctl/ioctl-number.rst      |    2 +-
 MAINTAINERS                                   |    9 -
 drivers/scsi/Kconfig                          |    1 -
 drivers/scsi/Makefile                         |    1 -
 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Kconfig                 |   15 -
 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Makefile                |    5 -
 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/backend.h               |   48 -
 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/common.h                |  340 --
 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/cxl_hw.c                |  177 -
 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/lunmgt.c                |  278 --
 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.c                  | 3970 -----------------
 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.h                  |  129 -
 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.c               | 1399 ------
 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.h               |   72 -
 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/sislite.h               |  560 ---
 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.c             | 2218 ---------
 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.h             |  150 -
 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.c                  | 1336 ------
 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.h                  |   82 -
 include/uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h            |  276 --
 .../filesystems/statmount/statmount_test.c    |   13 +-
 23 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 11508 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Documentation/arch/powerpc/cxlflash.rst
 delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Kconfig
 delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Makefile
 delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/backend.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/common.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/cxl_hw.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/lunmgt.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/sislite.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.h
 delete mode 100644 include/uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h

diff --git a/Documentation/arch/powerpc/cxlflash.rst b/Documentation/arch/powerpc/cxlflash.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index e8f488acfa41..000000000000
--- a/Documentation/arch/powerpc/cxlflash.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-Coherent Accelerator (CXL) Flash
-    The IBM Power architecture provides support for CAPI (Coherent
-    Accelerator Power Interface), which is available to certain PCIe slots
-    on Power 8 systems. CAPI can be thought of as a special tunneling
-    protocol through PCIe that allow PCIe adapters to look like special
-    purpose co-processors which can read or write an application's
-    memory and generate page faults. As a result, the host interface to
-    an adapter running in CAPI mode does not require the data buffers to
-    be mapped to the device's memory (IOMMU bypass) nor does it require
-    memory to be pinned.
-    On Linux, Coherent Accelerator (CXL) kernel services present CAPI
-    devices as a PCI device by implementing a virtual PCI host bridge.
-    This abstraction simplifies the infrastructure and programming
-    model, allowing for drivers to look similar to other native PCI
-    device drivers.
-    CXL provides a mechanism by which user space applications can
-    directly talk to a device (network or storage) bypassing the typical
-    kernel/device driver stack. The CXL Flash Adapter Driver enables a
-    user space application direct access to Flash storage.
-    The CXL Flash Adapter Driver is a kernel module that sits in the
-    SCSI stack as a low level device driver (below the SCSI disk and
-    protocol drivers) for the IBM CXL Flash Adapter. This driver is
-    responsible for the initialization of the adapter, setting up the
-    special path for user space access, and performing error recovery. It
-    communicates directly the Flash Accelerator Functional Unit (AFU)
-    as described in Documentation/arch/powerpc/cxl.rst.
-    The cxlflash driver supports two, mutually exclusive, modes of
-    operation at the device (LUN) level:
-        - Any flash device (LUN) can be configured to be accessed as a
-          regular disk device (i.e.: /dev/sdc). This is the default mode.
-        - Any flash device (LUN) can be configured to be accessed from
-          user space with a special block library. This mode further
-          specifies the means of accessing the device and provides for
-          either raw access to the entire LUN (referred to as direct
-          or physical LUN access) or access to a kernel/AFU-mediated
-          partition of the LUN (referred to as virtual LUN access). The
-          segmentation of a disk device into virtual LUNs is assisted
-          by special translation services provided by the Flash AFU.
-    The Coherent Accelerator Interface Architecture (CAIA) introduces a
-    concept of a master context. A master typically has special privileges
-    granted to it by the kernel or hypervisor allowing it to perform AFU
-    wide management and control. The master may or may not be involved
-    directly in each user I/O, but at the minimum is involved in the
-    initial setup before the user application is allowed to send requests
-    directly to the AFU.
-    The CXL Flash Adapter Driver establishes a master context with the
-    AFU. It uses memory mapped I/O (MMIO) for this control and setup. The
-    Adapter Problem Space Memory Map looks like this::
-                     +-------------------------------+
-                     |    512 * 64 KB User MMIO      |
-                     |        (per context)          |
-                     |       User Accessible         |
-                     +-------------------------------+
-                     |    512 * 128 B per context    |
-                     |    Provisioning and Control   |
-                     |   Trusted Process accessible  |
-                     +-------------------------------+
-                     |         64 KB Global          |
-                     |   Trusted Process accessible  |
-                     +-------------------------------+
-    This driver configures itself into the SCSI software stack as an
-    adapter driver. The driver is the only entity that is considered a
-    Trusted Process to program the Provisioning and Control and Global
-    areas in the MMIO Space shown above.  The master context driver
-    discovers all LUNs attached to the CXL Flash adapter and instantiates
-    scsi block devices (/dev/sdb, /dev/sdc etc.) for each unique LUN
-    seen from each path.
-    Once these scsi block devices are instantiated, an application
-    written to a specification provided by the block library may get
-    access to the Flash from user space (without requiring a system call).
-    This master context driver also provides a series of ioctls for this
-    block library to enable this user space access.  The driver supports
-    two modes for accessing the block device.
-    The first mode is called a virtual mode. In this mode a single scsi
-    block device (/dev/sdb) may be carved up into any number of distinct
-    virtual LUNs. The virtual LUNs may be resized as long as the sum of
-    the sizes of all the virtual LUNs, along with the meta-data associated
-    with it does not exceed the physical capacity.
-    The second mode is called the physical mode. In this mode a single
-    block device (/dev/sdb) may be opened directly by the block library
-    and the entire space for the LUN is available to the application.
-    Only the physical mode provides persistence of the data.  i.e. The
-    data written to the block device will survive application exit and
-    restart and also reboot. The virtual LUNs do not persist (i.e. do
-    not survive after the application terminates or the system reboots).
-Block library API
-    Applications intending to get access to the CXL Flash from user
-    space should use the block library, as it abstracts the details of
-    interfacing directly with the cxlflash driver that are necessary for
-    performing administrative actions (i.e.: setup, tear down, resize).
-    The block library can be thought of as a 'user' of services,
-    implemented as IOCTLs, that are provided by the cxlflash driver
-    specifically for devices (LUNs) operating in user space access
-    mode. While it is not a requirement that applications understand
-    the interface between the block library and the cxlflash driver,
-    a high-level overview of each supported service (IOCTL) is provided
-    below.
-    The block library can be found on GitHub:
-    http://github.com/open-power/capiflash
-CXL Flash Driver LUN IOCTLs
-    Users, such as the block library, that wish to interface with a flash
-    device (LUN) via user space access need to use the services provided
-    by the cxlflash driver. As these services are implemented as ioctls,
-    a file descriptor handle must first be obtained in order to establish
-    the communication channel between a user and the kernel.  This file
-    descriptor is obtained by opening the device special file associated
-    with the scsi disk device (/dev/sdb) that was created during LUN
-    discovery. As per the location of the cxlflash driver within the
-    SCSI protocol stack, this open is actually not seen by the cxlflash
-    driver. Upon successful open, the user receives a file descriptor
-    (herein referred to as fd1) that should be used for issuing the
-    subsequent ioctls listed below.
-    The structure definitions for these IOCTLs are available in:
-    uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h
-    This ioctl obtains, initializes, and starts a context using the CXL
-    kernel services. These services specify a context id (u16) by which
-    to uniquely identify the context and its allocated resources. The
-    services additionally provide a second file descriptor (herein
-    referred to as fd2) that is used by the block library to initiate
-    memory mapped I/O (via mmap()) to the CXL flash device and poll for
-    completion events. This file descriptor is intentionally installed by
-    this driver and not the CXL kernel services to allow for intermediary
-    notification and access in the event of a non-user-initiated close(),
-    such as a killed process. This design point is described in further
-    detail in the description for the DK_CXLFLASH_DETACH ioctl.
-    There are a few important aspects regarding the "tokens" (context id
-    and fd2) that are provided back to the user:
-        - These tokens are only valid for the process under which they
-          were created. The child of a forked process cannot continue
-          to use the context id or file descriptor created by its parent
-          (see DK_CXLFLASH_VLUN_CLONE for further details).
-        - These tokens are only valid for the lifetime of the context and
-          the process under which they were created. Once either is
-          destroyed, the tokens are to be considered stale and subsequent
-          usage will result in errors.
-	- A valid adapter file descriptor (fd2 >= 0) is only returned on
-	  the initial attach for a context. Subsequent attaches to an
-	  existing context (DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH_REUSE_CONTEXT flag present)
-	  do not provide the adapter file descriptor as it was previously
-	  made known to the application.
-        - When a context is no longer needed, the user shall detach from
-          the context via the DK_CXLFLASH_DETACH ioctl. When this ioctl
-	  returns with a valid adapter file descriptor and the return flag
-	  DK_CXLFLASH_APP_CLOSE_ADAP_FD is present, the application _must_
-	  close the adapter file descriptor following a successful detach.
-	- When this ioctl returns with a valid fd2 and the return flag
-	  DK_CXLFLASH_APP_CLOSE_ADAP_FD is present, the application _must_
-	  close fd2 in the following circumstances:
-		+ Following a successful detach of the last user of the context
-		+ Following a successful recovery on the context's original fd2
-		+ In the child process of a fork(), following a clone ioctl,
-		  on the fd2 associated with the source context
-        - At any time, a close on fd2 will invalidate the tokens. Applications
-	  should exercise caution to only close fd2 when appropriate (outlined
-	  in the previous bullet) to avoid premature loss of I/O.
-    This ioctl is responsible for transitioning the LUN to direct
-    (physical) mode access and configuring the AFU for direct access from
-    user space on a per-context basis. Additionally, the block size and
-    last logical block address (LBA) are returned to the user.
-    As mentioned previously, when operating in user space access mode,
-    LUNs may be accessed in whole or in part. Only one mode is allowed
-    at a time and if one mode is active (outstanding references exist),
-    requests to use the LUN in a different mode are denied.
-    The AFU is configured for direct access from user space by adding an
-    entry to the AFU's resource handle table. The index of the entry is
-    treated as a resource handle that is returned to the user. The user
-    is then able to use the handle to reference the LUN during I/O.
-    This ioctl is responsible for transitioning the LUN to virtual mode
-    of access and configuring the AFU for virtual access from user space
-    on a per-context basis. Additionally, the block size and last logical
-    block address (LBA) are returned to the user.
-    As mentioned previously, when operating in user space access mode,
-    LUNs may be accessed in whole or in part. Only one mode is allowed
-    at a time and if one mode is active (outstanding references exist),
-    requests to use the LUN in a different mode are denied.
-    The AFU is configured for virtual access from user space by adding
-    an entry to the AFU's resource handle table. The index of the entry
-    is treated as a resource handle that is returned to the user. The
-    user is then able to use the handle to reference the LUN during I/O.
-    By default, the virtual LUN is created with a size of 0. The user
-    would need to use the DK_CXLFLASH_VLUN_RESIZE ioctl to adjust the grow
-    the virtual LUN to a desired size. To avoid having to perform this
-    resize for the initial creation of the virtual LUN, the user has the
-    option of specifying a size as part of the DK_CXLFLASH_USER_VIRTUAL
-    ioctl, such that when success is returned to the user, the
-    resource handle that is provided is already referencing provisioned
-    storage. This is reflected by the last LBA being a non-zero value.
-    When a LUN is accessible from more than one port, this ioctl will
-    return with the DK_CXLFLASH_ALL_PORTS_ACTIVE return flag set. This
-    provides the user with a hint that I/O can be retried in the event
-    of an I/O error as the LUN can be reached over multiple paths.
-    This ioctl is responsible for resizing a previously created virtual
-    LUN and will fail if invoked upon a LUN that is not in virtual
-    mode. Upon success, an updated last LBA is returned to the user
-    indicating the new size of the virtual LUN associated with the
-    resource handle.
-    The partitioning of virtual LUNs is jointly mediated by the cxlflash
-    driver and the AFU. An allocation table is kept for each LUN that is
-    operating in the virtual mode and used to program a LUN translation
-    table that the AFU references when provided with a resource handle.
-    This ioctl can return -EAGAIN if an AFU sync operation takes too long.
-    In addition to returning a failure to user, cxlflash will also schedule
-    an asynchronous AFU reset. Should the user choose to retry the operation,
-    it is expected to succeed. If this ioctl fails with -EAGAIN, the user
-    can either retry the operation or treat it as a failure.
-    This ioctl is responsible for releasing a previously obtained
-    reference to either a physical or virtual LUN. This can be
-    thought of as the inverse of the DK_CXLFLASH_USER_DIRECT or
-    DK_CXLFLASH_USER_VIRTUAL ioctls. Upon success, the resource handle
-    is no longer valid and the entry in the resource handle table is
-    made available to be used again.
-    As part of the release process for virtual LUNs, the virtual LUN
-    is first resized to 0 to clear out and free the translation tables
-    associated with the virtual LUN reference.
-    This ioctl is responsible for unregistering a context with the
-    cxlflash driver and release outstanding resources that were
-    not explicitly released via the DK_CXLFLASH_RELEASE ioctl. Upon
-    success, all "tokens" which had been provided to the user from the
-    DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH onward are no longer valid.
-    When the DK_CXLFLASH_APP_CLOSE_ADAP_FD flag was returned on a successful
-    attach, the application _must_ close the fd2 associated with the context
-    following the detach of the final user of the context.
-    This ioctl is responsible for cloning a previously created
-    context to a more recently created context. It exists solely to
-    support maintaining user space access to storage after a process
-    forks. Upon success, the child process (which invoked the ioctl)
-    will have access to the same LUNs via the same resource handle(s)
-    as the parent, but under a different context.
-    Context sharing across processes is not supported with CXL and
-    therefore each fork must be met with establishing a new context
-    for the child process. This ioctl simplifies the state management
-    and playback required by a user in such a scenario. When a process
-    forks, child process can clone the parents context by first creating
-    a context (via DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH) and then using this ioctl to
-    perform the clone from the parent to the child.
-    The clone itself is fairly simple. The resource handle and lun
-    translation tables are copied from the parent context to the child's
-    and then synced with the AFU.
-    When the DK_CXLFLASH_APP_CLOSE_ADAP_FD flag was returned on a successful
-    attach, the application _must_ close the fd2 associated with the source
-    context (still resident/accessible in the parent process) following the
-    clone. This is to avoid a stale entry in the file descriptor table of the
-    child process.
-    This ioctl can return -EAGAIN if an AFU sync operation takes too long.
-    In addition to returning a failure to user, cxlflash will also schedule
-    an asynchronous AFU reset. Should the user choose to retry the operation,
-    it is expected to succeed. If this ioctl fails with -EAGAIN, the user
-    can either retry the operation or treat it as a failure.
-    This ioctl is used to detect various changes such as the capacity of
-    the disk changing, the number of LUNs visible changing, etc. In cases
-    where the changes affect the application (such as a LUN resize), the
-    cxlflash driver will report the changed state to the application.
-    The user calls in when they want to validate that a LUN hasn't been
-    changed in response to a check condition. As the user is operating out
-    of band from the kernel, they will see these types of events without
-    the kernel's knowledge. When encountered, the user's architected
-    behavior is to call in to this ioctl, indicating what they want to
-    verify and passing along any appropriate information. For now, only
-    verifying a LUN change (ie: size different) with sense data is
-    supported.
-    This ioctl is used to drive recovery (if such an action is warranted)
-    of a specified user context. Any state associated with the user context
-    is re-established upon successful recovery.
-    User contexts are put into an error condition when the device needs to
-    be reset or is terminating. Users are notified of this error condition
-    by seeing all 0xF's on an MMIO read. Upon encountering this, the
-    architected behavior for a user is to call into this ioctl to recover
-    their context. A user may also call into this ioctl at any time to
-    check if the device is operating normally. If a failure is returned
-    from this ioctl, the user is expected to gracefully clean up their
-    context via release/detach ioctls. Until they do, the context they
-    hold is not relinquished. The user may also optionally exit the process
-    at which time the context/resources they held will be freed as part of
-    the release fop.
-    When the DK_CXLFLASH_APP_CLOSE_ADAP_FD flag was returned on a successful
-    attach, the application _must_ unmap and close the fd2 associated with the
-    original context following this ioctl returning success and indicating that
-    the context was recovered (DK_CXLFLASH_RECOVER_AFU_CONTEXT_RESET).
-    This ioctl is used to switch a LUN from a mode where it is available
-    for file-system access (legacy), to a mode where it is set aside for
-    exclusive user space access (superpipe). In case a LUN is visible
-    across multiple ports and adapters, this ioctl is used to uniquely
-    identify each LUN by its World Wide Node Name (WWNN).
-CXL Flash Driver Host IOCTLs
-    Each host adapter instance that is supported by the cxlflash driver
-    has a special character device associated with it to enable a set of
-    host management function. These character devices are hosted in a
-    class dedicated for cxlflash and can be accessed via `/dev/cxlflash/*`.
-    Applications can be written to perform various functions using the
-    host ioctl APIs below.
-    The structure definitions for these IOCTLs are available in:
-    uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h
-    This ioctl is used to create and delete persistent LUNs on cxlflash
-    devices that lack an external LUN management interface. It is only
-    valid when used with AFUs that support the LUN provision capability.
-    When sufficient space is available, LUNs can be created by specifying
-    the target port to host the LUN and a desired size in 4K blocks. Upon
-    success, the LUN ID and WWID of the created LUN will be returned and
-    the SCSI bus can be scanned to detect the change in LUN topology. Note
-    that partial allocations are not supported. Should a creation fail due
-    to a space issue, the target port can be queried for its current LUN
-    geometry.
-    To remove a LUN, the device must first be disassociated from the Linux
-    SCSI subsystem. The LUN deletion can then be initiated by specifying a
-    target port and LUN ID. Upon success, the LUN geometry associated with
-    the port will be updated to reflect new number of provisioned LUNs and
-    available capacity.
-    To query the LUN geometry of a port, the target port is specified and
-    upon success, the following information is presented:
-        - Maximum number of provisioned LUNs allowed for the port
-        - Current number of provisioned LUNs for the port
-        - Maximum total capacity of provisioned LUNs for the port (4K blocks)
-        - Current total capacity of provisioned LUNs for the port (4K blocks)
-    With this information, the number of available LUNs and capacity can be
-    can be calculated.
-    This ioctl is used to debug AFUs by supporting a command pass-through
-    interface. It is only valid when used with AFUs that support the AFU
-    debug capability.
-    With exception of buffer management, AFU debug commands are opaque to
-    cxlflash and treated as pass-through. For debug commands that do require
-    data transfer, the user supplies an adequately sized data buffer and must
-    specify the data transfer direction with respect to the host. There is a
-    maximum transfer size of 256K imposed. Note that partial read completions
-    are not supported - when errors are experienced with a host read data
-    transfer, the data buffer is not copied back to the user.
diff --git a/Documentation/arch/powerpc/index.rst b/Documentation/arch/powerpc/index.rst
index 9749f6dc258f..995268530f21 100644
--- a/Documentation/arch/powerpc/index.rst
+++ b/Documentation/arch/powerpc/index.rst
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ powerpc
-    cxlflash
diff --git a/Documentation/userspace-api/ioctl/ioctl-number.rst b/Documentation/userspace-api/ioctl/ioctl-number.rst
index 6d1465315df3..efe133c50615 100644
--- a/Documentation/userspace-api/ioctl/ioctl-number.rst
+++ b/Documentation/userspace-api/ioctl/ioctl-number.rst
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ Code  Seq#    Include File                                           Comments
 0xC0  00-0F  linux/usb/iowarrior.h
 0xCA  00-0F  uapi/misc/cxl.h
 0xCA  10-2F  uapi/misc/ocxl.h
-0xCA  80-BF  uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h
+0xCA  80-BF  uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h                              Dead since 6.14
 0xCB  00-1F                                                          CBM serial IEC bus in development:
 0xCC  00-0F  drivers/misc/ibmvmc.h                                   pseries VMC driver
index 896a307fa065..f1171fe71e4e 100644
@@ -6318,15 +6318,6 @@ F:	drivers/misc/cxl/
 F:	include/misc/cxl*
 F:	include/uapi/misc/cxl.h
-CXLFLASH (IBM Coherent Accelerator Processor Interface CAPI Flash) SCSI DRIVER
-M:	Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.ibm.com>
-M:	Uma Krishnan <ukrishn@linux.ibm.com>
-L:	linux-scsi@vger.kernel.org
-S:	Obsolete
-F:	Documentation/arch/powerpc/cxlflash.rst
-F:	drivers/scsi/cxlflash/
-F:	include/uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h
 M:	Russell King <linux@armlinux.org.uk>
 L:	linux-arm-kernel@lists.infradead.org (moderated for non-subscribers)
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/Kconfig b/drivers/scsi/Kconfig
index 37c24ffea65c..c749d376159a 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/scsi/Kconfig
@@ -336,7 +336,6 @@ source "drivers/scsi/cxgbi/Kconfig"
 source "drivers/scsi/bnx2i/Kconfig"
 source "drivers/scsi/bnx2fc/Kconfig"
 source "drivers/scsi/be2iscsi/Kconfig"
-source "drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Kconfig"
 config SGIWD93_SCSI
 	tristate "SGI WD93C93 SCSI Driver"
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/Makefile b/drivers/scsi/Makefile
index 1313ddf2fd1a..16de3e41f94c 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/scsi/Makefile
@@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_SYM53C8XX_2)	+= sym53c8xx_2/
 obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_ZALON)	+= zalon7xx.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_DC395x)	+= dc395x.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_AM53C974)	+= esp_scsi.o	am53c974.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_CXLFLASH)		+= cxlflash/
 obj-$(CONFIG_MEGARAID_LEGACY)	+= megaraid.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_MEGARAID_NEWGEN)	+= megaraid/
 obj-$(CONFIG_MEGARAID_SAS)	+= megaraid/
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Kconfig b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Kconfig
deleted file mode 100644
index c424d36e89a6..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Kconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
-# IBM CXL-attached Flash Accelerator SCSI Driver
-config CXLFLASH
-	tristate "Support for IBM CAPI Flash (DEPRECATED)"
-	depends on PCI && SCSI && (CXL || OCXL) && EEH
-	select IRQ_POLL
-	help
-	  The cxlflash driver is deprecated and will be removed in a future
-	  kernel release.
-	  Allows CAPI Accelerated IO to Flash
-	  If unsure, say N.
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Makefile b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index fd2f0dd9daf9..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
-obj-$(CONFIG_CXLFLASH) += cxlflash.o
-cxlflash-y += main.o superpipe.o lunmgt.o vlun.o
-cxlflash-$(CONFIG_CXL) += cxl_hw.o
-cxlflash-$(CONFIG_OCXL) += ocxl_hw.o
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/backend.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/backend.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 181e0445ed42..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/backend.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Uma Krishnan <ukrishn@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2018 IBM Corporation
- */
-extern const struct cxlflash_backend_ops cxlflash_cxl_ops;
-extern const struct cxlflash_backend_ops cxlflash_ocxl_ops;
-struct cxlflash_backend_ops {
-	struct module *module;
-	void __iomem * (*psa_map)(void *ctx_cookie);
-	void (*psa_unmap)(void __iomem *addr);
-	int (*process_element)(void *ctx_cookie);
-	int (*map_afu_irq)(void *ctx_cookie, int num, irq_handler_t handler,
-			   void *cookie, char *name);
-	void (*unmap_afu_irq)(void *ctx_cookie, int num, void *cookie);
-	u64 (*get_irq_objhndl)(void *ctx_cookie, int irq);
-	int (*start_context)(void *ctx_cookie);
-	int (*stop_context)(void *ctx_cookie);
-	int (*afu_reset)(void *ctx_cookie);
-	void (*set_master)(void *ctx_cookie);
-	void * (*get_context)(struct pci_dev *dev, void *afu_cookie);
-	void * (*dev_context_init)(struct pci_dev *dev, void *afu_cookie);
-	int (*release_context)(void *ctx_cookie);
-	void (*perst_reloads_same_image)(void *afu_cookie, bool image);
-	ssize_t (*read_adapter_vpd)(struct pci_dev *dev, void *buf,
-				    size_t count);
-	int (*allocate_afu_irqs)(void *ctx_cookie, int num);
-	void (*free_afu_irqs)(void *ctx_cookie);
-	void * (*create_afu)(struct pci_dev *dev);
-	void (*destroy_afu)(void *afu_cookie);
-	struct file * (*get_fd)(void *ctx_cookie, struct file_operations *fops,
-				int *fd);
-	void * (*fops_get_context)(struct file *file);
-	int (*start_work)(void *ctx_cookie, u64 irqs);
-	int (*fd_mmap)(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vm);
-	int (*fd_release)(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
-#endif /* _CXLFLASH_BACKEND_H */
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/common.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/common.h
deleted file mode 100644
index de6229e27b48..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/common.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
- */
-#include <linux/async.h>
-#include <linux/cdev.h>
-#include <linux/irq_poll.h>
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <linux/rwsem.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
-#include "backend.h"
-extern const struct file_operations cxlflash_cxl_fops;
-#define MAX_CONTEXT	CXLFLASH_MAX_CONTEXT	/* num contexts per afu */
-#define MAX_FC_PORTS	CXLFLASH_MAX_FC_PORTS	/* max ports per AFU */
-#define LEGACY_FC_PORTS	2			/* legacy ports per AFU */
-#define CHAN2PORTBANK(_x)	((_x) >> ilog2(CXLFLASH_NUM_FC_PORTS_PER_BANK))
-#define CHAN2PORTMASK(_x)	(1 << (_x))	/* channel to port mask */
-#define PORTMASK2CHAN(_x)	(ilog2((_x)))	/* port mask to channel */
-#define PORTNUM2CHAN(_x)	((_x) - 1)	/* port number to channel */
-#define CXLFLASH_BLOCK_SIZE	4096		/* 4K blocks */
-#define CXLFLASH_MAX_XFER_SIZE	16777216	/* 16MB transfer */
-								 * max_sectors
-								 * in units of
-								 * 512 byte
-								 * sectors
-								 */
-#define MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT (PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(struct sisl_rht_entry))
-/* AFU command retry limit */
-#define MC_RETRY_CNT	5	/* Sufficient for SCSI and certain AFU errors */
-/* Command management definitions */
-#define CXLFLASH_MAX_CMDS               256
-/* RRQ for master issued cmds */
-#define NUM_RRQ_ENTRY                   CXLFLASH_MAX_CMDS
-/* SQ for master issued cmds */
-/* Hardware queue definitions */
-#define PRIMARY_HWQ			0
-static inline void check_sizes(void)
-/* AFU defines a fixed size of 4K for command buffers (borrow 4K page define) */
-#define CMD_BUFSIZE     SIZE_4K
-enum cxlflash_lr_state {
-enum cxlflash_init_state {
-enum cxlflash_state {
-	STATE_PROBING,	/* Initial state during probe */
-	STATE_PROBED,	/* Temporary state, probe completed but EEH occurred */
-	STATE_NORMAL,	/* Normal running state, everything good */
-	STATE_RESET,	/* Reset state, trying to reset/recover */
-	STATE_FAILTERM	/* Failed/terminating state, error out users/threads */
-enum cxlflash_hwq_mode {
-	HWQ_MODE_RR,	/* Roundrobin (default) */
-	HWQ_MODE_TAG,	/* Distribute based on block MQ tag */
-	HWQ_MODE_CPU,	/* CPU affinity */
- * Each context has its own set of resource handles that is visible
- * only from that context.
- */
-struct cxlflash_cfg {
-	struct afu *afu;
-	const struct cxlflash_backend_ops *ops;
-	struct pci_dev *dev;
-	struct pci_device_id *dev_id;
-	struct Scsi_Host *host;
-	int num_fc_ports;
-	struct cdev cdev;
-	struct device *chardev;
-	ulong cxlflash_regs_pci;
-	struct work_struct work_q;
-	enum cxlflash_init_state init_state;
-	enum cxlflash_lr_state lr_state;
-	int lr_port;
-	atomic_t scan_host_needed;
-	void *afu_cookie;
-	atomic_t recovery_threads;
-	struct mutex ctx_recovery_mutex;
-	struct mutex ctx_tbl_list_mutex;
-	struct rw_semaphore ioctl_rwsem;
-	struct ctx_info *ctx_tbl[MAX_CONTEXT];
-	struct list_head ctx_err_recovery; /* contexts w/ recovery pending */
-	struct file_operations cxl_fops;
-	/* Parameters that are LUN table related */
-	int last_lun_index[MAX_FC_PORTS];
-	int promote_lun_index;
-	struct list_head lluns; /* list of llun_info structs */
-	wait_queue_head_t tmf_waitq;
-	spinlock_t tmf_slock;
-	bool tmf_active;
-	bool ws_unmap;		/* Write-same unmap supported */
-	wait_queue_head_t reset_waitq;
-	enum cxlflash_state state;
-	async_cookie_t async_reset_cookie;
-struct afu_cmd {
-	struct sisl_ioarcb rcb;	/* IOARCB (cache line aligned) */
-	struct sisl_ioasa sa;	/* IOASA must follow IOARCB */
-	struct afu *parent;
-	struct scsi_cmnd *scp;
-	struct completion cevent;
-	struct list_head queue;
-	u32 hwq_index;
-	u8 cmd_tmf:1,
-	   cmd_aborted:1;
-	struct list_head list;	/* Pending commands link */
-	/* As per the SISLITE spec the IOARCB EA has to be 16-byte aligned.
-	 * However for performance reasons the IOARCB/IOASA should be
-	 * cache line aligned.
-	 */
-} __aligned(cache_line_size());
-static inline struct afu_cmd *sc_to_afuc(struct scsi_cmnd *sc)
-	return PTR_ALIGN(scsi_cmd_priv(sc), __alignof__(struct afu_cmd));
-static inline struct afu_cmd *sc_to_afuci(struct scsi_cmnd *sc)
-	struct afu_cmd *afuc = sc_to_afuc(sc);
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&afuc->queue);
-	return afuc;
-static inline struct afu_cmd *sc_to_afucz(struct scsi_cmnd *sc)
-	struct afu_cmd *afuc = sc_to_afuc(sc);
-	memset(afuc, 0, sizeof(*afuc));
-	return sc_to_afuci(sc);
-struct hwq {
-	/* Stuff requiring alignment go first. */
-	struct sisl_ioarcb sq[NUM_SQ_ENTRY];		/* 16K SQ */
-	u64 rrq_entry[NUM_RRQ_ENTRY];			/* 2K RRQ */
-	/* Beware of alignment till here. Preferably introduce new
-	 * fields after this point
-	 */
-	struct afu *afu;
-	void *ctx_cookie;
-	struct sisl_host_map __iomem *host_map;		/* MC host map */
-	struct sisl_ctrl_map __iomem *ctrl_map;		/* MC control map */
-	ctx_hndl_t ctx_hndl;	/* master's context handle */
-	u32 index;		/* Index of this hwq */
-	int num_irqs;		/* Number of interrupts requested for context */
-	struct list_head pending_cmds;	/* Commands pending completion */
-	atomic_t hsq_credits;
-	spinlock_t hsq_slock;	/* Hardware send queue lock */
-	struct sisl_ioarcb *hsq_start;
-	struct sisl_ioarcb *hsq_end;
-	struct sisl_ioarcb *hsq_curr;
-	spinlock_t hrrq_slock;
-	u64 *hrrq_start;
-	u64 *hrrq_end;
-	u64 *hrrq_curr;
-	bool toggle;
-	bool hrrq_online;
-	s64 room;
-	struct irq_poll irqpoll;
-} __aligned(cache_line_size());
-struct afu {
-	struct hwq hwqs[CXLFLASH_MAX_HWQS];
-	int (*send_cmd)(struct afu *afu, struct afu_cmd *cmd);
-	int (*context_reset)(struct hwq *hwq);
-	/* AFU HW */
-	struct cxlflash_afu_map __iomem *afu_map;	/* entire MMIO map */
-	atomic_t cmds_active;	/* Number of currently active AFU commands */
-	struct mutex sync_active;	/* Mutex to serialize AFU commands */
-	u64 hb;
-	u32 internal_lun;	/* User-desired LUN mode for this AFU */
-	u32 num_hwqs;		/* Number of hardware queues */
-	u32 desired_hwqs;	/* Desired h/w queues, effective on AFU reset */
-	enum cxlflash_hwq_mode hwq_mode; /* Steering mode for h/w queues */
-	u32 hwq_rr_count;	/* Count to distribute traffic for roundrobin */
-	char version[16];
-	u64 interface_version;
-	u32 irqpoll_weight;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *parent; /* Pointer back to parent cxlflash_cfg */
-static inline struct hwq *get_hwq(struct afu *afu, u32 index)
-	return &afu->hwqs[index];
-static inline bool afu_is_irqpoll_enabled(struct afu *afu)
-	return !!afu->irqpoll_weight;
-static inline bool afu_has_cap(struct afu *afu, u64 cap)
-	u64 afu_cap = afu->interface_version >> SISL_INTVER_CAP_SHIFT;
-	return afu_cap & cap;
-static inline bool afu_is_ocxl_lisn(struct afu *afu)
-	return afu_has_cap(afu, SISL_INTVER_CAP_OCXL_LISN);
-static inline bool afu_is_afu_debug(struct afu *afu)
-	return afu_has_cap(afu, SISL_INTVER_CAP_AFU_DEBUG);
-static inline bool afu_is_lun_provision(struct afu *afu)
-	return afu_has_cap(afu, SISL_INTVER_CAP_LUN_PROVISION);
-static inline bool afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(struct afu *afu)
-	return afu_has_cap(afu, SISL_INTVER_CAP_SQ_CMD_MODE);
-static inline bool afu_is_ioarrin_cmd_mode(struct afu *afu)
-	return afu_has_cap(afu, SISL_INTVER_CAP_IOARRIN_CMD_MODE);
-static inline u64 lun_to_lunid(u64 lun)
-	__be64 lun_id;
-	int_to_scsilun(lun, (struct scsi_lun *)&lun_id);
-	return be64_to_cpu(lun_id);
-static inline struct fc_port_bank __iomem *get_fc_port_bank(
-					    struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, int i)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	return &afu->afu_map->global.bank[CHAN2PORTBANK(i)];
-static inline __be64 __iomem *get_fc_port_regs(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, int i)
-	struct fc_port_bank __iomem *fcpb = get_fc_port_bank(cfg, i);
-	return &fcpb->fc_port_regs[CHAN2BANKPORT(i)][0];
-static inline __be64 __iomem *get_fc_port_luns(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, int i)
-	struct fc_port_bank __iomem *fcpb = get_fc_port_bank(cfg, i);
-	return &fcpb->fc_port_luns[CHAN2BANKPORT(i)][0];
-int cxlflash_afu_sync(struct afu *afu, ctx_hndl_t c, res_hndl_t r, u8 mode);
-void cxlflash_list_init(void);
-void cxlflash_term_global_luns(void);
-void cxlflash_free_errpage(void);
-int cxlflash_ioctl(struct scsi_device *sdev, unsigned int cmd,
-		   void __user *arg);
-void cxlflash_stop_term_user_contexts(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg);
-int cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg);
-void cxlflash_term_local_luns(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg);
-void cxlflash_restore_luntable(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg);
-#endif /* ifndef _CXLFLASH_COMMON_H */
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/cxl_hw.c b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/cxl_hw.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b814130f3f5c..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/cxl_hw.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Uma Krishnan <ukrishn@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2018 IBM Corporation
- */
-#include <misc/cxl.h>
-#include "backend.h"
- * The following routines map the cxlflash backend operations to existing CXL
- * kernel API function and are largely simple shims that provide an abstraction
- * for converting generic context and AFU cookies into cxl_context or cxl_afu
- * pointers.
- */
-static void __iomem *cxlflash_psa_map(void *ctx_cookie)
-	return cxl_psa_map(ctx_cookie);
-static void cxlflash_psa_unmap(void __iomem *addr)
-	cxl_psa_unmap(addr);
-static int cxlflash_process_element(void *ctx_cookie)
-	return cxl_process_element(ctx_cookie);
-static int cxlflash_map_afu_irq(void *ctx_cookie, int num,
-				irq_handler_t handler, void *cookie, char *name)
-	return cxl_map_afu_irq(ctx_cookie, num, handler, cookie, name);
-static void cxlflash_unmap_afu_irq(void *ctx_cookie, int num, void *cookie)
-	cxl_unmap_afu_irq(ctx_cookie, num, cookie);
-static u64 cxlflash_get_irq_objhndl(void *ctx_cookie, int irq)
-	/* Dummy fop for cxl */
-	return 0;
-static int cxlflash_start_context(void *ctx_cookie)
-	return cxl_start_context(ctx_cookie, 0, NULL);
-static int cxlflash_stop_context(void *ctx_cookie)
-	return cxl_stop_context(ctx_cookie);
-static int cxlflash_afu_reset(void *ctx_cookie)
-	return cxl_afu_reset(ctx_cookie);
-static void cxlflash_set_master(void *ctx_cookie)
-	cxl_set_master(ctx_cookie);
-static void *cxlflash_get_context(struct pci_dev *dev, void *afu_cookie)
-	return cxl_get_context(dev);
-static void *cxlflash_dev_context_init(struct pci_dev *dev, void *afu_cookie)
-	return cxl_dev_context_init(dev);
-static int cxlflash_release_context(void *ctx_cookie)
-	return cxl_release_context(ctx_cookie);
-static void cxlflash_perst_reloads_same_image(void *afu_cookie, bool image)
-	cxl_perst_reloads_same_image(afu_cookie, image);
-static ssize_t cxlflash_read_adapter_vpd(struct pci_dev *dev,
-					 void *buf, size_t count)
-	return cxl_read_adapter_vpd(dev, buf, count);
-static int cxlflash_allocate_afu_irqs(void *ctx_cookie, int num)
-	return cxl_allocate_afu_irqs(ctx_cookie, num);
-static void cxlflash_free_afu_irqs(void *ctx_cookie)
-	cxl_free_afu_irqs(ctx_cookie);
-static void *cxlflash_create_afu(struct pci_dev *dev)
-	return cxl_pci_to_afu(dev);
-static void cxlflash_destroy_afu(void *afu)
-	/* Dummy fop for cxl */
-static struct file *cxlflash_get_fd(void *ctx_cookie,
-				    struct file_operations *fops, int *fd)
-	return cxl_get_fd(ctx_cookie, fops, fd);
-static void *cxlflash_fops_get_context(struct file *file)
-	return cxl_fops_get_context(file);
-static int cxlflash_start_work(void *ctx_cookie, u64 irqs)
-	struct cxl_ioctl_start_work work = { 0 };
-	work.num_interrupts = irqs;
-	work.flags = CXL_START_WORK_NUM_IRQS;
-	return cxl_start_work(ctx_cookie, &work);
-static int cxlflash_fd_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vm)
-	return cxl_fd_mmap(file, vm);
-static int cxlflash_fd_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-	return cxl_fd_release(inode, file);
-const struct cxlflash_backend_ops cxlflash_cxl_ops = {
-	.module			= THIS_MODULE,
-	.psa_map		= cxlflash_psa_map,
-	.psa_unmap		= cxlflash_psa_unmap,
-	.process_element	= cxlflash_process_element,
-	.map_afu_irq		= cxlflash_map_afu_irq,
-	.unmap_afu_irq		= cxlflash_unmap_afu_irq,
-	.get_irq_objhndl	= cxlflash_get_irq_objhndl,
-	.start_context		= cxlflash_start_context,
-	.stop_context		= cxlflash_stop_context,
-	.afu_reset		= cxlflash_afu_reset,
-	.set_master		= cxlflash_set_master,
-	.get_context		= cxlflash_get_context,
-	.dev_context_init	= cxlflash_dev_context_init,
-	.release_context	= cxlflash_release_context,
-	.perst_reloads_same_image = cxlflash_perst_reloads_same_image,
-	.read_adapter_vpd	= cxlflash_read_adapter_vpd,
-	.allocate_afu_irqs	= cxlflash_allocate_afu_irqs,
-	.free_afu_irqs		= cxlflash_free_afu_irqs,
-	.create_afu		= cxlflash_create_afu,
-	.destroy_afu		= cxlflash_destroy_afu,
-	.get_fd			= cxlflash_get_fd,
-	.fops_get_context	= cxlflash_fops_get_context,
-	.start_work		= cxlflash_start_work,
-	.fd_mmap		= cxlflash_fd_mmap,
-	.fd_release		= cxlflash_fd_release,
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/lunmgt.c b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/lunmgt.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 962c797fda07..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/lunmgt.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
- */
-#include <linux/unaligned.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
-#include <uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h>
-#include "sislite.h"
-#include "common.h"
-#include "vlun.h"
-#include "superpipe.h"
- * create_local() - allocate and initialize a local LUN information structure
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @wwid:	World Wide Node Name for LUN.
- *
- * Return: Allocated local llun_info structure on success, NULL on failure
- */
-static struct llun_info *create_local(struct scsi_device *sdev, u8 *wwid)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = NULL;
-	lli = kzalloc(sizeof(*lli), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!lli)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: could not allocate lli\n", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	lli->sdev = sdev;
-	lli->host_no = sdev->host->host_no;
-	lli->in_table = false;
-	memcpy(lli->wwid, wwid, DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN_WWID_LEN);
-	return lli;
- * create_global() - allocate and initialize a global LUN information structure
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @wwid:	World Wide Node Name for LUN.
- *
- * Return: Allocated global glun_info structure on success, NULL on failure
- */
-static struct glun_info *create_global(struct scsi_device *sdev, u8 *wwid)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct glun_info *gli = NULL;
-	gli = kzalloc(sizeof(*gli), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!gli)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: could not allocate gli\n", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	mutex_init(&gli->mutex);
-	memcpy(gli->wwid, wwid, DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN_WWID_LEN);
-	return gli;
- * lookup_local() - find a local LUN information structure by WWID
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @wwid:	WWID associated with LUN.
- *
- * Return: Found local lun_info structure on success, NULL on failure
- */
-static struct llun_info *lookup_local(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u8 *wwid)
-	struct llun_info *lli, *temp;
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(lli, temp, &cfg->lluns, list)
-		if (!memcmp(lli->wwid, wwid, DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN_WWID_LEN))
-			return lli;
-	return NULL;
- * lookup_global() - find a global LUN information structure by WWID
- * @wwid:	WWID associated with LUN.
- *
- * Return: Found global lun_info structure on success, NULL on failure
- */
-static struct glun_info *lookup_global(u8 *wwid)
-	struct glun_info *gli, *temp;
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(gli, temp, &global.gluns, list)
-		if (!memcmp(gli->wwid, wwid, DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN_WWID_LEN))
-			return gli;
-	return NULL;
- * find_and_create_lun() - find or create a local LUN information structure
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @wwid:	WWID associated with LUN.
- *
- * The LUN is kept both in a local list (per adapter) and in a global list
- * (across all adapters). Certain attributes of the LUN are local to the
- * adapter (such as index, port selection mask, etc.).
- *
- * The block allocation map is shared across all adapters (i.e. associated
- * wih the global list). Since different attributes are associated with
- * the per adapter and global entries, allocate two separate structures for each
- * LUN (one local, one global).
- *
- * Keep a pointer back from the local to the global entry.
- *
- * This routine assumes the caller holds the global mutex.
- *
- * Return: Found/Allocated local lun_info structure on success, NULL on failure
- */
-static struct llun_info *find_and_create_lun(struct scsi_device *sdev, u8 *wwid)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = NULL;
-	struct glun_info *gli = NULL;
-	if (unlikely(!wwid))
-		goto out;
-	lli = lookup_local(cfg, wwid);
-	if (lli)
-		goto out;
-	lli = create_local(sdev, wwid);
-	if (unlikely(!lli))
-		goto out;
-	gli = lookup_global(wwid);
-	if (gli) {
-		lli->parent = gli;
-		list_add(&lli->list, &cfg->lluns);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	gli = create_global(sdev, wwid);
-	if (unlikely(!gli)) {
-		kfree(lli);
-		lli = NULL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	lli->parent = gli;
-	list_add(&lli->list, &cfg->lluns);
-	list_add(&gli->list, &global.gluns);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning lli=%p, gli=%p\n", __func__, lli, gli);
-	return lli;
- * cxlflash_term_local_luns() - Delete all entries from local LUN list, free.
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- */
-void cxlflash_term_local_luns(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct llun_info *lli, *temp;
-	mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(lli, temp, &cfg->lluns, list) {
-		list_del(&lli->list);
-		kfree(lli);
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
- * cxlflash_list_init() - initializes the global LUN list
- */
-void cxlflash_list_init(void)
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&global.gluns);
-	mutex_init(&global.mutex);
-	global.err_page = NULL;
- * cxlflash_term_global_luns() - frees resources associated with global LUN list
- */
-void cxlflash_term_global_luns(void)
-	struct glun_info *gli, *temp;
-	mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(gli, temp, &global.gluns, list) {
-		list_del(&gli->list);
-		cxlflash_ba_terminate(&gli->blka.ba_lun);
-		kfree(gli);
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
- * cxlflash_manage_lun() - handles LUN management activities
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @arg:	Manage ioctl data structure.
- *
- * This routine is used to notify the driver about a LUN's WWID and associate
- * SCSI devices (sdev) with a global LUN instance. Additionally it serves to
- * change a LUN's operating mode: legacy or superpipe.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-int cxlflash_manage_lun(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
-	struct dk_cxlflash_manage_lun *manage = arg;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = NULL;
-	int rc = 0;
-	u64 flags = manage->hdr.flags;
-	u32 chan = sdev->channel;
-	mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
-	lli = find_and_create_lun(sdev, manage->wwid);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: WWID=%016llx%016llx, flags=%016llx lli=%p\n",
-		__func__, get_unaligned_be64(&manage->wwid[0]),
-		get_unaligned_be64(&manage->wwid[8]), manage->hdr.flags, lli);
-	if (unlikely(!lli)) {
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out;
-	}
-		/*
-		 * Update port selection mask based upon channel, store off LUN
-		 * in unpacked, AFU-friendly format, and hang LUN reference in
-		 * the sdev.
-		 */
-		lli->port_sel |= CHAN2PORTMASK(chan);
-		lli->lun_id[chan] = lun_to_lunid(sdev->lun);
-		sdev->hostdata = lli;
-		if (lli->parent->mode != MODE_NONE)
-			rc = -EBUSY;
-		else {
-			/*
-			 * Clean up local LUN for this port and reset table
-			 * tracking when no more references exist.
-			 */
-			sdev->hostdata = NULL;
-			lli->port_sel &= ~CHAN2PORTMASK(chan);
-			if (lli->port_sel == 0U)
-				lli->in_table = false;
-		}
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: port_sel=%08x chan=%u lun_id=%016llx\n",
-		__func__, lli->port_sel, chan, lli->lun_id[chan]);
-	mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.c b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ae626e389c8b..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3970 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
- */
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/unaligned.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
-#include <uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h>
-#include "main.h"
-#include "sislite.h"
-#include "common.h"
-MODULE_AUTHOR("Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>");
-MODULE_AUTHOR("Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>");
-static char *cxlflash_devnode(const struct device *dev, umode_t *mode);
-static const struct class cxlflash_class = {
-	.name = "cxlflash",
-	.devnode = cxlflash_devnode,
-static u32 cxlflash_major;
- * process_cmd_err() - command error handler
- * @cmd:	AFU command that experienced the error.
- * @scp:	SCSI command associated with the AFU command in error.
- *
- * Translates error bits from AFU command to SCSI command results.
- */
-static void process_cmd_err(struct afu_cmd *cmd, struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
-	struct afu *afu = cmd->parent;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct sisl_ioasa *ioasa;
-	u32 resid;
-	ioasa = &(cmd->sa);
-	if (ioasa->rc.flags & SISL_RC_FLAGS_UNDERRUN) {
-		resid = ioasa->resid;
-		scsi_set_resid(scp, resid);
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: cmd underrun cmd = %p scp = %p, resid = %d\n",
-			__func__, cmd, scp, resid);
-	}
-	if (ioasa->rc.flags & SISL_RC_FLAGS_OVERRUN) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: cmd underrun cmd = %p scp = %p\n",
-			__func__, cmd, scp);
-		scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: cmd failed afu_rc=%02x scsi_rc=%02x fc_rc=%02x "
-		"afu_extra=%02x scsi_extra=%02x fc_extra=%02x\n", __func__,
-		ioasa->rc.afu_rc, ioasa->rc.scsi_rc, ioasa->rc.fc_rc,
-		ioasa->afu_extra, ioasa->scsi_extra, ioasa->fc_extra);
-	if (ioasa->rc.scsi_rc) {
-		/* We have a SCSI status */
-		if (ioasa->rc.flags & SISL_RC_FLAGS_SENSE_VALID) {
-			memcpy(scp->sense_buffer, ioasa->sense_data,
-			       SISL_SENSE_DATA_LEN);
-			scp->result = ioasa->rc.scsi_rc;
-		} else
-			scp->result = ioasa->rc.scsi_rc | (DID_ERROR << 16);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * We encountered an error. Set scp->result based on nature
-	 * of error.
-	 */
-	if (ioasa->rc.fc_rc) {
-		/* We have an FC status */
-		switch (ioasa->rc.fc_rc) {
-			scp->result = (DID_REQUEUE << 16);
-			break;
-			/* This indicates an FCP resid underrun */
-			if (!(ioasa->rc.flags & SISL_RC_FLAGS_OVERRUN)) {
-				/* If the SISL_RC_FLAGS_OVERRUN flag was set,
-				 * then we will handle this error else where.
-				 * If not then we must handle it here.
-				 * This is probably an AFU bug.
-				 */
-				scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
-			}
-			break;
-			/* Resid mismatch between adapter and device */
-			scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (ioasa->rc.afu_rc) {
-		/* We have an AFU error */
-		switch (ioasa->rc.afu_rc) {
-			scp->result = (DID_NO_CONNECT << 16);
-			break;
-			switch (ioasa->afu_extra) {
-				/* Retry */
-				scp->result = (DID_IMM_RETRY << 16);
-				break;
-			default:
-				scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
-			}
-			break;
-			/* Retry */
-			scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
-			break;
-		default:
-			scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
-		}
-	}
- * cmd_complete() - command completion handler
- * @cmd:	AFU command that has completed.
- *
- * For SCSI commands this routine prepares and submits commands that have
- * either completed or timed out to the SCSI stack. For internal commands
- * (TMF or AFU), this routine simply notifies the originator that the
- * command has completed.
- */
-static void cmd_complete(struct afu_cmd *cmd)
-	struct scsi_cmnd *scp;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	struct afu *afu = cmd->parent;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, cmd->hwq_index);
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-	list_del(&cmd->list);
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-	if (cmd->scp) {
-		scp = cmd->scp;
-		if (unlikely(cmd->sa.ioasc))
-			process_cmd_err(cmd, scp);
-		else
-			scp->result = (DID_OK << 16);
-		dev_dbg_ratelimited(dev, "%s:scp=%p result=%08x ioasc=%08x\n",
-				    __func__, scp, scp->result, cmd->sa.ioasc);
-		scsi_done(scp);
-	} else if (cmd->cmd_tmf) {
-		spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-		cfg->tmf_active = false;
-		wake_up_all_locked(&cfg->tmf_waitq);
-		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-	} else
-		complete(&cmd->cevent);
- * flush_pending_cmds() - flush all pending commands on this hardware queue
- * @hwq:	Hardware queue to flush.
- *
- * The hardware send queue lock associated with this hardware queue must be
- * held when calling this routine.
- */
-static void flush_pending_cmds(struct hwq *hwq)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = hwq->afu->parent;
-	struct afu_cmd *cmd, *tmp;
-	struct scsi_cmnd *scp;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(cmd, tmp, &hwq->pending_cmds, list) {
-		/* Bypass command when on a doneq, cmd_complete() will handle */
-		if (!list_empty(&cmd->queue))
-			continue;
-		list_del(&cmd->list);
-		if (cmd->scp) {
-			scp = cmd->scp;
-			scp->result = (DID_IMM_RETRY << 16);
-			scsi_done(scp);
-		} else {
-			cmd->cmd_aborted = true;
-			if (cmd->cmd_tmf) {
-				spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-				cfg->tmf_active = false;
-				wake_up_all_locked(&cfg->tmf_waitq);
-				spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock,
-						       lock_flags);
-			} else
-				complete(&cmd->cevent);
-		}
-	}
- * context_reset() - reset context via specified register
- * @hwq:	Hardware queue owning the context to be reset.
- * @reset_reg:	MMIO register to perform reset.
- *
- * When the reset is successful, the SISLite specification guarantees that
- * the AFU has aborted all currently pending I/O. Accordingly, these commands
- * must be flushed.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int context_reset(struct hwq *hwq, __be64 __iomem *reset_reg)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = hwq->afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int rc = -ETIMEDOUT;
-	int nretry = 0;
-	u64 val = 0x1;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: hwq=%p\n", __func__, hwq);
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-	writeq_be(val, reset_reg);
-	do {
-		val = readq_be(reset_reg);
-		if ((val & 0x1) == 0x0) {
-			rc = 0;
-			break;
-		}
-		/* Double delay each time */
-		udelay(1 << nretry);
-	} while (nretry++ < MC_ROOM_RETRY_CNT);
-	if (!rc)
-		flush_pending_cmds(hwq);
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d, val=%016llx nretry=%d\n",
-		__func__, rc, val, nretry);
-	return rc;
- * context_reset_ioarrin() - reset context via IOARRIN register
- * @hwq:	Hardware queue owning the context to be reset.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int context_reset_ioarrin(struct hwq *hwq)
-	return context_reset(hwq, &hwq->host_map->ioarrin);
- * context_reset_sq() - reset context via SQ_CONTEXT_RESET register
- * @hwq:	Hardware queue owning the context to be reset.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int context_reset_sq(struct hwq *hwq)
-	return context_reset(hwq, &hwq->host_map->sq_ctx_reset);
- * send_cmd_ioarrin() - sends an AFU command via IOARRIN register
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- * @cmd:	AFU command to send.
- *
- * Return:
- *	0 on success, SCSI_MLQUEUE_HOST_BUSY on failure
- */
-static int send_cmd_ioarrin(struct afu *afu, struct afu_cmd *cmd)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, cmd->hwq_index);
-	int rc = 0;
-	s64 room;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	/*
-	 * To avoid the performance penalty of MMIO, spread the update of
-	 * 'room' over multiple commands.
-	 */
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-	if (--hwq->room < 0) {
-		room = readq_be(&hwq->host_map->cmd_room);
-		if (room <= 0) {
-			dev_dbg_ratelimited(dev, "%s: no cmd_room to send "
-					    "0x%02X, room=0x%016llX\n",
-					    __func__, cmd->rcb.cdb[0], room);
-			hwq->room = 0;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		hwq->room = room - 1;
-	}
-	list_add(&cmd->list, &hwq->pending_cmds);
-	writeq_be((u64)&cmd->rcb, &hwq->host_map->ioarrin);
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-	dev_dbg_ratelimited(dev, "%s: cmd=%p len=%u ea=%016llx rc=%d\n",
-		__func__, cmd, cmd->rcb.data_len, cmd->rcb.data_ea, rc);
-	return rc;
- * send_cmd_sq() - sends an AFU command via SQ ring
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- * @cmd:	AFU command to send.
- *
- * Return:
- *	0 on success, SCSI_MLQUEUE_HOST_BUSY on failure
- */
-static int send_cmd_sq(struct afu *afu, struct afu_cmd *cmd)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, cmd->hwq_index);
-	int rc = 0;
-	int newval;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	newval = atomic_dec_if_positive(&hwq->hsq_credits);
-	if (newval <= 0) {
-		goto out;
-	}
-	cmd->rcb.ioasa = &cmd->sa;
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-	*hwq->hsq_curr = cmd->rcb;
-	if (hwq->hsq_curr < hwq->hsq_end)
-		hwq->hsq_curr++;
-	else
-		hwq->hsq_curr = hwq->hsq_start;
-	list_add(&cmd->list, &hwq->pending_cmds);
-	writeq_be((u64)hwq->hsq_curr, &hwq->host_map->sq_tail);
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: cmd=%p len=%u ea=%016llx ioasa=%p rc=%d curr=%p "
-	       "head=%016llx tail=%016llx\n", __func__, cmd, cmd->rcb.data_len,
-	       cmd->rcb.data_ea, cmd->rcb.ioasa, rc, hwq->hsq_curr,
-	       readq_be(&hwq->host_map->sq_head),
-	       readq_be(&hwq->host_map->sq_tail));
-	return rc;
- * wait_resp() - polls for a response or timeout to a sent AFU command
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- * @cmd:	AFU command that was sent.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int wait_resp(struct afu *afu, struct afu_cmd *cmd)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int rc = 0;
-	ulong timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(cmd->rcb.timeout * 2 * 1000);
-	timeout = wait_for_completion_timeout(&cmd->cevent, timeout);
-	if (!timeout)
-		rc = -ETIMEDOUT;
-	if (cmd->cmd_aborted)
-		rc = -EAGAIN;
-	if (unlikely(cmd->sa.ioasc != 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: cmd %02x failed, ioasc=%08x\n",
-			__func__, cmd->rcb.cdb[0], cmd->sa.ioasc);
-		rc = -EIO;
-	}
-	return rc;
- * cmd_to_target_hwq() - selects a target hardware queue for a SCSI command
- * @host:	SCSI host associated with device.
- * @scp:	SCSI command to send.
- * @afu:	SCSI command to send.
- *
- * Hashes a command based upon the hardware queue mode.
- *
- * Return: Trusted index of target hardware queue
- */
-static u32 cmd_to_target_hwq(struct Scsi_Host *host, struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
-			     struct afu *afu)
-	u32 tag;
-	u32 hwq = 0;
-	if (afu->num_hwqs == 1)
-		return 0;
-	switch (afu->hwq_mode) {
-	case HWQ_MODE_RR:
-		hwq = afu->hwq_rr_count++ % afu->num_hwqs;
-		break;
-	case HWQ_MODE_TAG:
-		tag = blk_mq_unique_tag(scsi_cmd_to_rq(scp));
-		hwq = blk_mq_unique_tag_to_hwq(tag);
-		break;
-	case HWQ_MODE_CPU:
-		hwq = smp_processor_id() % afu->num_hwqs;
-		break;
-	default:
-	}
-	return hwq;
- * send_tmf() - sends a Task Management Function (TMF)
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @sdev:	SCSI device destined for TMF.
- * @tmfcmd:	TMF command to send.
- *
- * Return:
- *	0 on success, SCSI_MLQUEUE_HOST_BUSY or -errno on failure
- */
-static int send_tmf(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, struct scsi_device *sdev,
-		    u64 tmfcmd)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct afu_cmd *cmd = NULL;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
-	bool needs_deletion = false;
-	char *buf = NULL;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	int rc = 0;
-	ulong to;
-	buf = kzalloc(sizeof(*cmd) + __alignof__(*cmd) - 1, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!buf)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: no memory for command\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	cmd = (struct afu_cmd *)PTR_ALIGN(buf, __alignof__(*cmd));
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cmd->queue);
-	/* When Task Management Function is active do not send another */
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-	if (cfg->tmf_active)
-		wait_event_interruptible_lock_irq(cfg->tmf_waitq,
-						  !cfg->tmf_active,
-						  cfg->tmf_slock);
-	cfg->tmf_active = true;
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-	cmd->parent = afu;
-	cmd->cmd_tmf = true;
-	cmd->hwq_index = hwq->index;
-	cmd->rcb.ctx_id = hwq->ctx_hndl;
-	cmd->rcb.msi = SISL_MSI_RRQ_UPDATED;
-	cmd->rcb.port_sel = CHAN2PORTMASK(sdev->channel);
-	cmd->rcb.lun_id = lun_to_lunid(sdev->lun);
-	cmd->rcb.req_flags = (SISL_REQ_FLAGS_PORT_LUN_ID |
-	memcpy(cmd->rcb.cdb, &tmfcmd, sizeof(tmfcmd));
-	rc = afu->send_cmd(afu, cmd);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-		cfg->tmf_active = false;
-		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-	to = msecs_to_jiffies(5000);
-	to = wait_event_interruptible_lock_irq_timeout(cfg->tmf_waitq,
-						       !cfg->tmf_active,
-						       cfg->tmf_slock,
-						       to);
-	if (!to) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: TMF timed out\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ETIMEDOUT;
-		needs_deletion = true;
-	} else if (cmd->cmd_aborted) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: TMF aborted\n", __func__);
-		rc = -EAGAIN;
-	} else if (cmd->sa.ioasc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: TMF failed ioasc=%08x\n",
-			__func__, cmd->sa.ioasc);
-		rc = -EIO;
-	}
-	cfg->tmf_active = false;
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-	if (needs_deletion) {
-		spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-		list_del(&cmd->list);
-		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-	}
-	kfree(buf);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_driver_info() - information handler for this host driver
- * @host:	SCSI host associated with device.
- *
- * Return: A string describing the device.
- */
-static const char *cxlflash_driver_info(struct Scsi_Host *host)
- * cxlflash_queuecommand() - sends a mid-layer request
- * @host:	SCSI host associated with device.
- * @scp:	SCSI command to send.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, SCSI_MLQUEUE_HOST_BUSY on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_queuecommand(struct Scsi_Host *host, struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(host);
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct afu_cmd *cmd = sc_to_afuci(scp);
-	struct scatterlist *sg = scsi_sglist(scp);
-	int hwq_index = cmd_to_target_hwq(host, scp, afu);
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, hwq_index);
-	u16 req_flags = SISL_REQ_FLAGS_SUP_UNDERRUN;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	int rc = 0;
-	dev_dbg_ratelimited(dev, "%s: (scp=%p) %d/%d/%d/%llu "
-			    "cdb=(%08x-%08x-%08x-%08x)\n",
-			    __func__, scp, host->host_no, scp->device->channel,
-			    scp->device->id, scp->device->lun,
-			    get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[0]),
-			    get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[1]),
-			    get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[2]),
-			    get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[3]));
-	/*
-	 * If a Task Management Function is active, wait for it to complete
-	 * before continuing with regular commands.
-	 */
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-	if (cfg->tmf_active) {
-		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-	switch (cfg->state) {
-		dev_dbg_ratelimited(dev, "%s: device is in reset\n", __func__);
-		goto out;
-		dev_dbg_ratelimited(dev, "%s: device has failed\n", __func__);
-		scp->result = (DID_NO_CONNECT << 16);
-		scsi_done(scp);
-		rc = 0;
-		goto out;
-	default:
-		atomic_inc(&afu->cmds_active);
-		break;
-	}
-	if (likely(sg)) {
-		cmd->rcb.data_len = sg->length;
-		cmd->rcb.data_ea = (uintptr_t)sg_virt(sg);
-	}
-	cmd->scp = scp;
-	cmd->parent = afu;
-	cmd->hwq_index = hwq_index;
-	cmd->sa.ioasc = 0;
-	cmd->rcb.ctx_id = hwq->ctx_hndl;
-	cmd->rcb.msi = SISL_MSI_RRQ_UPDATED;
-	cmd->rcb.port_sel = CHAN2PORTMASK(scp->device->channel);
-	cmd->rcb.lun_id = lun_to_lunid(scp->device->lun);
-	if (scp->sc_data_direction == DMA_TO_DEVICE)
-		req_flags |= SISL_REQ_FLAGS_HOST_WRITE;
-	cmd->rcb.req_flags = req_flags;
-	memcpy(cmd->rcb.cdb, scp->cmnd, sizeof(cmd->rcb.cdb));
-	rc = afu->send_cmd(afu, cmd);
-	atomic_dec(&afu->cmds_active);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_wait_for_pci_err_recovery() - wait for error recovery during probe
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- */
-static void cxlflash_wait_for_pci_err_recovery(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct pci_dev *pdev = cfg->dev;
-	if (pci_channel_offline(pdev))
-		wait_event_timeout(cfg->reset_waitq,
-				   !pci_channel_offline(pdev),
- * free_mem() - free memory associated with the AFU
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- */
-static void free_mem(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	if (cfg->afu) {
-		free_pages((ulong)afu, get_order(sizeof(struct afu)));
-		cfg->afu = NULL;
-	}
- * cxlflash_reset_sync() - synchronizing point for asynchronous resets
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- */
-static void cxlflash_reset_sync(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	if (cfg->async_reset_cookie == 0)
-		return;
-	/* Wait until all async calls prior to this cookie have completed */
-	async_synchronize_cookie(cfg->async_reset_cookie + 1);
-	cfg->async_reset_cookie = 0;
- * stop_afu() - stops the AFU command timers and unmaps the MMIO space
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * Safe to call with AFU in a partially allocated/initialized state.
- *
- * Cancels scheduled worker threads, waits for any active internal AFU
- * commands to timeout, disables IRQ polling and then unmaps the MMIO space.
- */
-static void stop_afu(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct hwq *hwq;
-	int i;
-	cancel_work_sync(&cfg->work_q);
-	if (!current_is_async())
-		cxlflash_reset_sync(cfg);
-	if (likely(afu)) {
-		while (atomic_read(&afu->cmds_active))
-			ssleep(1);
-		if (afu_is_irqpoll_enabled(afu)) {
-			for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-				hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
-				irq_poll_disable(&hwq->irqpoll);
-			}
-		}
-		if (likely(afu->afu_map)) {
-			cfg->ops->psa_unmap(afu->afu_map);
-			afu->afu_map = NULL;
-		}
-	}
- * term_intr() - disables all AFU interrupts
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @level:	Depth of allocation, where to begin waterfall tear down.
- * @index:	Index of the hardware queue.
- *
- * Safe to call with AFU/MC in partially allocated/initialized state.
- */
-static void term_intr(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, enum undo_level level,
-		      u32 index)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct hwq *hwq;
-	if (!afu) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: returning with NULL afu\n", __func__);
-		return;
-	}
-	hwq = get_hwq(afu, index);
-	if (!hwq->ctx_cookie) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: returning with NULL MC\n", __func__);
-		return;
-	}
-	switch (level) {
-		/* SISL_MSI_ASYNC_ERROR is setup only for the primary HWQ */
-		if (index == PRIMARY_HWQ)
-			cfg->ops->unmap_afu_irq(hwq->ctx_cookie, 3, hwq);
-		fallthrough;
-	case UNMAP_TWO:
-		cfg->ops->unmap_afu_irq(hwq->ctx_cookie, 2, hwq);
-		fallthrough;
-	case UNMAP_ONE:
-		cfg->ops->unmap_afu_irq(hwq->ctx_cookie, 1, hwq);
-		fallthrough;
-	case FREE_IRQ:
-		cfg->ops->free_afu_irqs(hwq->ctx_cookie);
-		fallthrough;
-	case UNDO_NOOP:
-		/* No action required */
-		break;
-	}
- * term_mc() - terminates the master context
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @index:	Index of the hardware queue.
- *
- * Safe to call with AFU/MC in partially allocated/initialized state.
- */
-static void term_mc(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u32 index)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct hwq *hwq;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	if (!afu) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: returning with NULL afu\n", __func__);
-		return;
-	}
-	hwq = get_hwq(afu, index);
-	if (!hwq->ctx_cookie) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: returning with NULL MC\n", __func__);
-		return;
-	}
-	WARN_ON(cfg->ops->stop_context(hwq->ctx_cookie));
-	if (index != PRIMARY_HWQ)
-		WARN_ON(cfg->ops->release_context(hwq->ctx_cookie));
-	hwq->ctx_cookie = NULL;
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hrrq_slock, lock_flags);
-	hwq->hrrq_online = false;
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hrrq_slock, lock_flags);
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-	flush_pending_cmds(hwq);
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
- * term_afu() - terminates the AFU
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * Safe to call with AFU/MC in partially allocated/initialized state.
- */
-static void term_afu(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int k;
-	/*
-	 * Tear down is carefully orchestrated to ensure
-	 * no interrupts can come in when the problem state
-	 * area is unmapped.
-	 *
-	 * 1) Disable all AFU interrupts for each master
-	 * 2) Unmap the problem state area
-	 * 3) Stop each master context
-	 */
-	for (k = cfg->afu->num_hwqs - 1; k >= 0; k--)
-		term_intr(cfg, UNMAP_THREE, k);
-	stop_afu(cfg);
-	for (k = cfg->afu->num_hwqs - 1; k >= 0; k--)
-		term_mc(cfg, k);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning\n", __func__);
- * notify_shutdown() - notifies device of pending shutdown
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @wait:	Whether to wait for shutdown processing to complete.
- *
- * This function will notify the AFU that the adapter is being shutdown
- * and will wait for shutdown processing to complete if wait is true.
- * This notification should flush pending I/Os to the device and halt
- * further I/Os until the next AFU reset is issued and device restarted.
- */
-static void notify_shutdown(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, bool wait)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct dev_dependent_vals *ddv;
-	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
-	u64 reg, status;
-	int i, retry_cnt = 0;
-	ddv = (struct dev_dependent_vals *)cfg->dev_id->driver_data;
-	if (!(ddv->flags & CXLFLASH_NOTIFY_SHUTDOWN))
-		return;
-	if (!afu || !afu->afu_map) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Problem state area not mapped\n", __func__);
-		return;
-	}
-	/* Notify AFU */
-	for (i = 0; i < cfg->num_fc_ports; i++) {
-		fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, i);
-		reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_CONFIG2 / 8]);
-		writeq_be(reg, &fc_port_regs[FC_CONFIG2 / 8]);
-	}
-	if (!wait)
-		return;
-	/* Wait up to 1.5 seconds for shutdown processing to complete */
-	for (i = 0; i < cfg->num_fc_ports; i++) {
-		fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, i);
-		retry_cnt = 0;
-		while (true) {
-			status = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_STATUS / 8]);
-				break;
-			if (++retry_cnt >= MC_RETRY_CNT) {
-				dev_dbg(dev, "%s: port %d shutdown processing "
-					"not yet completed\n", __func__, i);
-				break;
-			}
-			msleep(100 * retry_cnt);
-		}
-	}
- * cxlflash_get_minor() - gets the first available minor number
- *
- * Return: Unique minor number that can be used to create the character device.
- */
-static int cxlflash_get_minor(void)
-	int minor;
-	long bit;
-	bit = find_first_zero_bit(cxlflash_minor, CXLFLASH_MAX_ADAPTERS);
-		return -1;
-	minor = bit & MINORMASK;
-	set_bit(minor, cxlflash_minor);
-	return minor;
- * cxlflash_put_minor() - releases the minor number
- * @minor:	Minor number that is no longer needed.
- */
-static void cxlflash_put_minor(int minor)
-	clear_bit(minor, cxlflash_minor);
- * cxlflash_release_chrdev() - release the character device for the host
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- */
-static void cxlflash_release_chrdev(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	device_unregister(cfg->chardev);
-	cfg->chardev = NULL;
-	cdev_del(&cfg->cdev);
-	cxlflash_put_minor(MINOR(cfg->cdev.dev));
- * cxlflash_remove() - PCI entry point to tear down host
- * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
- *
- * Safe to use as a cleanup in partially allocated/initialized state. Note that
- * the reset_waitq is flushed as part of the stop/termination of user contexts.
- */
-static void cxlflash_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
-	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	if (!pci_is_enabled(pdev)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Device is disabled\n", __func__);
-		return;
-	}
-	/* Yield to running recovery threads before continuing with remove */
-	wait_event(cfg->reset_waitq, cfg->state != STATE_RESET &&
-				     cfg->state != STATE_PROBING);
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-	if (cfg->tmf_active)
-		wait_event_interruptible_lock_irq(cfg->tmf_waitq,
-						  !cfg->tmf_active,
-						  cfg->tmf_slock);
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
-	/* Notify AFU and wait for shutdown processing to complete */
-	notify_shutdown(cfg, true);
-	cfg->state = STATE_FAILTERM;
-	cxlflash_stop_term_user_contexts(cfg);
-	switch (cfg->init_state) {
-		cxlflash_release_chrdev(cfg);
-		fallthrough;
-		cxlflash_term_local_luns(cfg);
-		scsi_remove_host(cfg->host);
-		fallthrough;
-		term_afu(cfg);
-		fallthrough;
-		cfg->ops->destroy_afu(cfg->afu_cookie);
-		pci_disable_device(pdev);
-		fallthrough;
-		free_mem(cfg);
-		scsi_host_put(cfg->host);
-		break;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning\n", __func__);
- * alloc_mem() - allocates the AFU and its command pool
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * A partially allocated state remains on failure.
- *
- * Return:
- *	0 on success
- *	-ENOMEM on failure to allocate memory
- */
-static int alloc_mem(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	/* AFU is ~28k, i.e. only one 64k page or up to seven 4k pages */
-	cfg->afu = (void *)__get_free_pages(GFP_KERNEL | __GFP_ZERO,
-					    get_order(sizeof(struct afu)));
-	if (unlikely(!cfg->afu)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: cannot get %d free pages\n",
-			__func__, get_order(sizeof(struct afu)));
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	cfg->afu->parent = cfg;
-	cfg->afu->desired_hwqs = CXLFLASH_DEF_HWQS;
-	cfg->afu->afu_map = NULL;
-	return rc;
- * init_pci() - initializes the host as a PCI device
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int init_pci(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct pci_dev *pdev = cfg->dev;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int rc = 0;
-	rc = pci_enable_device(pdev);
-	if (rc || pci_channel_offline(pdev)) {
-		if (pci_channel_offline(pdev)) {
-			cxlflash_wait_for_pci_err_recovery(cfg);
-			rc = pci_enable_device(pdev);
-		}
-		if (rc) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: Cannot enable adapter\n", __func__);
-			cxlflash_wait_for_pci_err_recovery(cfg);
-			goto out;
-		}
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * init_scsi() - adds the host to the SCSI stack and kicks off host scan
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int init_scsi(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct pci_dev *pdev = cfg->dev;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int rc = 0;
-	rc = scsi_add_host(cfg->host, &pdev->dev);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: scsi_add_host failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	scsi_scan_host(cfg->host);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * set_port_online() - transitions the specified host FC port to online state
- * @fc_regs:	Top of MMIO region defined for specified port.
- *
- * The provided MMIO region must be mapped prior to call. Online state means
- * that the FC link layer has synced, completed the handshaking process, and
- * is ready for login to start.
- */
-static void set_port_online(__be64 __iomem *fc_regs)
-	u64 cmdcfg;
-	cmdcfg = readq_be(&fc_regs[FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG / 8]);
-	cmdcfg &= (~FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG_OFFLINE);	/* clear OFF_LINE */
-	cmdcfg |= (FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG_ONLINE);	/* set ON_LINE */
-	writeq_be(cmdcfg, &fc_regs[FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG / 8]);
- * set_port_offline() - transitions the specified host FC port to offline state
- * @fc_regs:	Top of MMIO region defined for specified port.
- *
- * The provided MMIO region must be mapped prior to call.
- */
-static void set_port_offline(__be64 __iomem *fc_regs)
-	u64 cmdcfg;
-	cmdcfg = readq_be(&fc_regs[FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG / 8]);
-	cmdcfg &= (~FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG_ONLINE);	/* clear ON_LINE */
-	cmdcfg |= (FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG_OFFLINE);	/* set OFF_LINE */
-	writeq_be(cmdcfg, &fc_regs[FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG / 8]);
- * wait_port_online() - waits for the specified host FC port come online
- * @fc_regs:	Top of MMIO region defined for specified port.
- * @delay_us:	Number of microseconds to delay between reading port status.
- * @nretry:	Number of cycles to retry reading port status.
- *
- * The provided MMIO region must be mapped prior to call. This will timeout
- * when the cable is not plugged in.
- *
- * Return:
- *	TRUE (1) when the specified port is online
- *	FALSE (0) when the specified port fails to come online after timeout
- */
-static bool wait_port_online(__be64 __iomem *fc_regs, u32 delay_us, u32 nretry)
-	u64 status;
-	WARN_ON(delay_us < 1000);
-	do {
-		msleep(delay_us / 1000);
-		status = readq_be(&fc_regs[FC_MTIP_STATUS / 8]);
-		if (status == U64_MAX)
-			nretry /= 2;
-	} while ((status & FC_MTIP_STATUS_MASK) != FC_MTIP_STATUS_ONLINE &&
-		 nretry--);
- * wait_port_offline() - waits for the specified host FC port go offline
- * @fc_regs:	Top of MMIO region defined for specified port.
- * @delay_us:	Number of microseconds to delay between reading port status.
- * @nretry:	Number of cycles to retry reading port status.
- *
- * The provided MMIO region must be mapped prior to call.
- *
- * Return:
- *	TRUE (1) when the specified port is offline
- *	FALSE (0) when the specified port fails to go offline after timeout
- */
-static bool wait_port_offline(__be64 __iomem *fc_regs, u32 delay_us, u32 nretry)
-	u64 status;
-	WARN_ON(delay_us < 1000);
-	do {
-		msleep(delay_us / 1000);
-		status = readq_be(&fc_regs[FC_MTIP_STATUS / 8]);
-		if (status == U64_MAX)
-			nretry /= 2;
-	} while ((status & FC_MTIP_STATUS_MASK) != FC_MTIP_STATUS_OFFLINE &&
-		 nretry--);
- * afu_set_wwpn() - configures the WWPN for the specified host FC port
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host that owns the specified FC port.
- * @port:	Port number being configured.
- * @fc_regs:	Top of MMIO region defined for specified port.
- * @wwpn:	The world-wide-port-number previously discovered for port.
- *
- * The provided MMIO region must be mapped prior to call. As part of the
- * sequence to configure the WWPN, the port is toggled offline and then back
- * online. This toggling action can cause this routine to delay up to a few
- * seconds. When configured to use the internal LUN feature of the AFU, a
- * failure to come online is overridden.
- */
-static void afu_set_wwpn(struct afu *afu, int port, __be64 __iomem *fc_regs,
-			 u64 wwpn)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	set_port_offline(fc_regs);
-	if (!wait_port_offline(fc_regs, FC_PORT_STATUS_RETRY_INTERVAL_US,
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: wait on port %d to go offline timed out\n",
-			__func__, port);
-	}
-	writeq_be(wwpn, &fc_regs[FC_PNAME / 8]);
-	set_port_online(fc_regs);
-	if (!wait_port_online(fc_regs, FC_PORT_STATUS_RETRY_INTERVAL_US,
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: wait on port %d to go online timed out\n",
-			__func__, port);
-	}
- * afu_link_reset() - resets the specified host FC port
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host that owns the specified FC port.
- * @port:	Port number being configured.
- * @fc_regs:	Top of MMIO region defined for specified port.
- *
- * The provided MMIO region must be mapped prior to call. The sequence to
- * reset the port involves toggling it offline and then back online. This
- * action can cause this routine to delay up to a few seconds. An effort
- * is made to maintain link with the device by switching to host to use
- * the alternate port exclusively while the reset takes place.
- * failure to come online is overridden.
- */
-static void afu_link_reset(struct afu *afu, int port, __be64 __iomem *fc_regs)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	u64 port_sel;
-	/* first switch the AFU to the other links, if any */
-	port_sel = readq_be(&afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_port_sel);
-	port_sel &= ~(1ULL << port);
-	writeq_be(port_sel, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_port_sel);
-	cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, 0, 0, AFU_GSYNC);
-	set_port_offline(fc_regs);
-	if (!wait_port_offline(fc_regs, FC_PORT_STATUS_RETRY_INTERVAL_US,
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: wait on port %d to go offline timed out\n",
-			__func__, port);
-	set_port_online(fc_regs);
-	if (!wait_port_online(fc_regs, FC_PORT_STATUS_RETRY_INTERVAL_US,
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: wait on port %d to go online timed out\n",
-			__func__, port);
-	/* switch back to include this port */
-	port_sel |= (1ULL << port);
-	writeq_be(port_sel, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_port_sel);
-	cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, 0, 0, AFU_GSYNC);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning port_sel=%016llx\n", __func__, port_sel);
- * afu_err_intr_init() - clears and initializes the AFU for error interrupts
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- */
-static void afu_err_intr_init(struct afu *afu)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
-	int i;
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
-	u64 reg;
-	/* global async interrupts: AFU clears afu_ctrl on context exit
-	 * if async interrupts were sent to that context. This prevents
-	 * the AFU form sending further async interrupts when
-	 * there is
-	 * nobody to receive them.
-	 */
-	/* mask all */
-	writeq_be(-1ULL, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.aintr_mask);
-	/* set LISN# to send and point to primary master context */
-	reg = ((u64) (((hwq->ctx_hndl << 8) | SISL_MSI_ASYNC_ERROR)) << 40);
-	if (afu->internal_lun)
-		reg |= 1;	/* Bit 63 indicates local lun */
-	writeq_be(reg, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_ctrl);
-	/* clear all */
-	writeq_be(-1ULL, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.aintr_clear);
-	/* unmask bits that are of interest */
-	/* note: afu can send an interrupt after this step */
-	writeq_be(SISL_ASTATUS_MASK, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.aintr_mask);
-	/* clear again in case a bit came on after previous clear but before */
-	/* unmask */
-	writeq_be(-1ULL, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.aintr_clear);
-	/* Clear/Set internal lun bits */
-	fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, 0);
-	reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_CONFIG2 / 8]);
-	if (afu->internal_lun)
-		reg |= ((u64)(afu->internal_lun - 1) << SISL_FC_INTERNAL_SHIFT);
-	writeq_be(reg, &fc_port_regs[FC_CONFIG2 / 8]);
-	/* now clear FC errors */
-	for (i = 0; i < cfg->num_fc_ports; i++) {
-		fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, i);
-		writeq_be(0xFFFFFFFFU, &fc_port_regs[FC_ERROR / 8]);
-		writeq_be(0, &fc_port_regs[FC_ERRCAP / 8]);
-	}
-	/* sync interrupts for master's IOARRIN write */
-	/* note that unlike asyncs, there can be no pending sync interrupts */
-	/* at this time (this is a fresh context and master has not written */
-	/* IOARRIN yet), so there is nothing to clear. */
-	/* set LISN#, it is always sent to the context that wrote IOARRIN */
-	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-		hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
-		reg = readq_be(&hwq->host_map->ctx_ctrl);
-		writeq_be(reg, &hwq->host_map->ctx_ctrl);
-		writeq_be(SISL_ISTATUS_MASK, &hwq->host_map->intr_mask);
-	}
- * cxlflash_sync_err_irq() - interrupt handler for synchronous errors
- * @irq:	Interrupt number.
- * @data:	Private data provided at interrupt registration, the AFU.
- *
- * Return: Always return IRQ_HANDLED.
- */
-static irqreturn_t cxlflash_sync_err_irq(int irq, void *data)
-	struct hwq *hwq = (struct hwq *)data;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = hwq->afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	u64 reg;
-	u64 reg_unmasked;
-	reg = readq_be(&hwq->host_map->intr_status);
-	reg_unmasked = (reg & SISL_ISTATUS_UNMASK);
-	if (reg_unmasked == 0UL) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: spurious interrupt, intr_status=%016llx\n",
-			__func__, reg);
-		goto cxlflash_sync_err_irq_exit;
-	}
-	dev_err(dev, "%s: unexpected interrupt, intr_status=%016llx\n",
-		__func__, reg);
-	writeq_be(reg_unmasked, &hwq->host_map->intr_clear);
-	return IRQ_HANDLED;
- * process_hrrq() - process the read-response queue
- * @hwq:	HWQ associated with the host.
- * @doneq:	Queue of commands harvested from the RRQ.
- * @budget:	Threshold of RRQ entries to process.
- *
- * This routine must be called holding the disabled RRQ spin lock.
- *
- * Return: The number of entries processed.
- */
-static int process_hrrq(struct hwq *hwq, struct list_head *doneq, int budget)
-	struct afu *afu = hwq->afu;
-	struct afu_cmd *cmd;
-	struct sisl_ioasa *ioasa;
-	struct sisl_ioarcb *ioarcb;
-	bool toggle = hwq->toggle;
-	int num_hrrq = 0;
-	u64 entry,
-	    *hrrq_start = hwq->hrrq_start,
-	    *hrrq_end = hwq->hrrq_end,
-	    *hrrq_curr = hwq->hrrq_curr;
-	/* Process ready RRQ entries up to the specified budget (if any) */
-	while (true) {
-		entry = *hrrq_curr;
-		if ((entry & SISL_RESP_HANDLE_T_BIT) != toggle)
-			break;
-		entry &= ~SISL_RESP_HANDLE_T_BIT;
-		if (afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(afu)) {
-			ioasa = (struct sisl_ioasa *)entry;
-			cmd = container_of(ioasa, struct afu_cmd, sa);
-		} else {
-			ioarcb = (struct sisl_ioarcb *)entry;
-			cmd = container_of(ioarcb, struct afu_cmd, rcb);
-		}
-		list_add_tail(&cmd->queue, doneq);
-		/* Advance to next entry or wrap and flip the toggle bit */
-		if (hrrq_curr < hrrq_end)
-			hrrq_curr++;
-		else {
-			hrrq_curr = hrrq_start;
-			toggle ^= SISL_RESP_HANDLE_T_BIT;
-		}
-		atomic_inc(&hwq->hsq_credits);
-		num_hrrq++;
-		if (budget > 0 && num_hrrq >= budget)
-			break;
-	}
-	hwq->hrrq_curr = hrrq_curr;
-	hwq->toggle = toggle;
-	return num_hrrq;
- * process_cmd_doneq() - process a queue of harvested RRQ commands
- * @doneq:	Queue of completed commands.
- *
- * Note that upon return the queue can no longer be trusted.
- */
-static void process_cmd_doneq(struct list_head *doneq)
-	struct afu_cmd *cmd, *tmp;
-	WARN_ON(list_empty(doneq));
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(cmd, tmp, doneq, queue)
-		cmd_complete(cmd);
- * cxlflash_irqpoll() - process a queue of harvested RRQ commands
- * @irqpoll:	IRQ poll structure associated with queue to poll.
- * @budget:	Threshold of RRQ entries to process per poll.
- *
- * Return: The number of entries processed.
- */
-static int cxlflash_irqpoll(struct irq_poll *irqpoll, int budget)
-	struct hwq *hwq = container_of(irqpoll, struct hwq, irqpoll);
-	unsigned long hrrq_flags;
-	LIST_HEAD(doneq);
-	int num_entries = 0;
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hrrq_slock, hrrq_flags);
-	num_entries = process_hrrq(hwq, &doneq, budget);
-	if (num_entries < budget)
-		irq_poll_complete(irqpoll);
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hrrq_slock, hrrq_flags);
-	process_cmd_doneq(&doneq);
-	return num_entries;
- * cxlflash_rrq_irq() - interrupt handler for read-response queue (normal path)
- * @irq:	Interrupt number.
- * @data:	Private data provided at interrupt registration, the AFU.
- *
- * Return: IRQ_HANDLED or IRQ_NONE when no ready entries found.
- */
-static irqreturn_t cxlflash_rrq_irq(int irq, void *data)
-	struct hwq *hwq = (struct hwq *)data;
-	struct afu *afu = hwq->afu;
-	unsigned long hrrq_flags;
-	LIST_HEAD(doneq);
-	int num_entries = 0;
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hrrq_slock, hrrq_flags);
-	/* Silently drop spurious interrupts when queue is not online */
-	if (!hwq->hrrq_online) {
-		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hrrq_slock, hrrq_flags);
-		return IRQ_HANDLED;
-	}
-	if (afu_is_irqpoll_enabled(afu)) {
-		irq_poll_sched(&hwq->irqpoll);
-		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hrrq_slock, hrrq_flags);
-		return IRQ_HANDLED;
-	}
-	num_entries = process_hrrq(hwq, &doneq, -1);
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hrrq_slock, hrrq_flags);
-	if (num_entries == 0)
-		return IRQ_NONE;
-	process_cmd_doneq(&doneq);
-	return IRQ_HANDLED;
- * Asynchronous interrupt information table
- *
- * NOTE:
- *	- Order matters here as this array is indexed by bit position.
- *
- *	- The checkpatch script considers the BUILD_SISL_ASTATUS_FC_PORT macro
- *	  as complex and complains due to a lack of parentheses/braces.
- */
-#define ASTATUS_FC(_a, _b, _c, _d)					 \
-	{ SISL_ASTATUS_FC##_a##_##_b, _c, _a, (_d) }
-#define BUILD_SISL_ASTATUS_FC_PORT(_a)					 \
-	ASTATUS_FC(_a, LINK_UP, "link up", 0),				 \
-	ASTATUS_FC(_a, LINK_DN, "link down", 0),			 \
-	ASTATUS_FC(_a, LOGI_S, "login succeeded", SCAN_HOST),		 \
-	ASTATUS_FC(_a, LOGI_F, "login failed", CLR_FC_ERROR),		 \
-	ASTATUS_FC(_a, LOGI_R, "login timed out, retrying", LINK_RESET), \
-	ASTATUS_FC(_a, CRC_T, "CRC threshold exceeded", LINK_RESET),	 \
-	ASTATUS_FC(_a, LOGO, "target initiated LOGO", 0),		 \
-static const struct asyc_intr_info ainfo[] = {
- * cxlflash_async_err_irq() - interrupt handler for asynchronous errors
- * @irq:	Interrupt number.
- * @data:	Private data provided at interrupt registration, the AFU.
- *
- * Return: Always return IRQ_HANDLED.
- */
-static irqreturn_t cxlflash_async_err_irq(int irq, void *data)
-	struct hwq *hwq = (struct hwq *)data;
-	struct afu *afu = hwq->afu;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	const struct asyc_intr_info *info;
-	struct sisl_global_map __iomem *global = &afu->afu_map->global;
-	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
-	u64 reg_unmasked;
-	u64 reg;
-	u64 bit;
-	u8 port;
-	reg = readq_be(&global->regs.aintr_status);
-	reg_unmasked = (reg & SISL_ASTATUS_UNMASK);
-	if (unlikely(reg_unmasked == 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: spurious interrupt, aintr_status=%016llx\n",
-			__func__, reg);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* FYI, it is 'okay' to clear AFU status before FC_ERROR */
-	writeq_be(reg_unmasked, &global->regs.aintr_clear);
-	/* Check each bit that is on */
-	for_each_set_bit(bit, (ulong *)&reg_unmasked, BITS_PER_LONG) {
-		if (unlikely(bit >= ARRAY_SIZE(ainfo))) {
-			WARN_ON_ONCE(1);
-			continue;
-		}
-		info = &ainfo[bit];
-		if (unlikely(info->status != 1ULL << bit)) {
-			WARN_ON_ONCE(1);
-			continue;
-		}
-		port = info->port;
-		fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, port);
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: FC Port %d -> %s, fc_status=%016llx\n",
-			__func__, port, info->desc,
-		       readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_STATUS / 8]));
-		/*
-		 * Do link reset first, some OTHER errors will set FC_ERROR
-		 * again if cleared before or w/o a reset
-		 */
-		if (info->action & LINK_RESET) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: FC Port %d: resetting link\n",
-				__func__, port);
-			cfg->lr_state = LINK_RESET_REQUIRED;
-			cfg->lr_port = port;
-			schedule_work(&cfg->work_q);
-		}
-		if (info->action & CLR_FC_ERROR) {
-			reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_ERROR / 8]);
-			/*
-			 * Since all errors are unmasked, FC_ERROR and FC_ERRCAP
-			 * should be the same and tracing one is sufficient.
-			 */
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: fc %d: clearing fc_error=%016llx\n",
-				__func__, port, reg);
-			writeq_be(reg, &fc_port_regs[FC_ERROR / 8]);
-			writeq_be(0, &fc_port_regs[FC_ERRCAP / 8]);
-		}
-		if (info->action & SCAN_HOST) {
-			atomic_inc(&cfg->scan_host_needed);
-			schedule_work(&cfg->work_q);
-		}
-	}
-	return IRQ_HANDLED;
- * read_vpd() - obtains the WWPNs from VPD
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @wwpn:	Array of size MAX_FC_PORTS to pass back WWPNs
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int read_vpd(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u64 wwpn[])
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct pci_dev *pdev = cfg->dev;
-	int i, k, rc = 0;
-	unsigned int kw_size;
-	ssize_t vpd_size;
-	char vpd_data[CXLFLASH_VPD_LEN];
-	char tmp_buf[WWPN_BUF_LEN] = { 0 };
-	const struct dev_dependent_vals *ddv = (struct dev_dependent_vals *)
-						cfg->dev_id->driver_data;
-	const bool wwpn_vpd_required = ddv->flags & CXLFLASH_WWPN_VPD_REQUIRED;
-	const char *wwpn_vpd_tags[MAX_FC_PORTS] = { "V5", "V6", "V7", "V8" };
-	/* Get the VPD data from the device */
-	vpd_size = cfg->ops->read_adapter_vpd(pdev, vpd_data, sizeof(vpd_data));
-	if (unlikely(vpd_size <= 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Unable to read VPD (size = %ld)\n",
-			__func__, vpd_size);
-		rc = -ENODEV;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Find the offset of the WWPN tag within the read only
-	 * VPD data and validate the found field (partials are
-	 * no good to us). Convert the ASCII data to an integer
-	 * value. Note that we must copy to a temporary buffer
-	 * because the conversion service requires that the ASCII
-	 * string be terminated.
-	 *
-	 * Allow for WWPN not being found for all devices, setting
-	 * the returned WWPN to zero when not found. Notify with a
-	 * log error for cards that should have had WWPN keywords
-	 * in the VPD - cards requiring WWPN will not have their
-	 * ports programmed and operate in an undefined state.
-	 */
-	for (k = 0; k < cfg->num_fc_ports; k++) {
-		i = pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword(vpd_data, vpd_size,
-						 wwpn_vpd_tags[k], &kw_size);
-		if (i == -ENOENT) {
-			if (wwpn_vpd_required)
-				dev_err(dev, "%s: Port %d WWPN not found\n",
-					__func__, k);
-			wwpn[k] = 0ULL;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (i < 0 || kw_size != WWPN_LEN) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: Port %d WWPN incomplete or bad VPD\n",
-				__func__, k);
-			rc = -ENODEV;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		memcpy(tmp_buf, &vpd_data[i], WWPN_LEN);
-		rc = kstrtoul(tmp_buf, WWPN_LEN, (ulong *)&wwpn[k]);
-		if (unlikely(rc)) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: WWPN conversion failed for port %d\n",
-				__func__, k);
-			rc = -ENODEV;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: wwpn%d=%016llx\n", __func__, k, wwpn[k]);
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * init_pcr() - initialize the provisioning and control registers
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * Also sets up fast access to the mapped registers and initializes AFU
- * command fields that never change.
- */
-static void init_pcr(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct sisl_ctrl_map __iomem *ctrl_map;
-	struct hwq *hwq;
-	void *cookie;
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONTEXT; i++) {
-		ctrl_map = &afu->afu_map->ctrls[i].ctrl;
-		/* Disrupt any clients that could be running */
-		/* e.g. clients that survived a master restart */
-		writeq_be(0, &ctrl_map->rht_start);
-		writeq_be(0, &ctrl_map->rht_cnt_id);
-		writeq_be(0, &ctrl_map->ctx_cap);
-	}
-	/* Copy frequently used fields into hwq */
-	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-		hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
-		cookie = hwq->ctx_cookie;
-		hwq->ctx_hndl = (u16) cfg->ops->process_element(cookie);
-		hwq->host_map = &afu->afu_map->hosts[hwq->ctx_hndl].host;
-		hwq->ctrl_map = &afu->afu_map->ctrls[hwq->ctx_hndl].ctrl;
-		/* Program the Endian Control for the master context */
-		writeq_be(SISL_ENDIAN_CTRL, &hwq->host_map->endian_ctrl);
-	}
- * init_global() - initialize AFU global registers
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- */
-static int init_global(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct hwq *hwq;
-	struct sisl_host_map __iomem *hmap;
-	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
-	u64 wwpn[MAX_FC_PORTS];	/* wwpn of AFU ports */
-	int i = 0, num_ports = 0;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int j;
-	void *ctx;
-	u64 reg;
-	rc = read_vpd(cfg, &wwpn[0]);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: could not read vpd rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* Set up RRQ and SQ in HWQ for master issued cmds */
-	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-		hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
-		hmap = hwq->host_map;
-		writeq_be((u64) hwq->hrrq_start, &hmap->rrq_start);
-		writeq_be((u64) hwq->hrrq_end, &hmap->rrq_end);
-		hwq->hrrq_online = true;
-		if (afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(afu)) {
-			writeq_be((u64)hwq->hsq_start, &hmap->sq_start);
-			writeq_be((u64)hwq->hsq_end, &hmap->sq_end);
-		}
-	}
-	/* AFU configuration */
-	reg = readq_be(&afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_config);
-	/* enable all auto retry options and control endianness */
-	/* leave others at default: */
-	/* CTX_CAP write protected, mbox_r does not clear on read and */
-	/* checker on if dual afu */
-	writeq_be(reg, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_config);
-	/* Global port select: select either port */
-	if (afu->internal_lun) {
-		/* Only use port 0 */
-		writeq_be(PORT0, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_port_sel);
-		num_ports = 0;
-	} else {
-		writeq_be(PORT_MASK(cfg->num_fc_ports),
-			  &afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_port_sel);
-		num_ports = cfg->num_fc_ports;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < num_ports; i++) {
-		fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, i);
-		/* Unmask all errors (but they are still masked at AFU) */
-		writeq_be(0, &fc_port_regs[FC_ERRMSK / 8]);
-		/* Clear CRC error cnt & set a threshold */
-		(void)readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_CNT_CRCERR / 8]);
-		writeq_be(MC_CRC_THRESH, &fc_port_regs[FC_CRC_THRESH / 8]);
-		/* Set WWPNs. If already programmed, wwpn[i] is 0 */
-		if (wwpn[i] != 0)
-			afu_set_wwpn(afu, i, &fc_port_regs[0], wwpn[i]);
-		/* Programming WWPN back to back causes additional
-		 * offline/online transitions and a PLOGI
-		 */
-		msleep(100);
-	}
-	if (afu_is_ocxl_lisn(afu)) {
-		/* Set up the LISN effective address for each master */
-		for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-			hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
-			ctx = hwq->ctx_cookie;
-			for (j = 0; j < hwq->num_irqs; j++) {
-				reg = cfg->ops->get_irq_objhndl(ctx, j);
-				writeq_be(reg, &hwq->ctrl_map->lisn_ea[j]);
-			}
-			reg = hwq->ctx_hndl;
-			writeq_be(SISL_LISN_PASID(reg, reg),
-				  &hwq->ctrl_map->lisn_pasid[0]);
-			writeq_be(SISL_LISN_PASID(0UL, reg),
-				  &hwq->ctrl_map->lisn_pasid[1]);
-		}
-	}
-	/* Set up master's own CTX_CAP to allow real mode, host translation */
-	/* tables, afu cmds and read/write GSCSI cmds. */
-	/* First, unlock ctx_cap write by reading mbox */
-	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-		hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
-		(void)readq_be(&hwq->ctrl_map->mbox_r);	/* unlock ctx_cap */
-			&hwq->ctrl_map->ctx_cap);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Determine write-same unmap support for host by evaluating the unmap
-	 * sector support bit of the context control register associated with
-	 * the primary hardware queue. Note that while this status is reflected
-	 * in a context register, the outcome can be assumed to be host-wide.
-	 */
-	hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
-	reg = readq_be(&hwq->host_map->ctx_ctrl);
-		cfg->ws_unmap = true;
-	/* Initialize heartbeat */
-	afu->hb = readq_be(&afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_hb);
-	return rc;
- * start_afu() - initializes and starts the AFU
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- */
-static int start_afu(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct hwq *hwq;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int i;
-	init_pcr(cfg);
-	/* Initialize each HWQ */
-	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-		hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
-		/* After an AFU reset, RRQ entries are stale, clear them */
-		memset(&hwq->rrq_entry, 0, sizeof(hwq->rrq_entry));
-		/* Initialize RRQ pointers */
-		hwq->hrrq_start = &hwq->rrq_entry[0];
-		hwq->hrrq_end = &hwq->rrq_entry[NUM_RRQ_ENTRY - 1];
-		hwq->hrrq_curr = hwq->hrrq_start;
-		hwq->toggle = 1;
-		/* Initialize spin locks */
-		spin_lock_init(&hwq->hrrq_slock);
-		spin_lock_init(&hwq->hsq_slock);
-		/* Initialize SQ */
-		if (afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(afu)) {
-			memset(&hwq->sq, 0, sizeof(hwq->sq));
-			hwq->hsq_start = &hwq->sq[0];
-			hwq->hsq_end = &hwq->sq[NUM_SQ_ENTRY - 1];
-			hwq->hsq_curr = hwq->hsq_start;
-			atomic_set(&hwq->hsq_credits, NUM_SQ_ENTRY - 1);
-		}
-		/* Initialize IRQ poll */
-		if (afu_is_irqpoll_enabled(afu))
-			irq_poll_init(&hwq->irqpoll, afu->irqpoll_weight,
-				      cxlflash_irqpoll);
-	}
-	rc = init_global(cfg);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * init_intr() - setup interrupt handlers for the master context
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @hwq:	Hardware queue to initialize.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static enum undo_level init_intr(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg,
-				 struct hwq *hwq)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	void *ctx = hwq->ctx_cookie;
-	int rc = 0;
-	enum undo_level level = UNDO_NOOP;
-	bool is_primary_hwq = (hwq->index == PRIMARY_HWQ);
-	int num_irqs = hwq->num_irqs;
-	rc = cfg->ops->allocate_afu_irqs(ctx, num_irqs);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: allocate_afu_irqs failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		level = UNDO_NOOP;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = cfg->ops->map_afu_irq(ctx, 1, cxlflash_sync_err_irq, hwq,
-	if (unlikely(rc <= 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: SISL_MSI_SYNC_ERROR map failed\n", __func__);
-		level = FREE_IRQ;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = cfg->ops->map_afu_irq(ctx, 2, cxlflash_rrq_irq, hwq,
-	if (unlikely(rc <= 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: SISL_MSI_RRQ_UPDATED map failed\n", __func__);
-		level = UNMAP_ONE;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* SISL_MSI_ASYNC_ERROR is setup only for the primary HWQ */
-	if (!is_primary_hwq)
-		goto out;
-	rc = cfg->ops->map_afu_irq(ctx, 3, cxlflash_async_err_irq, hwq,
-	if (unlikely(rc <= 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: SISL_MSI_ASYNC_ERROR map failed\n", __func__);
-		level = UNMAP_TWO;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	return level;
- * init_mc() - create and register as the master context
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @index:	HWQ Index of the master context.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int init_mc(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u32 index)
-	void *ctx;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(cfg->afu, index);
-	int rc = 0;
-	int num_irqs;
-	enum undo_level level;
-	hwq->afu = cfg->afu;
-	hwq->index = index;
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&hwq->pending_cmds);
-	if (index == PRIMARY_HWQ) {
-		ctx = cfg->ops->get_context(cfg->dev, cfg->afu_cookie);
-		num_irqs = 3;
-	} else {
-		ctx = cfg->ops->dev_context_init(cfg->dev, cfg->afu_cookie);
-		num_irqs = 2;
-	}
-	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(ctx)) {
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	WARN_ON(hwq->ctx_cookie);
-	hwq->ctx_cookie = ctx;
-	hwq->num_irqs = num_irqs;
-	/* Set it up as a master with the CXL */
-	cfg->ops->set_master(ctx);
-	/* Reset AFU when initializing primary context */
-	if (index == PRIMARY_HWQ) {
-		rc = cfg->ops->afu_reset(ctx);
-		if (unlikely(rc)) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: AFU reset failed rc=%d\n",
-				      __func__, rc);
-			goto err1;
-		}
-	}
-	level = init_intr(cfg, hwq);
-	if (unlikely(level)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: interrupt init failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	/* Finally, activate the context by starting it */
-	rc = cfg->ops->start_context(hwq->ctx_cookie);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: start context failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		level = UNMAP_THREE;
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-	term_intr(cfg, level, index);
-	if (index != PRIMARY_HWQ)
-		cfg->ops->release_context(ctx);
-	hwq->ctx_cookie = NULL;
-	goto out;
- * get_num_afu_ports() - determines and configures the number of AFU ports
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * This routine determines the number of AFU ports by converting the global
- * port selection mask. The converted value is only valid following an AFU
- * reset (explicit or power-on). This routine must be invoked shortly after
- * mapping as other routines are dependent on the number of ports during the
- * initialization sequence.
- *
- * To support legacy AFUs that might not have reflected an initial global
- * port mask (value read is 0), default to the number of ports originally
- * supported by the cxlflash driver (2) before hardware with other port
- * offerings was introduced.
- */
-static void get_num_afu_ports(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	u64 port_mask;
-	int num_fc_ports = LEGACY_FC_PORTS;
-	port_mask = readq_be(&afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_port_sel);
-	if (port_mask != 0ULL)
-		num_fc_ports = min(ilog2(port_mask) + 1, MAX_FC_PORTS);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: port_mask=%016llx num_fc_ports=%d\n",
-		__func__, port_mask, num_fc_ports);
-	cfg->num_fc_ports = num_fc_ports;
-	cfg->host->max_channel = PORTNUM2CHAN(num_fc_ports);
- * init_afu() - setup as master context and start AFU
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * This routine is a higher level of control for configuring the
- * AFU on probe and reset paths.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int init_afu(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	u64 reg;
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct hwq *hwq;
-	int i;
-	cfg->ops->perst_reloads_same_image(cfg->afu_cookie, true);
-	mutex_init(&afu->sync_active);
-	afu->num_hwqs = afu->desired_hwqs;
-	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-		rc = init_mc(cfg, i);
-		if (rc) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: init_mc failed rc=%d index=%d\n",
-				__func__, rc, i);
-			goto err1;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Map the entire MMIO space of the AFU using the first context */
-	hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
-	afu->afu_map = cfg->ops->psa_map(hwq->ctx_cookie);
-	if (!afu->afu_map) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: psa_map failed\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	/* No byte reverse on reading afu_version or string will be backwards */
-	reg = readq(&afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_version);
-	memcpy(afu->version, &reg, sizeof(reg));
-	afu->interface_version =
-	    readq_be(&afu->afu_map->global.regs.interface_version);
-	if ((afu->interface_version + 1) == 0) {
-		dev_err(dev, "Back level AFU, please upgrade. AFU version %s "
-			"interface version %016llx\n", afu->version,
-		       afu->interface_version);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	if (afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(afu)) {
-		afu->send_cmd = send_cmd_sq;
-		afu->context_reset = context_reset_sq;
-	} else {
-		afu->send_cmd = send_cmd_ioarrin;
-		afu->context_reset = context_reset_ioarrin;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: afu_ver=%s interface_ver=%016llx\n", __func__,
-		afu->version, afu->interface_version);
-	get_num_afu_ports(cfg);
-	rc = start_afu(cfg);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: start_afu failed, rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	afu_err_intr_init(cfg->afu);
-	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-		hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
-		hwq->room = readq_be(&hwq->host_map->cmd_room);
-	}
-	/* Restore the LUN mappings */
-	cxlflash_restore_luntable(cfg);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-	for (i = afu->num_hwqs - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-		term_intr(cfg, UNMAP_THREE, i);
-		term_mc(cfg, i);
-	}
-	goto out;
- * afu_reset() - resets the AFU
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int afu_reset(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int rc = 0;
-	/* Stop the context before the reset. Since the context is
-	 * no longer available restart it after the reset is complete
-	 */
-	term_afu(cfg);
-	rc = init_afu(cfg);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * drain_ioctls() - wait until all currently executing ioctls have completed
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * Obtain write access to read/write semaphore that wraps ioctl
- * handling to 'drain' ioctls currently executing.
- */
-static void drain_ioctls(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	down_write(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	up_write(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
- * cxlflash_async_reset_host() - asynchronous host reset handler
- * @data:	Private data provided while scheduling reset.
- * @cookie:	Cookie that can be used for checkpointing.
- */
-static void cxlflash_async_reset_host(void *data, async_cookie_t cookie)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = data;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int rc = 0;
-	if (cfg->state != STATE_RESET) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Not performing a reset, state=%d\n",
-			__func__, cfg->state);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	drain_ioctls(cfg);
-	cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(cfg);
-	rc = afu_reset(cfg);
-	if (rc)
-		cfg->state = STATE_FAILTERM;
-	else
-		cfg->state = STATE_NORMAL;
-	wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
-	scsi_unblock_requests(cfg->host);
- * cxlflash_schedule_async_reset() - schedule an asynchronous host reset
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- */
-static void cxlflash_schedule_async_reset(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	if (cfg->state != STATE_NORMAL) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Not performing reset state=%d\n",
-			__func__, cfg->state);
-		return;
-	}
-	cfg->state = STATE_RESET;
-	scsi_block_requests(cfg->host);
-	cfg->async_reset_cookie = async_schedule(cxlflash_async_reset_host,
-						 cfg);
- * send_afu_cmd() - builds and sends an internal AFU command
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- * @rcb:	Pre-populated IOARCB describing command to send.
- *
- * The AFU can only take one internal AFU command at a time. This limitation is
- * enforced by using a mutex to provide exclusive access to the AFU during the
- * operation. This design point requires calling threads to not be on interrupt
- * context due to the possibility of sleeping during concurrent AFU operations.
- *
- * The command status is optionally passed back to the caller when the caller
- * populates the IOASA field of the IOARCB with a pointer to an IOASA structure.
- *
- * Return:
- *	0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int send_afu_cmd(struct afu *afu, struct sisl_ioarcb *rcb)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct afu_cmd *cmd = NULL;
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	char *buf = NULL;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int nretry = 0;
-	if (cfg->state != STATE_NORMAL) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Sync not required state=%u\n",
-			__func__, cfg->state);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	mutex_lock(&afu->sync_active);
-	atomic_inc(&afu->cmds_active);
-	buf = kmalloc(sizeof(*cmd) + __alignof__(*cmd) - 1, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!buf)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: no memory for command\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	cmd = (struct afu_cmd *)PTR_ALIGN(buf, __alignof__(*cmd));
-	memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(*cmd));
-	memcpy(&cmd->rcb, rcb, sizeof(*rcb));
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cmd->queue);
-	init_completion(&cmd->cevent);
-	cmd->parent = afu;
-	cmd->hwq_index = hwq->index;
-	cmd->rcb.ctx_id = hwq->ctx_hndl;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: afu=%p cmd=%p type=%02x nretry=%d\n",
-		__func__, afu, cmd, cmd->rcb.cdb[0], nretry);
-	rc = afu->send_cmd(afu, cmd);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		rc = -ENOBUFS;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = wait_resp(afu, cmd);
-	switch (rc) {
-	case -ETIMEDOUT:
-		rc = afu->context_reset(hwq);
-		if (rc) {
-			/* Delete the command from pending_cmds list */
-			spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-			list_del(&cmd->list);
-			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
-			cxlflash_schedule_async_reset(cfg);
-			break;
-		}
-		fallthrough;	/* to retry */
-	case -EAGAIN:
-		if (++nretry < 2)
-			goto retry;
-		fallthrough;	/* to exit */
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	if (rcb->ioasa)
-		*rcb->ioasa = cmd->sa;
-	atomic_dec(&afu->cmds_active);
-	mutex_unlock(&afu->sync_active);
-	kfree(buf);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_afu_sync() - builds and sends an AFU sync command
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- * @ctx:	Identifies context requesting sync.
- * @res:	Identifies resource requesting sync.
- * @mode:	Type of sync to issue (lightweight, heavyweight, global).
- *
- * AFU sync operations are only necessary and allowed when the device is
- * operating normally. When not operating normally, sync requests can occur as
- * part of cleaning up resources associated with an adapter prior to removal.
- * In this scenario, these requests are simply ignored (safe due to the AFU
- * going away).
- *
- * Return:
- *	0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-int cxlflash_afu_sync(struct afu *afu, ctx_hndl_t ctx, res_hndl_t res, u8 mode)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct sisl_ioarcb rcb = { 0 };
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: afu=%p ctx=%u res=%u mode=%u\n",
-		__func__, afu, ctx, res, mode);
-	rcb.req_flags = SISL_REQ_FLAGS_AFU_CMD;
-	rcb.timeout = MC_AFU_SYNC_TIMEOUT;
-	rcb.cdb[0] = SISL_AFU_CMD_SYNC;
-	rcb.cdb[1] = mode;
-	put_unaligned_be16(ctx, &rcb.cdb[2]);
-	put_unaligned_be32(res, &rcb.cdb[4]);
-	return send_afu_cmd(afu, &rcb);
- * cxlflash_eh_abort_handler() - abort a SCSI command
- * @scp:	SCSI command to abort.
- *
- * CXL Flash devices do not support a single command abort. Reset the context
- * as per SISLite specification. Flush any pending commands in the hardware
- * queue before the reset.
- *
- * Return: SUCCESS/FAILED as defined in scsi/scsi.h
- */
-static int cxlflash_eh_abort_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
-	int rc = FAILED;
-	struct Scsi_Host *host = scp->device->host;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(host);
-	struct afu_cmd *cmd = sc_to_afuc(scp);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, cmd->hwq_index);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: (scp=%p) %d/%d/%d/%llu "
-		"cdb=(%08x-%08x-%08x-%08x)\n", __func__, scp, host->host_no,
-		scp->device->channel, scp->device->id, scp->device->lun,
-		get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[0]),
-		get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[1]),
-		get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[2]),
-		get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[3]));
-	/* When the state is not normal, another reset/reload is in progress.
-	 * Return failed and the mid-layer will invoke host reset handler.
-	 */
-	if (cfg->state != STATE_NORMAL) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Invalid state for abort, state=%d\n",
-			__func__, cfg->state);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = afu->context_reset(hwq);
-	if (unlikely(rc))
-		goto out;
-	rc = SUCCESS;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_eh_device_reset_handler() - reset a single LUN
- * @scp:	SCSI command to send.
- *
- * Return:
- *	SUCCESS as defined in scsi/scsi.h
- *	FAILED as defined in scsi/scsi.h
- */
-static int cxlflash_eh_device_reset_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
-	int rc = SUCCESS;
-	struct scsi_device *sdev = scp->device;
-	struct Scsi_Host *host = sdev->host;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int rcr = 0;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: %d/%d/%d/%llu\n", __func__,
-		host->host_no, sdev->channel, sdev->id, sdev->lun);
-	switch (cfg->state) {
-		rcr = send_tmf(cfg, sdev, TMF_LUN_RESET);
-		if (unlikely(rcr))
-			rc = FAILED;
-		break;
-		wait_event(cfg->reset_waitq, cfg->state != STATE_RESET);
-		goto retry;
-	default:
-		rc = FAILED;
-		break;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_eh_host_reset_handler() - reset the host adapter
- * @scp:	SCSI command from stack identifying host.
- *
- * Following a reset, the state is evaluated again in case an EEH occurred
- * during the reset. In such a scenario, the host reset will either yield
- * until the EEH recovery is complete or return success or failure based
- * upon the current device state.
- *
- * Return:
- *	SUCCESS as defined in scsi/scsi.h
- *	FAILED as defined in scsi/scsi.h
- */
-static int cxlflash_eh_host_reset_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
-	int rc = SUCCESS;
-	int rcr = 0;
-	struct Scsi_Host *host = scp->device->host;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: %d\n", __func__, host->host_no);
-	switch (cfg->state) {
-		cfg->state = STATE_RESET;
-		drain_ioctls(cfg);
-		cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(cfg);
-		rcr = afu_reset(cfg);
-		if (rcr) {
-			rc = FAILED;
-			cfg->state = STATE_FAILTERM;
-		} else
-			cfg->state = STATE_NORMAL;
-		wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
-		ssleep(1);
-		fallthrough;
-		wait_event(cfg->reset_waitq, cfg->state != STATE_RESET);
-		if (cfg->state == STATE_NORMAL)
-			break;
-		fallthrough;
-	default:
-		rc = FAILED;
-		break;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_change_queue_depth() - change the queue depth for the device
- * @sdev:	SCSI device destined for queue depth change.
- * @qdepth:	Requested queue depth value to set.
- *
- * The requested queue depth is capped to the maximum supported value.
- *
- * Return: The actual queue depth set.
- */
-static int cxlflash_change_queue_depth(struct scsi_device *sdev, int qdepth)
-	scsi_change_queue_depth(sdev, qdepth);
-	return sdev->queue_depth;
- * cxlflash_show_port_status() - queries and presents the current port status
- * @port:	Desired port for status reporting.
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf or -EINVAL.
- */
-static ssize_t cxlflash_show_port_status(u32 port,
-					 struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg,
-					 char *buf)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	char *disp_status;
-	u64 status;
-	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
-	WARN_ON(port >= MAX_FC_PORTS);
-	if (port >= cfg->num_fc_ports) {
-		dev_info(dev, "%s: Port %d not supported on this card.\n",
-			__func__, port);
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, port);
-	status = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_MTIP_STATUS / 8]);
-	status &= FC_MTIP_STATUS_MASK;
-	if (status == FC_MTIP_STATUS_ONLINE)
-		disp_status = "online";
-	else if (status == FC_MTIP_STATUS_OFFLINE)
-		disp_status = "offline";
-	else
-		disp_status = "unknown";
-	return scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", disp_status);
- * port0_show() - queries and presents the current status of port 0
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t port0_show(struct device *dev,
-			  struct device_attribute *attr,
-			  char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	return cxlflash_show_port_status(0, cfg, buf);
- * port1_show() - queries and presents the current status of port 1
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t port1_show(struct device *dev,
-			  struct device_attribute *attr,
-			  char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	return cxlflash_show_port_status(1, cfg, buf);
- * port2_show() - queries and presents the current status of port 2
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t port2_show(struct device *dev,
-			  struct device_attribute *attr,
-			  char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	return cxlflash_show_port_status(2, cfg, buf);
- * port3_show() - queries and presents the current status of port 3
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t port3_show(struct device *dev,
-			  struct device_attribute *attr,
-			  char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	return cxlflash_show_port_status(3, cfg, buf);
- * lun_mode_show() - presents the current LUN mode of the host
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the LUN mode.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back the LUN mode in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t lun_mode_show(struct device *dev,
-			     struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	return scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%u\n", afu->internal_lun);
- * lun_mode_store() - sets the LUN mode of the host
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the LUN mode.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE containing the LUN mode in ASCII.
- * @count:	Length of data resizing in @buf.
- *
- * The CXL Flash AFU supports a dummy LUN mode where the external
- * links and storage are not required. Space on the FPGA is used
- * to create 1 or 2 small LUNs which are presented to the system
- * as if they were a normal storage device. This feature is useful
- * during development and also provides manufacturing with a way
- * to test the AFU without an actual device.
- *
- * 0 = external LUN[s] (default)
- * 1 = internal LUN (1 x 64K, 512B blocks, id 0)
- * 2 = internal LUN (1 x 64K, 4K blocks, id 0)
- * 3 = internal LUN (2 x 32K, 512B blocks, ids 0,1)
- * 4 = internal LUN (2 x 32K, 4K blocks, ids 0,1)
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t lun_mode_store(struct device *dev,
-			      struct device_attribute *attr,
-			      const char *buf, size_t count)
-	struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(dev);
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(shost);
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	int rc;
-	u32 lun_mode;
-	rc = kstrtouint(buf, 10, &lun_mode);
-	if (!rc && (lun_mode < 5) && (lun_mode != afu->internal_lun)) {
-		afu->internal_lun = lun_mode;
-		/*
-		 * When configured for internal LUN, there is only one channel,
-		 * channel number 0, else there will be one less than the number
-		 * of fc ports for this card.
-		 */
-		if (afu->internal_lun)
-			shost->max_channel = 0;
-		else
-			shost->max_channel = PORTNUM2CHAN(cfg->num_fc_ports);
-		afu_reset(cfg);
-		scsi_scan_host(cfg->host);
-	}
-	return count;
- * ioctl_version_show() - presents the current ioctl version of the host
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the ioctl version.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back the ioctl version.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t ioctl_version_show(struct device *dev,
-				  struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
-	ssize_t bytes = 0;
-	bytes = scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE,
-			  "disk: %u\n", DK_CXLFLASH_VERSION_0);
-	bytes += scnprintf(buf + bytes, PAGE_SIZE - bytes,
-			   "host: %u\n", HT_CXLFLASH_VERSION_0);
-	return bytes;
- * cxlflash_show_port_lun_table() - queries and presents the port LUN table
- * @port:	Desired port for status reporting.
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf or -EINVAL.
- */
-static ssize_t cxlflash_show_port_lun_table(u32 port,
-					    struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg,
-					    char *buf)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_luns;
-	int i;
-	ssize_t bytes = 0;
-	WARN_ON(port >= MAX_FC_PORTS);
-	if (port >= cfg->num_fc_ports) {
-		dev_info(dev, "%s: Port %d not supported on this card.\n",
-			__func__, port);
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	fc_port_luns = get_fc_port_luns(cfg, port);
-	for (i = 0; i < CXLFLASH_NUM_VLUNS; i++)
-		bytes += scnprintf(buf + bytes, PAGE_SIZE - bytes,
-				   "%03d: %016llx\n",
-				   i, readq_be(&fc_port_luns[i]));
-	return bytes;
- * port0_lun_table_show() - presents the current LUN table of port 0
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t port0_lun_table_show(struct device *dev,
-				    struct device_attribute *attr,
-				    char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	return cxlflash_show_port_lun_table(0, cfg, buf);
- * port1_lun_table_show() - presents the current LUN table of port 1
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t port1_lun_table_show(struct device *dev,
-				    struct device_attribute *attr,
-				    char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	return cxlflash_show_port_lun_table(1, cfg, buf);
- * port2_lun_table_show() - presents the current LUN table of port 2
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t port2_lun_table_show(struct device *dev,
-				    struct device_attribute *attr,
-				    char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	return cxlflash_show_port_lun_table(2, cfg, buf);
- * port3_lun_table_show() - presents the current LUN table of port 3
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t port3_lun_table_show(struct device *dev,
-				    struct device_attribute *attr,
-				    char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	return cxlflash_show_port_lun_table(3, cfg, buf);
- * irqpoll_weight_show() - presents the current IRQ poll weight for the host
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the IRQ poll weight.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back the current IRQ poll
- *		weight in ASCII.
- *
- * An IRQ poll weight of 0 indicates polling is disabled.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t irqpoll_weight_show(struct device *dev,
-				   struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	return scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%u\n", afu->irqpoll_weight);
- * irqpoll_weight_store() - sets the current IRQ poll weight for the host
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the IRQ poll weight.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE containing the desired IRQ poll
- *		weight in ASCII.
- * @count:	Length of data resizing in @buf.
- *
- * An IRQ poll weight of 0 indicates polling is disabled.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t irqpoll_weight_store(struct device *dev,
-				    struct device_attribute *attr,
-				    const char *buf, size_t count)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	struct device *cfgdev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct hwq *hwq;
-	u32 weight;
-	int rc, i;
-	rc = kstrtouint(buf, 10, &weight);
-	if (rc)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	if (weight > 256) {
-		dev_info(cfgdev,
-			 "Invalid IRQ poll weight. It must be 256 or less.\n");
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	if (weight == afu->irqpoll_weight) {
-		dev_info(cfgdev,
-			 "Current IRQ poll weight has the same weight.\n");
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	if (afu_is_irqpoll_enabled(afu)) {
-		for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-			hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
-			irq_poll_disable(&hwq->irqpoll);
-		}
-	}
-	afu->irqpoll_weight = weight;
-	if (weight > 0) {
-		for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
-			hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
-			irq_poll_init(&hwq->irqpoll, weight, cxlflash_irqpoll);
-		}
-	}
-	return count;
- * num_hwqs_show() - presents the number of hardware queues for the host
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the number of hardware queues.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back the number of hardware
- *		queues in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t num_hwqs_show(struct device *dev,
-			     struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	return scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%u\n", afu->num_hwqs);
- * num_hwqs_store() - sets the number of hardware queues for the host
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the number of hardware queues.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE containing the number of hardware
- *		queues in ASCII.
- * @count:	Length of data resizing in @buf.
- *
- * n > 0: num_hwqs = n
- * n = 0: num_hwqs = num_online_cpus()
- * n < 0: num_online_cpus() / abs(n)
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t num_hwqs_store(struct device *dev,
-			      struct device_attribute *attr,
-			      const char *buf, size_t count)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	int rc;
-	int nhwqs, num_hwqs;
-	rc = kstrtoint(buf, 10, &nhwqs);
-	if (rc)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	if (nhwqs >= 1)
-		num_hwqs = nhwqs;
-	else if (nhwqs == 0)
-		num_hwqs = num_online_cpus();
-	else
-		num_hwqs = num_online_cpus() / abs(nhwqs);
-	afu->desired_hwqs = min(num_hwqs, CXLFLASH_MAX_HWQS);
-	WARN_ON_ONCE(afu->desired_hwqs == 0);
-	switch (cfg->state) {
-		cfg->state = STATE_RESET;
-		drain_ioctls(cfg);
-		cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(cfg);
-		rc = afu_reset(cfg);
-		if (rc)
-			cfg->state = STATE_FAILTERM;
-		else
-			cfg->state = STATE_NORMAL;
-		wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
-		break;
-		wait_event(cfg->reset_waitq, cfg->state != STATE_RESET);
-		if (cfg->state == STATE_NORMAL)
-			goto retry;
-		fallthrough;
-	default:
-		/* Ideally should not happen */
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Device is not ready, state=%d\n",
-			__func__, cfg->state);
-		break;
-	}
-	return count;
-static const char *hwq_mode_name[MAX_HWQ_MODE] = { "rr", "tag", "cpu" };
- * hwq_mode_show() - presents the HWQ steering mode for the host
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the HWQ steering mode.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back the HWQ steering mode
- *		as a character string.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t hwq_mode_show(struct device *dev,
-			     struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	return scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", hwq_mode_name[afu->hwq_mode]);
- * hwq_mode_store() - sets the HWQ steering mode for the host
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the HWQ steering mode.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE containing the HWQ steering mode
- *		as a character string.
- * @count:	Length of data resizing in @buf.
- *
- * rr = Round-Robin
- * tag = Block MQ Tagging
- * cpu = CPU Affinity
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t hwq_mode_store(struct device *dev,
-			      struct device_attribute *attr,
-			      const char *buf, size_t count)
-	struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(dev);
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(shost);
-	struct device *cfgdev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	int i;
-	u32 mode = MAX_HWQ_MODE;
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_HWQ_MODE; i++) {
-		if (!strncmp(hwq_mode_name[i], buf, strlen(hwq_mode_name[i]))) {
-			mode = i;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (mode >= MAX_HWQ_MODE) {
-		dev_info(cfgdev, "Invalid HWQ steering mode.\n");
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	afu->hwq_mode = mode;
-	return count;
- * mode_show() - presents the current mode of the device
- * @dev:	Generic device associated with the device.
- * @attr:	Device attribute representing the device mode.
- * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back the dev mode in ASCII.
- *
- * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
- */
-static ssize_t mode_show(struct device *dev,
-			 struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
-	struct scsi_device *sdev = to_scsi_device(dev);
-	return scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n",
-			 sdev->hostdata ? "superpipe" : "legacy");
- * Host attributes
- */
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port0);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port1);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port2);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port3);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(lun_mode);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(ioctl_version);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port0_lun_table);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port1_lun_table);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port2_lun_table);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port3_lun_table);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(irqpoll_weight);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(num_hwqs);
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(hwq_mode);
-static struct attribute *cxlflash_host_attrs[] = {
-	&dev_attr_port0.attr,
-	&dev_attr_port1.attr,
-	&dev_attr_port2.attr,
-	&dev_attr_port3.attr,
-	&dev_attr_lun_mode.attr,
-	&dev_attr_ioctl_version.attr,
-	&dev_attr_port0_lun_table.attr,
-	&dev_attr_port1_lun_table.attr,
-	&dev_attr_port2_lun_table.attr,
-	&dev_attr_port3_lun_table.attr,
-	&dev_attr_irqpoll_weight.attr,
-	&dev_attr_num_hwqs.attr,
-	&dev_attr_hwq_mode.attr,
- * Device attributes
- */
-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(mode);
-static struct attribute *cxlflash_dev_attrs[] = {
-	&dev_attr_mode.attr,
- * Host template
- */
-static struct scsi_host_template driver_template = {
-	.module = THIS_MODULE,
-	.info = cxlflash_driver_info,
-	.ioctl = cxlflash_ioctl,
-	.proc_name = CXLFLASH_NAME,
-	.queuecommand = cxlflash_queuecommand,
-	.eh_abort_handler = cxlflash_eh_abort_handler,
-	.eh_device_reset_handler = cxlflash_eh_device_reset_handler,
-	.eh_host_reset_handler = cxlflash_eh_host_reset_handler,
-	.change_queue_depth = cxlflash_change_queue_depth,
-	.cmd_per_lun = CXLFLASH_MAX_CMDS_PER_LUN,
-	.can_queue = CXLFLASH_MAX_CMDS,
-	.cmd_size = sizeof(struct afu_cmd) + __alignof__(struct afu_cmd) - 1,
-	.this_id = -1,
-	.sg_tablesize = 1,	/* No scatter gather support */
-	.max_sectors = CXLFLASH_MAX_SECTORS,
-	.shost_groups = cxlflash_host_groups,
-	.sdev_groups = cxlflash_dev_groups,
- * Device dependent values
- */
-static struct dev_dependent_vals dev_corsa_vals = { CXLFLASH_MAX_SECTORS,
-static struct dev_dependent_vals dev_flash_gt_vals = { CXLFLASH_MAX_SECTORS,
-static struct dev_dependent_vals dev_briard_vals = { CXLFLASH_MAX_SECTORS,
- * PCI device binding table
- */
-static const struct pci_device_id cxlflash_pci_table[] = {
-	 PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, (kernel_ulong_t)&dev_corsa_vals},
-	 PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, (kernel_ulong_t)&dev_flash_gt_vals},
-	 PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, (kernel_ulong_t)&dev_briard_vals},
-	{}
-MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, cxlflash_pci_table);
- * cxlflash_worker_thread() - work thread handler for the AFU
- * @work:	Work structure contained within cxlflash associated with host.
- *
- * Handles the following events:
- * - Link reset which cannot be performed on interrupt context due to
- * blocking up to a few seconds
- * - Rescan the host
- */
-static void cxlflash_worker_thread(struct work_struct *work)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = container_of(work, struct cxlflash_cfg,
-						work_q);
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
-	int port;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	/* Avoid MMIO if the device has failed */
-	if (cfg->state != STATE_NORMAL)
-		return;
-	spin_lock_irqsave(cfg->host->host_lock, lock_flags);
-	if (cfg->lr_state == LINK_RESET_REQUIRED) {
-		port = cfg->lr_port;
-		if (port < 0)
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: invalid port index %d\n",
-				__func__, port);
-		else {
-			spin_unlock_irqrestore(cfg->host->host_lock,
-					       lock_flags);
-			/* The reset can block... */
-			fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, port);
-			afu_link_reset(afu, port, fc_port_regs);
-			spin_lock_irqsave(cfg->host->host_lock, lock_flags);
-		}
-		cfg->lr_state = LINK_RESET_COMPLETE;
-	}
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(cfg->host->host_lock, lock_flags);
-	if (atomic_dec_if_positive(&cfg->scan_host_needed) >= 0)
-		scsi_scan_host(cfg->host);
- * cxlflash_chr_open() - character device open handler
- * @inode:	Device inode associated with this character device.
- * @file:	File pointer for this device.
- *
- * Only users with admin privileges are allowed to open the character device.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_chr_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg;
-	if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-		return -EACCES;
-	cfg = container_of(inode->i_cdev, struct cxlflash_cfg, cdev);
-	file->private_data = cfg;
-	return 0;
- * decode_hioctl() - translates encoded host ioctl to easily identifiable string
- * @cmd:        The host ioctl command to decode.
- *
- * Return: A string identifying the decoded host ioctl.
- */
-static char *decode_hioctl(unsigned int cmd)
-	switch (cmd) {
-		return __stringify_1(HT_CXLFLASH_LUN_PROVISION);
-	}
-	return "UNKNOWN";
- * cxlflash_lun_provision() - host LUN provisioning handler
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @arg:	Kernel copy of userspace ioctl data structure.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_lun_provision(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, void *arg)
-	struct ht_cxlflash_lun_provision *lunprov = arg;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct sisl_ioarcb rcb;
-	struct sisl_ioasa asa;
-	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
-	u16 port = lunprov->port;
-	u16 scmd = lunprov->hdr.subcmd;
-	u16 type;
-	u64 reg;
-	u64 size;
-	u64 lun_id;
-	int rc = 0;
-	if (!afu_is_lun_provision(afu)) {
-		rc = -ENOTSUPP;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (port >= cfg->num_fc_ports) {
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	switch (scmd) {
-		size = lunprov->size;
-		lun_id = 0;
-		break;
-		size = 0;
-		lun_id = lunprov->lun_id;
-		break;
-		fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, port);
-		reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_MAX_NUM_LUNS / 8]);
-		lunprov->max_num_luns = reg;
-		reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_CUR_NUM_LUNS / 8]);
-		lunprov->cur_num_luns = reg;
-		reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_MAX_CAP_PORT / 8]);
-		lunprov->max_cap_port = reg;
-		reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_CUR_CAP_PORT / 8]);
-		lunprov->cur_cap_port = reg;
-		goto out;
-	default:
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	memset(&rcb, 0, sizeof(rcb));
-	memset(&asa, 0, sizeof(asa));
-	rcb.req_flags = SISL_REQ_FLAGS_AFU_CMD;
-	rcb.lun_id = lun_id;
-	rcb.timeout = MC_LUN_PROV_TIMEOUT;
-	rcb.ioasa = &asa;
-	rcb.cdb[1] = type;
-	rcb.cdb[2] = port;
-	put_unaligned_be64(size, &rcb.cdb[8]);
-	rc = send_afu_cmd(afu, &rcb);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: send_afu_cmd failed rc=%d asc=%08x afux=%x\n",
-			__func__, rc, asa.ioasc, asa.afu_extra);
-		goto out;
-	}
-		lunprov->lun_id = (u64)asa.lunid_hi << 32 | asa.lunid_lo;
-		memcpy(lunprov->wwid, asa.wwid, sizeof(lunprov->wwid));
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_afu_debug() - host AFU debug handler
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @arg:	Kernel copy of userspace ioctl data structure.
- *
- * For debug requests requiring a data buffer, always provide an aligned
- * (cache line) buffer to the AFU to appease any alignment requirements.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_afu_debug(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, void *arg)
-	struct ht_cxlflash_afu_debug *afu_dbg = arg;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct sisl_ioarcb rcb;
-	struct sisl_ioasa asa;
-	char *buf = NULL;
-	char *kbuf = NULL;
-	void __user *ubuf = (__force void __user *)afu_dbg->data_ea;
-	u16 req_flags = SISL_REQ_FLAGS_AFU_CMD;
-	u32 ulen = afu_dbg->data_len;
-	bool is_write = afu_dbg->hdr.flags & HT_CXLFLASH_HOST_WRITE;
-	int rc = 0;
-	if (!afu_is_afu_debug(afu)) {
-		rc = -ENOTSUPP;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (ulen) {
-			rc = -EINVAL;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		buf = kmalloc(ulen + cache_line_size() - 1, GFP_KERNEL);
-		if (unlikely(!buf)) {
-			rc = -ENOMEM;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		kbuf = PTR_ALIGN(buf, cache_line_size());
-		if (is_write) {
-			req_flags |= SISL_REQ_FLAGS_HOST_WRITE;
-			if (copy_from_user(kbuf, ubuf, ulen)) {
-				rc = -EFAULT;
-				goto out;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	memset(&rcb, 0, sizeof(rcb));
-	memset(&asa, 0, sizeof(asa));
-	rcb.req_flags = req_flags;
-	rcb.timeout = MC_AFU_DEBUG_TIMEOUT;
-	rcb.ioasa = &asa;
-	if (ulen) {
-		rcb.data_len = ulen;
-		rcb.data_ea = (uintptr_t)kbuf;
-	}
-	rcb.cdb[0] = SISL_AFU_CMD_DEBUG;
-	memcpy(&rcb.cdb[4], afu_dbg->afu_subcmd,
-	rc = send_afu_cmd(afu, &rcb);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: send_afu_cmd failed rc=%d asc=%08x afux=%x\n",
-			__func__, rc, asa.ioasc, asa.afu_extra);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (ulen && !is_write) {
-		if (copy_to_user(ubuf, kbuf, ulen))
-			rc = -EFAULT;
-	}
-	kfree(buf);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_chr_ioctl() - character device IOCTL handler
- * @file:	File pointer for this device.
- * @cmd:	IOCTL command.
- * @arg:	Userspace ioctl data structure.
- *
- * A read/write semaphore is used to implement a 'drain' of currently
- * running ioctls. The read semaphore is taken at the beginning of each
- * ioctl thread and released upon concluding execution. Additionally the
- * semaphore should be released and then reacquired in any ioctl execution
- * path which will wait for an event to occur that is outside the scope of
- * the ioctl (i.e. an adapter reset). To drain the ioctls currently running,
- * a thread simply needs to acquire the write semaphore.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static long cxlflash_chr_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd,
-			       unsigned long arg)
-	typedef int (*hioctl) (struct cxlflash_cfg *, void *);
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = file->private_data;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	char buf[sizeof(union cxlflash_ht_ioctls)];
-	void __user *uarg = (void __user *)arg;
-	struct ht_cxlflash_hdr *hdr;
-	size_t size = 0;
-	bool known_ioctl = false;
-	int idx = 0;
-	int rc = 0;
-	hioctl do_ioctl = NULL;
-	static const struct {
-		size_t size;
-		hioctl ioctl;
-	} ioctl_tbl[] = {	/* NOTE: order matters here */
-	{ sizeof(struct ht_cxlflash_lun_provision), cxlflash_lun_provision },
-	{ sizeof(struct ht_cxlflash_afu_debug), cxlflash_afu_debug },
-	};
-	/* Hold read semaphore so we can drain if needed */
-	down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: cmd=%u idx=%d tbl_size=%lu\n",
-		__func__, cmd, idx, sizeof(ioctl_tbl));
-	switch (cmd) {
-		known_ioctl = true;
-		size = ioctl_tbl[idx].size;
-		do_ioctl = ioctl_tbl[idx].ioctl;
-		if (likely(do_ioctl))
-			break;
-		fallthrough;
-	default:
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (unlikely(copy_from_user(&buf, uarg, size))) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: copy_from_user() fail "
-			"size=%lu cmd=%d (%s) uarg=%p\n",
-			__func__, size, cmd, decode_hioctl(cmd), uarg);
-		rc = -EFAULT;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	hdr = (struct ht_cxlflash_hdr *)&buf;
-	if (hdr->version != HT_CXLFLASH_VERSION_0) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Version %u not supported for %s\n",
-			__func__, hdr->version, decode_hioctl(cmd));
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (hdr->rsvd[0] || hdr->rsvd[1] || hdr->return_flags) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Reserved/rflags populated\n", __func__);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = do_ioctl(cfg, (void *)&buf);
-	if (likely(!rc))
-		if (unlikely(copy_to_user(uarg, &buf, size))) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: copy_to_user() fail "
-				"size=%lu cmd=%d (%s) uarg=%p\n",
-				__func__, size, cmd, decode_hioctl(cmd), uarg);
-			rc = -EFAULT;
-		}
-	/* fall through to exit */
-	up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	if (unlikely(rc && known_ioctl))
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ioctl %s (%08X) returned rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, decode_hioctl(cmd), cmd, rc);
-	else
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ioctl %s (%08X) returned rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, decode_hioctl(cmd), cmd, rc);
-	return rc;
- * Character device file operations
- */
-static const struct file_operations cxlflash_chr_fops = {
-	.owner          = THIS_MODULE,
-	.open           = cxlflash_chr_open,
-	.unlocked_ioctl	= cxlflash_chr_ioctl,
-	.compat_ioctl	= compat_ptr_ioctl,
- * init_chrdev() - initialize the character device for the host
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int init_chrdev(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct device *char_dev;
-	dev_t devno;
-	int minor;
-	int rc = 0;
-	minor = cxlflash_get_minor();
-	if (unlikely(minor < 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Exhausted allowed adapters\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOSPC;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	devno = MKDEV(cxlflash_major, minor);
-	cdev_init(&cfg->cdev, &cxlflash_chr_fops);
-	rc = cdev_add(&cfg->cdev, devno, 1);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: cdev_add failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	char_dev = device_create(&cxlflash_class, NULL, devno,
-				 NULL, "cxlflash%d", minor);
-	if (IS_ERR(char_dev)) {
-		rc = PTR_ERR(char_dev);
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: device_create failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	cfg->chardev = char_dev;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-	cdev_del(&cfg->cdev);
-	cxlflash_put_minor(minor);
-	goto out;
- * cxlflash_probe() - PCI entry point to add host
- * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
- * @dev_id:	PCI device id associated with device.
- *
- * The device will initially start out in a 'probing' state and
- * transition to the 'normal' state at the end of a successful
- * probe. Should an EEH event occur during probe, the notification
- * thread (error_detected()) will wait until the probe handler
- * is nearly complete. At that time, the device will be moved to
- * a 'probed' state and the EEH thread woken up to drive the slot
- * reset and recovery (device moves to 'normal' state). Meanwhile,
- * the probe will be allowed to exit successfully.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev,
-			  const struct pci_device_id *dev_id)
-	struct Scsi_Host *host;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = NULL;
-	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
-	struct dev_dependent_vals *ddv;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int k;
-	dev_err_once(&pdev->dev, "DEPRECATION: cxlflash is deprecated and will be removed in a future kernel release\n");
-	dev_dbg(&pdev->dev, "%s: Found CXLFLASH with IRQ: %d\n",
-		__func__, pdev->irq);
-	ddv = (struct dev_dependent_vals *)dev_id->driver_data;
-	driver_template.max_sectors = ddv->max_sectors;
-	host = scsi_host_alloc(&driver_template, sizeof(struct cxlflash_cfg));
-	if (!host) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: scsi_host_alloc failed\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	host->unique_id = host->host_no;
-	host->max_cmd_len = CXLFLASH_MAX_CDB_LEN;
-	cfg = shost_priv(host);
-	cfg->state = STATE_PROBING;
-	cfg->host = host;
-	rc = alloc_mem(cfg);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: alloc_mem failed\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		scsi_host_put(cfg->host);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	cfg->init_state = INIT_STATE_NONE;
-	cfg->dev = pdev;
-	cfg->cxl_fops = cxlflash_cxl_fops;
-	cfg->ops = cxlflash_assign_ops(ddv);
-	WARN_ON_ONCE(!cfg->ops);
-	/*
-	 * Promoted LUNs move to the top of the LUN table. The rest stay on
-	 * the bottom half. The bottom half grows from the end (index = 255),
-	 * whereas the top half grows from the beginning (index = 0).
-	 *
-	 * Initialize the last LUN index for all possible ports.
-	 */
-	cfg->promote_lun_index = 0;
-	for (k = 0; k < MAX_FC_PORTS; k++)
-		cfg->last_lun_index[k] = CXLFLASH_NUM_VLUNS/2 - 1;
-	cfg->dev_id = (struct pci_device_id *)dev_id;
-	init_waitqueue_head(&cfg->tmf_waitq);
-	init_waitqueue_head(&cfg->reset_waitq);
-	INIT_WORK(&cfg->work_q, cxlflash_worker_thread);
-	cfg->lr_state = LINK_RESET_INVALID;
-	cfg->lr_port = -1;
-	spin_lock_init(&cfg->tmf_slock);
-	mutex_init(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-	mutex_init(&cfg->ctx_recovery_mutex);
-	init_rwsem(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cfg->ctx_err_recovery);
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cfg->lluns);
-	pci_set_drvdata(pdev, cfg);
-	rc = init_pci(cfg);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: init_pci failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto out_remove;
-	}
-	cfg->init_state = INIT_STATE_PCI;
-	cfg->afu_cookie = cfg->ops->create_afu(pdev);
-	if (unlikely(!cfg->afu_cookie)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: create_afu failed\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out_remove;
-	}
-	rc = init_afu(cfg);
-	if (rc && !wq_has_sleeper(&cfg->reset_waitq)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: init_afu failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto out_remove;
-	}
-	cfg->init_state = INIT_STATE_AFU;
-	rc = init_scsi(cfg);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: init_scsi failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto out_remove;
-	}
-	cfg->init_state = INIT_STATE_SCSI;
-	rc = init_chrdev(cfg);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: init_chrdev failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto out_remove;
-	}
-	cfg->init_state = INIT_STATE_CDEV;
-	if (wq_has_sleeper(&cfg->reset_waitq)) {
-		cfg->state = STATE_PROBED;
-		wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
-	} else
-		cfg->state = STATE_NORMAL;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-	cfg->state = STATE_PROBED;
-	cxlflash_remove(pdev);
-	goto out;
- * cxlflash_pci_error_detected() - called when a PCI error is detected
- * @pdev:	PCI device struct.
- * @state:	PCI channel state.
- *
- * When an EEH occurs during an active reset, wait until the reset is
- * complete and then take action based upon the device state.
- *
- */
-static pci_ers_result_t cxlflash_pci_error_detected(struct pci_dev *pdev,
-						    pci_channel_state_t state)
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: pdev=%p state=%u\n", __func__, pdev, state);
-	switch (state) {
-	case pci_channel_io_frozen:
-		wait_event(cfg->reset_waitq, cfg->state != STATE_RESET &&
-					     cfg->state != STATE_PROBING);
-		if (cfg->state == STATE_FAILTERM)
-		cfg->state = STATE_RESET;
-		scsi_block_requests(cfg->host);
-		drain_ioctls(cfg);
-		rc = cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(cfg);
-		if (unlikely(rc))
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed to mark user contexts rc=%d\n",
-				__func__, rc);
-		term_afu(cfg);
-	case pci_channel_io_perm_failure:
-		cfg->state = STATE_FAILTERM;
-		wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
-		scsi_unblock_requests(cfg->host);
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
- * cxlflash_pci_slot_reset() - called when PCI slot has been reset
- * @pdev:	PCI device struct.
- *
- * This routine is called by the pci error recovery code after the PCI
- * slot has been reset, just before we should resume normal operations.
- *
- */
-static pci_ers_result_t cxlflash_pci_slot_reset(struct pci_dev *pdev)
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: pdev=%p\n", __func__, pdev);
-	rc = init_afu(cfg);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: EEH recovery failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	}
- * cxlflash_pci_resume() - called when normal operation can resume
- * @pdev:	PCI device struct
- */
-static void cxlflash_pci_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: pdev=%p\n", __func__, pdev);
-	cfg->state = STATE_NORMAL;
-	wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
-	scsi_unblock_requests(cfg->host);
- * cxlflash_devnode() - provides devtmpfs for devices in the cxlflash class
- * @dev:	Character device.
- * @mode:	Mode that can be used to verify access.
- *
- * Return: Allocated string describing the devtmpfs structure.
- */
-static char *cxlflash_devnode(const struct device *dev, umode_t *mode)
-	return kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "cxlflash/%s", dev_name(dev));
- * cxlflash_class_init() - create character device class
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_class_init(void)
-	dev_t devno;
-	int rc = 0;
-	rc = alloc_chrdev_region(&devno, 0, CXLFLASH_MAX_ADAPTERS, "cxlflash");
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		pr_err("%s: alloc_chrdev_region failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	cxlflash_major = MAJOR(devno);
-	rc = class_register(&cxlflash_class);
-	if (rc) {
-		pr_err("%s: class_create failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	pr_debug("%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-	unregister_chrdev_region(devno, CXLFLASH_MAX_ADAPTERS);
-	goto out;
- * cxlflash_class_exit() - destroy character device class
- */
-static void cxlflash_class_exit(void)
-	dev_t devno = MKDEV(cxlflash_major, 0);
-	class_unregister(&cxlflash_class);
-	unregister_chrdev_region(devno, CXLFLASH_MAX_ADAPTERS);
-static const struct pci_error_handlers cxlflash_err_handler = {
-	.error_detected = cxlflash_pci_error_detected,
-	.slot_reset = cxlflash_pci_slot_reset,
-	.resume = cxlflash_pci_resume,
- * PCI device structure
- */
-static struct pci_driver cxlflash_driver = {
-	.name = CXLFLASH_NAME,
-	.id_table = cxlflash_pci_table,
-	.probe = cxlflash_probe,
-	.remove = cxlflash_remove,
-	.shutdown = cxlflash_remove,
-	.err_handler = &cxlflash_err_handler,
- * init_cxlflash() - module entry point
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int __init init_cxlflash(void)
-	int rc;
-	check_sizes();
-	cxlflash_list_init();
-	rc = cxlflash_class_init();
-	if (unlikely(rc))
-		goto out;
-	rc = pci_register_driver(&cxlflash_driver);
-	if (unlikely(rc))
-		goto err;
-	pr_debug("%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-	cxlflash_class_exit();
-	goto out;
- * exit_cxlflash() - module exit point
- */
-static void __exit exit_cxlflash(void)
-	cxlflash_term_global_luns();
-	cxlflash_free_errpage();
-	pci_unregister_driver(&cxlflash_driver);
-	cxlflash_class_exit();
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bfb98effce0..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
- */
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
-#include "backend.h"
-#define CXLFLASH_NAME		"cxlflash"
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_IBM_CORSA		0x04F0
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_IBM_FLASH_GT	0x0600
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_IBM_BRIARD	0x0624
-/* Since there is only one target, make it 0 */
-/* Really only one target per bus since the Texan is directly attached */
-/* FC defines */
-#define FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG 0x010
-#define FC_MTIP_STATUS 0x018
-#define FC_MAX_NUM_LUNS 0x080 /* Max LUNs host can provision for port */
-#define FC_CUR_NUM_LUNS 0x088 /* Cur number LUNs provisioned for port */
-#define FC_MAX_CAP_PORT 0x090 /* Max capacity all LUNs for port (4K blocks) */
-#define FC_CUR_CAP_PORT 0x098 /* Cur capacity all LUNs for port (4K blocks) */
-#define FC_PNAME 0x300
-#define FC_CONFIG 0x320
-#define FC_CONFIG2 0x328
-#define FC_STATUS 0x330
-#define FC_ERROR 0x380
-#define FC_ERRCAP 0x388
-#define FC_ERRMSK 0x390
-#define FC_CNT_CRCERR 0x538
-#define FC_CRC_THRESH 0x580
-/* TIMEOUT and RETRY definitions */
-/* AFU command timeout values */
-#define MC_AFU_SYNC_TIMEOUT	5	/* 5 secs */
-#define MC_LUN_PROV_TIMEOUT	5	/* 5 secs */
-#define MC_AFU_DEBUG_TIMEOUT	5	/* 5 secs */
-/* AFU command room retry limit */
-#define MC_ROOM_RETRY_CNT	10
-/* FC CRC clear periodic timer */
-#define MC_CRC_THRESH 100	/* threshold in 5 mins */
-#define FC_PORT_STATUS_RETRY_CNT 100	/* 100 100ms retries = 10 seconds */
-#define FC_PORT_STATUS_RETRY_INTERVAL_US 100000	/* microseconds */
-/* VPD defines */
-#define CXLFLASH_VPD_LEN	256
-#define WWPN_LEN	16
-#define WWPN_BUF_LEN	(WWPN_LEN + 1)
-enum undo_level {
-	UNDO_NOOP = 0,
-struct dev_dependent_vals {
-	u64 max_sectors;
-	u64 flags;
-#define CXLFLASH_NOTIFY_SHUTDOWN	0x0000000000000001ULL
-#define CXLFLASH_WWPN_VPD_REQUIRED	0x0000000000000002ULL
-#define CXLFLASH_OCXL_DEV		0x0000000000000004ULL
-static inline const struct cxlflash_backend_ops *
-cxlflash_assign_ops(struct dev_dependent_vals *ddv)
-	const struct cxlflash_backend_ops *ops = NULL;
-	if (ddv->flags & CXLFLASH_OCXL_DEV)
-		ops = &cxlflash_ocxl_ops;
-	if (!(ddv->flags & CXLFLASH_OCXL_DEV))
-		ops = &cxlflash_cxl_ops;
-	return ops;
-struct asyc_intr_info {
-	u64 status;
-	char *desc;
-	u8 port;
-	u8 action;
-#define CLR_FC_ERROR	0x01
-#define LINK_RESET	0x02
-#define SCAN_HOST	0x04
-#endif /* _CXLFLASH_MAIN_H */
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.c b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6542818e595a..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1399 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Uma Krishnan <ukrishn@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2018 IBM Corporation
- */
-#include <linux/file.h>
-#include <linux/idr.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/mount.h>
-#include <linux/pseudo_fs.h>
-#include <linux/poll.h>
-#include <linux/sched/signal.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/irqdomain.h>
-#include <asm/xive.h>
-#include <misc/ocxl.h>
-#include <uapi/misc/cxl.h>
-#include "backend.h"
-#include "ocxl_hw.h"
- * Pseudo-filesystem to allocate inodes.
- */
-#define OCXLFLASH_FS_MAGIC      0x1697698f
-static int ocxlflash_fs_cnt;
-static struct vfsmount *ocxlflash_vfs_mount;
-static int ocxlflash_fs_init_fs_context(struct fs_context *fc)
-	return init_pseudo(fc, OCXLFLASH_FS_MAGIC) ? 0 : -ENOMEM;
-static struct file_system_type ocxlflash_fs_type = {
-	.name		= "ocxlflash",
-	.owner		= THIS_MODULE,
-	.init_fs_context = ocxlflash_fs_init_fs_context,
-	.kill_sb	= kill_anon_super,
- * ocxlflash_release_mapping() - release the memory mapping
- * @ctx:	Context whose mapping is to be released.
- */
-static void ocxlflash_release_mapping(struct ocxlflash_context *ctx)
-	if (ctx->mapping)
-		simple_release_fs(&ocxlflash_vfs_mount, &ocxlflash_fs_cnt);
-	ctx->mapping = NULL;
- * ocxlflash_getfile() - allocate pseudo filesystem, inode, and the file
- * @dev:	Generic device of the host.
- * @name:	Name of the pseudo filesystem.
- * @fops:	File operations.
- * @priv:	Private data.
- * @flags:	Flags for the file.
- *
- * Return: pointer to the file on success, ERR_PTR on failure
- */
-static struct file *ocxlflash_getfile(struct device *dev, const char *name,
-				      const struct file_operations *fops,
-				      void *priv, int flags)
-	struct file *file;
-	struct inode *inode;
-	int rc;
-	if (fops->owner && !try_module_get(fops->owner)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Owner does not exist\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOENT;
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	rc = simple_pin_fs(&ocxlflash_fs_type, &ocxlflash_vfs_mount,
-			   &ocxlflash_fs_cnt);
-	if (unlikely(rc < 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Cannot mount ocxlflash pseudofs rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	inode = alloc_anon_inode(ocxlflash_vfs_mount->mnt_sb);
-	if (IS_ERR(inode)) {
-		rc = PTR_ERR(inode);
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: alloc_anon_inode failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err3;
-	}
-	file = alloc_file_pseudo(inode, ocxlflash_vfs_mount, name,
-				 flags & (O_ACCMODE | O_NONBLOCK), fops);
-	if (IS_ERR(file)) {
-		rc = PTR_ERR(file);
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: alloc_file failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err4;
-	}
-	file->private_data = priv;
-	return file;
-	iput(inode);
-	simple_release_fs(&ocxlflash_vfs_mount, &ocxlflash_fs_cnt);
-	module_put(fops->owner);
-	file = ERR_PTR(rc);
-	goto out;
- * ocxlflash_psa_map() - map the process specific MMIO space
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context for which the mapping needs to be done.
- *
- * Return: MMIO pointer of the mapped region
- */
-static void __iomem *ocxlflash_psa_map(void *ctx_cookie)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
-	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
-	mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	if (ctx->state != STARTED) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context not started, state=%d\n", __func__,
-			ctx->state);
-		mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	return ioremap(ctx->psn_phys, ctx->psn_size);
- * ocxlflash_psa_unmap() - unmap the process specific MMIO space
- * @addr:	MMIO pointer to unmap.
- */
-static void ocxlflash_psa_unmap(void __iomem *addr)
-	iounmap(addr);
- * ocxlflash_process_element() - get process element of the adapter context
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context associated with the process element.
- *
- * Return: process element of the adapter context
- */
-static int ocxlflash_process_element(void *ctx_cookie)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
-	return ctx->pe;
- * afu_map_irq() - map the interrupt of the adapter context
- * @flags:	Flags.
- * @ctx:	Adapter context.
- * @num:	Per-context AFU interrupt number.
- * @handler:	Interrupt handler to register.
- * @cookie:	Interrupt handler private data.
- * @name:	Name of the interrupt.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int afu_map_irq(u64 flags, struct ocxlflash_context *ctx, int num,
-		       irq_handler_t handler, void *cookie, char *name)
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
-	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
-	struct ocxlflash_irqs *irq;
-	struct xive_irq_data *xd;
-	u32 virq;
-	int rc = 0;
-	if (num < 0 || num >= ctx->num_irqs) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Interrupt %d not allocated\n", __func__, num);
-		rc = -ENOENT;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	irq = &ctx->irqs[num];
-	virq = irq_create_mapping(NULL, irq->hwirq);
-	if (unlikely(!virq)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: irq_create_mapping failed\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = request_irq(virq, handler, 0, name, cookie);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: request_irq failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	xd = irq_get_handler_data(virq);
-	if (unlikely(!xd)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Can't get interrupt data\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENXIO;
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	irq->virq = virq;
-	irq->vtrig = xd->trig_mmio;
-	return rc;
-	free_irq(virq, cookie);
-	irq_dispose_mapping(virq);
-	goto out;
- * ocxlflash_map_afu_irq() - map the interrupt of the adapter context
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context.
- * @num:	Per-context AFU interrupt number.
- * @handler:	Interrupt handler to register.
- * @cookie:	Interrupt handler private data.
- * @name:	Name of the interrupt.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_map_afu_irq(void *ctx_cookie, int num,
-				 irq_handler_t handler, void *cookie,
-				 char *name)
-	return afu_map_irq(0, ctx_cookie, num, handler, cookie, name);
- * afu_unmap_irq() - unmap the interrupt
- * @flags:	Flags.
- * @ctx:	Adapter context.
- * @num:	Per-context AFU interrupt number.
- * @cookie:	Interrupt handler private data.
- */
-static void afu_unmap_irq(u64 flags, struct ocxlflash_context *ctx, int num,
-			  void *cookie)
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
-	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
-	struct ocxlflash_irqs *irq;
-	if (num < 0 || num >= ctx->num_irqs) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Interrupt %d not allocated\n", __func__, num);
-		return;
-	}
-	irq = &ctx->irqs[num];
-	if (irq_find_mapping(NULL, irq->hwirq)) {
-		free_irq(irq->virq, cookie);
-		irq_dispose_mapping(irq->virq);
-	}
-	memset(irq, 0, sizeof(*irq));
- * ocxlflash_unmap_afu_irq() - unmap the interrupt
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context.
- * @num:	Per-context AFU interrupt number.
- * @cookie:	Interrupt handler private data.
- */
-static void ocxlflash_unmap_afu_irq(void *ctx_cookie, int num, void *cookie)
-	return afu_unmap_irq(0, ctx_cookie, num, cookie);
- * ocxlflash_get_irq_objhndl() - get the object handle for an interrupt
- * @ctx_cookie:	Context associated with the interrupt.
- * @irq:	Interrupt number.
- *
- * Return: effective address of the mapped region
- */
-static u64 ocxlflash_get_irq_objhndl(void *ctx_cookie, int irq)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
-	if (irq < 0 || irq >= ctx->num_irqs)
-		return 0;
-	return (__force u64)ctx->irqs[irq].vtrig;
- * ocxlflash_xsl_fault() - callback when translation error is triggered
- * @data:	Private data provided at callback registration, the context.
- * @addr:	Address that triggered the error.
- * @dsisr:	Value of dsisr register.
- */
-static void ocxlflash_xsl_fault(void *data, u64 addr, u64 dsisr)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = data;
-	spin_lock(&ctx->slock);
-	ctx->fault_addr = addr;
-	ctx->fault_dsisr = dsisr;
-	ctx->pending_fault = true;
-	spin_unlock(&ctx->slock);
-	wake_up_all(&ctx->wq);
- * start_context() - local routine to start a context
- * @ctx:	Adapter context to be started.
- *
- * Assign the context specific MMIO space, add and enable the PE.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int start_context(struct ocxlflash_context *ctx)
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
-	struct ocxl_afu_config *acfg = &afu->acfg;
-	void *link_token = afu->link_token;
-	struct pci_dev *pdev = afu->pdev;
-	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
-	bool master = ctx->master;
-	struct mm_struct *mm;
-	int rc = 0;
-	u32 pid;
-	mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	if (ctx->state != OPENED) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context state invalid, state=%d\n",
-			__func__, ctx->state);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (master) {
-		ctx->psn_size = acfg->global_mmio_size;
-		ctx->psn_phys = afu->gmmio_phys;
-	} else {
-		ctx->psn_size = acfg->pp_mmio_stride;
-		ctx->psn_phys = afu->ppmmio_phys + (ctx->pe * ctx->psn_size);
-	}
-	/* pid and mm not set for master contexts */
-	if (master) {
-		pid = 0;
-		mm = NULL;
-	} else {
-		pid = current->mm->context.id;
-		mm = current->mm;
-	}
-	rc = ocxl_link_add_pe(link_token, ctx->pe, pid, 0, 0,
-			      pci_dev_id(pdev), mm, ocxlflash_xsl_fault,
-			      ctx);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_link_add_pe failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	ctx->state = STARTED;
-	mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	return rc;
- * ocxlflash_start_context() - start a kernel context
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context to be started.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_start_context(void *ctx_cookie)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
-	return start_context(ctx);
- * ocxlflash_stop_context() - stop a context
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context to be stopped.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_stop_context(void *ctx_cookie)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
-	struct ocxl_afu_config *acfg = &afu->acfg;
-	struct pci_dev *pdev = afu->pdev;
-	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
-	enum ocxlflash_ctx_state state;
-	int rc = 0;
-	mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	state = ctx->state;
-	ctx->state = CLOSED;
-	mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	if (state != STARTED)
-		goto out;
-	rc = ocxl_config_terminate_pasid(pdev, acfg->dvsec_afu_control_pos,
-					 ctx->pe);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_config_terminate_pasid failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		/* If EBUSY, PE could be referenced in future by the AFU */
-		if (rc == -EBUSY)
-			goto out;
-	}
-	rc = ocxl_link_remove_pe(afu->link_token, ctx->pe);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_link_remove_pe failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	return rc;
- * ocxlflash_afu_reset() - reset the AFU
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context.
- */
-static int ocxlflash_afu_reset(void *ctx_cookie)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
-	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
-	/* Pending implementation from OCXL transport services */
-	dev_err_once(dev, "%s: afu_reset() fop not supported\n", __func__);
-	/* Silently return success until it is implemented */
-	return 0;
- * ocxlflash_set_master() - sets the context as master
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context to set as master.
- */
-static void ocxlflash_set_master(void *ctx_cookie)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
-	ctx->master = true;
- * ocxlflash_get_context() - obtains the context associated with the host
- * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
- * @afu_cookie:	Hardware AFU associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: returns the pointer to host adapter context
- */
-static void *ocxlflash_get_context(struct pci_dev *pdev, void *afu_cookie)
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = afu_cookie;
-	return afu->ocxl_ctx;
- * ocxlflash_dev_context_init() - allocate and initialize an adapter context
- * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
- * @afu_cookie:	Hardware AFU associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: returns the adapter context on success, ERR_PTR on failure
- */
-static void *ocxlflash_dev_context_init(struct pci_dev *pdev, void *afu_cookie)
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = afu_cookie;
-	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx;
-	int rc;
-	ctx = kzalloc(sizeof(*ctx), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!ctx)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context allocation failed\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	idr_preload(GFP_KERNEL);
-	rc = idr_alloc(&afu->idr, ctx, 0, afu->max_pasid, GFP_NOWAIT);
-	idr_preload_end();
-	if (unlikely(rc < 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: idr_alloc failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	spin_lock_init(&ctx->slock);
-	init_waitqueue_head(&ctx->wq);
-	mutex_init(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	ctx->state = OPENED;
-	ctx->pe = rc;
-	ctx->master = false;
-	ctx->mapping = NULL;
-	ctx->hw_afu = afu;
-	ctx->irq_bitmap = 0;
-	ctx->pending_irq = false;
-	ctx->pending_fault = false;
-	return ctx;
-	kfree(ctx);
-	ctx = ERR_PTR(rc);
-	goto out;
- * ocxlflash_release_context() - releases an adapter context
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context to be released.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_release_context(void *ctx_cookie)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
-	struct device *dev;
-	int rc = 0;
-	if (!ctx)
-		goto out;
-	dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
-	mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	if (ctx->state >= STARTED) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context in use, state=%d\n", __func__,
-			ctx->state);
-		mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-		rc = -EBUSY;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	idr_remove(&ctx->hw_afu->idr, ctx->pe);
-	ocxlflash_release_mapping(ctx);
-	kfree(ctx);
-	return rc;
- * ocxlflash_perst_reloads_same_image() - sets the image reload policy
- * @afu_cookie:	Hardware AFU associated with the host.
- * @image:	Whether to load the same image on PERST.
- */
-static void ocxlflash_perst_reloads_same_image(void *afu_cookie, bool image)
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = afu_cookie;
-	afu->perst_same_image = image;
- * ocxlflash_read_adapter_vpd() - reads the adapter VPD
- * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
- * @buf:	Buffer to get the VPD data.
- * @count:	Size of buffer (maximum bytes that can be read).
- *
- * Return: size of VPD on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static ssize_t ocxlflash_read_adapter_vpd(struct pci_dev *pdev, void *buf,
-					  size_t count)
-	return pci_read_vpd(pdev, 0, count, buf);
- * free_afu_irqs() - internal service to free interrupts
- * @ctx:	Adapter context.
- */
-static void free_afu_irqs(struct ocxlflash_context *ctx)
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
-	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
-	int i;
-	if (!ctx->irqs) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Interrupts not allocated\n", __func__);
-		return;
-	}
-	for (i = ctx->num_irqs; i >= 0; i--)
-		ocxl_link_free_irq(afu->link_token, ctx->irqs[i].hwirq);
-	kfree(ctx->irqs);
-	ctx->irqs = NULL;
- * alloc_afu_irqs() - internal service to allocate interrupts
- * @ctx:	Context associated with the request.
- * @num:	Number of interrupts requested.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int alloc_afu_irqs(struct ocxlflash_context *ctx, int num)
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
-	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
-	struct ocxlflash_irqs *irqs;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int hwirq;
-	int i;
-	if (ctx->irqs) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Interrupts already allocated\n", __func__);
-		rc = -EEXIST;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (num > OCXL_MAX_IRQS) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Too many interrupts num=%d\n", __func__, num);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	irqs = kcalloc(num, sizeof(*irqs), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!irqs)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context irqs allocation failed\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
-		rc = ocxl_link_irq_alloc(afu->link_token, &hwirq);
-		if (unlikely(rc)) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_link_irq_alloc failed rc=%d\n",
-				__func__, rc);
-			goto err;
-		}
-		irqs[i].hwirq = hwirq;
-	}
-	ctx->irqs = irqs;
-	ctx->num_irqs = num;
-	return rc;
-	for (i = i-1; i >= 0; i--)
-		ocxl_link_free_irq(afu->link_token, irqs[i].hwirq);
-	kfree(irqs);
-	goto out;
- * ocxlflash_allocate_afu_irqs() - allocates the requested number of interrupts
- * @ctx_cookie:	Context associated with the request.
- * @num:	Number of interrupts requested.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_allocate_afu_irqs(void *ctx_cookie, int num)
-	return alloc_afu_irqs(ctx_cookie, num);
- * ocxlflash_free_afu_irqs() - frees the interrupts of an adapter context
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context.
- */
-static void ocxlflash_free_afu_irqs(void *ctx_cookie)
-	free_afu_irqs(ctx_cookie);
- * ocxlflash_unconfig_afu() - unconfigure the AFU
- * @afu: AFU associated with the host.
- */
-static void ocxlflash_unconfig_afu(struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu)
-	if (afu->gmmio_virt) {
-		iounmap(afu->gmmio_virt);
-		afu->gmmio_virt = NULL;
-	}
- * ocxlflash_destroy_afu() - destroy the AFU structure
- * @afu_cookie:	AFU to be freed.
- */
-static void ocxlflash_destroy_afu(void *afu_cookie)
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = afu_cookie;
-	int pos;
-	if (!afu)
-		return;
-	ocxlflash_release_context(afu->ocxl_ctx);
-	idr_destroy(&afu->idr);
-	/* Disable the AFU */
-	pos = afu->acfg.dvsec_afu_control_pos;
-	ocxl_config_set_afu_state(afu->pdev, pos, 0);
-	ocxlflash_unconfig_afu(afu);
-	kfree(afu);
- * ocxlflash_config_fn() - configure the host function
- * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_config_fn(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu)
-	struct ocxl_fn_config *fcfg = &afu->fcfg;
-	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
-	u16 base, enabled, supported;
-	int rc = 0;
-	/* Read DVSEC config of the function */
-	rc = ocxl_config_read_function(pdev, fcfg);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_config_read_function failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* Check if function has AFUs defined, only 1 per function supported */
-	if (fcfg->max_afu_index >= 0) {
-		afu->is_present = true;
-		if (fcfg->max_afu_index != 0)
-			dev_warn(dev, "%s: Unexpected AFU index value %d\n",
-				 __func__, fcfg->max_afu_index);
-	}
-	rc = ocxl_config_get_actag_info(pdev, &base, &enabled, &supported);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_config_get_actag_info failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	afu->fn_actag_base = base;
-	afu->fn_actag_enabled = enabled;
-	ocxl_config_set_actag(pdev, fcfg->dvsec_function_pos, base, enabled);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Function acTag range base=%u enabled=%u\n",
-		__func__, base, enabled);
-	rc = ocxl_link_setup(pdev, 0, &afu->link_token);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_link_setup failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = ocxl_config_set_TL(pdev, fcfg->dvsec_tl_pos);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_config_set_TL failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	return rc;
-	ocxl_link_release(pdev, afu->link_token);
-	goto out;
- * ocxlflash_unconfig_fn() - unconfigure the host function
- * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- */
-static void ocxlflash_unconfig_fn(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu)
-	ocxl_link_release(pdev, afu->link_token);
- * ocxlflash_map_mmio() - map the AFU MMIO space
- * @afu: AFU associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_map_mmio(struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu)
-	struct ocxl_afu_config *acfg = &afu->acfg;
-	struct pci_dev *pdev = afu->pdev;
-	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
-	phys_addr_t gmmio, ppmmio;
-	int rc = 0;
-	rc = pci_request_region(pdev, acfg->global_mmio_bar, "ocxlflash");
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: pci_request_region for global failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	gmmio = pci_resource_start(pdev, acfg->global_mmio_bar);
-	gmmio += acfg->global_mmio_offset;
-	rc = pci_request_region(pdev, acfg->pp_mmio_bar, "ocxlflash");
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: pci_request_region for pp bar failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	ppmmio = pci_resource_start(pdev, acfg->pp_mmio_bar);
-	ppmmio += acfg->pp_mmio_offset;
-	afu->gmmio_virt = ioremap(gmmio, acfg->global_mmio_size);
-	if (unlikely(!afu->gmmio_virt)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: MMIO mapping failed\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	afu->gmmio_phys = gmmio;
-	afu->ppmmio_phys = ppmmio;
-	return rc;
-	pci_release_region(pdev, acfg->pp_mmio_bar);
-	pci_release_region(pdev, acfg->global_mmio_bar);
-	goto out;
- * ocxlflash_config_afu() - configure the host AFU
- * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- *
- * Must be called _after_ host function configuration.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_config_afu(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu)
-	struct ocxl_afu_config *acfg = &afu->acfg;
-	struct ocxl_fn_config *fcfg = &afu->fcfg;
-	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
-	int count;
-	int base;
-	int pos;
-	int rc = 0;
-	/* This HW AFU function does not have any AFUs defined */
-	if (!afu->is_present)
-		goto out;
-	/* Read AFU config at index 0 */
-	rc = ocxl_config_read_afu(pdev, fcfg, acfg, 0);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_config_read_afu failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* Only one AFU per function is supported, so actag_base is same */
-	base = afu->fn_actag_base;
-	count = min_t(int, acfg->actag_supported, afu->fn_actag_enabled);
-	pos = acfg->dvsec_afu_control_pos;
-	ocxl_config_set_afu_actag(pdev, pos, base, count);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: acTag base=%d enabled=%d\n", __func__, base, count);
-	afu->afu_actag_base = base;
-	afu->afu_actag_enabled = count;
-	afu->max_pasid = 1 << acfg->pasid_supported_log;
-	ocxl_config_set_afu_pasid(pdev, pos, 0, acfg->pasid_supported_log);
-	rc = ocxlflash_map_mmio(afu);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxlflash_map_mmio failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* Enable the AFU */
-	ocxl_config_set_afu_state(pdev, acfg->dvsec_afu_control_pos, 1);
-	return rc;
- * ocxlflash_create_afu() - create the AFU for OCXL
- * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: AFU on success, NULL on failure
- */
-static void *ocxlflash_create_afu(struct pci_dev *pdev)
-	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx;
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu;
-	int rc;
-	afu = kzalloc(sizeof(*afu), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!afu)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: HW AFU allocation failed\n", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	afu->pdev = pdev;
-	afu->dev = dev;
-	idr_init(&afu->idr);
-	rc = ocxlflash_config_fn(pdev, afu);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Function configuration failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	rc = ocxlflash_config_afu(pdev, afu);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: AFU configuration failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	ctx = ocxlflash_dev_context_init(pdev, afu);
-	if (IS_ERR(ctx)) {
-		rc = PTR_ERR(ctx);
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxlflash_dev_context_init failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err3;
-	}
-	afu->ocxl_ctx = ctx;
-	return afu;
-	ocxlflash_unconfig_afu(afu);
-	ocxlflash_unconfig_fn(pdev, afu);
-	idr_destroy(&afu->idr);
-	kfree(afu);
-	afu = NULL;
-	goto out;
- * ctx_event_pending() - check for any event pending on the context
- * @ctx:	Context to be checked.
- *
- * Return: true if there is an event pending, false if none pending
- */
-static inline bool ctx_event_pending(struct ocxlflash_context *ctx)
-	if (ctx->pending_irq || ctx->pending_fault)
-		return true;
-	return false;
- * afu_poll() - poll the AFU for events on the context
- * @file:	File associated with the adapter context.
- * @poll:	Poll structure from the user.
- *
- * Return: poll mask
- */
-static unsigned int afu_poll(struct file *file, struct poll_table_struct *poll)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = file->private_data;
-	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	int mask = 0;
-	poll_wait(file, &ctx->wq, poll);
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
-	if (ctx_event_pending(ctx))
-	else if (ctx->state == CLOSED)
-		mask |= POLLERR;
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Poll wait completed for pe %i mask %i\n",
-		__func__, ctx->pe, mask);
-	return mask;
- * afu_read() - perform a read on the context for any event
- * @file:	File associated with the adapter context.
- * @buf:	Buffer to receive the data.
- * @count:	Size of buffer (maximum bytes that can be read).
- * @off:	Offset.
- *
- * Return: size of the data read on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static ssize_t afu_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count,
-			loff_t *off)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = file->private_data;
-	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
-	struct cxl_event event;
-	ulong lock_flags;
-	ssize_t esize;
-	ssize_t rc;
-	int bit;
-	DEFINE_WAIT(event_wait);
-	if (*off != 0) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Non-zero offset not supported, off=%lld\n",
-			__func__, *off);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	spin_lock_irqsave(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
-	for (;;) {
-		prepare_to_wait(&ctx->wq, &event_wait, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
-		if (ctx_event_pending(ctx) || (ctx->state == CLOSED))
-			break;
-		if (file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: File cannot be blocked on I/O\n",
-				__func__);
-			rc = -EAGAIN;
-			goto err;
-		}
-		if (signal_pending(current)) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: Signal pending on the process\n",
-				__func__);
-			rc = -ERESTARTSYS;
-			goto err;
-		}
-		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
-		schedule();
-		spin_lock_irqsave(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
-	}
-	finish_wait(&ctx->wq, &event_wait);
-	memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event));
-	event.header.process_element = ctx->pe;
-	event.header.size = sizeof(struct cxl_event_header);
-	if (ctx->pending_irq) {
-		esize = sizeof(struct cxl_event_afu_interrupt);
-		event.header.size += esize;
-		event.header.type = CXL_EVENT_AFU_INTERRUPT;
-		bit = find_first_bit(&ctx->irq_bitmap, ctx->num_irqs);
-		clear_bit(bit, &ctx->irq_bitmap);
-		event.irq.irq = bit + 1;
-		if (bitmap_empty(&ctx->irq_bitmap, ctx->num_irqs))
-			ctx->pending_irq = false;
-	} else if (ctx->pending_fault) {
-		event.header.size += sizeof(struct cxl_event_data_storage);
-		event.header.type = CXL_EVENT_DATA_STORAGE;
-		event.fault.addr = ctx->fault_addr;
-		event.fault.dsisr = ctx->fault_dsisr;
-		ctx->pending_fault = false;
-	}
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
-	if (copy_to_user(buf, &event, event.header.size)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: copy_to_user failed\n", __func__);
-		rc = -EFAULT;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = event.header.size;
-	return rc;
-	finish_wait(&ctx->wq, &event_wait);
-	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
-	goto out;
- * afu_release() - release and free the context
- * @inode:	File inode pointer.
- * @file:	File associated with the context.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int afu_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = file->private_data;
-	int i;
-	/* Unmap and free the interrupts associated with the context */
-	for (i = ctx->num_irqs; i >= 0; i--)
-		afu_unmap_irq(0, ctx, i, ctx);
-	free_afu_irqs(ctx);
-	return ocxlflash_release_context(ctx);
- * ocxlflash_mmap_fault() - mmap fault handler
- * @vmf:	VM fault associated with current fault.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static vm_fault_t ocxlflash_mmap_fault(struct vm_fault *vmf)
-	struct vm_area_struct *vma = vmf->vma;
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = vma->vm_file->private_data;
-	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
-	u64 mmio_area, offset;
-	offset = vmf->pgoff << PAGE_SHIFT;
-	if (offset >= ctx->psn_size)
-		return VM_FAULT_SIGBUS;
-	mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	if (ctx->state != STARTED) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context not started, state=%d\n",
-			__func__, ctx->state);
-		mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-		return VM_FAULT_SIGBUS;
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
-	mmio_area = ctx->psn_phys;
-	mmio_area += offset;
-	return vmf_insert_pfn(vma, vmf->address, mmio_area >> PAGE_SHIFT);
-static const struct vm_operations_struct ocxlflash_vmops = {
-	.fault = ocxlflash_mmap_fault,
- * afu_mmap() - map the fault handler operations
- * @file:	File associated with the context.
- * @vma:	VM area associated with mapping.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int afu_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = file->private_data;
-	if ((vma_pages(vma) + vma->vm_pgoff) >
-	    (ctx->psn_size >> PAGE_SHIFT))
-		return -EINVAL;
-	vm_flags_set(vma, VM_IO | VM_PFNMAP);
-	vma->vm_page_prot = pgprot_noncached(vma->vm_page_prot);
-	vma->vm_ops = &ocxlflash_vmops;
-	return 0;
-static const struct file_operations ocxl_afu_fops = {
-	.owner		= THIS_MODULE,
-	.poll		= afu_poll,
-	.read		= afu_read,
-	.release	= afu_release,
-	.mmap		= afu_mmap,
-#define PATCH_FOPS(NAME)						\
-	do { if (!fops->NAME) fops->NAME = ocxl_afu_fops.NAME; } while (0)
- * ocxlflash_get_fd() - get file descriptor for an adapter context
- * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context.
- * @fops:	File operations to be associated.
- * @fd:		File descriptor to be returned back.
- *
- * Return: pointer to the file on success, ERR_PTR on failure
- */
-static struct file *ocxlflash_get_fd(void *ctx_cookie,
-				     struct file_operations *fops, int *fd)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
-	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
-	struct file *file;
-	int flags, fdtmp;
-	int rc = 0;
-	char *name = NULL;
-	/* Only allow one fd per context */
-	if (ctx->mapping) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context is already mapped to an fd\n",
-			__func__);
-		rc = -EEXIST;
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	flags = O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC;
-	/* This code is similar to anon_inode_getfd() */
-	rc = get_unused_fd_flags(flags);
-	if (unlikely(rc < 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: get_unused_fd_flags failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	fdtmp = rc;
-	/* Patch the file ops that are not defined */
-	if (fops) {
-		PATCH_FOPS(poll);
-		PATCH_FOPS(read);
-		PATCH_FOPS(release);
-		PATCH_FOPS(mmap);
-	} else /* Use default ops */
-		fops = (struct file_operations *)&ocxl_afu_fops;
-	name = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "ocxlflash:%d", ctx->pe);
-	file = ocxlflash_getfile(dev, name, fops, ctx, flags);
-	kfree(name);
-	if (IS_ERR(file)) {
-		rc = PTR_ERR(file);
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxlflash_getfile failed rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	ctx->mapping = file->f_mapping;
-	*fd = fdtmp;
-	return file;
-	put_unused_fd(fdtmp);
-	file = ERR_PTR(rc);
-	goto out;
- * ocxlflash_fops_get_context() - get the context associated with the file
- * @file:	File associated with the adapter context.
- *
- * Return: pointer to the context
- */
-static void *ocxlflash_fops_get_context(struct file *file)
-	return file->private_data;
- * ocxlflash_afu_irq() - interrupt handler for user contexts
- * @irq:	Interrupt number.
- * @data:	Private data provided at interrupt registration, the context.
- *
- * Return: Always return IRQ_HANDLED.
- */
-static irqreturn_t ocxlflash_afu_irq(int irq, void *data)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = data;
-	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
-	int i;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Interrupt raised for pe %i virq %i\n",
-		__func__, ctx->pe, irq);
-	for (i = 0; i < ctx->num_irqs; i++) {
-		if (ctx->irqs[i].virq == irq)
-			break;
-	}
-	if (unlikely(i >= ctx->num_irqs)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Received AFU IRQ out of range\n", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	spin_lock(&ctx->slock);
-	set_bit(i - 1, &ctx->irq_bitmap);
-	ctx->pending_irq = true;
-	spin_unlock(&ctx->slock);
-	wake_up_all(&ctx->wq);
-	return IRQ_HANDLED;
- * ocxlflash_start_work() - start a user context
- * @ctx_cookie:	Context to be started.
- * @num_irqs:	Number of interrupts requested.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_start_work(void *ctx_cookie, u64 num_irqs)
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
-	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
-	char *name;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int i;
-	rc = alloc_afu_irqs(ctx, num_irqs);
-	if (unlikely(rc < 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: alloc_afu_irqs failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < num_irqs; i++) {
-		name = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "ocxlflash-%s-pe%i-%i",
-				 dev_name(dev), ctx->pe, i);
-		rc = afu_map_irq(0, ctx, i, ocxlflash_afu_irq, ctx, name);
-		kfree(name);
-		if (unlikely(rc < 0)) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: afu_map_irq failed rc=%d\n",
-				__func__, rc);
-			goto err;
-		}
-	}
-	rc = start_context(ctx);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: start_context failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	return rc;
-	for (i = i-1; i >= 0; i--)
-		afu_unmap_irq(0, ctx, i, ctx);
-	free_afu_irqs(ctx);
-	goto out;
- * ocxlflash_fd_mmap() - mmap handler for adapter file descriptor
- * @file:	File installed with adapter file descriptor.
- * @vma:	VM area associated with mapping.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_fd_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
-	return afu_mmap(file, vma);
- * ocxlflash_fd_release() - release the context associated with the file
- * @inode:	File inode pointer.
- * @file:	File associated with the adapter context.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ocxlflash_fd_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-	return afu_release(inode, file);
-/* Backend ops to ocxlflash services */
-const struct cxlflash_backend_ops cxlflash_ocxl_ops = {
-	.module			= THIS_MODULE,
-	.psa_map		= ocxlflash_psa_map,
-	.psa_unmap		= ocxlflash_psa_unmap,
-	.process_element	= ocxlflash_process_element,
-	.map_afu_irq		= ocxlflash_map_afu_irq,
-	.unmap_afu_irq		= ocxlflash_unmap_afu_irq,
-	.get_irq_objhndl	= ocxlflash_get_irq_objhndl,
-	.start_context		= ocxlflash_start_context,
-	.stop_context		= ocxlflash_stop_context,
-	.afu_reset		= ocxlflash_afu_reset,
-	.set_master		= ocxlflash_set_master,
-	.get_context		= ocxlflash_get_context,
-	.dev_context_init	= ocxlflash_dev_context_init,
-	.release_context	= ocxlflash_release_context,
-	.perst_reloads_same_image = ocxlflash_perst_reloads_same_image,
-	.read_adapter_vpd	= ocxlflash_read_adapter_vpd,
-	.allocate_afu_irqs	= ocxlflash_allocate_afu_irqs,
-	.free_afu_irqs		= ocxlflash_free_afu_irqs,
-	.create_afu		= ocxlflash_create_afu,
-	.destroy_afu		= ocxlflash_destroy_afu,
-	.get_fd			= ocxlflash_get_fd,
-	.fops_get_context	= ocxlflash_fops_get_context,
-	.start_work		= ocxlflash_start_work,
-	.fd_mmap		= ocxlflash_fd_mmap,
-	.fd_release		= ocxlflash_fd_release,
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f2fe88816bea..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *	       Uma Krishnan <ukrishn@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2018 IBM Corporation
- */
-#define OCXL_MAX_IRQS	4	/* Max interrupts per process */
-struct ocxlflash_irqs {
-	int hwirq;
-	u32 virq;
-	void __iomem *vtrig;
-/* OCXL hardware AFU associated with the host */
-struct ocxl_hw_afu {
-	struct ocxlflash_context *ocxl_ctx; /* Host context */
-	struct pci_dev *pdev;		/* PCI device */
-	struct device *dev;		/* Generic device */
-	bool perst_same_image;		/* Same image loaded on perst */
-	struct ocxl_fn_config fcfg;	/* DVSEC config of the function */
-	struct ocxl_afu_config acfg;	/* AFU configuration data */
-	int fn_actag_base;		/* Function acTag base */
-	int fn_actag_enabled;		/* Function acTag number enabled */
-	int afu_actag_base;		/* AFU acTag base */
-	int afu_actag_enabled;		/* AFU acTag number enabled */
-	phys_addr_t ppmmio_phys;	/* Per process MMIO space */
-	phys_addr_t gmmio_phys;		/* Global AFU MMIO space */
-	void __iomem *gmmio_virt;	/* Global MMIO map */
-	void *link_token;		/* Link token for the SPA */
-	struct idr idr;			/* IDR to manage contexts */
-	int max_pasid;			/* Maximum number of contexts */
-	bool is_present;		/* Function has AFUs defined */
-enum ocxlflash_ctx_state {
-struct ocxlflash_context {
-	struct ocxl_hw_afu *hw_afu;	/* HW AFU back pointer */
-	struct address_space *mapping;	/* Mapping for pseudo filesystem */
-	bool master;			/* Whether this is a master context */
-	int pe;				/* Process element */
-	phys_addr_t psn_phys;		/* Process mapping */
-	u64 psn_size;			/* Process mapping size */
-	spinlock_t slock;		/* Protects irq/fault/event updates */
-	wait_queue_head_t wq;		/* Wait queue for poll and interrupts */
-	struct mutex state_mutex;	/* Mutex to update context state */
-	enum ocxlflash_ctx_state state;	/* Context state */
-	struct ocxlflash_irqs *irqs;	/* Pointer to array of structures */
-	int num_irqs;			/* Number of interrupts */
-	bool pending_irq;		/* Pending interrupt on the context */
-	ulong irq_bitmap;		/* Bits indicating pending irq num */
-	u64 fault_addr;			/* Address that triggered the fault */
-	u64 fault_dsisr;		/* Value of dsisr register at fault */
-	bool pending_fault;		/* Pending translation fault */
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/sislite.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/sislite.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ab315c59505b..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/sislite.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
- */
-#ifndef _SISLITE_H
-#define _SISLITE_H
-#include <linux/types.h>
-typedef u16 ctx_hndl_t;
-typedef u32 res_hndl_t;
-#define SIZE_4K		4096
-#define SIZE_64K	65536
- * IOARCB: 64 bytes, min 16 byte alignment required, host native endianness
- * except for SCSI CDB which remains big endian per SCSI standards.
- */
-struct sisl_ioarcb {
-	u16 ctx_id;		/* ctx_hndl_t */
-	u16 req_flags;
-#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_RES_HNDL       0x8000U	/* bit 0 (MSB) */
-#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_PORT_LUN_ID    0x0000U
-#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_SUP_UNDERRUN   0x4000U	/* bit 1 */
-#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_TIMEOUT_SECS   0x0000U	/* bits 8,9 */
-#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_TMF_CMD        0x0004u	/* bit 13 */
-#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_AFU_CMD        0x0002U	/* bit 14 */
-#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_HOST_WRITE     0x0001U	/* bit 15 (LSB) */
-#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_HOST_READ      0x0000U
-	union {
-		u32 res_hndl;	/* res_hndl_t */
-		u32 port_sel;	/* this is a selection mask:
-				 * 0x1 -> port#0 can be selected,
-				 * 0x2 -> port#1 can be selected.
-				 * Can be bitwise ORed.
-				 */
-	};
-	u64 lun_id;
-	u32 data_len;		/* 4K for read/write */
-	u32 ioadl_len;
-	union {
-		u64 data_ea;	/* min 16 byte aligned */
-		u64 ioadl_ea;
-	};
-	u8 msi;			/* LISN to send on RRQ write */
-#define SISL_MSI_CXL_PFAULT        0	/* reserved for CXL page faults */
-#define SISL_MSI_SYNC_ERROR        1	/* recommended for AFU sync error */
-#define SISL_MSI_RRQ_UPDATED       2	/* recommended for IO completion */
-#define SISL_MSI_ASYNC_ERROR       3	/* master only - for AFU async error */
-	u8 rrq;			/* 0 for a single RRQ */
-	u16 timeout;		/* in units specified by req_flags */
-	u32 rsvd1;
-	u8 cdb[16];		/* must be in big endian */
-#define SISL_AFU_CMD_SYNC		0xC0	/* AFU sync command */
-#define SISL_AFU_CMD_LUN_PROVISION	0xD0	/* AFU LUN provision command */
-#define SISL_AFU_CMD_DEBUG		0xE0	/* AFU debug command */
-#define SISL_AFU_LUN_PROVISION_CREATE	0x00	/* LUN provision create type */
-#define SISL_AFU_LUN_PROVISION_DELETE	0x01	/* LUN provision delete type */
-	union {
-		u64 reserved;			/* Reserved for IOARRIN mode */
-		struct sisl_ioasa *ioasa;	/* IOASA EA for SQ Mode */
-	};
-} __packed;
-struct sisl_rc {
-	u8 flags;
-#define SISL_RC_FLAGS_SENSE_VALID         0x80U
-#define SISL_RC_FLAGS_OVERRUN             0x20U
-#define SISL_RC_FLAGS_UNDERRUN            0x10U
-	u8 afu_rc;
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_RHT_INVALID           0x01U	/* user error */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_RHT_UNALIGNED         0x02U	/* should never happen */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_RHT_OUT_OF_BOUNDS     0x03u	/* user error */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_RHT_DMA_ERR           0x04u	/* see afu_extra
-						 * may retry if afu_retry is off
-						 * possible on master exit
-						 */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_RHT_RW_PERM           0x05u	/* no RW perms, user error */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_LXT_UNALIGNED         0x12U	/* should never happen */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_LXT_OUT_OF_BOUNDS     0x13u	/* user error */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_LXT_DMA_ERR           0x14u	/* see afu_extra
-						 * may retry if afu_retry is off
-						 * possible on master exit
-						 */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_LXT_RW_PERM           0x15u	/* no RW perms, user error */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_NOT_XLATE_HOST        0x1au	/* possible if master exited */
-	/* NO_CHANNELS means the FC ports selected by dest_port in
-	 * IOARCB or in the LXT entry are down when the AFU tried to select
-	 * a FC port. If the port went down on an active IO, it will set
-	 * fc_rc to =0x54(NOLOGI) or 0x57(LINKDOWN) instead.
-	 */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_NO_CHANNELS           0x20U	/* see afu_extra, may retry */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_CAP_VIOLATION         0x21U	/* either user error or
-						 * afu reset/master restart
-						 */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_OUT_OF_DATA_BUFS      0x30U	/* always retry */
-#define SISL_AFU_RC_DATA_DMA_ERR          0x31U	/* see afu_extra
-						 * may retry if afu_retry is off
-						 */
-	u8 scsi_rc;		/* SCSI status byte, retry as appropriate */
-#define SISL_SCSI_RC_CHECK                0x02U
-#define SISL_SCSI_RC_BUSY                 0x08u
-	u8 fc_rc;		/* retry */
-	/*
-	 * We should only see fc_rc=0x57 (LINKDOWN) or 0x54(NOLOGI) for
-	 * commands that are in flight when a link goes down or is logged out.
-	 * If the link is down or logged out before AFU selects the port, either
-	 * it will choose the other port or we will get afu_rc=0x20 (no_channel)
-	 * if there is no valid port to use.
-	 *
-	 * ABORTPEND/ABORTOK/ABORTFAIL/TGTABORT can be retried, typically these
-	 * would happen if a frame is dropped and something times out.
-	 * NOLOGI or LINKDOWN can be retried if the other port is up.
-	 * RESIDERR can be retried as well.
-	 *
-	 * ABORTFAIL might indicate that lots of frames are getting CRC errors.
-	 * So it maybe retried once and reset the link if it happens again.
-	 * The link can also be reset on the CRC error threshold interrupt.
-	 */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_ABORTPEND	0x52	/* exchange timeout or abort request */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_WRABORTPEND	0x53	/* due to write XFER_RDY invalid */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_NOLOGI	0x54	/* port not logged in, in-flight cmds */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_NOEXP	0x55	/* FC protocol error or HW bug */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_INUSE	0x56	/* tag already in use, HW bug */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_LINKDOWN	0x57	/* link down, in-flight cmds */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_ABORTOK	0x58	/* pending abort completed w/success */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_ABORTFAIL	0x59	/* pending abort completed w/fail */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_RESID	0x5A	/* ioasa underrun/overrun flags set */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_RESIDERR	0x5B	/* actual data len does not match SCSI
-					 * reported len, possibly due to dropped
-					 * frames
-					 */
-#define SISL_FC_RC_TGTABORT	0x5C	/* command aborted by target */
-#define SISL_SENSE_DATA_LEN     20	/* Sense data length         */
-#define SISL_WWID_DATA_LEN	16	/* WWID data length          */
- * IOASA: 64 bytes & must follow IOARCB, min 16 byte alignment required,
- * host native endianness
- */
-struct sisl_ioasa {
-	union {
-		struct sisl_rc rc;
-		u32 ioasc;
-#define SISL_IOASC_GOOD_COMPLETION        0x00000000U
-	};
-	union {
-		u32 resid;
-		u32 lunid_hi;
-	};
-	u8 port;
-	u8 afu_extra;
-	/* when afu_rc=0x04, 0x14, 0x31 (_xxx_DMA_ERR):
-	 * afu_exta contains PSL response code. Useful codes are:
-	 */
-#define SISL_AFU_DMA_ERR_PAGE_IN	0x0A	/* AFU_retry_on_pagein Action
-						 *  Enabled            N/A
-						 *  Disabled           retry
-						 */
-#define SISL_AFU_DMA_ERR_INVALID_EA	0x0B	/* this is a hard error
-						 * afu_rc	Implies
-						 * 0x04, 0x14	master exit.
-						 * 0x31         user error.
-						 */
-	/* when afu rc=0x20 (no channels):
-	 * afu_extra bits [4:5]: available portmask,  [6:7]: requested portmask.
-	 */
-#define SISL_AFU_NO_CLANNELS_AMASK(afu_extra) (((afu_extra) & 0x0C) >> 2)
-#define SISL_AFU_NO_CLANNELS_RMASK(afu_extra) ((afu_extra) & 0x03)
-	u8 scsi_extra;
-	u8 fc_extra;
-	union {
-		u8 sense_data[SISL_SENSE_DATA_LEN];
-		struct {
-			u32 lunid_lo;
-			u8 wwid[SISL_WWID_DATA_LEN];
-		};
-	};
-	/* These fields are defined by the SISlite architecture for the
-	 * host to use as they see fit for their implementation.
-	 */
-	union {
-		u64 host_use[4];
-		u8 host_use_b[32];
-	};
-} __packed;
-#define SISL_RESP_HANDLE_T_BIT        0x1ULL	/* Toggle bit */
-/* MMIO space is required to support only 64-bit access */
- * This AFU has two mechanisms to deal with endian-ness.
- * One is a global configuration (in the afu_config) register
- * below that specifies the endian-ness of the host.
- * The other is a per context (i.e. application) specification
- * controlled by the endian_ctrl field here. Since the master
- * context is one such application the master context's
- * endian-ness is set to be the same as the host.
- *
- * As per the SISlite spec, the MMIO registers are always
- * big endian.
- */
-#define SISL_ENDIAN_CTRL_BE           0x8000000000000080ULL
-#define SISL_ENDIAN_CTRL_LE           0x0000000000000000ULL
-#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
-/* per context host transport MMIO  */
-struct sisl_host_map {
-	__be64 endian_ctrl;	/* Per context Endian Control. The AFU will
-				 * operate on whatever the context is of the
-				 * host application.
-				 */
-	__be64 intr_status;	/* this sends LISN# programmed in ctx_ctrl.
-				 * Only recovery in a PERM_ERR is a context
-				 * exit since there is no way to tell which
-				 * command caused the error.
-				 */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_LISN_3_EA		0x0400ULL /* b53, user error */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_LISN_2_EA		0x0200ULL /* b54, user error */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_LISN_1_EA		0x0100ULL /* b55, user error */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_LISN_3_PASID	0x0080ULL /* b56, user error */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_LISN_2_PASID	0x0040ULL /* b57, user error */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_LISN_1_PASID	0x0020ULL /* b58, user error */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_CMDROOM		0x0010ULL /* b59, user error */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_RCB_READ		0x0008ULL /* b60, user error */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_SA_WRITE		0x0004ULL /* b61, user error */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_RRQ_WRITE		0x0002ULL /* b62, user error */
-	/* Page in wait accessing RCB/IOASA/RRQ is reported in b63.
-	 * Same error in data/LXT/RHT access is reported via IOASA.
-	 */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_TEMP_ERR_PAGEIN		0x0001ULL /* b63, can only be
-							   * generated when AFU
-							   * auto retry is
-							   * disabled. If user
-							   * can determine the
-							   * command that caused
-							   * the error, it can
-							   * be retried.
-							   */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_UNMASK	(0x07FFULL)		/* 1 means unmasked */
-#define SISL_ISTATUS_MASK	~(SISL_ISTATUS_UNMASK)	/* 1 means masked */
-	__be64 intr_clear;
-	__be64 intr_mask;
-	__be64 ioarrin;		/* only write what cmd_room permits */
-	__be64 rrq_start;	/* start & end are both inclusive */
-	__be64 rrq_end;		/* write sequence: start followed by end */
-	__be64 cmd_room;
-	__be64 ctx_ctrl;	/* least significant byte or b56:63 is LISN# */
-#define SISL_CTX_CTRL_UNMAP_SECTOR	0x8000000000000000ULL /* b0 */
-	__be64 mbox_w;		/* restricted use */
-	__be64 sq_start;	/* Submission Queue (R/W): write sequence and */
-	__be64 sq_end;		/* inclusion semantics are the same as RRQ    */
-	__be64 sq_head;		/* Submission Queue Head (R): for debugging   */
-	__be64 sq_tail;		/* Submission Queue TAIL (R/W): next IOARCB   */
-	__be64 sq_ctx_reset;	/* Submission Queue Context Reset (R/W)	      */
-/* per context provisioning & control MMIO */
-struct sisl_ctrl_map {
-	__be64 rht_start;
-	__be64 rht_cnt_id;
-	/* both cnt & ctx_id args must be ULL */
-#define SISL_RHT_CNT_ID(cnt, ctx_id)  (((cnt) << 48) | ((ctx_id) << 32))
-	__be64 ctx_cap;	/* afu_rc below is when the capability is violated */
-#define SISL_CTX_CAP_PROXY_ISSUE       0x8000000000000000ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
-#define SISL_CTX_CAP_REAL_MODE         0x4000000000000000ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
-#define SISL_CTX_CAP_HOST_XLATE        0x2000000000000000ULL /* afu_rc 0x1a */
-#define SISL_CTX_CAP_PROXY_TARGET      0x1000000000000000ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
-#define SISL_CTX_CAP_AFU_CMD           0x0000000000000008ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
-#define SISL_CTX_CAP_GSCSI_CMD         0x0000000000000004ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
-#define SISL_CTX_CAP_WRITE_CMD         0x0000000000000002ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
-#define SISL_CTX_CAP_READ_CMD          0x0000000000000001ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
-	__be64 mbox_r;
-	__be64 lisn_pasid[2];
-	/* pasid _a arg must be ULL */
-#define SISL_LISN_PASID(_a, _b)	(((_a) << 32) | (_b))
-	__be64 lisn_ea[3];
-/* single copy global regs */
-struct sisl_global_regs {
-	__be64 aintr_status;
-	/*
-	 * In cxlflash, FC port/link are arranged in port pairs, each
-	 * gets a byte of status:
-	 *
-	 *	*_OTHER:	other err, FC_ERRCAP[31:20]
-	 *	*_LOGO:		target sent FLOGI/PLOGI/LOGO while logged in
-	 *	*_CRC_T:	CRC threshold exceeded
-	 *	*_LOGI_R:	login state machine timed out and retrying
-	 *	*_LOGI_F:	login failed, FC_ERROR[19:0]
-	 *	*_LOGI_S:	login succeeded
-	 *	*_LINK_DN:	link online to offline
-	 *	*_LINK_UP:	link offline to online
-	 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_OTHER	 0x80000000ULL /* b32 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_LOGO    0x40000000ULL /* b33 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_CRC_T   0x20000000ULL /* b34 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_LOGI_R  0x10000000ULL /* b35 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_LOGI_F  0x08000000ULL /* b36 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_LOGI_S  0x04000000ULL /* b37 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_LINK_DN 0x02000000ULL /* b38 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_LINK_UP 0x01000000ULL /* b39 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_OTHER   0x00800000ULL /* b40 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_LOGO    0x00400000ULL /* b41 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_CRC_T   0x00200000ULL /* b42 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_LOGI_R  0x00100000ULL /* b43 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_LOGI_F  0x00080000ULL /* b44 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_LOGI_S  0x00040000ULL /* b45 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_LINK_DN 0x00020000ULL /* b46 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_LINK_UP 0x00010000ULL /* b47 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_OTHER	 0x00008000ULL /* b48 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_LOGO    0x00004000ULL /* b49 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_CRC_T   0x00002000ULL /* b50 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_LOGI_R  0x00001000ULL /* b51 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_LOGI_F  0x00000800ULL /* b52 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_LOGI_S  0x00000400ULL /* b53 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_LINK_DN 0x00000200ULL /* b54 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_LINK_UP 0x00000100ULL /* b55 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_OTHER   0x00000080ULL /* b56 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_LOGO    0x00000040ULL /* b57 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_CRC_T   0x00000020ULL /* b58 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_LOGI_R  0x00000010ULL /* b59 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_LOGI_F  0x00000008ULL /* b60 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_LOGI_S  0x00000004ULL /* b61 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_LINK_DN 0x00000002ULL /* b62 */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_LINK_UP 0x00000001ULL /* b63 */
-#define SISL_FC_INTERNAL_UNMASK	0x0000000300000000ULL	/* 1 means unmasked */
-#define SISL_FC_SHUTDOWN_NORMAL		0x0000000000000010ULL
-#define SISL_FC_SHUTDOWN_ABRUPT		0x0000000000000020ULL
-#define SISL_STATUS_SHUTDOWN_ACTIVE	0x0000000000000010ULL
-#define SISL_STATUS_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE	0x0000000000000020ULL
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_UNMASK	0xFFFFFFFFULL		/* 1 means unmasked */
-#define SISL_ASTATUS_MASK	~(SISL_ASTATUS_UNMASK)	/* 1 means masked */
-	__be64 aintr_clear;
-	__be64 aintr_mask;
-	__be64 afu_ctrl;
-	__be64 afu_hb;
-	__be64 afu_scratch_pad;
-	__be64 afu_port_sel;
-#define SISL_AFUCONF_AR_LXT	0x2000ULL
-#define SISL_AFUCONF_AR_RHT	0x1000ULL
-#define SISL_AFUCONF_AR_RRQ	0x0100ULL
-/* Aggregate all Auto Retry Bits */
-#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
-#define SISL_AFUCONF_ENDIAN            0x0000ULL
-#define SISL_AFUCONF_ENDIAN            0x0020ULL
-	__be64 afu_config;
-	__be64 rsvd[0xf8];
-	__le64 afu_version;
-	__be64 interface_version;
-#define SISL_INTVER_MAJ_MASK			0x00000000FFFF0000ULL
-#define SISL_INTVER_MIN_MASK			0x000000000000FFFFULL
-#define SISL_INTVER_CAP_SQ_CMD_MODE		0x400000000000ULL
-#define SISL_INTVER_CAP_LUN_PROVISION		0x080000000000ULL
-#define SISL_INTVER_CAP_AFU_DEBUG		0x040000000000ULL
-#define SISL_INTVER_CAP_OCXL_LISN		0x020000000000ULL
-#define CXLFLASH_NUM_FC_PORTS_PER_BANK	2	/* fixed # of ports per bank */
-#define CXLFLASH_MAX_FC_BANKS		2	/* max # of banks supported */
-#define CXLFLASH_MAX_CONTEXT	512	/* number of contexts per AFU */
-#define CXLFLASH_NUM_VLUNS	512	/* number of vluns per AFU/port */
-#define CXLFLASH_NUM_REGS	512	/* number of registers per port */
-struct fc_port_bank {
-struct sisl_global_map {
-	union {
-		struct sisl_global_regs regs;
-		char page0[SIZE_4K];	/* page 0 */
-	};
-	char page1[SIZE_4K];	/* page 1 */
-	struct fc_port_bank bank[CXLFLASH_MAX_FC_BANKS]; /* pages 2 - 9 */
-	/* pages 10 - 15 are reserved */
- * CXL Flash Memory Map
- *
- *	+-------------------------------+
- *	|    512 * 64 KB User MMIO      |
- *	|        (per context)          |
- *	|       User Accessible         |
- *	+-------------------------------+
- *	|    512 * 128 B per context    |
- *	|    Provisioning and Control   |
- *	|   Trusted Process accessible  |
- *	+-------------------------------+
- *	|         64 KB Global          |
- *	|   Trusted Process accessible  |
- *	+-------------------------------+
- */
-struct cxlflash_afu_map {
-	union {
-		struct sisl_host_map host;
-		char harea[SIZE_64K];	/* 64KB each */
-	union {
-		struct sisl_ctrl_map ctrl;
-		char carea[cache_line_size()];	/* 128B each */
-	union {
-		struct sisl_global_map global;
-		char garea[SIZE_64K];	/* 64KB single block */
-	};
- * LXT - LBA Translation Table
- * LXT control blocks
- */
-struct sisl_lxt_entry {
-	u64 rlba_base;	/* bits 0:47 is base
-			 * b48:55 is lun index
-			 * b58:59 is write & read perms
-			 * (if no perm, afu_rc=0x15)
-			 * b60:63 is port_sel mask
-			 */
- * RHT - Resource Handle Table
- * Per the SISlite spec, RHT entries are to be 16-byte aligned
- */
-struct sisl_rht_entry {
-	struct sisl_lxt_entry *lxt_start;
-	u32 lxt_cnt;
-	u16 rsvd;
-	u8 fp;			/* format & perm nibbles.
-				 * (if no perm, afu_rc=0x05)
-				 */
-	u8 nmask;
-} __packed __aligned(16);
-struct sisl_rht_entry_f1 {
-	u64 lun_id;
-	union {
-		struct {
-			u8 valid;
-			u8 rsvd[5];
-			u8 fp;
-			u8 port_sel;
-		};
-		u64 dw;
-	};
-} __packed __aligned(16);
-/* make the fp byte */
-#define SISL_RHT_FP(fmt, perm) (((fmt) << 4) | (perm))
-/* make the fp byte for a clone from a source fp and clone flags
- * flags must be only 2 LSB bits.
- */
-#define SISL_RHT_FP_CLONE(src_fp, cln_flags) ((src_fp) & (0xFC | (cln_flags)))
-#define RHT_PERM_READ  0x01U
-#define RHT_PERM_WRITE 0x02U
-/* extract the perm bits from a fp */
-#define SISL_RHT_PERM(fp) ((fp) & RHT_PERM_RW)
-#define PORT0  0x01U
-#define PORT1  0x02U
-#define PORT2  0x04U
-#define PORT3  0x08U
-#define PORT_MASK(_n)	((1 << (_n)) - 1)
-/* AFU Sync Mode byte */
-#define AFU_LW_SYNC 0x0U
-#define AFU_HW_SYNC 0x1U
-#define AFU_GSYNC   0x2U
-/* Special Task Management Function CDB */
-#define TMF_LUN_RESET  0x1U
-#define TMF_CLEAR_ACA  0x2U
-#endif /* _SISLITE_H */
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.c b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 97631f48e19d..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2218 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
- */
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#include <linux/file.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/syscalls.h>
-#include <linux/unaligned.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_eh.h>
-#include <uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h>
-#include "sislite.h"
-#include "common.h"
-#include "vlun.h"
-#include "superpipe.h"
-struct cxlflash_global global;
- * marshal_rele_to_resize() - translate release to resize structure
- * @release:	Source structure from which to translate/copy.
- * @resize:	Destination structure for the translate/copy.
- */
-static void marshal_rele_to_resize(struct dk_cxlflash_release *release,
-				   struct dk_cxlflash_resize *resize)
-	resize->hdr = release->hdr;
-	resize->context_id = release->context_id;
-	resize->rsrc_handle = release->rsrc_handle;
- * marshal_det_to_rele() - translate detach to release structure
- * @detach:	Destination structure for the translate/copy.
- * @release:	Source structure from which to translate/copy.
- */
-static void marshal_det_to_rele(struct dk_cxlflash_detach *detach,
-				struct dk_cxlflash_release *release)
-	release->hdr = detach->hdr;
-	release->context_id = detach->context_id;
- * marshal_udir_to_rele() - translate udirect to release structure
- * @udirect:	Source structure from which to translate/copy.
- * @release:	Destination structure for the translate/copy.
- */
-static void marshal_udir_to_rele(struct dk_cxlflash_udirect *udirect,
-				 struct dk_cxlflash_release *release)
-	release->hdr = udirect->hdr;
-	release->context_id = udirect->context_id;
-	release->rsrc_handle = udirect->rsrc_handle;
- * cxlflash_free_errpage() - frees resources associated with global error page
- */
-void cxlflash_free_errpage(void)
-	mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
-	if (global.err_page) {
-		__free_page(global.err_page);
-		global.err_page = NULL;
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
- * cxlflash_stop_term_user_contexts() - stops/terminates known user contexts
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * When the host needs to go down, all users must be quiesced and their
- * memory freed. This is accomplished by putting the contexts in error
- * state which will notify the user and let them 'drive' the tear down.
- * Meanwhile, this routine camps until all user contexts have been removed.
- *
- * Note that the main loop in this routine will always execute at least once
- * to flush the reset_waitq.
- */
-void cxlflash_stop_term_user_contexts(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int i, found = true;
-	cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(cfg);
-	while (true) {
-		for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONTEXT; i++)
-			if (cfg->ctx_tbl[i]) {
-				found = true;
-				break;
-			}
-		if (!found && list_empty(&cfg->ctx_err_recovery))
-			return;
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Wait for user contexts to quiesce...\n",
-			__func__);
-		wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
-		ssleep(1);
-		found = false;
-	}
- * find_error_context() - locates a context by cookie on the error recovery list
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @rctxid:	Desired context by id.
- * @file:	Desired context by file.
- *
- * Return: Found context on success, NULL on failure
- */
-static struct ctx_info *find_error_context(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u64 rctxid,
-					   struct file *file)
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi;
-	list_for_each_entry(ctxi, &cfg->ctx_err_recovery, list)
-		if ((ctxi->ctxid == rctxid) || (ctxi->file == file))
-			return ctxi;
-	return NULL;
- * get_context() - obtains a validated and locked context reference
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @rctxid:	Desired context (raw, un-decoded format).
- * @arg:	LUN information or file associated with request.
- * @ctx_ctrl:	Control information to 'steer' desired lookup.
- *
- * NOTE: despite the name pid, in linux, current->pid actually refers
- * to the lightweight process id (tid) and can change if the process is
- * multi threaded. The tgid remains constant for the process and only changes
- * when the process of fork. For all intents and purposes, think of tgid
- * as a pid in the traditional sense.
- *
- * Return: Validated context on success, NULL on failure
- */
-struct ctx_info *get_context(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u64 rctxid,
-			     void *arg, enum ctx_ctrl ctx_ctrl)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	struct lun_access *lun_access = NULL;
-	struct file *file = NULL;
-	struct llun_info *lli = arg;
-	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(rctxid);
-	int rc;
-	pid_t pid = task_tgid_nr(current), ctxpid = 0;
-	if (ctx_ctrl & CTX_CTRL_FILE) {
-		lli = NULL;
-		file = (struct file *)arg;
-	}
-	if (ctx_ctrl & CTX_CTRL_CLONE)
-		pid = task_ppid_nr(current);
-	if (likely(ctxid < MAX_CONTEXT)) {
-		while (true) {
-			mutex_lock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-			ctxi = cfg->ctx_tbl[ctxid];
-			if (ctxi)
-				if ((file && (ctxi->file != file)) ||
-				    (!file && (ctxi->ctxid != rctxid)))
-					ctxi = NULL;
-			if ((ctx_ctrl & CTX_CTRL_ERR) ||
-			    (!ctxi && (ctx_ctrl & CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK)))
-				ctxi = find_error_context(cfg, rctxid, file);
-			if (!ctxi) {
-				mutex_unlock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-				goto out;
-			}
-			/*
-			 * Need to acquire ownership of the context while still
-			 * under the table/list lock to serialize with a remove
-			 * thread. Use the 'try' to avoid stalling the
-			 * table/list lock for a single context.
-			 *
-			 * Note that the lock order is:
-			 *
-			 *	cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex -> ctxi->mutex
-			 *
-			 * Therefore release ctx_tbl_list_mutex before retrying.
-			 */
-			rc = mutex_trylock(&ctxi->mutex);
-			mutex_unlock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-			if (rc)
-				break; /* got the context's lock! */
-		}
-		if (ctxi->unavail)
-			goto denied;
-		ctxpid = ctxi->pid;
-		if (likely(!(ctx_ctrl & CTX_CTRL_NOPID)))
-			if (pid != ctxpid)
-				goto denied;
-		if (lli) {
-			list_for_each_entry(lun_access, &ctxi->luns, list)
-				if (lun_access->lli == lli)
-					goto out;
-			goto denied;
-		}
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: rctxid=%016llx ctxinfo=%p ctxpid=%u pid=%u "
-		"ctx_ctrl=%u\n", __func__, rctxid, ctxi, ctxpid, pid,
-		ctx_ctrl);
-	return ctxi;
-	mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
-	ctxi = NULL;
-	goto out;
- * put_context() - release a context that was retrieved from get_context()
- * @ctxi:	Context to release.
- *
- * For now, releasing the context equates to unlocking it's mutex.
- */
-void put_context(struct ctx_info *ctxi)
-	mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
- * afu_attach() - attach a context to the AFU
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @ctxi:	Context to attach.
- *
- * Upon setting the context capabilities, they must be confirmed with
- * a read back operation as the context might have been closed since
- * the mailbox was unlocked. When this occurs, registration is failed.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int afu_attach(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, struct ctx_info *ctxi)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct sisl_ctrl_map __iomem *ctrl_map = ctxi->ctrl_map;
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
-	u64 val;
-	int i;
-	/* Unlock cap and restrict user to read/write cmds in translated mode */
-	readq_be(&ctrl_map->mbox_r);
-	writeq_be(val, &ctrl_map->ctx_cap);
-	val = readq_be(&ctrl_map->ctx_cap);
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ctx may be closed val=%016llx\n",
-			__func__, val);
-		rc = -EAGAIN;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (afu_is_ocxl_lisn(afu)) {
-		/* Set up the LISN effective address for each interrupt */
-		for (i = 0; i < ctxi->irqs; i++) {
-			val = cfg->ops->get_irq_objhndl(ctxi->ctx, i);
-			writeq_be(val, &ctrl_map->lisn_ea[i]);
-		}
-		/* Use primary HWQ PASID as identifier for all interrupts */
-		val = hwq->ctx_hndl;
-		writeq_be(SISL_LISN_PASID(val, val), &ctrl_map->lisn_pasid[0]);
-		writeq_be(SISL_LISN_PASID(0UL, val), &ctrl_map->lisn_pasid[1]);
-	}
-	/* Set up MMIO registers pointing to the RHT */
-	writeq_be((u64)ctxi->rht_start, &ctrl_map->rht_start);
-	val = SISL_RHT_CNT_ID((u64)MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT, (u64)(hwq->ctx_hndl));
-	writeq_be(val, &ctrl_map->rht_cnt_id);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * read_cap16() - issues a SCSI READ_CAP16 command
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @lli:	LUN destined for capacity request.
- *
- * The READ_CAP16 can take quite a while to complete. Should an EEH occur while
- * in scsi_execute_cmd(), the EEH handler will attempt to recover. As part of
- * the recovery, the handler drains all currently running ioctls, waiting until
- * they have completed before proceeding with a reset. As this routine is used
- * on the ioctl path, this can create a condition where the EEH handler becomes
- * stuck, infinitely waiting for this ioctl thread. To avoid this behavior,
- * temporarily unmark this thread as an ioctl thread by releasing the ioctl
- * read semaphore. This will allow the EEH handler to proceed with a recovery
- * while this thread is still running. Once the scsi_execute_cmd() returns,
- * reacquire the ioctl read semaphore and check the adapter state in case it
- * changed while inside of scsi_execute_cmd(). The state check will wait if the
- * adapter is still being recovered or return a failure if the recovery failed.
- * In the event that the adapter reset failed, simply return the failure as the
- * ioctl would be unable to continue.
- *
- * Note that the above puts a requirement on this routine to only be called on
- * an ioctl thread.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int read_cap16(struct scsi_device *sdev, struct llun_info *lli)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct scsi_sense_hdr sshdr;
-	const struct scsi_exec_args exec_args = {
-		.sshdr = &sshdr,
-	};
-	u8 *cmd_buf = NULL;
-	u8 *scsi_cmd = NULL;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int result = 0;
-	int retry_cnt = 0;
-	u32 to = CMD_TIMEOUT * HZ;
-	cmd_buf = kzalloc(CMD_BUFSIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
-	scsi_cmd = kzalloc(MAX_COMMAND_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!cmd_buf || !scsi_cmd)) {
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	scsi_cmd[0] = SERVICE_ACTION_IN_16;	/* read cap(16) */
-	scsi_cmd[1] = SAI_READ_CAPACITY_16;	/* service action */
-	put_unaligned_be32(CMD_BUFSIZE, &scsi_cmd[10]);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: %ssending cmd(%02x)\n", __func__,
-		retry_cnt ? "re" : "", scsi_cmd[0]);
-	/* Drop the ioctl read semaphore across lengthy call */
-	up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	result = scsi_execute_cmd(sdev, scsi_cmd, REQ_OP_DRV_IN, cmd_buf,
-				  CMD_BUFSIZE, to, CMD_RETRIES, &exec_args);
-	down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	rc = check_state(cfg);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed state result=%08x\n",
-			__func__, result);
-		rc = -ENODEV;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (result > 0 && scsi_sense_valid(&sshdr)) {
-		if (result & SAM_STAT_CHECK_CONDITION) {
-			switch (sshdr.sense_key) {
-			case NO_SENSE:
-			case NOT_READY:
-				break;
-				switch (sshdr.asc) {
-				case 0x29: /* Power on Reset or Device Reset */
-					fallthrough;
-				case 0x2A: /* Device capacity changed */
-				case 0x3F: /* Report LUNs changed */
-					/* Retry the command once more */
-					if (retry_cnt++ < 1) {
-						kfree(cmd_buf);
-						kfree(scsi_cmd);
-						goto retry;
-					}
-				}
-				break;
-			default:
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (result) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: command failed, result=%08x\n",
-			__func__, result);
-		rc = -EIO;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Read cap was successful, grab values from the buffer;
-	 * note that we don't need to worry about unaligned access
-	 * as the buffer is allocated on an aligned boundary.
-	 */
-	mutex_lock(&gli->mutex);
-	gli->max_lba = be64_to_cpu(*((__be64 *)&cmd_buf[0]));
-	gli->blk_len = be32_to_cpu(*((__be32 *)&cmd_buf[8]));
-	mutex_unlock(&gli->mutex);
-	kfree(cmd_buf);
-	kfree(scsi_cmd);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: maxlba=%lld blklen=%d rc=%d\n",
-		__func__, gli->max_lba, gli->blk_len, rc);
-	return rc;
- * get_rhte() - obtains validated resource handle table entry reference
- * @ctxi:	Context owning the resource handle.
- * @rhndl:	Resource handle associated with entry.
- * @lli:	LUN associated with request.
- *
- * Return: Validated RHTE on success, NULL on failure
- */
-struct sisl_rht_entry *get_rhte(struct ctx_info *ctxi, res_hndl_t rhndl,
-				struct llun_info *lli)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = ctxi->cfg;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte = NULL;
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi->rht_start)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Context does not have allocated RHT\n",
-			 __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (unlikely(rhndl >= MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad resource handle rhndl=%d\n",
-			__func__, rhndl);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (unlikely(ctxi->rht_lun[rhndl] != lli)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad resource handle LUN rhndl=%d\n",
-			__func__, rhndl);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rhte = &ctxi->rht_start[rhndl];
-	if (unlikely(rhte->nmask == 0)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Unopened resource handle rhndl=%d\n",
-			__func__, rhndl);
-		rhte = NULL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	return rhte;
- * rhte_checkout() - obtains free/empty resource handle table entry
- * @ctxi:	Context owning the resource handle.
- * @lli:	LUN associated with request.
- *
- * Return: Free RHTE on success, NULL on failure
- */
-struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte_checkout(struct ctx_info *ctxi,
-				     struct llun_info *lli)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = ctxi->cfg;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte = NULL;
-	int i;
-	/* Find a free RHT entry */
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT; i++)
-		if (ctxi->rht_start[i].nmask == 0) {
-			rhte = &ctxi->rht_start[i];
-			ctxi->rht_out++;
-			break;
-		}
-	if (likely(rhte))
-		ctxi->rht_lun[i] = lli;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rhte=%p index=%d\n", __func__, rhte, i);
-	return rhte;
- * rhte_checkin() - releases a resource handle table entry
- * @ctxi:	Context owning the resource handle.
- * @rhte:	RHTE to release.
- */
-void rhte_checkin(struct ctx_info *ctxi,
-		  struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte)
-	u32 rsrc_handle = rhte - ctxi->rht_start;
-	rhte->nmask = 0;
-	rhte->fp = 0;
-	ctxi->rht_out--;
-	ctxi->rht_lun[rsrc_handle] = NULL;
-	ctxi->rht_needs_ws[rsrc_handle] = false;
- * rht_format1() - populates a RHTE for format 1
- * @rhte:	RHTE to populate.
- * @lun_id:	LUN ID of LUN associated with RHTE.
- * @perm:	Desired permissions for RHTE.
- * @port_sel:	Port selection mask
- */
-static void rht_format1(struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte, u64 lun_id, u32 perm,
-			u32 port_sel)
-	/*
-	 * Populate the Format 1 RHT entry for direct access (physical
-	 * LUN) using the synchronization sequence defined in the
-	 * SISLite specification.
-	 */
-	struct sisl_rht_entry_f1 dummy = { 0 };
-	struct sisl_rht_entry_f1 *rhte_f1 = (struct sisl_rht_entry_f1 *)rhte;
-	memset(rhte_f1, 0, sizeof(*rhte_f1));
-	rhte_f1->fp = SISL_RHT_FP(1U, 0);
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make setting of format bit visible */
-	rhte_f1->lun_id = lun_id;
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make setting of LUN id visible */
-	/*
-	 * Use a dummy RHT Format 1 entry to build the second dword
-	 * of the entry that must be populated in a single write when
-	 * enabled (valid bit set to TRUE).
-	 */
-	dummy.valid = 0x80;
-	dummy.fp = SISL_RHT_FP(1U, perm);
-	dummy.port_sel = port_sel;
-	rhte_f1->dw = dummy.dw;
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make remaining RHT entry fields visible */
- * cxlflash_lun_attach() - attaches a user to a LUN and manages the LUN's mode
- * @gli:	LUN to attach.
- * @mode:	Desired mode of the LUN.
- * @locked:	Mutex status on current thread.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-int cxlflash_lun_attach(struct glun_info *gli, enum lun_mode mode, bool locked)
-	int rc = 0;
-	if (!locked)
-		mutex_lock(&gli->mutex);
-	if (gli->mode == MODE_NONE)
-		gli->mode = mode;
-	else if (gli->mode != mode) {
-		pr_debug("%s: gli_mode=%d requested_mode=%d\n",
-			 __func__, gli->mode, mode);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	gli->users++;
-	WARN_ON(gli->users <= 0);
-	pr_debug("%s: Returning rc=%d gli->mode=%u gli->users=%u\n",
-		 __func__, rc, gli->mode, gli->users);
-	if (!locked)
-		mutex_unlock(&gli->mutex);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_lun_detach() - detaches a user from a LUN and resets the LUN's mode
- * @gli:	LUN to detach.
- *
- * When resetting the mode, terminate block allocation resources as they
- * are no longer required (service is safe to call even when block allocation
- * resources were not present - such as when transitioning from physical mode).
- * These resources will be reallocated when needed (subsequent transition to
- * virtual mode).
- */
-void cxlflash_lun_detach(struct glun_info *gli)
-	mutex_lock(&gli->mutex);
-	WARN_ON(gli->mode == MODE_NONE);
-	if (--gli->users == 0) {
-		gli->mode = MODE_NONE;
-		cxlflash_ba_terminate(&gli->blka.ba_lun);
-	}
-	pr_debug("%s: gli->users=%u\n", __func__, gli->users);
-	WARN_ON(gli->users < 0);
-	mutex_unlock(&gli->mutex);
- * _cxlflash_disk_release() - releases the specified resource entry
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @ctxi:	Context owning resources.
- * @release:	Release ioctl data structure.
- *
- * For LUNs in virtual mode, the virtual LUN associated with the specified
- * resource handle is resized to 0 prior to releasing the RHTE. Note that the
- * AFU sync should _not_ be performed when the context is sitting on the error
- * recovery list. A context on the error recovery list is not known to the AFU
- * due to reset. When the context is recovered, it will be reattached and made
- * known again to the AFU.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-int _cxlflash_disk_release(struct scsi_device *sdev,
-			   struct ctx_info *ctxi,
-			   struct dk_cxlflash_release *release)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	bool put_ctx = false;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_resize size;
-	res_hndl_t rhndl = release->rsrc_handle;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int rcr = 0;
-	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(release->context_id),
-	    rctxid = release->context_id;
-	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte;
-	struct sisl_rht_entry_f1 *rhte_f1;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%llu rhndl=%llu gli->mode=%u gli->users=%u\n",
-		__func__, ctxid, release->rsrc_handle, gli->mode, gli->users);
-	if (!ctxi) {
-		ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK);
-		if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n",
-				__func__, ctxid);
-			rc = -EINVAL;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		put_ctx = true;
-	}
-	rhte = get_rhte(ctxi, rhndl, lli);
-	if (unlikely(!rhte)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad resource handle rhndl=%d\n",
-			__func__, rhndl);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Resize to 0 for virtual LUNS by setting the size
-	 * to 0. This will clear LXT_START and LXT_CNT fields
-	 * in the RHT entry and properly sync with the AFU.
-	 *
-	 * Afterwards we clear the remaining fields.
-	 */
-	switch (gli->mode) {
-		marshal_rele_to_resize(release, &size);
-		size.req_size = 0;
-		rc = _cxlflash_vlun_resize(sdev, ctxi, &size);
-		if (rc) {
-			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: resize failed rc %d\n", __func__, rc);
-			goto out;
-		}
-		break;
-		/*
-		 * Clear the Format 1 RHT entry for direct access
-		 * (physical LUN) using the synchronization sequence
-		 * defined in the SISLite specification.
-		 */
-		rhte_f1 = (struct sisl_rht_entry_f1 *)rhte;
-		rhte_f1->valid = 0;
-		dma_wmb(); /* Make revocation of RHT entry visible */
-		rhte_f1->lun_id = 0;
-		dma_wmb(); /* Make clearing of LUN id visible */
-		rhte_f1->dw = 0;
-		dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry bottom-half clearing visible */
-		if (!ctxi->err_recovery_active) {
-			rcr = cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, ctxid, rhndl, AFU_HW_SYNC);
-			if (unlikely(rcr))
-				dev_dbg(dev, "%s: AFU sync failed rc=%d\n",
-					__func__, rcr);
-		}
-		break;
-	default:
-		WARN(1, "Unsupported LUN mode!");
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rhte_checkin(ctxi, rhte);
-	cxlflash_lun_detach(gli);
-	if (put_ctx)
-		put_context(ctxi);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-int cxlflash_disk_release(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *release)
-	return _cxlflash_disk_release(sdev, NULL, release);
- * destroy_context() - releases a context
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @ctxi:	Context to release.
- *
- * This routine is safe to be called with a a non-initialized context.
- * Also note that the routine conditionally checks for the existence
- * of the context control map before clearing the RHT registers and
- * context capabilities because it is possible to destroy a context
- * while the context is in the error state (previous mapping was
- * removed [so there is no need to worry about clearing] and context
- * is waiting for a new mapping).
- */
-static void destroy_context(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg,
-			    struct ctx_info *ctxi)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	if (ctxi->initialized) {
-		WARN_ON(!list_empty(&ctxi->luns));
-		/* Clear RHT registers and drop all capabilities for context */
-		if (afu->afu_map && ctxi->ctrl_map) {
-			writeq_be(0, &ctxi->ctrl_map->rht_start);
-			writeq_be(0, &ctxi->ctrl_map->rht_cnt_id);
-			writeq_be(0, &ctxi->ctrl_map->ctx_cap);
-		}
-	}
-	/* Free memory associated with context */
-	free_page((ulong)ctxi->rht_start);
-	kfree(ctxi->rht_needs_ws);
-	kfree(ctxi->rht_lun);
-	kfree(ctxi);
- * create_context() - allocates and initializes a context
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: Allocated context on success, NULL on failure
- */
-static struct ctx_info *create_context(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	struct llun_info **lli = NULL;
-	u8 *ws = NULL;
-	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte;
-	ctxi = kzalloc(sizeof(*ctxi), GFP_KERNEL);
-	lli = kzalloc((MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT * sizeof(*lli)), GFP_KERNEL);
-	ws = kzalloc((MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT * sizeof(*ws)), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi || !lli || !ws)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Unable to allocate context\n", __func__);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	rhte = (struct sisl_rht_entry *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!rhte)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Unable to allocate RHT\n", __func__);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	ctxi->rht_lun = lli;
-	ctxi->rht_needs_ws = ws;
-	ctxi->rht_start = rhte;
-	return ctxi;
-	kfree(ws);
-	kfree(lli);
-	kfree(ctxi);
-	ctxi = NULL;
-	goto out;
- * init_context() - initializes a previously allocated context
- * @ctxi:	Previously allocated context
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @ctx:	Previously obtained context cookie.
- * @ctxid:	Previously obtained process element associated with CXL context.
- * @file:	Previously obtained file associated with CXL context.
- * @perms:	User-specified permissions.
- * @irqs:	User-specified number of interrupts.
- */
-static void init_context(struct ctx_info *ctxi, struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg,
-			 void *ctx, int ctxid, struct file *file, u32 perms,
-			 u64 irqs)
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	ctxi->rht_perms = perms;
-	ctxi->ctrl_map = &afu->afu_map->ctrls[ctxid].ctrl;
-	ctxi->ctxid = ENCODE_CTXID(ctxi, ctxid);
-	ctxi->irqs = irqs;
-	ctxi->pid = task_tgid_nr(current); /* tgid = pid */
-	ctxi->ctx = ctx;
-	ctxi->cfg = cfg;
-	ctxi->file = file;
-	ctxi->initialized = true;
-	mutex_init(&ctxi->mutex);
-	kref_init(&ctxi->kref);
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ctxi->luns);
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ctxi->list); /* initialize for list_empty() */
- * remove_context() - context kref release handler
- * @kref:	Kernel reference associated with context to be removed.
- *
- * When a context no longer has any references it can safely be removed
- * from global access and destroyed. Note that it is assumed the thread
- * relinquishing access to the context holds its mutex.
- */
-static void remove_context(struct kref *kref)
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = container_of(kref, struct ctx_info, kref);
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = ctxi->cfg;
-	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(ctxi->ctxid);
-	/* Remove context from table/error list */
-	WARN_ON(!mutex_is_locked(&ctxi->mutex));
-	ctxi->unavail = true;
-	mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
-	mutex_lock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-	mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
-	if (!list_empty(&ctxi->list))
-		list_del(&ctxi->list);
-	cfg->ctx_tbl[ctxid] = NULL;
-	mutex_unlock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-	mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
-	/* Context now completely uncoupled/unreachable */
-	destroy_context(cfg, ctxi);
- * _cxlflash_disk_detach() - detaches a LUN from a context
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @ctxi:	Context owning resources.
- * @detach:	Detach ioctl data structure.
- *
- * As part of the detach, all per-context resources associated with the LUN
- * are cleaned up. When detaching the last LUN for a context, the context
- * itself is cleaned up and released.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int _cxlflash_disk_detach(struct scsi_device *sdev,
-				 struct ctx_info *ctxi,
-				 struct dk_cxlflash_detach *detach)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct lun_access *lun_access, *t;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_release rel;
-	bool put_ctx = false;
-	int i;
-	int rc = 0;
-	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(detach->context_id),
-	    rctxid = detach->context_id;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid);
-	if (!ctxi) {
-		ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK);
-		if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n",
-				__func__, ctxid);
-			rc = -EINVAL;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		put_ctx = true;
-	}
-	/* Cleanup outstanding resources tied to this LUN */
-	if (ctxi->rht_out) {
-		marshal_det_to_rele(detach, &rel);
-		for (i = 0; i < MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT; i++) {
-			if (ctxi->rht_lun[i] == lli) {
-				rel.rsrc_handle = i;
-				_cxlflash_disk_release(sdev, ctxi, &rel);
-			}
-			/* No need to loop further if we're done */
-			if (ctxi->rht_out == 0)
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Take our LUN out of context, free the node */
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(lun_access, t, &ctxi->luns, list)
-		if (lun_access->lli == lli) {
-			list_del(&lun_access->list);
-			kfree(lun_access);
-			lun_access = NULL;
-			break;
-		}
-	/*
-	 * Release the context reference and the sdev reference that
-	 * bound this LUN to the context.
-	 */
-	if (kref_put(&ctxi->kref, remove_context))
-		put_ctx = false;
-	scsi_device_put(sdev);
-	if (put_ctx)
-		put_context(ctxi);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-static int cxlflash_disk_detach(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *detach)
-	return _cxlflash_disk_detach(sdev, NULL, detach);
- * cxlflash_cxl_release() - release handler for adapter file descriptor
- * @inode:	File-system inode associated with fd.
- * @file:	File installed with adapter file descriptor.
- *
- * This routine is the release handler for the fops registered with
- * the CXL services on an initial attach for a context. It is called
- * when a close (explicitly by the user or as part of a process tear
- * down) is performed on the adapter file descriptor returned to the
- * user. The user should be aware that explicitly performing a close
- * considered catastrophic and subsequent usage of the superpipe API
- * with previously saved off tokens will fail.
- *
- * This routine derives the context reference and calls detach for
- * each LUN associated with the context.The final detach operation
- * causes the context itself to be freed. With exception to when the
- * CXL process element (context id) lookup fails (a case that should
- * theoretically never occur), every call into this routine results
- * in a complete freeing of a context.
- *
- * Detaching the LUN is typically an ioctl() operation and the underlying
- * code assumes that ioctl_rwsem has been acquired as a reader. To support
- * that design point, the semaphore is acquired and released around detach.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success
- */
-static int cxlflash_cxl_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = container_of(file->f_op, struct cxlflash_cfg,
-						cxl_fops);
-	void *ctx = cfg->ops->fops_get_context(file);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_detach detach = { { 0 }, 0 };
-	struct lun_access *lun_access, *t;
-	enum ctx_ctrl ctrl = CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK | CTX_CTRL_FILE;
-	int ctxid;
-	ctxid = cfg->ops->process_element(ctx);
-	if (unlikely(ctxid < 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context %p was closed ctxid=%d\n",
-			__func__, ctx, ctxid);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	ctxi = get_context(cfg, ctxid, file, ctrl);
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-		ctxi = get_context(cfg, ctxid, file, ctrl | CTX_CTRL_CLONE);
-		if (!ctxi) {
-			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%d already free\n",
-				__func__, ctxid);
-			goto out_release;
-		}
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Another process owns ctxid=%d\n",
-			__func__, ctxid);
-		put_context(ctxi);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: close for ctxid=%d\n", __func__, ctxid);
-	down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	detach.context_id = ctxi->ctxid;
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(lun_access, t, &ctxi->luns, list)
-		_cxlflash_disk_detach(lun_access->sdev, ctxi, &detach);
-	up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	cfg->ops->fd_release(inode, file);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning\n", __func__);
-	return 0;
- * unmap_context() - clears a previously established mapping
- * @ctxi:	Context owning the mapping.
- *
- * This routine is used to switch between the error notification page
- * (dummy page of all 1's) and the real mapping (established by the CXL
- * fault handler).
- */
-static void unmap_context(struct ctx_info *ctxi)
-	unmap_mapping_range(ctxi->file->f_mapping, 0, 0, 1);
- * get_err_page() - obtains and allocates the error notification page
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * Return: error notification page on success, NULL on failure
- */
-static struct page *get_err_page(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct page *err_page = global.err_page;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	if (unlikely(!err_page)) {
-		err_page = alloc_page(GFP_KERNEL);
-		if (unlikely(!err_page)) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: Unable to allocate err_page\n",
-				__func__);
-			goto out;
-		}
-		memset(page_address(err_page), -1, PAGE_SIZE);
-		/* Serialize update w/ other threads to avoid a leak */
-		mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
-		if (likely(!global.err_page))
-			global.err_page = err_page;
-		else {
-			__free_page(err_page);
-			err_page = global.err_page;
-		}
-		mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning err_page=%p\n", __func__, err_page);
-	return err_page;
- * cxlflash_mmap_fault() - mmap fault handler for adapter file descriptor
- * @vmf:	VM fault associated with current fault.
- *
- * To support error notification via MMIO, faults are 'caught' by this routine
- * that was inserted before passing back the adapter file descriptor on attach.
- * When a fault occurs, this routine evaluates if error recovery is active and
- * if so, installs the error page to 'notify' the user about the error state.
- * During normal operation, the fault is simply handled by the original fault
- * handler that was installed by CXL services as part of initializing the
- * adapter file descriptor. The VMA's page protection bits are toggled to
- * indicate cached/not-cached depending on the memory backing the fault.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, VM_FAULT_SIGBUS on failure
- */
-static vm_fault_t cxlflash_mmap_fault(struct vm_fault *vmf)
-	struct vm_area_struct *vma = vmf->vma;
-	struct file *file = vma->vm_file;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = container_of(file->f_op, struct cxlflash_cfg,
-						cxl_fops);
-	void *ctx = cfg->ops->fops_get_context(file);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	struct page *err_page = NULL;
-	enum ctx_ctrl ctrl = CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK | CTX_CTRL_FILE;
-	vm_fault_t rc = 0;
-	int ctxid;
-	ctxid = cfg->ops->process_element(ctx);
-	if (unlikely(ctxid < 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context %p was closed ctxid=%d\n",
-			__func__, ctx, ctxid);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	ctxi = get_context(cfg, ctxid, file, ctrl);
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%d\n", __func__, ctxid);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: fault for context %d\n", __func__, ctxid);
-	if (likely(!ctxi->err_recovery_active)) {
-		vma->vm_page_prot = pgprot_noncached(vma->vm_page_prot);
-		rc = ctxi->cxl_mmap_vmops->fault(vmf);
-	} else {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: err recovery active, use err_page\n",
-			__func__);
-		err_page = get_err_page(cfg);
-		if (unlikely(!err_page)) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not get err_page\n", __func__);
-			rc = VM_FAULT_RETRY;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		get_page(err_page);
-		vmf->page = err_page;
-		vma->vm_page_prot = pgprot_cached(vma->vm_page_prot);
-	}
-	if (likely(ctxi))
-		put_context(ctxi);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%x\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-	goto out;
- * Local MMAP vmops to 'catch' faults
- */
-static const struct vm_operations_struct cxlflash_mmap_vmops = {
-	.fault = cxlflash_mmap_fault,
- * cxlflash_cxl_mmap() - mmap handler for adapter file descriptor
- * @file:	File installed with adapter file descriptor.
- * @vma:	VM area associated with mapping.
- *
- * Installs local mmap vmops to 'catch' faults for error notification support.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_cxl_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = container_of(file->f_op, struct cxlflash_cfg,
-						cxl_fops);
-	void *ctx = cfg->ops->fops_get_context(file);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	enum ctx_ctrl ctrl = CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK | CTX_CTRL_FILE;
-	int ctxid;
-	int rc = 0;
-	ctxid = cfg->ops->process_element(ctx);
-	if (unlikely(ctxid < 0)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context %p was closed ctxid=%d\n",
-			__func__, ctx, ctxid);
-		rc = -EIO;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	ctxi = get_context(cfg, ctxid, file, ctrl);
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%d\n", __func__, ctxid);
-		rc = -EIO;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: mmap for context %d\n", __func__, ctxid);
-	rc = cfg->ops->fd_mmap(file, vma);
-	if (likely(!rc)) {
-		/* Insert ourself in the mmap fault handler path */
-		ctxi->cxl_mmap_vmops = vma->vm_ops;
-		vma->vm_ops = &cxlflash_mmap_vmops;
-	}
-	if (likely(ctxi))
-		put_context(ctxi);
-	return rc;
-const struct file_operations cxlflash_cxl_fops = {
-	.owner = THIS_MODULE,
-	.mmap = cxlflash_cxl_mmap,
-	.release = cxlflash_cxl_release,
- * cxlflash_mark_contexts_error() - move contexts to error state and list
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * A context is only moved over to the error list when there are no outstanding
- * references to it. This ensures that a running operation has completed.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-int cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	int i, rc = 0;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	mutex_lock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONTEXT; i++) {
-		ctxi = cfg->ctx_tbl[i];
-		if (ctxi) {
-			mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
-			cfg->ctx_tbl[i] = NULL;
-			list_add(&ctxi->list, &cfg->ctx_err_recovery);
-			ctxi->err_recovery_active = true;
-			ctxi->ctrl_map = NULL;
-			unmap_context(ctxi);
-			mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
-		}
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-	return rc;
- * Dummy NULL fops
- */
-static const struct file_operations null_fops = {
-	.owner = THIS_MODULE,
- * check_state() - checks and responds to the current adapter state
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- *
- * This routine can block and should only be used on process context.
- * It assumes that the caller is an ioctl thread and holding the ioctl
- * read semaphore. This is temporarily let up across the wait to allow
- * for draining actively running ioctls. Also note that when waking up
- * from waiting in reset, the state is unknown and must be checked again
- * before proceeding.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-int check_state(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int rc = 0;
-	switch (cfg->state) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Reset state, going to wait...\n", __func__);
-		up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-		rc = wait_event_interruptible(cfg->reset_waitq,
-					      cfg->state != STATE_RESET);
-		down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-		if (unlikely(rc))
-			break;
-		goto retry;
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Failed/Terminating\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENODEV;
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_disk_attach() - attach a LUN to a context
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @arg:	Attach ioctl data structure.
- *
- * Creates a context and attaches LUN to it. A LUN can only be attached
- * one time to a context (subsequent attaches for the same context/LUN pair
- * are not supported). Additional LUNs can be attached to a context by
- * specifying the 'reuse' flag defined in the cxlflash_ioctl.h header.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_disk_attach(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
-	struct dk_cxlflash_attach *attach = arg;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	struct lun_access *lun_access = NULL;
-	int rc = 0;
-	u32 perms;
-	int ctxid = -1;
-	u64 irqs = attach->num_interrupts;
-	u64 flags = 0UL;
-	u64 rctxid = 0UL;
-	struct file *file = NULL;
-	void *ctx = NULL;
-	int fd = -1;
-	if (irqs > 4) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Cannot support this many interrupts %llu\n",
-			__func__, irqs);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (gli->max_lba == 0) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: No capacity info for LUN=%016llx\n",
-			__func__, lli->lun_id[sdev->channel]);
-		rc = read_cap16(sdev, lli);
-		if (rc) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: Invalid device rc=%d\n",
-				__func__, rc);
-			rc = -ENODEV;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: LBA = %016llx\n", __func__, gli->max_lba);
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: BLK_LEN = %08x\n", __func__, gli->blk_len);
-	}
-	if (attach->hdr.flags & DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH_REUSE_CONTEXT) {
-		rctxid = attach->context_id;
-		ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, NULL, 0);
-		if (!ctxi) {
-			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context rctxid=%016llx\n",
-				__func__, rctxid);
-			rc = -EINVAL;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		list_for_each_entry(lun_access, &ctxi->luns, list)
-			if (lun_access->lli == lli) {
-				dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Already attached\n",
-					__func__);
-				rc = -EINVAL;
-				goto out;
-			}
-	}
-	rc = scsi_device_get(sdev);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Unable to get sdev reference\n", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	lun_access = kzalloc(sizeof(*lun_access), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!lun_access)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Unable to allocate lun_access\n", __func__);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto err;
-	}
-	lun_access->lli = lli;
-	lun_access->sdev = sdev;
-	/* Non-NULL context indicates reuse (another context reference) */
-	if (ctxi) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Reusing context for LUN rctxid=%016llx\n",
-			__func__, rctxid);
-		kref_get(&ctxi->kref);
-		list_add(&lun_access->list, &ctxi->luns);
-		goto out_attach;
-	}
-	ctxi = create_context(cfg);
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed to create context ctxid=%d\n",
-			__func__, ctxid);
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto err;
-	}
-	ctx = cfg->ops->dev_context_init(cfg->dev, cfg->afu_cookie);
-	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(ctx)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not initialize context %p\n",
-			__func__, ctx);
-		rc = -ENODEV;
-		goto err;
-	}
-	rc = cfg->ops->start_work(ctx, irqs);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Could not start context rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	ctxid = cfg->ops->process_element(ctx);
-	if (unlikely((ctxid >= MAX_CONTEXT) || (ctxid < 0))) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ctxid=%d invalid\n", __func__, ctxid);
-		rc = -EPERM;
-		goto err;
-	}
-	file = cfg->ops->get_fd(ctx, &cfg->cxl_fops, &fd);
-	if (unlikely(fd < 0)) {
-		rc = -ENODEV;
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not get file descriptor\n", __func__);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	/* Translate read/write O_* flags from fcntl.h to AFU permission bits */
-	perms = SISL_RHT_PERM(attach->hdr.flags + 1);
-	/* Context mutex is locked upon return */
-	init_context(ctxi, cfg, ctx, ctxid, file, perms, irqs);
-	rc = afu_attach(cfg, ctxi);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not attach AFU rc %d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * No error paths after this point. Once the fd is installed it's
-	 * visible to user space and can't be undone safely on this thread.
-	 * There is no need to worry about a deadlock here because no one
-	 * knows about us yet; we can be the only one holding our mutex.
-	 */
-	list_add(&lun_access->list, &ctxi->luns);
-	mutex_lock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-	mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
-	cfg->ctx_tbl[ctxid] = ctxi;
-	mutex_unlock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-	fd_install(fd, file);
-	if (fd != -1)
-	if (afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(afu))
-	attach->hdr.return_flags = flags;
-	attach->context_id = ctxi->ctxid;
-	attach->block_size = gli->blk_len;
-	attach->mmio_size = sizeof(afu->afu_map->hosts[0].harea);
-	attach->last_lba = gli->max_lba;
-	attach->max_xfer = sdev->host->max_sectors * MAX_SECTOR_UNIT;
-	attach->max_xfer /= gli->blk_len;
-	attach->adap_fd = fd;
-	if (ctxi)
-		put_context(ctxi);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning ctxid=%d fd=%d bs=%lld rc=%d llba=%lld\n",
-		__func__, ctxid, fd, attach->block_size, rc, attach->last_lba);
-	return rc;
-	/* Cleanup CXL context; okay to 'stop' even if it was not started */
-	if (!IS_ERR_OR_NULL(ctx)) {
-		cfg->ops->stop_context(ctx);
-		cfg->ops->release_context(ctx);
-		ctx = NULL;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Here, we're overriding the fops with a dummy all-NULL fops because
-	 * fput() calls the release fop, which will cause us to mistakenly
-	 * call into the CXL code. Rather than try to add yet more complexity
-	 * to that routine (cxlflash_cxl_release) we should try to fix the
-	 * issue here.
-	 */
-	if (fd > 0) {
-		file->f_op = &null_fops;
-		fput(file);
-		put_unused_fd(fd);
-		fd = -1;
-		file = NULL;
-	}
-	/* Cleanup our context */
-	if (ctxi) {
-		destroy_context(cfg, ctxi);
-		ctxi = NULL;
-	}
-	kfree(lun_access);
-	scsi_device_put(sdev);
-	goto out;
- * recover_context() - recovers a context in error
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @ctxi:	Context to release.
- * @adap_fd:	Adapter file descriptor associated with new/recovered context.
- *
- * Restablishes the state for a context-in-error.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int recover_context(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg,
-			   struct ctx_info *ctxi,
-			   int *adap_fd)
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int fd = -1;
-	int ctxid = -1;
-	struct file *file;
-	void *ctx;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	ctx = cfg->ops->dev_context_init(cfg->dev, cfg->afu_cookie);
-	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(ctx)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not initialize context %p\n",
-			__func__, ctx);
-		rc = -ENODEV;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = cfg->ops->start_work(ctx, ctxi->irqs);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Could not start context rc=%d\n",
-			__func__, rc);
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	ctxid = cfg->ops->process_element(ctx);
-	if (unlikely((ctxid >= MAX_CONTEXT) || (ctxid < 0))) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ctxid=%d invalid\n", __func__, ctxid);
-		rc = -EPERM;
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	file = cfg->ops->get_fd(ctx, &cfg->cxl_fops, &fd);
-	if (unlikely(fd < 0)) {
-		rc = -ENODEV;
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not get file descriptor\n", __func__);
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	/* Update with new MMIO area based on updated context id */
-	ctxi->ctrl_map = &afu->afu_map->ctrls[ctxid].ctrl;
-	rc = afu_attach(cfg, ctxi);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not attach AFU rc %d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err3;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * No error paths after this point. Once the fd is installed it's
-	 * visible to user space and can't be undone safely on this thread.
-	 */
-	ctxi->ctxid = ENCODE_CTXID(ctxi, ctxid);
-	ctxi->ctx = ctx;
-	ctxi->file = file;
-	/*
-	 * Put context back in table (note the reinit of the context list);
-	 * we must first drop the context's mutex and then acquire it in
-	 * order with the table/list mutex to avoid a deadlock - safe to do
-	 * here because no one can find us at this moment in time.
-	 */
-	mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
-	mutex_lock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-	mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
-	list_del_init(&ctxi->list);
-	cfg->ctx_tbl[ctxid] = ctxi;
-	mutex_unlock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
-	fd_install(fd, file);
-	*adap_fd = fd;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning ctxid=%d fd=%d rc=%d\n",
-		__func__, ctxid, fd, rc);
-	return rc;
-	fput(file);
-	put_unused_fd(fd);
-	cfg->ops->stop_context(ctx);
-	cfg->ops->release_context(ctx);
-	goto out;
- * cxlflash_afu_recover() - initiates AFU recovery
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @arg:	Recover ioctl data structure.
- *
- * Only a single recovery is allowed at a time to avoid exhausting CXL
- * resources (leading to recovery failure) in the event that we're up
- * against the maximum number of contexts limit. For similar reasons,
- * a context recovery is retried if there are multiple recoveries taking
- * place at the same time and the failure was due to CXL services being
- * unable to keep up.
- *
- * As this routine is called on ioctl context, it holds the ioctl r/w
- * semaphore that is used to drain ioctls in recovery scenarios. The
- * implementation to achieve the pacing described above (a local mutex)
- * requires that the ioctl r/w semaphore be dropped and reacquired to
- * avoid a 3-way deadlock when multiple process recoveries operate in
- * parallel.
- *
- * Because a user can detect an error condition before the kernel, it is
- * quite possible for this routine to act as the kernel's EEH detection
- * source (MMIO read of mbox_r). Because of this, there is a window of
- * time where an EEH might have been detected but not yet 'serviced'
- * (callback invoked, causing the device to enter reset state). To avoid
- * looping in this routine during that window, a 1 second sleep is in place
- * between the time the MMIO failure is detected and the time a wait on the
- * reset wait queue is attempted via check_state().
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_afu_recover(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
-	struct dk_cxlflash_recover_afu *recover = arg;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	struct mutex *mutex = &cfg->ctx_recovery_mutex;
-	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
-	u64 flags;
-	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(recover->context_id),
-	    rctxid = recover->context_id;
-	long reg;
-	bool locked = true;
-	int lretry = 20; /* up to 2 seconds */
-	int new_adap_fd = -1;
-	int rc = 0;
-	atomic_inc(&cfg->recovery_threads);
-	up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	rc = mutex_lock_interruptible(mutex);
-	down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	if (rc) {
-		locked = false;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = check_state(cfg);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed state rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		rc = -ENODEV;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: reason=%016llx rctxid=%016llx\n",
-		__func__, recover->reason, rctxid);
-	/* Ensure that this process is attached to the context */
-	ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK);
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (ctxi->err_recovery_active) {
-		rc = recover_context(cfg, ctxi, &new_adap_fd);
-		if (unlikely(rc)) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: Recovery failed ctxid=%llu rc=%d\n",
-				__func__, ctxid, rc);
-			if ((rc == -ENODEV) &&
-			    ((atomic_read(&cfg->recovery_threads) > 1) ||
-			     (lretry--))) {
-				dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Going to try again\n",
-					__func__);
-				mutex_unlock(mutex);
-				msleep(100);
-				rc = mutex_lock_interruptible(mutex);
-				if (rc) {
-					locked = false;
-					goto out;
-				}
-				goto retry_recover;
-			}
-			goto out;
-		}
-		ctxi->err_recovery_active = false;
-		if (afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(afu))
-		recover->hdr.return_flags = flags;
-		recover->context_id = ctxi->ctxid;
-		recover->adap_fd = new_adap_fd;
-		recover->mmio_size = sizeof(afu->afu_map->hosts[0].harea);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* Test if in error state */
-	reg = readq_be(&hwq->ctrl_map->mbox_r);
-	if (reg == -1) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: MMIO fail, wait for recovery.\n", __func__);
-		/*
-		 * Before checking the state, put back the context obtained with
-		 * get_context() as it is no longer needed and sleep for a short
-		 * period of time (see prolog notes).
-		 */
-		put_context(ctxi);
-		ctxi = NULL;
-		ssleep(1);
-		rc = check_state(cfg);
-		if (unlikely(rc))
-			goto out;
-		goto retry;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: MMIO working, no recovery required\n", __func__);
-	if (likely(ctxi))
-		put_context(ctxi);
-	if (locked)
-		mutex_unlock(mutex);
-	atomic_dec_if_positive(&cfg->recovery_threads);
-	return rc;
- * process_sense() - evaluates and processes sense data
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @verify:	Verify ioctl data structure.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int process_sense(struct scsi_device *sdev,
-			 struct dk_cxlflash_verify *verify)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	u64 prev_lba = gli->max_lba;
-	struct scsi_sense_hdr sshdr = { 0 };
-	int rc = 0;
-	rc = scsi_normalize_sense((const u8 *)&verify->sense_data,
-	if (!rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed to normalize sense data\n", __func__);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	switch (sshdr.sense_key) {
-	case NO_SENSE:
-	case NOT_READY:
-		break;
-		switch (sshdr.asc) {
-		case 0x29: /* Power on Reset or Device Reset */
-			fallthrough;
-		case 0x2A: /* Device settings/capacity changed */
-			rc = read_cap16(sdev, lli);
-			if (rc) {
-				rc = -ENODEV;
-				break;
-			}
-			if (prev_lba != gli->max_lba)
-				dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Capacity changed old=%lld "
-					"new=%lld\n", __func__, prev_lba,
-					gli->max_lba);
-			break;
-		case 0x3F: /* Report LUNs changed, Rescan. */
-			scsi_scan_host(cfg->host);
-			break;
-		default:
-			rc = -EIO;
-			break;
-		}
-		break;
-	default:
-		rc = -EIO;
-		break;
-	}
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: sense_key %x asc %x ascq %x rc %d\n", __func__,
-		sshdr.sense_key, sshdr.asc, sshdr.ascq, rc);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_disk_verify() - verifies a LUN is the same and handle size changes
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @arg:	Verify ioctl data structure.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_disk_verify(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
-	struct dk_cxlflash_verify *verify = arg;
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte = NULL;
-	res_hndl_t rhndl = verify->rsrc_handle;
-	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(verify->context_id),
-	    rctxid = verify->context_id;
-	u64 last_lba = 0;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%llu rhndl=%016llx, hint=%016llx, "
-		"flags=%016llx\n", __func__, ctxid, verify->rsrc_handle,
-		verify->hint, verify->hdr.flags);
-	ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, 0);
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rhte = get_rhte(ctxi, rhndl, lli);
-	if (unlikely(!rhte)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad resource handle rhndl=%d\n",
-			__func__, rhndl);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Look at the hint/sense to see if it requires us to redrive
-	 * inquiry (i.e. the Unit attention is due to the WWN changing).
-	 */
-	if (verify->hint & DK_CXLFLASH_VERIFY_HINT_SENSE) {
-		/* Can't hold mutex across process_sense/read_cap16,
-		 * since we could have an intervening EEH event.
-		 */
-		ctxi->unavail = true;
-		mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
-		rc = process_sense(sdev, verify);
-		if (unlikely(rc)) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed to validate sense data (%d)\n",
-				__func__, rc);
-			mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
-			ctxi->unavail = false;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
-		ctxi->unavail = false;
-	}
-	switch (gli->mode) {
-		last_lba = gli->max_lba;
-		break;
-		/* Cast lxt_cnt to u64 for multiply to be treated as 64bit op */
-		last_lba = ((u64)rhte->lxt_cnt * MC_CHUNK_SIZE * gli->blk_len);
-		last_lba /= CXLFLASH_BLOCK_SIZE;
-		last_lba--;
-		break;
-	default:
-		WARN(1, "Unsupported LUN mode!");
-	}
-	verify->last_lba = last_lba;
-	if (likely(ctxi))
-		put_context(ctxi);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d llba=%llx\n",
-		__func__, rc, verify->last_lba);
-	return rc;
- * decode_ioctl() - translates an encoded ioctl to an easily identifiable string
- * @cmd:	The ioctl command to decode.
- *
- * Return: A string identifying the decoded ioctl.
- */
-static char *decode_ioctl(unsigned int cmd)
-	switch (cmd) {
-		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH);
-		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_USER_DIRECT);
-		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_USER_VIRTUAL);
-		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_VLUN_RESIZE);
-		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_RELEASE);
-		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_DETACH);
-		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_VERIFY);
-		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_VLUN_CLONE);
-		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_RECOVER_AFU);
-		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN);
-	}
-	return "UNKNOWN";
- * cxlflash_disk_direct_open() - opens a direct (physical) disk
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @arg:	UDirect ioctl data structure.
- *
- * On successful return, the user is informed of the resource handle
- * to be used to identify the direct lun and the size (in blocks) of
- * the direct lun in last LBA format.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int cxlflash_disk_direct_open(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_release rel = { { 0 }, 0 };
-	struct dk_cxlflash_udirect *pphys = (struct dk_cxlflash_udirect *)arg;
-	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(pphys->context_id),
-	    rctxid = pphys->context_id;
-	u64 lun_size = 0;
-	u64 last_lba = 0;
-	u64 rsrc_handle = -1;
-	u32 port = CHAN2PORTMASK(sdev->channel);
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte = NULL;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%llu ls=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid, lun_size);
-	rc = cxlflash_lun_attach(gli, MODE_PHYSICAL, false);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Failed attach to LUN (PHYSICAL)\n", __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, 0);
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	rhte = rhte_checkout(ctxi, lli);
-	if (unlikely(!rhte)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Too many opens ctxid=%lld\n",
-			__func__, ctxid);
-		rc = -EMFILE;	/* too many opens  */
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	rsrc_handle = (rhte - ctxi->rht_start);
-	rht_format1(rhte, lli->lun_id[sdev->channel], ctxi->rht_perms, port);
-	last_lba = gli->max_lba;
-	pphys->hdr.return_flags = 0;
-	pphys->last_lba = last_lba;
-	pphys->rsrc_handle = rsrc_handle;
-	rc = cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, ctxid, rsrc_handle, AFU_LW_SYNC);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: AFU sync failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	if (likely(ctxi))
-		put_context(ctxi);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning handle=%llu rc=%d llba=%llu\n",
-		__func__, rsrc_handle, rc, last_lba);
-	return rc;
-	marshal_udir_to_rele(pphys, &rel);
-	_cxlflash_disk_release(sdev, ctxi, &rel);
-	goto out;
-	cxlflash_lun_detach(gli);
-	goto out;
- * ioctl_common() - common IOCTL handler for driver
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @cmd:	IOCTL command.
- *
- * Handles common fencing operations that are valid for multiple ioctls. Always
- * allow through ioctls that are cleanup oriented in nature, even when operating
- * in a failed/terminating state.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ioctl_common(struct scsi_device *sdev, unsigned int cmd)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	int rc = 0;
-	if (unlikely(!lli)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Unknown LUN\n", __func__);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	rc = check_state(cfg);
-	if (unlikely(rc) && (cfg->state == STATE_FAILTERM)) {
-		switch (cmd) {
-			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Command override rc=%d\n",
-				__func__, rc);
-			rc = 0;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_ioctl() - IOCTL handler for driver
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @cmd:	IOCTL command.
- * @arg:	Userspace ioctl data structure.
- *
- * A read/write semaphore is used to implement a 'drain' of currently
- * running ioctls. The read semaphore is taken at the beginning of each
- * ioctl thread and released upon concluding execution. Additionally the
- * semaphore should be released and then reacquired in any ioctl execution
- * path which will wait for an event to occur that is outside the scope of
- * the ioctl (i.e. an adapter reset). To drain the ioctls currently running,
- * a thread simply needs to acquire the write semaphore.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-int cxlflash_ioctl(struct scsi_device *sdev, unsigned int cmd, void __user *arg)
-	typedef int (*sioctl) (struct scsi_device *, void *);
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr *hdr;
-	char buf[sizeof(union cxlflash_ioctls)];
-	size_t size = 0;
-	bool known_ioctl = false;
-	int idx;
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct Scsi_Host *shost = sdev->host;
-	sioctl do_ioctl = NULL;
-	static const struct {
-		size_t size;
-		sioctl ioctl;
-	} ioctl_tbl[] = {	/* NOTE: order matters here */
-	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_attach), cxlflash_disk_attach},
-	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_udirect), cxlflash_disk_direct_open},
-	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_release), cxlflash_disk_release},
-	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_detach), cxlflash_disk_detach},
-	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_verify), cxlflash_disk_verify},
-	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_recover_afu), cxlflash_afu_recover},
-	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_manage_lun), cxlflash_manage_lun},
-	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_uvirtual), cxlflash_disk_virtual_open},
-	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_resize), cxlflash_vlun_resize},
-	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_clone), cxlflash_disk_clone},
-	};
-	/* Hold read semaphore so we can drain if needed */
-	down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	/* Restrict command set to physical support only for internal LUN */
-	if (afu->internal_lun)
-		switch (cmd) {
-			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: %s not supported for lun_mode=%d\n",
-				__func__, decode_ioctl(cmd), afu->internal_lun);
-			rc = -EINVAL;
-			goto cxlflash_ioctl_exit;
-		}
-	switch (cmd) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: %s (%08X) on dev(%d/%d/%d/%llu)\n",
-			__func__, decode_ioctl(cmd), cmd, shost->host_no,
-			sdev->channel, sdev->id, sdev->lun);
-		rc = ioctl_common(sdev, cmd);
-		if (unlikely(rc))
-			goto cxlflash_ioctl_exit;
-		fallthrough;
-		known_ioctl = true;
-		idx = _IOC_NR(cmd) - _IOC_NR(DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH);
-		size = ioctl_tbl[idx].size;
-		do_ioctl = ioctl_tbl[idx].ioctl;
-		if (likely(do_ioctl))
-			break;
-		fallthrough;
-	default:
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto cxlflash_ioctl_exit;
-	}
-	if (unlikely(copy_from_user(&buf, arg, size))) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: copy_from_user() fail size=%lu cmd=%u (%s) arg=%p\n",
-			__func__, size, cmd, decode_ioctl(cmd), arg);
-		rc = -EFAULT;
-		goto cxlflash_ioctl_exit;
-	}
-	hdr = (struct dk_cxlflash_hdr *)&buf;
-	if (hdr->version != DK_CXLFLASH_VERSION_0) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Version %u not supported for %s\n",
-			__func__, hdr->version, decode_ioctl(cmd));
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto cxlflash_ioctl_exit;
-	}
-	if (hdr->rsvd[0] || hdr->rsvd[1] || hdr->rsvd[2] || hdr->return_flags) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Reserved/rflags populated\n", __func__);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto cxlflash_ioctl_exit;
-	}
-	rc = do_ioctl(sdev, (void *)&buf);
-	if (likely(!rc))
-		if (unlikely(copy_to_user(arg, &buf, size))) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: copy_to_user() fail size=%lu cmd=%u (%s) arg=%p\n",
-				__func__, size, cmd, decode_ioctl(cmd), arg);
-			rc = -EFAULT;
-		}
-	/* fall through to exit */
-	up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-	if (unlikely(rc && known_ioctl))
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: ioctl %s (%08X) on dev(%d/%d/%d/%llu) "
-			"returned rc %d\n", __func__,
-			decode_ioctl(cmd), cmd, shost->host_no,
-			sdev->channel, sdev->id, sdev->lun, rc);
-	else
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ioctl %s (%08X) on dev(%d/%d/%d/%llu) "
-			"returned rc %d\n", __func__, decode_ioctl(cmd),
-			cmd, shost->host_no, sdev->channel, sdev->id,
-			sdev->lun, rc);
-	return rc;
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fe8c975d13d7..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
- */
-extern struct cxlflash_global global;
- * Terminology: use afu (and not adapter) to refer to the HW.
- * Adapter is the entire slot and includes PSL out of which
- * only the AFU is visible to user space.
- */
-/* Chunk size parms: note sislite minimum chunk size is
- * 0x10000 LBAs corresponding to a NMASK or 16.
- */
-#define MC_CHUNK_SIZE     (1 << MC_RHT_NMASK)	/* in LBAs */
-#define CMD_TIMEOUT 30  /* 30 secs */
-#define CMD_RETRIES 5   /* 5 retries for scsi_execute */
-#define MAX_SECTOR_UNIT  512 /* max_sector is in 512 byte multiples */
-enum lun_mode {
-	MODE_NONE = 0,
-/* Global (entire driver, spans adapters) lun_info structure */
-struct glun_info {
-	u64 max_lba;		/* from read cap(16) */
-	u32 blk_len;		/* from read cap(16) */
-	enum lun_mode mode;	/* NONE, VIRTUAL, PHYSICAL */
-	int users;		/* Number of users w/ references to LUN */
-	u8 wwid[16];
-	struct mutex mutex;
-	struct blka blka;
-	struct list_head list;
-/* Local (per-adapter) lun_info structure */
-struct llun_info {
-	u64 lun_id[MAX_FC_PORTS]; /* from REPORT_LUNS */
-	u32 lun_index;		/* Index in the LUN table */
-	u32 host_no;		/* host_no from Scsi_host */
-	u32 port_sel;		/* What port to use for this LUN */
-	bool in_table;		/* Whether a LUN table entry was created */
-	u8 wwid[16];		/* Keep a duplicate copy here? */
-	struct glun_info *parent; /* Pointer to entry in global LUN structure */
-	struct scsi_device *sdev;
-	struct list_head list;
-struct lun_access {
-	struct llun_info *lli;
-	struct scsi_device *sdev;
-	struct list_head list;
-enum ctx_ctrl {
-	CTX_CTRL_CLONE		= (1 << 1),
-	CTX_CTRL_ERR		= (1 << 2),
-	CTX_CTRL_NOPID		= (1 << 4),
-	CTX_CTRL_FILE		= (1 << 5)
-#define ENCODE_CTXID(_ctx, _id)	(((((u64)_ctx) & 0xFFFFFFFF0ULL) << 28) | _id)
-#define DECODE_CTXID(_val)	(_val & 0xFFFFFFFF)
-struct ctx_info {
-	struct sisl_ctrl_map __iomem *ctrl_map; /* initialized at startup */
-	struct sisl_rht_entry *rht_start; /* 1 page (req'd for alignment),
-					   * alloc/free on attach/detach
-					   */
-	u32 rht_out;		/* Number of checked out RHT entries */
-	u32 rht_perms;		/* User-defined permissions for RHT entries */
-	struct llun_info **rht_lun;       /* Mapping of RHT entries to LUNs */
-	u8 *rht_needs_ws;	/* User-desired write-same function per RHTE */
-	u64 ctxid;
-	u64 irqs; /* Number of interrupts requested for context */
-	pid_t pid;
-	bool initialized;
-	bool unavail;
-	bool err_recovery_active;
-	struct mutex mutex; /* Context protection */
-	struct kref kref;
-	void *ctx;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg;
-	struct list_head luns;	/* LUNs attached to this context */
-	const struct vm_operations_struct *cxl_mmap_vmops;
-	struct file *file;
-	struct list_head list; /* Link contexts in error recovery */
-struct cxlflash_global {
-	struct mutex mutex;
-	struct list_head gluns;/* list of glun_info structs */
-	struct page *err_page; /* One page of all 0xF for error notification */
-int cxlflash_vlun_resize(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *resize);
-int _cxlflash_vlun_resize(struct scsi_device *sdev, struct ctx_info *ctxi,
-			  struct dk_cxlflash_resize *resize);
-int cxlflash_disk_release(struct scsi_device *sdev,
-			  void *release);
-int _cxlflash_disk_release(struct scsi_device *sdev, struct ctx_info *ctxi,
-			   struct dk_cxlflash_release *release);
-int cxlflash_disk_clone(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg);
-int cxlflash_disk_virtual_open(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg);
-int cxlflash_lun_attach(struct glun_info *gli, enum lun_mode mode, bool locked);
-void cxlflash_lun_detach(struct glun_info *gli);
-struct ctx_info *get_context(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u64 rctxit, void *arg,
-			     enum ctx_ctrl ctrl);
-void put_context(struct ctx_info *ctxi);
-struct sisl_rht_entry *get_rhte(struct ctx_info *ctxi, res_hndl_t rhndl,
-				struct llun_info *lli);
-struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte_checkout(struct ctx_info *ctxi,
-				     struct llun_info *lli);
-void rhte_checkin(struct ctx_info *ctxi, struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte);
-void cxlflash_ba_terminate(struct ba_lun *ba_lun);
-int cxlflash_manage_lun(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *manage);
-int check_state(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg);
-#endif /* ifndef _CXLFLASH_SUPERPIPE_H */
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.c b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 32e807703377..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1336 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
- */
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/syscalls.h>
-#include <linux/unaligned.h>
-#include <asm/bitsperlong.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
-#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
-#include <uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h>
-#include "sislite.h"
-#include "common.h"
-#include "vlun.h"
-#include "superpipe.h"
- * marshal_virt_to_resize() - translate uvirtual to resize structure
- * @virt:	Source structure from which to translate/copy.
- * @resize:	Destination structure for the translate/copy.
- */
-static void marshal_virt_to_resize(struct dk_cxlflash_uvirtual *virt,
-				   struct dk_cxlflash_resize *resize)
-	resize->hdr = virt->hdr;
-	resize->context_id = virt->context_id;
-	resize->rsrc_handle = virt->rsrc_handle;
-	resize->req_size = virt->lun_size;
-	resize->last_lba = virt->last_lba;
- * marshal_clone_to_rele() - translate clone to release structure
- * @clone:	Source structure from which to translate/copy.
- * @release:	Destination structure for the translate/copy.
- */
-static void marshal_clone_to_rele(struct dk_cxlflash_clone *clone,
-				  struct dk_cxlflash_release *release)
-	release->hdr = clone->hdr;
-	release->context_id = clone->context_id_dst;
- * ba_init() - initializes a block allocator
- * @ba_lun:	Block allocator to initialize.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int ba_init(struct ba_lun *ba_lun)
-	struct ba_lun_info *bali = NULL;
-	int lun_size_au = 0, i = 0;
-	int last_word_underflow = 0;
-	u64 *lam;
-	pr_debug("%s: Initializing LUN: lun_id=%016llx "
-		 "ba_lun->lsize=%lx ba_lun->au_size=%lX\n",
-		__func__, ba_lun->lun_id, ba_lun->lsize, ba_lun->au_size);
-	/* Calculate bit map size */
-	lun_size_au = ba_lun->lsize / ba_lun->au_size;
-	if (lun_size_au == 0) {
-		pr_debug("%s: Requested LUN size of 0!\n", __func__);
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	/* Allocate lun information container */
-	bali = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ba_lun_info), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!bali)) {
-		pr_err("%s: Failed to allocate lun_info lun_id=%016llx\n",
-		       __func__, ba_lun->lun_id);
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	bali->total_aus = lun_size_au;
-	bali->lun_bmap_size = lun_size_au / BITS_PER_LONG;
-	if (lun_size_au % BITS_PER_LONG)
-		bali->lun_bmap_size++;
-	/* Allocate bitmap space */
-	bali->lun_alloc_map = kzalloc((bali->lun_bmap_size * sizeof(u64)),
-				      GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!bali->lun_alloc_map)) {
-		pr_err("%s: Failed to allocate lun allocation map: "
-		       "lun_id=%016llx\n", __func__, ba_lun->lun_id);
-		kfree(bali);
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	/* Initialize the bit map size and set all bits to '1' */
-	bali->free_aun_cnt = lun_size_au;
-	for (i = 0; i < bali->lun_bmap_size; i++)
-		bali->lun_alloc_map[i] = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL;
-	/* If the last word not fully utilized, mark extra bits as allocated */
-	last_word_underflow = (bali->lun_bmap_size * BITS_PER_LONG);
-	last_word_underflow -= bali->free_aun_cnt;
-	if (last_word_underflow > 0) {
-		lam = &bali->lun_alloc_map[bali->lun_bmap_size - 1];
-		for (i = (HIBIT - last_word_underflow + 1);
-		     i < BITS_PER_LONG;
-		     i++)
-			clear_bit(i, (ulong *)lam);
-	}
-	/* Initialize high elevator index, low/curr already at 0 from kzalloc */
-	bali->free_high_idx = bali->lun_bmap_size;
-	/* Allocate clone map */
-	bali->aun_clone_map = kzalloc((bali->total_aus * sizeof(u8)),
-				      GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!bali->aun_clone_map)) {
-		pr_err("%s: Failed to allocate clone map: lun_id=%016llx\n",
-		       __func__, ba_lun->lun_id);
-		kfree(bali->lun_alloc_map);
-		kfree(bali);
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	/* Pass the allocated LUN info as a handle to the user */
-	ba_lun->ba_lun_handle = bali;
-	pr_debug("%s: Successfully initialized the LUN: "
-		 "lun_id=%016llx bitmap size=%x, free_aun_cnt=%llx\n",
-		__func__, ba_lun->lun_id, bali->lun_bmap_size,
-		bali->free_aun_cnt);
-	return 0;
- * find_free_range() - locates a free bit within the block allocator
- * @low:	First word in block allocator to start search.
- * @high:	Last word in block allocator to search.
- * @bali:	LUN information structure owning the block allocator to search.
- * @bit_word:	Passes back the word in the block allocator owning the free bit.
- *
- * Return: The bit position within the passed back word, -1 on failure
- */
-static int find_free_range(u32 low,
-			   u32 high,
-			   struct ba_lun_info *bali, int *bit_word)
-	int i;
-	u64 bit_pos = -1;
-	ulong *lam, num_bits;
-	for (i = low; i < high; i++)
-		if (bali->lun_alloc_map[i] != 0) {
-			lam = (ulong *)&bali->lun_alloc_map[i];
-			num_bits = (sizeof(*lam) * BITS_PER_BYTE);
-			bit_pos = find_first_bit(lam, num_bits);
-			pr_devel("%s: Found free bit %llu in LUN "
-				 "map entry %016llx at bitmap index = %d\n",
-				 __func__, bit_pos, bali->lun_alloc_map[i], i);
-			*bit_word = i;
-			bali->free_aun_cnt--;
-			clear_bit(bit_pos, lam);
-			break;
-		}
-	return bit_pos;
- * ba_alloc() - allocates a block from the block allocator
- * @ba_lun:	Block allocator from which to allocate a block.
- *
- * Return: The allocated block, -1 on failure
- */
-static u64 ba_alloc(struct ba_lun *ba_lun)
-	u64 bit_pos = -1;
-	int bit_word = 0;
-	struct ba_lun_info *bali = NULL;
-	bali = ba_lun->ba_lun_handle;
-	pr_debug("%s: Received block allocation request: "
-		 "lun_id=%016llx free_aun_cnt=%llx\n",
-		 __func__, ba_lun->lun_id, bali->free_aun_cnt);
-	if (bali->free_aun_cnt == 0) {
-		pr_debug("%s: No space left on LUN: lun_id=%016llx\n",
-			 __func__, ba_lun->lun_id);
-		return -1ULL;
-	}
-	/* Search to find a free entry, curr->high then low->curr */
-	bit_pos = find_free_range(bali->free_curr_idx,
-				  bali->free_high_idx, bali, &bit_word);
-	if (bit_pos == -1) {
-		bit_pos = find_free_range(bali->free_low_idx,
-					  bali->free_curr_idx,
-					  bali, &bit_word);
-		if (bit_pos == -1) {
-			pr_debug("%s: Could not find an allocation unit on LUN:"
-				 " lun_id=%016llx\n", __func__, ba_lun->lun_id);
-			return -1ULL;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Update the free_curr_idx */
-	if (bit_pos == HIBIT)
-		bali->free_curr_idx = bit_word + 1;
-	else
-		bali->free_curr_idx = bit_word;
-	pr_debug("%s: Allocating AU number=%llx lun_id=%016llx "
-		 "free_aun_cnt=%llx\n", __func__,
-		 ((bit_word * BITS_PER_LONG) + bit_pos), ba_lun->lun_id,
-		 bali->free_aun_cnt);
-	return (u64) ((bit_word * BITS_PER_LONG) + bit_pos);
- * validate_alloc() - validates the specified block has been allocated
- * @bali:		LUN info owning the block allocator.
- * @aun:		Block to validate.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -1 on failure
- */
-static int validate_alloc(struct ba_lun_info *bali, u64 aun)
-	int idx = 0, bit_pos = 0;
-	idx = aun / BITS_PER_LONG;
-	bit_pos = aun % BITS_PER_LONG;
-	if (test_bit(bit_pos, (ulong *)&bali->lun_alloc_map[idx]))
-		return -1;
-	return 0;
- * ba_free() - frees a block from the block allocator
- * @ba_lun:	Block allocator from which to allocate a block.
- * @to_free:	Block to free.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -1 on failure
- */
-static int ba_free(struct ba_lun *ba_lun, u64 to_free)
-	int idx = 0, bit_pos = 0;
-	struct ba_lun_info *bali = NULL;
-	bali = ba_lun->ba_lun_handle;
-	if (validate_alloc(bali, to_free)) {
-		pr_debug("%s: AUN %llx is not allocated on lun_id=%016llx\n",
-			 __func__, to_free, ba_lun->lun_id);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	pr_debug("%s: Received a request to free AU=%llx lun_id=%016llx "
-		 "free_aun_cnt=%llx\n", __func__, to_free, ba_lun->lun_id,
-		 bali->free_aun_cnt);
-	if (bali->aun_clone_map[to_free] > 0) {
-		pr_debug("%s: AUN %llx lun_id=%016llx cloned. Clone count=%x\n",
-			 __func__, to_free, ba_lun->lun_id,
-			 bali->aun_clone_map[to_free]);
-		bali->aun_clone_map[to_free]--;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	idx = to_free / BITS_PER_LONG;
-	bit_pos = to_free % BITS_PER_LONG;
-	set_bit(bit_pos, (ulong *)&bali->lun_alloc_map[idx]);
-	bali->free_aun_cnt++;
-	if (idx < bali->free_low_idx)
-		bali->free_low_idx = idx;
-	else if (idx > bali->free_high_idx)
-		bali->free_high_idx = idx;
-	pr_debug("%s: Successfully freed AU bit_pos=%x bit map index=%x "
-		 "lun_id=%016llx free_aun_cnt=%llx\n", __func__, bit_pos, idx,
-		 ba_lun->lun_id, bali->free_aun_cnt);
-	return 0;
- * ba_clone() - Clone a chunk of the block allocation table
- * @ba_lun:	Block allocator from which to allocate a block.
- * @to_clone:	Block to clone.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -1 on failure
- */
-static int ba_clone(struct ba_lun *ba_lun, u64 to_clone)
-	struct ba_lun_info *bali = ba_lun->ba_lun_handle;
-	if (validate_alloc(bali, to_clone)) {
-		pr_debug("%s: AUN=%llx not allocated on lun_id=%016llx\n",
-			 __func__, to_clone, ba_lun->lun_id);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	pr_debug("%s: Received a request to clone AUN %llx on lun_id=%016llx\n",
-		 __func__, to_clone, ba_lun->lun_id);
-	if (bali->aun_clone_map[to_clone] == MAX_AUN_CLONE_CNT) {
-		pr_debug("%s: AUN %llx on lun_id=%016llx hit max clones already\n",
-			 __func__, to_clone, ba_lun->lun_id);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	bali->aun_clone_map[to_clone]++;
-	return 0;
- * ba_space() - returns the amount of free space left in the block allocator
- * @ba_lun:	Block allocator.
- *
- * Return: Amount of free space in block allocator
- */
-static u64 ba_space(struct ba_lun *ba_lun)
-	struct ba_lun_info *bali = ba_lun->ba_lun_handle;
-	return bali->free_aun_cnt;
- * cxlflash_ba_terminate() - frees resources associated with the block allocator
- * @ba_lun:	Block allocator.
- *
- * Safe to call in a partially allocated state.
- */
-void cxlflash_ba_terminate(struct ba_lun *ba_lun)
-	struct ba_lun_info *bali = ba_lun->ba_lun_handle;
-	if (bali) {
-		kfree(bali->aun_clone_map);
-		kfree(bali->lun_alloc_map);
-		kfree(bali);
-		ba_lun->ba_lun_handle = NULL;
-	}
- * init_vlun() - initializes a LUN for virtual use
- * @lli:	LUN information structure that owns the block allocator.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int init_vlun(struct llun_info *lli)
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct blka *blka = &gli->blka;
-	memset(blka, 0, sizeof(*blka));
-	mutex_init(&blka->mutex);
-	/* LUN IDs are unique per port, save the index instead */
-	blka->ba_lun.lun_id = lli->lun_index;
-	blka->ba_lun.lsize = gli->max_lba + 1;
-	blka->ba_lun.lba_size = gli->blk_len;
-	blka->ba_lun.au_size = MC_CHUNK_SIZE;
-	blka->nchunk = blka->ba_lun.lsize / MC_CHUNK_SIZE;
-	rc = ba_init(&blka->ba_lun);
-	if (unlikely(rc))
-		pr_debug("%s: cannot init block_alloc, rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	pr_debug("%s: returning rc=%d lli=%p\n", __func__, rc, lli);
-	return rc;
- * write_same16() - sends a SCSI WRITE_SAME16 (0) command to specified LUN
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @lba:	Logical block address to start write same.
- * @nblks:	Number of logical blocks to write same.
- *
- * The SCSI WRITE_SAME16 can take quite a while to complete. Should an EEH occur
- * while in scsi_execute_cmd(), the EEH handler will attempt to recover. As
- * part of the recovery, the handler drains all currently running ioctls,
- * waiting until they have completed before proceeding with a reset. As this
- * routine is used on the ioctl path, this can create a condition where the
- * EEH handler becomes stuck, infinitely waiting for this ioctl thread. To
- * avoid this behavior, temporarily unmark this thread as an ioctl thread by
- * releasing the ioctl read semaphore. This will allow the EEH handler to
- * proceed with a recovery while this thread is still running. Once the
- * scsi_execute_cmd() returns, reacquire the ioctl read semaphore and check the
- * adapter state in case it changed while inside of scsi_execute_cmd(). The
- * state check will wait if the adapter is still being recovered or return a
- * failure if the recovery failed. In the event that the adapter reset failed,
- * simply return the failure as the ioctl would be unable to continue.
- *
- * Note that the above puts a requirement on this routine to only be called on
- * an ioctl thread.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int write_same16(struct scsi_device *sdev,
-			u64 lba,
-			u32 nblks)
-	u8 *cmd_buf = NULL;
-	u8 *scsi_cmd = NULL;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int result = 0;
-	u64 offset = lba;
-	int left = nblks;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	const u32 s = ilog2(sdev->sector_size) - 9;
-	const u32 to = sdev->request_queue->rq_timeout;
-	const u32 ws_limit =
-		sdev->request_queue->limits.max_write_zeroes_sectors >> s;
-	cmd_buf = kzalloc(CMD_BUFSIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
-	scsi_cmd = kzalloc(MAX_COMMAND_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (unlikely(!cmd_buf || !scsi_cmd)) {
-		rc = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	while (left > 0) {
-		scsi_cmd[0] = WRITE_SAME_16;
-		scsi_cmd[1] = cfg->ws_unmap ? 0x8 : 0;
-		put_unaligned_be64(offset, &scsi_cmd[2]);
-		put_unaligned_be32(ws_limit < left ? ws_limit : left,
-				   &scsi_cmd[10]);
-		/* Drop the ioctl read semaphore across lengthy call */
-		up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-		result = scsi_execute_cmd(sdev, scsi_cmd, REQ_OP_DRV_OUT,
-					  cmd_buf, CMD_BUFSIZE, to,
-		down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
-		rc = check_state(cfg);
-		if (rc) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed state result=%08x\n",
-				__func__, result);
-			rc = -ENODEV;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		if (result) {
-			dev_err_ratelimited(dev, "%s: command failed for "
-					    "offset=%lld result=%08x\n",
-					    __func__, offset, result);
-			rc = -EIO;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		left -= ws_limit;
-		offset += ws_limit;
-	}
-	kfree(cmd_buf);
-	kfree(scsi_cmd);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * grow_lxt() - expands the translation table associated with the specified RHTE
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @ctxid:	Context ID of context owning the RHTE.
- * @rhndl:	Resource handle associated with the RHTE.
- * @rhte:	Resource handle entry (RHTE).
- * @new_size:	Number of translation entries associated with RHTE.
- *
- * By design, this routine employs a 'best attempt' allocation and will
- * truncate the requested size down if there is not sufficient space in
- * the block allocator to satisfy the request but there does exist some
- * amount of space. The user is made aware of this by returning the size
- * allocated.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int grow_lxt(struct afu *afu,
-		    struct scsi_device *sdev,
-		    ctx_hndl_t ctxid,
-		    res_hndl_t rhndl,
-		    struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte,
-		    u64 *new_size)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct sisl_lxt_entry *lxt = NULL, *lxt_old = NULL;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct blka *blka = &gli->blka;
-	u32 av_size;
-	u32 ngrps, ngrps_old;
-	u64 aun;		/* chunk# allocated by block allocator */
-	u64 delta = *new_size - rhte->lxt_cnt;
-	u64 my_new_size;
-	int i, rc = 0;
-	/*
-	 * Check what is available in the block allocator before re-allocating
-	 * LXT array. This is done up front under the mutex which must not be
-	 * released until after allocation is complete.
-	 */
-	mutex_lock(&blka->mutex);
-	av_size = ba_space(&blka->ba_lun);
-	if (unlikely(av_size <= 0)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ba_space error av_size=%d\n",
-			__func__, av_size);
-		mutex_unlock(&blka->mutex);
-		rc = -ENOSPC;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (av_size < delta)
-		delta = av_size;
-	lxt_old = rhte->lxt_start;
-	ngrps_old = LXT_NUM_GROUPS(rhte->lxt_cnt);
-	ngrps = LXT_NUM_GROUPS(rhte->lxt_cnt + delta);
-	if (ngrps != ngrps_old) {
-		/* reallocate to fit new size */
-		lxt = kzalloc((sizeof(*lxt) * LXT_GROUP_SIZE * ngrps),
-			      GFP_KERNEL);
-		if (unlikely(!lxt)) {
-			mutex_unlock(&blka->mutex);
-			rc = -ENOMEM;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		/* copy over all old entries */
-		memcpy(lxt, lxt_old, (sizeof(*lxt) * rhte->lxt_cnt));
-	} else
-		lxt = lxt_old;
-	/* nothing can fail from now on */
-	my_new_size = rhte->lxt_cnt + delta;
-	/* add new entries to the end */
-	for (i = rhte->lxt_cnt; i < my_new_size; i++) {
-		/*
-		 * Due to the earlier check of available space, ba_alloc
-		 * cannot fail here. If it did due to internal error,
-		 * leave a rlba_base of -1u which will likely be a
-		 * invalid LUN (too large).
-		 */
-		aun = ba_alloc(&blka->ba_lun);
-		if ((aun == -1ULL) || (aun >= blka->nchunk))
-			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ba_alloc error allocated chunk=%llu "
-				"max=%llu\n", __func__, aun, blka->nchunk - 1);
-		/* select both ports, use r/w perms from RHT */
-		lxt[i].rlba_base = ((aun << MC_CHUNK_SHIFT) |
-				    (lli->lun_index << LXT_LUNIDX_SHIFT) |
-				     lli->port_sel));
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&blka->mutex);
-	/*
-	 * The following sequence is prescribed in the SISlite spec
-	 * for syncing up with the AFU when adding LXT entries.
-	 */
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make LXT updates are visible */
-	rhte->lxt_start = lxt;
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry's LXT table update visible */
-	rhte->lxt_cnt = my_new_size;
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry's LXT table size update visible */
-	rc = cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, ctxid, rhndl, AFU_LW_SYNC);
-	if (unlikely(rc))
-		rc = -EAGAIN;
-	/* free old lxt if reallocated */
-	if (lxt != lxt_old)
-		kfree(lxt_old);
-	*new_size = my_new_size;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * shrink_lxt() - reduces translation table associated with the specified RHTE
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
- * @rhndl:	Resource handle associated with the RHTE.
- * @rhte:	Resource handle entry (RHTE).
- * @ctxi:	Context owning resources.
- * @new_size:	Number of translation entries associated with RHTE.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int shrink_lxt(struct afu *afu,
-		      struct scsi_device *sdev,
-		      res_hndl_t rhndl,
-		      struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte,
-		      struct ctx_info *ctxi,
-		      u64 *new_size)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct sisl_lxt_entry *lxt, *lxt_old;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct blka *blka = &gli->blka;
-	ctx_hndl_t ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(ctxi->ctxid);
-	bool needs_ws = ctxi->rht_needs_ws[rhndl];
-	bool needs_sync = !ctxi->err_recovery_active;
-	u32 ngrps, ngrps_old;
-	u64 aun;		/* chunk# allocated by block allocator */
-	u64 delta = rhte->lxt_cnt - *new_size;
-	u64 my_new_size;
-	int i, rc = 0;
-	lxt_old = rhte->lxt_start;
-	ngrps_old = LXT_NUM_GROUPS(rhte->lxt_cnt);
-	ngrps = LXT_NUM_GROUPS(rhte->lxt_cnt - delta);
-	if (ngrps != ngrps_old) {
-		/* Reallocate to fit new size unless new size is 0 */
-		if (ngrps) {
-			lxt = kzalloc((sizeof(*lxt) * LXT_GROUP_SIZE * ngrps),
-				      GFP_KERNEL);
-			if (unlikely(!lxt)) {
-				rc = -ENOMEM;
-				goto out;
-			}
-			/* Copy over old entries that will remain */
-			memcpy(lxt, lxt_old,
-			       (sizeof(*lxt) * (rhte->lxt_cnt - delta)));
-		} else
-			lxt = NULL;
-	} else
-		lxt = lxt_old;
-	/* Nothing can fail from now on */
-	my_new_size = rhte->lxt_cnt - delta;
-	/*
-	 * The following sequence is prescribed in the SISlite spec
-	 * for syncing up with the AFU when removing LXT entries.
-	 */
-	rhte->lxt_cnt = my_new_size;
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry's LXT table size update visible */
-	rhte->lxt_start = lxt;
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry's LXT table update visible */
-	if (needs_sync) {
-		rc = cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, ctxid, rhndl, AFU_HW_SYNC);
-		if (unlikely(rc))
-			rc = -EAGAIN;
-	}
-	if (needs_ws) {
-		/*
-		 * Mark the context as unavailable, so that we can release
-		 * the mutex safely.
-		 */
-		ctxi->unavail = true;
-		mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
-	}
-	/* Free LBAs allocated to freed chunks */
-	mutex_lock(&blka->mutex);
-	for (i = delta - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-		aun = lxt_old[my_new_size + i].rlba_base >> MC_CHUNK_SHIFT;
-		if (needs_ws)
-			write_same16(sdev, aun, MC_CHUNK_SIZE);
-		ba_free(&blka->ba_lun, aun);
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&blka->mutex);
-	if (needs_ws) {
-		/* Make the context visible again */
-		mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
-		ctxi->unavail = false;
-	}
-	/* Free old lxt if reallocated */
-	if (lxt != lxt_old)
-		kfree(lxt_old);
-	*new_size = my_new_size;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * _cxlflash_vlun_resize() - changes the size of a virtual LUN
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN owning virtual LUN.
- * @ctxi:	Context owning resources.
- * @resize:	Resize ioctl data structure.
- *
- * On successful return, the user is informed of the new size (in blocks)
- * of the virtual LUN in last LBA format. When the size of the virtual
- * LUN is zero, the last LBA is reflected as -1. See comment in the
- * prologue for _cxlflash_disk_release() regarding AFU syncs and contexts
- * on the error recovery list.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-int _cxlflash_vlun_resize(struct scsi_device *sdev,
-			  struct ctx_info *ctxi,
-			  struct dk_cxlflash_resize *resize)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	bool put_ctx = false;
-	res_hndl_t rhndl = resize->rsrc_handle;
-	u64 new_size;
-	u64 nsectors;
-	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(resize->context_id),
-	    rctxid = resize->context_id;
-	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte;
-	int rc = 0;
-	/*
-	 * The requested size (req_size) is always assumed to be in 4k blocks,
-	 * so we have to convert it here from 4k to chunk size.
-	 */
-	nsectors = (resize->req_size * CXLFLASH_BLOCK_SIZE) / gli->blk_len;
-	new_size = DIV_ROUND_UP(nsectors, MC_CHUNK_SIZE);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%llu rhndl=%llu req_size=%llu new_size=%llu\n",
-		__func__, ctxid, resize->rsrc_handle, resize->req_size,
-		new_size);
-	if (unlikely(gli->mode != MODE_VIRTUAL)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: LUN mode does not support resize mode=%d\n",
-			__func__, gli->mode);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (!ctxi) {
-		ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK);
-		if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n",
-				__func__, ctxid);
-			rc = -EINVAL;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		put_ctx = true;
-	}
-	rhte = get_rhte(ctxi, rhndl, lli);
-	if (unlikely(!rhte)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad resource handle rhndl=%u\n",
-			__func__, rhndl);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (new_size > rhte->lxt_cnt)
-		rc = grow_lxt(afu, sdev, ctxid, rhndl, rhte, &new_size);
-	else if (new_size < rhte->lxt_cnt)
-		rc = shrink_lxt(afu, sdev, rhndl, rhte, ctxi, &new_size);
-	else {
-		/*
-		 * Rare case where there is already sufficient space, just
-		 * need to perform a translation sync with the AFU. This
-		 * scenario likely follows a previous sync failure during
-		 * a resize operation. Accordingly, perform the heavyweight
-		 * form of translation sync as it is unknown which type of
-		 * resize failed previously.
-		 */
-		rc = cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, ctxid, rhndl, AFU_HW_SYNC);
-		if (unlikely(rc)) {
-			rc = -EAGAIN;
-			goto out;
-		}
-	}
-	resize->hdr.return_flags = 0;
-	resize->last_lba = (new_size * MC_CHUNK_SIZE * gli->blk_len);
-	resize->last_lba /= CXLFLASH_BLOCK_SIZE;
-	resize->last_lba--;
-	if (put_ctx)
-		put_context(ctxi);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: resized to %llu returning rc=%d\n",
-		__func__, resize->last_lba, rc);
-	return rc;
-int cxlflash_vlun_resize(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *resize)
-	return _cxlflash_vlun_resize(sdev, NULL, resize);
- * cxlflash_restore_luntable() - Restore LUN table to prior state
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- */
-void cxlflash_restore_luntable(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
-	struct llun_info *lli, *temp;
-	u32 lind;
-	int k;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_luns;
-	mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(lli, temp, &cfg->lluns, list) {
-		if (!lli->in_table)
-			continue;
-		lind = lli->lun_index;
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Virtual LUNs on slot %d:\n", __func__, lind);
-		for (k = 0; k < cfg->num_fc_ports; k++)
-			if (lli->port_sel & (1 << k)) {
-				fc_port_luns = get_fc_port_luns(cfg, k);
-				writeq_be(lli->lun_id[k], &fc_port_luns[lind]);
-				dev_dbg(dev, "\t%d=%llx\n", k, lli->lun_id[k]);
-			}
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
- * get_num_ports() - compute number of ports from port selection mask
- * @psm:	Port selection mask.
- *
- * Return: Population count of port selection mask
- */
-static inline u8 get_num_ports(u32 psm)
-	static const u8 bits[16] = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3,
-				     1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4 };
-	return bits[psm & 0xf];
- * init_luntable() - write an entry in the LUN table
- * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
- * @lli:	Per adapter LUN information structure.
- *
- * On successful return, a LUN table entry is created:
- *	- at the top for LUNs visible on multiple ports.
- *	- at the bottom for LUNs visible only on one port.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int init_luntable(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, struct llun_info *lli)
-	u32 chan;
-	u32 lind;
-	u32 nports;
-	int rc = 0;
-	int k;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_luns;
-	mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
-	if (lli->in_table)
-		goto out;
-	nports = get_num_ports(lli->port_sel);
-	if (nports == 0 || nports > cfg->num_fc_ports) {
-		WARN(1, "Unsupported port configuration nports=%u", nports);
-		rc = -EIO;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (nports > 1) {
-		/*
-		 * When LUN is visible from multiple ports, we will put
-		 * it in the top half of the LUN table.
-		 */
-		for (k = 0; k < cfg->num_fc_ports; k++) {
-			if (!(lli->port_sel & (1 << k)))
-				continue;
-			if (cfg->promote_lun_index == cfg->last_lun_index[k]) {
-				rc = -ENOSPC;
-				goto out;
-			}
-		}
-		lind = lli->lun_index = cfg->promote_lun_index;
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Virtual LUNs on slot %d:\n", __func__, lind);
-		for (k = 0; k < cfg->num_fc_ports; k++) {
-			if (!(lli->port_sel & (1 << k)))
-				continue;
-			fc_port_luns = get_fc_port_luns(cfg, k);
-			writeq_be(lli->lun_id[k], &fc_port_luns[lind]);
-			dev_dbg(dev, "\t%d=%llx\n", k, lli->lun_id[k]);
-		}
-		cfg->promote_lun_index++;
-	} else {
-		/*
-		 * When LUN is visible only from one port, we will put
-		 * it in the bottom half of the LUN table.
-		 */
-		chan = PORTMASK2CHAN(lli->port_sel);
-		if (cfg->promote_lun_index == cfg->last_lun_index[chan]) {
-			rc = -ENOSPC;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		lind = lli->lun_index = cfg->last_lun_index[chan];
-		fc_port_luns = get_fc_port_luns(cfg, chan);
-		writeq_be(lli->lun_id[chan], &fc_port_luns[lind]);
-		cfg->last_lun_index[chan]--;
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Virtual LUNs on slot %d:\n\t%d=%llx\n",
-			__func__, lind, chan, lli->lun_id[chan]);
-	}
-	lli->in_table = true;
-	mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
- * cxlflash_disk_virtual_open() - open a virtual disk of specified size
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN owning virtual LUN.
- * @arg:	UVirtual ioctl data structure.
- *
- * On successful return, the user is informed of the resource handle
- * to be used to identify the virtual LUN and the size (in blocks) of
- * the virtual LUN in last LBA format. When the size of the virtual LUN
- * is zero, the last LBA is reflected as -1.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-int cxlflash_disk_virtual_open(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_uvirtual *virt = (struct dk_cxlflash_uvirtual *)arg;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_resize resize;
-	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(virt->context_id),
-	    rctxid = virt->context_id;
-	u64 lun_size = virt->lun_size;
-	u64 last_lba = 0;
-	u64 rsrc_handle = -1;
-	int rc = 0;
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
-	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte = NULL;
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%llu ls=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid, lun_size);
-	/* Setup the LUNs block allocator on first call */
-	mutex_lock(&gli->mutex);
-	if (gli->mode == MODE_NONE) {
-		rc = init_vlun(lli);
-		if (rc) {
-			dev_err(dev, "%s: init_vlun failed rc=%d\n",
-				__func__, rc);
-			rc = -ENOMEM;
-			goto err0;
-		}
-	}
-	rc = cxlflash_lun_attach(gli, MODE_VIRTUAL, true);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed attach to LUN (VIRTUAL)\n", __func__);
-		goto err0;
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&gli->mutex);
-	rc = init_luntable(cfg, lli);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: init_luntable failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, 0);
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	rhte = rhte_checkout(ctxi, lli);
-	if (unlikely(!rhte)) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: too many opens ctxid=%llu\n",
-			__func__, ctxid);
-		rc = -EMFILE;	/* too many opens  */
-		goto err1;
-	}
-	rsrc_handle = (rhte - ctxi->rht_start);
-	/* Populate RHT format 0 */
-	rhte->nmask = MC_RHT_NMASK;
-	rhte->fp = SISL_RHT_FP(0U, ctxi->rht_perms);
-	/* Resize even if requested size is 0 */
-	marshal_virt_to_resize(virt, &resize);
-	resize.rsrc_handle = rsrc_handle;
-	rc = _cxlflash_vlun_resize(sdev, ctxi, &resize);
-	if (rc) {
-		dev_err(dev, "%s: resize failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	last_lba = resize.last_lba;
-		ctxi->rht_needs_ws[rsrc_handle] = true;
-	virt->hdr.return_flags = 0;
-	virt->last_lba = last_lba;
-	virt->rsrc_handle = rsrc_handle;
-	if (get_num_ports(lli->port_sel) > 1)
-		virt->hdr.return_flags |= DK_CXLFLASH_ALL_PORTS_ACTIVE;
-	if (likely(ctxi))
-		put_context(ctxi);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning handle=%llu rc=%d llba=%llu\n",
-		__func__, rsrc_handle, rc, last_lba);
-	return rc;
-	rhte_checkin(ctxi, rhte);
-	cxlflash_lun_detach(gli);
-	goto out;
-	/* Special common cleanup prior to successful LUN attach */
-	cxlflash_ba_terminate(&gli->blka.ba_lun);
-	mutex_unlock(&gli->mutex);
-	goto out;
- * clone_lxt() - copies translation tables from source to destination RHTE
- * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
- * @blka:	Block allocator associated with LUN.
- * @ctxid:	Context ID of context owning the RHTE.
- * @rhndl:	Resource handle associated with the RHTE.
- * @rhte:	Destination resource handle entry (RHTE).
- * @rhte_src:	Source resource handle entry (RHTE).
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-static int clone_lxt(struct afu *afu,
-		     struct blka *blka,
-		     ctx_hndl_t ctxid,
-		     res_hndl_t rhndl,
-		     struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte,
-		     struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte_src)
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct sisl_lxt_entry *lxt = NULL;
-	bool locked = false;
-	u32 ngrps;
-	u64 aun;		/* chunk# allocated by block allocator */
-	int j;
-	int i = 0;
-	int rc = 0;
-	ngrps = LXT_NUM_GROUPS(rhte_src->lxt_cnt);
-	if (ngrps) {
-		/* allocate new LXTs for clone */
-		lxt = kzalloc((sizeof(*lxt) * LXT_GROUP_SIZE * ngrps),
-		if (unlikely(!lxt)) {
-			rc = -ENOMEM;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		/* copy over */
-		memcpy(lxt, rhte_src->lxt_start,
-		       (sizeof(*lxt) * rhte_src->lxt_cnt));
-		/* clone the LBAs in block allocator via ref_cnt, note that the
-		 * block allocator mutex must be held until it is established
-		 * that this routine will complete without the need for a
-		 * cleanup.
-		 */
-		mutex_lock(&blka->mutex);
-		locked = true;
-		for (i = 0; i < rhte_src->lxt_cnt; i++) {
-			aun = (lxt[i].rlba_base >> MC_CHUNK_SHIFT);
-			if (ba_clone(&blka->ba_lun, aun) == -1ULL) {
-				rc = -EIO;
-				goto err;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * The following sequence is prescribed in the SISlite spec
-	 * for syncing up with the AFU when adding LXT entries.
-	 */
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make LXT updates are visible */
-	rhte->lxt_start = lxt;
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry's LXT table update visible */
-	rhte->lxt_cnt = rhte_src->lxt_cnt;
-	dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry's LXT table size update visible */
-	rc = cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, ctxid, rhndl, AFU_LW_SYNC);
-	if (unlikely(rc)) {
-		rc = -EAGAIN;
-		goto err2;
-	}
-	if (locked)
-		mutex_unlock(&blka->mutex);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-	/* Reset the RHTE */
-	rhte->lxt_cnt = 0;
-	dma_wmb();
-	rhte->lxt_start = NULL;
-	dma_wmb();
-	/* free the clones already made */
-	for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
-		aun = (lxt[j].rlba_base >> MC_CHUNK_SHIFT);
-		ba_free(&blka->ba_lun, aun);
-	}
-	kfree(lxt);
-	goto out;
- * cxlflash_disk_clone() - clone a context by making snapshot of another
- * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN owning virtual LUN.
- * @arg:	Clone ioctl data structure.
- *
- * This routine effectively performs cxlflash_disk_open operation for each
- * in-use virtual resource in the source context. Note that the destination
- * context must be in pristine state and cannot have any resource handles
- * open at the time of the clone.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
- */
-int cxlflash_disk_clone(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
-	struct dk_cxlflash_clone *clone = arg;
-	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
-	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
-	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
-	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
-	struct blka *blka = &gli->blka;
-	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_release release = { { 0 }, 0 };
-	struct ctx_info *ctxi_src = NULL,
-			*ctxi_dst = NULL;
-	struct lun_access *lun_access_src, *lun_access_dst;
-	u32 perms;
-	u64 ctxid_src = DECODE_CTXID(clone->context_id_src),
-	    ctxid_dst = DECODE_CTXID(clone->context_id_dst),
-	    rctxid_src = clone->context_id_src,
-	    rctxid_dst = clone->context_id_dst;
-	int i, j;
-	int rc = 0;
-	bool found;
-	LIST_HEAD(sidecar);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid_src=%llu ctxid_dst=%llu\n",
-		__func__, ctxid_src, ctxid_dst);
-	/* Do not clone yourself */
-	if (unlikely(rctxid_src == rctxid_dst)) {
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (unlikely(gli->mode != MODE_VIRTUAL)) {
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Only supported on virtual LUNs mode=%u\n",
-			__func__, gli->mode);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	ctxi_src = get_context(cfg, rctxid_src, lli, CTX_CTRL_CLONE);
-	ctxi_dst = get_context(cfg, rctxid_dst, lli, 0);
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi_src || !ctxi_dst)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid_src=%llu ctxid_dst=%llu\n",
-			__func__, ctxid_src, ctxid_dst);
-		rc = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* Verify there is no open resource handle in the destination context */
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT; i++)
-		if (ctxi_dst->rht_start[i].nmask != 0) {
-			rc = -EINVAL;
-			goto out;
-		}
-	/* Clone LUN access list */
-	list_for_each_entry(lun_access_src, &ctxi_src->luns, list) {
-		found = false;
-		list_for_each_entry(lun_access_dst, &ctxi_dst->luns, list)
-			if (lun_access_dst->sdev == lun_access_src->sdev) {
-				found = true;
-				break;
-			}
-		if (!found) {
-			lun_access_dst = kzalloc(sizeof(*lun_access_dst),
-						 GFP_KERNEL);
-			if (unlikely(!lun_access_dst)) {
-				dev_err(dev, "%s: lun_access allocation fail\n",
-					__func__);
-				rc = -ENOMEM;
-				goto out;
-			}
-			*lun_access_dst = *lun_access_src;
-			list_add(&lun_access_dst->list, &sidecar);
-		}
-	}
-	if (unlikely(!ctxi_src->rht_out)) {
-		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Nothing to clone\n", __func__);
-		goto out_success;
-	}
-	/* User specified permission on attach */
-	perms = ctxi_dst->rht_perms;
-	/*
-	 * Copy over checked-out RHT (and their associated LXT) entries by
-	 * hand, stopping after we've copied all outstanding entries and
-	 * cleaning up if the clone fails.
-	 *
-	 * Note: This loop is equivalent to performing cxlflash_disk_open and
-	 * cxlflash_vlun_resize. As such, LUN accounting needs to be taken into
-	 * account by attaching after each successful RHT entry clone. In the
-	 * event that a clone failure is experienced, the LUN detach is handled
-	 * via the cleanup performed by _cxlflash_disk_release.
-	 */
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT; i++) {
-		if (ctxi_src->rht_out == ctxi_dst->rht_out)
-			break;
-		if (ctxi_src->rht_start[i].nmask == 0)
-			continue;
-		/* Consume a destination RHT entry */
-		ctxi_dst->rht_out++;
-		ctxi_dst->rht_start[i].nmask = ctxi_src->rht_start[i].nmask;
-		ctxi_dst->rht_start[i].fp =
-		    SISL_RHT_FP_CLONE(ctxi_src->rht_start[i].fp, perms);
-		ctxi_dst->rht_lun[i] = ctxi_src->rht_lun[i];
-		rc = clone_lxt(afu, blka, ctxid_dst, i,
-			       &ctxi_dst->rht_start[i],
-			       &ctxi_src->rht_start[i]);
-		if (rc) {
-			marshal_clone_to_rele(clone, &release);
-			for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
-				release.rsrc_handle = j;
-				_cxlflash_disk_release(sdev, ctxi_dst,
-						       &release);
-			}
-			/* Put back the one we failed on */
-			rhte_checkin(ctxi_dst, &ctxi_dst->rht_start[i]);
-			goto err;
-		}
-		cxlflash_lun_attach(gli, gli->mode, false);
-	}
-	list_splice(&sidecar, &ctxi_dst->luns);
-	/* fall through */
-	if (ctxi_src)
-		put_context(ctxi_src);
-	if (ctxi_dst)
-		put_context(ctxi_dst);
-	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
-	return rc;
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(lun_access_src, lun_access_dst, &sidecar, list)
-		kfree(lun_access_src);
-	goto out;
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 68e3ea52fe80..000000000000
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
- */
-/* RHT - Resource Handle Table */
-#define MC_RHT_NMASK      16	/* in bits */
-#define MC_CHUNK_SHIFT    MC_RHT_NMASK	/* shift to go from LBA to chunk# */
-#define HIBIT             (BITS_PER_LONG - 1)
- * LXT - LBA Translation Table
- *
- * +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---+---+
- * | RLBA_BASE                                     |LUN_IDX| P |SEL|
- * +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---+---+
- *
- * The LXT Entry contains the physical LBA where the chunk starts (RLBA_BASE).
- * AFU ORes the low order bits from the virtual LBA (offset into the chunk)
- * with RLBA_BASE. The result is the physical LBA to be sent to storage.
- * The LXT Entry also contains an index to a LUN TBL and a bitmask of which
- * outgoing (FC) * ports can be selected. The port select bit-mask is ANDed
- * with a global port select bit-mask maintained by the driver.
- * In addition, it has permission bits that are ANDed with the
- * RHT permissions to arrive at the final permissions for the chunk.
- *
- * LXT tables are allocated dynamically in groups. This is done to avoid
- * a malloc/free overhead each time the LXT has to grow or shrink.
- *
- * Based on the current lxt_cnt (used), it is always possible to know
- * how many are allocated (used+free). The number of allocated entries is
- * not stored anywhere.
- *
- * The LXT table is re-allocated whenever it needs to cross into another group.
- */
-#define LXT_GROUP_SIZE          8
-#define LXT_NUM_GROUPS(lxt_cnt) (((lxt_cnt) + 7)/8)	/* alloc'ed groups */
-#define LXT_LUNIDX_SHIFT  8	/* LXT entry, shift for LUN index */
-#define LXT_PERM_SHIFT    4	/* LXT entry, shift for permission bits */
-struct ba_lun_info {
-	u64 *lun_alloc_map;
-	u32 lun_bmap_size;
-	u32 total_aus;
-	u64 free_aun_cnt;
-	/* indices to be used for elevator lookup of free map */
-	u32 free_low_idx;
-	u32 free_curr_idx;
-	u32 free_high_idx;
-	u8 *aun_clone_map;
-struct ba_lun {
-	u64 lun_id;
-	u64 wwpn;
-	size_t lsize;		/* LUN size in number of LBAs             */
-	size_t lba_size;	/* LBA size in number of bytes            */
-	size_t au_size;		/* Allocation Unit size in number of LBAs */
-	struct ba_lun_info *ba_lun_handle;
-/* Block Allocator */
-struct blka {
-	struct ba_lun ba_lun;
-	u64 nchunk;		/* number of chunks */
-	struct mutex mutex;
-#endif /* ifndef _CXLFLASH_SUPERPIPE_H */
diff --git a/include/uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h b/include/uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 513da47aa5ab..000000000000
--- a/include/uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
- * CXL Flash Device Driver
- *
- * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
- * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- */
-#include <linux/types.h>
- * Structure and definitions for all CXL Flash ioctls
- */
-#define CXLFLASH_WWID_LEN		16
- * Structure and flag definitions CXL Flash superpipe ioctls
- */
-struct dk_cxlflash_hdr {
-	__u16 version;			/* Version data */
-	__u16 rsvd[3];			/* Reserved for future use */
-	__u64 flags;			/* Input flags */
-	__u64 return_flags;		/* Returned flags */
- * Return flag definitions available to all superpipe ioctls
- *
- * Similar to the input flags, these are grown from the bottom-up with the
- * intention that ioctl-specific return flag definitions would grow from the
- * top-down, allowing the two sets to co-exist. While not required/enforced
- * at this time, this provides future flexibility.
- */
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_ALL_PORTS_ACTIVE	0x0000000000000001ULL
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_APP_CLOSE_ADAP_FD	0x0000000000000002ULL
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_CONTEXT_SQ_CMD_MODE	0x0000000000000004ULL
- * General Notes:
- * -------------
- * The 'context_id' field of all ioctl structures contains the context
- * identifier for a context in the lower 32-bits (upper 32-bits are not
- * to be used when identifying a context to the AFU). That said, the value
- * in its entirety (all 64-bits) is to be treated as an opaque cookie and
- * should be presented as such when issuing ioctls.
- */
- * ------------------------
- * Read/write access permissions are specified via the O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY,
- * and O_RDWR flags defined in the fcntl.h header file.
- *
- * A valid adapter file descriptor (fd >= 0) is only returned on the initial
- * attach (successful) of a context. When a context is shared(reused), the user
- * is expected to already 'know' the adapter file descriptor associated with the
- * context.
- */
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH_REUSE_CONTEXT	0x8000000000000000ULL
-struct dk_cxlflash_attach {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
-	__u64 num_interrupts;		/* Requested number of interrupts */
-	__u64 context_id;		/* Returned context */
-	__u64 mmio_size;		/* Returned size of MMIO area */
-	__u64 block_size;		/* Returned block size, in bytes */
-	__u64 adap_fd;			/* Returned adapter file descriptor */
-	__u64 last_lba;			/* Returned last LBA on the device */
-	__u64 max_xfer;			/* Returned max transfer size, blocks */
-	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
-struct dk_cxlflash_detach {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
-	__u64 context_id;		/* Context to detach */
-	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
-struct dk_cxlflash_udirect {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
-	__u64 context_id;		/* Context to own physical resources */
-	__u64 rsrc_handle;		/* Returned resource handle */
-	__u64 last_lba;			/* Returned last LBA on the device */
-	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
-struct dk_cxlflash_uvirtual {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
-	__u64 context_id;		/* Context to own virtual resources */
-	__u64 lun_size;			/* Requested size, in 4K blocks */
-	__u64 rsrc_handle;		/* Returned resource handle */
-	__u64 last_lba;			/* Returned last LBA of LUN */
-	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
-struct dk_cxlflash_release {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
-	__u64 context_id;		/* Context owning resources */
-	__u64 rsrc_handle;		/* Resource handle to release */
-	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
-struct dk_cxlflash_resize {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
-	__u64 context_id;		/* Context owning resources */
-	__u64 rsrc_handle;		/* Resource handle of LUN to resize */
-	__u64 req_size;			/* New requested size, in 4K blocks */
-	__u64 last_lba;			/* Returned last LBA of LUN */
-	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
-struct dk_cxlflash_clone {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
-	__u64 context_id_src;		/* Context to clone from */
-	__u64 context_id_dst;		/* Context to clone to */
-	__u64 adap_fd_src;		/* Source context adapter fd */
-	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_VERIFY_HINT_SENSE	0x8000000000000000ULL
-struct dk_cxlflash_verify {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
-	__u64 context_id;		/* Context owning resources to verify */
-	__u64 rsrc_handle;		/* Resource handle of LUN */
-	__u64 hint;			/* Reasons for verify */
-	__u64 last_lba;			/* Returned last LBA of device */
-	__u8 sense_data[DK_CXLFLASH_VERIFY_SENSE_LEN]; /* SCSI sense data */
-	__u8 pad[6];			/* Pad to next 8-byte boundary */
-	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
-struct dk_cxlflash_recover_afu {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
-	__u64 reason;			/* Reason for recovery request */
-	__u64 context_id;		/* Context to recover / updated ID */
-	__u64 mmio_size;		/* Returned size of MMIO area */
-	__u64 adap_fd;			/* Returned adapter file descriptor */
-	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
-struct dk_cxlflash_manage_lun {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;			/* Common fields */
-	__u8 wwid[DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN_WWID_LEN];	/* Page83 WWID, NAA-6 */
-	__u64 reserved[8];				/* Rsvd, future use */
-union cxlflash_ioctls {
-	struct dk_cxlflash_attach attach;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_detach detach;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_udirect udirect;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_uvirtual uvirtual;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_release release;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_resize resize;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_clone clone;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_verify verify;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_recover_afu recover_afu;
-	struct dk_cxlflash_manage_lun manage_lun;
-#define MAX_CXLFLASH_IOCTL_SZ	(sizeof(union cxlflash_ioctls))
-#define CXL_MAGIC 0xCA
-#define CXL_IOWR(_n, _s)	_IOWR(CXL_MAGIC, _n, struct _s)
- * CXL Flash superpipe ioctls start at base of the reserved CXL_MAGIC
- * region (0x80) and grow upwards.
- */
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH		CXL_IOWR(0x80, dk_cxlflash_attach)
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_USER_DIRECT		CXL_IOWR(0x81, dk_cxlflash_udirect)
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_RELEASE		CXL_IOWR(0x82, dk_cxlflash_release)
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_DETACH		CXL_IOWR(0x83, dk_cxlflash_detach)
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_VERIFY		CXL_IOWR(0x84, dk_cxlflash_verify)
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_RECOVER_AFU		CXL_IOWR(0x85, dk_cxlflash_recover_afu)
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN		CXL_IOWR(0x86, dk_cxlflash_manage_lun)
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_USER_VIRTUAL	CXL_IOWR(0x87, dk_cxlflash_uvirtual)
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_VLUN_RESIZE		CXL_IOWR(0x88, dk_cxlflash_resize)
-#define DK_CXLFLASH_VLUN_CLONE		CXL_IOWR(0x89, dk_cxlflash_clone)
- * Structure and flag definitions CXL Flash host ioctls
- */
-struct ht_cxlflash_hdr {
-	__u16 version;		/* Version data */
-	__u16 subcmd;		/* Sub-command */
-	__u16 rsvd[2];		/* Reserved for future use */
-	__u64 flags;		/* Input flags */
-	__u64 return_flags;	/* Returned flags */
- * Input flag definitions available to all host ioctls
- *
- * These are grown from the bottom-up with the intention that ioctl-specific
- * input flag definitions would grow from the top-down, allowing the two sets
- * to co-exist. While not required/enforced at this time, this provides future
- * flexibility.
- */
-#define HT_CXLFLASH_HOST_READ				0x0000000000000000ULL
-#define HT_CXLFLASH_HOST_WRITE				0x0000000000000001ULL
-struct ht_cxlflash_lun_provision {
-	struct ht_cxlflash_hdr hdr; /* Common fields */
-	__u16 port;		    /* Target port for provision request */
-	__u16 reserved16[3];	    /* Reserved for future use */
-	__u64 size;		    /* Size of LUN (4K blocks) */
-	__u64 lun_id;		    /* SCSI LUN ID */
-	__u8 wwid[CXLFLASH_WWID_LEN];/* Page83 WWID, NAA-6 */
-	__u64 max_num_luns;	    /* Maximum number of LUNs provisioned */
-	__u64 cur_num_luns;	    /* Current number of LUNs provisioned */
-	__u64 max_cap_port;	    /* Total capacity for port (4K blocks) */
-	__u64 cur_cap_port;	    /* Current capacity for port (4K blocks) */
-	__u64 reserved[8];	    /* Reserved for future use */
-#define	HT_CXLFLASH_AFU_DEBUG_MAX_DATA_LEN		262144	/* 256K */
-struct ht_cxlflash_afu_debug {
-	struct ht_cxlflash_hdr hdr; /* Common fields */
-	__u8 reserved8[4];	    /* Reserved for future use */
-	__u8 afu_subcmd[HT_CXLFLASH_AFU_DEBUG_SUBCMD_LEN]; /* AFU subcommand,
-							    * (pass through)
-							    */
-	__u64 data_ea;		    /* Data buffer effective address */
-	__u32 data_len;		    /* Data buffer length */
-	__u32 reserved32;	    /* Reserved for future use */
-	__u64 reserved[8];	    /* Reserved for future use */
-union cxlflash_ht_ioctls {
-	struct ht_cxlflash_lun_provision lun_provision;
-	struct ht_cxlflash_afu_debug afu_debug;
-#define MAX_HT_CXLFLASH_IOCTL_SZ	(sizeof(union cxlflash_ht_ioctls))
- * CXL Flash host ioctls start at the top of the reserved CXL_MAGIC
- * region (0xBF) and grow downwards.
- */
-#define HT_CXLFLASH_LUN_PROVISION CXL_IOWR(0xBF, ht_cxlflash_lun_provision)
-#define HT_CXLFLASH_AFU_DEBUG	  CXL_IOWR(0xBE, ht_cxlflash_afu_debug)
-#endif /* ifndef _CXLFLASH_IOCTL_H */
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/filesystems/statmount/statmount_test.c b/tools/testing/selftests/filesystems/statmount/statmount_test.c
index 8eb6aa606a0d..3ef652da7758 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/filesystems/statmount/statmount_test.c
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/filesystems/statmount/statmount_test.c
@@ -26,13 +26,12 @@ static const char *const known_fs[] = {
 	"hfsplus", "hostfs", "hpfs", "hugetlbfs", "ibmasmfs", "iomem",
 	"ipathfs", "iso9660", "jffs2", "jfs", "minix", "mqueue", "msdos",
 	"nfs", "nfs4", "nfsd", "nilfs2", "nsfs", "ntfs", "ntfs3", "ocfs2",
-	"ocfs2_dlmfs", "ocxlflash", "omfs", "openpromfs", "overlay", "pipefs",
-	"proc", "pstore", "pvfs2", "qnx4", "qnx6", "ramfs",
-	"resctrl", "romfs", "rootfs", "rpc_pipefs", "s390_hypfs", "secretmem",
-	"securityfs", "selinuxfs", "smackfs", "smb3", "sockfs", "spufs",
-	"squashfs", "sysfs", "sysv", "tmpfs", "tracefs", "ubifs", "udf",
-	"ufs", "v7", "vboxsf", "vfat", "virtiofs", "vxfs", "xenfs", "xfs",
-	"zonefs", NULL };
+	"ocfs2_dlmfs", "omfs", "openpromfs", "overlay", "pipefs", "proc",
+	"pstore", "pvfs2", "qnx4", "qnx6", "ramfs", "resctrl", "romfs",
+	"rootfs", "rpc_pipefs", "s390_hypfs", "secretmem", "securityfs",
+	"selinuxfs", "smackfs", "smb3", "sockfs", "spufs", "squashfs", "sysfs",
+	"sysv", "tmpfs", "tracefs", "ubifs", "udf", "ufs", "v7", "vboxsf",
+	"vfat", "virtiofs", "vxfs", "xenfs", "xfs", "zonefs", NULL };
 static struct statmount *statmount_alloc(uint64_t mnt_id, uint64_t mask, unsigned int flags)
Re: [PATCH v2 1/2] cxlflash: Remove driver
Posted by Martin K. Petersen 1 month, 1 week ago

> Remove the cxlflash driver for IBM CAPI Flash devices.

Applied to 6.15/scsi-staging, thanks!

Martin K. Petersen	Oracle Linux Engineering
Re: [PATCH v2 1/2] cxlflash: Remove driver
Posted by Frederic Barrat 1 month, 1 week ago
On 03/02/2025 08:27, Andrew Donnellan wrote:
> Remove the cxlflash driver for IBM CAPI Flash devices.
> The cxlflash driver has received minimal maintenance for some time, and
> the CAPI Flash hardware that uses it is no longer commercially available.
> Thanks to Uma Krishnan, Matthew Ochs and Manoj Kumar for their work on
> this driver over the years.
> Signed-off-by: Andrew Donnellan <ajd@linux.ibm.com>

Reviewed-by: Frederic Barrat <fbarrat@linux.ibm.com>


> ---
> v2: rebase
> ---
>   Documentation/arch/powerpc/cxlflash.rst       |  433 --
>   Documentation/arch/powerpc/index.rst          |    1 -
>   .../userspace-api/ioctl/ioctl-number.rst      |    2 +-
>   MAINTAINERS                                   |    9 -
>   drivers/scsi/Kconfig                          |    1 -
>   drivers/scsi/Makefile                         |    1 -
>   drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Kconfig                 |   15 -
>   drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Makefile                |    5 -
>   drivers/scsi/cxlflash/backend.h               |   48 -
>   drivers/scsi/cxlflash/common.h                |  340 --
>   drivers/scsi/cxlflash/cxl_hw.c                |  177 -
>   drivers/scsi/cxlflash/lunmgt.c                |  278 --
>   drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.c                  | 3970 -----------------
>   drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.h                  |  129 -
>   drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.c               | 1399 ------
>   drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.h               |   72 -
>   drivers/scsi/cxlflash/sislite.h               |  560 ---
>   drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.c             | 2218 ---------
>   drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.h             |  150 -
>   drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.c                  | 1336 ------
>   drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.h                  |   82 -
>   include/uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h            |  276 --
>   .../filesystems/statmount/statmount_test.c    |   13 +-
>   23 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 11508 deletions(-)
>   delete mode 100644 Documentation/arch/powerpc/cxlflash.rst
>   delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Kconfig
>   delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Makefile
>   delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/backend.h
>   delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/common.h
>   delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/cxl_hw.c
>   delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/lunmgt.c
>   delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.c
>   delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.h
>   delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.c
>   delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.h
>   delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/sislite.h
>   delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.c
>   delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.h
>   delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.c
>   delete mode 100644 drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.h
>   delete mode 100644 include/uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h
> diff --git a/Documentation/arch/powerpc/cxlflash.rst b/Documentation/arch/powerpc/cxlflash.rst
> deleted file mode 100644
> index e8f488acfa41..000000000000
> --- a/Documentation/arch/powerpc/cxlflash.rst
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
> -================================
> -Coherent Accelerator (CXL) Flash
> -================================
> -
> -Introduction
> -============
> -
> -    The IBM Power architecture provides support for CAPI (Coherent
> -    Accelerator Power Interface), which is available to certain PCIe slots
> -    on Power 8 systems. CAPI can be thought of as a special tunneling
> -    protocol through PCIe that allow PCIe adapters to look like special
> -    purpose co-processors which can read or write an application's
> -    memory and generate page faults. As a result, the host interface to
> -    an adapter running in CAPI mode does not require the data buffers to
> -    be mapped to the device's memory (IOMMU bypass) nor does it require
> -    memory to be pinned.
> -
> -    On Linux, Coherent Accelerator (CXL) kernel services present CAPI
> -    devices as a PCI device by implementing a virtual PCI host bridge.
> -    This abstraction simplifies the infrastructure and programming
> -    model, allowing for drivers to look similar to other native PCI
> -    device drivers.
> -
> -    CXL provides a mechanism by which user space applications can
> -    directly talk to a device (network or storage) bypassing the typical
> -    kernel/device driver stack. The CXL Flash Adapter Driver enables a
> -    user space application direct access to Flash storage.
> -
> -    The CXL Flash Adapter Driver is a kernel module that sits in the
> -    SCSI stack as a low level device driver (below the SCSI disk and
> -    protocol drivers) for the IBM CXL Flash Adapter. This driver is
> -    responsible for the initialization of the adapter, setting up the
> -    special path for user space access, and performing error recovery. It
> -    communicates directly the Flash Accelerator Functional Unit (AFU)
> -    as described in Documentation/arch/powerpc/cxl.rst.
> -
> -    The cxlflash driver supports two, mutually exclusive, modes of
> -    operation at the device (LUN) level:
> -
> -        - Any flash device (LUN) can be configured to be accessed as a
> -          regular disk device (i.e.: /dev/sdc). This is the default mode.
> -
> -        - Any flash device (LUN) can be configured to be accessed from
> -          user space with a special block library. This mode further
> -          specifies the means of accessing the device and provides for
> -          either raw access to the entire LUN (referred to as direct
> -          or physical LUN access) or access to a kernel/AFU-mediated
> -          partition of the LUN (referred to as virtual LUN access). The
> -          segmentation of a disk device into virtual LUNs is assisted
> -          by special translation services provided by the Flash AFU.
> -
> -Overview
> -========
> -
> -    The Coherent Accelerator Interface Architecture (CAIA) introduces a
> -    concept of a master context. A master typically has special privileges
> -    granted to it by the kernel or hypervisor allowing it to perform AFU
> -    wide management and control. The master may or may not be involved
> -    directly in each user I/O, but at the minimum is involved in the
> -    initial setup before the user application is allowed to send requests
> -    directly to the AFU.
> -
> -    The CXL Flash Adapter Driver establishes a master context with the
> -    AFU. It uses memory mapped I/O (MMIO) for this control and setup. The
> -    Adapter Problem Space Memory Map looks like this::
> -
> -                     +-------------------------------+
> -                     |    512 * 64 KB User MMIO      |
> -                     |        (per context)          |
> -                     |       User Accessible         |
> -                     +-------------------------------+
> -                     |    512 * 128 B per context    |
> -                     |    Provisioning and Control   |
> -                     |   Trusted Process accessible  |
> -                     +-------------------------------+
> -                     |         64 KB Global          |
> -                     |   Trusted Process accessible  |
> -                     +-------------------------------+
> -
> -    This driver configures itself into the SCSI software stack as an
> -    adapter driver. The driver is the only entity that is considered a
> -    Trusted Process to program the Provisioning and Control and Global
> -    areas in the MMIO Space shown above.  The master context driver
> -    discovers all LUNs attached to the CXL Flash adapter and instantiates
> -    scsi block devices (/dev/sdb, /dev/sdc etc.) for each unique LUN
> -    seen from each path.
> -
> -    Once these scsi block devices are instantiated, an application
> -    written to a specification provided by the block library may get
> -    access to the Flash from user space (without requiring a system call).
> -
> -    This master context driver also provides a series of ioctls for this
> -    block library to enable this user space access.  The driver supports
> -    two modes for accessing the block device.
> -
> -    The first mode is called a virtual mode. In this mode a single scsi
> -    block device (/dev/sdb) may be carved up into any number of distinct
> -    virtual LUNs. The virtual LUNs may be resized as long as the sum of
> -    the sizes of all the virtual LUNs, along with the meta-data associated
> -    with it does not exceed the physical capacity.
> -
> -    The second mode is called the physical mode. In this mode a single
> -    block device (/dev/sdb) may be opened directly by the block library
> -    and the entire space for the LUN is available to the application.
> -
> -    Only the physical mode provides persistence of the data.  i.e. The
> -    data written to the block device will survive application exit and
> -    restart and also reboot. The virtual LUNs do not persist (i.e. do
> -    not survive after the application terminates or the system reboots).
> -
> -
> -Block library API
> -=================
> -
> -    Applications intending to get access to the CXL Flash from user
> -    space should use the block library, as it abstracts the details of
> -    interfacing directly with the cxlflash driver that are necessary for
> -    performing administrative actions (i.e.: setup, tear down, resize).
> -    The block library can be thought of as a 'user' of services,
> -    implemented as IOCTLs, that are provided by the cxlflash driver
> -    specifically for devices (LUNs) operating in user space access
> -    mode. While it is not a requirement that applications understand
> -    the interface between the block library and the cxlflash driver,
> -    a high-level overview of each supported service (IOCTL) is provided
> -    below.
> -
> -    The block library can be found on GitHub:
> -    http://github.com/open-power/capiflash
> -
> -
> -CXL Flash Driver LUN IOCTLs
> -===========================
> -
> -    Users, such as the block library, that wish to interface with a flash
> -    device (LUN) via user space access need to use the services provided
> -    by the cxlflash driver. As these services are implemented as ioctls,
> -    a file descriptor handle must first be obtained in order to establish
> -    the communication channel between a user and the kernel.  This file
> -    descriptor is obtained by opening the device special file associated
> -    with the scsi disk device (/dev/sdb) that was created during LUN
> -    discovery. As per the location of the cxlflash driver within the
> -    SCSI protocol stack, this open is actually not seen by the cxlflash
> -    driver. Upon successful open, the user receives a file descriptor
> -    (herein referred to as fd1) that should be used for issuing the
> -    subsequent ioctls listed below.
> -
> -    The structure definitions for these IOCTLs are available in:
> -    uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h
> -
> -------------------
> -
> -    This ioctl obtains, initializes, and starts a context using the CXL
> -    kernel services. These services specify a context id (u16) by which
> -    to uniquely identify the context and its allocated resources. The
> -    services additionally provide a second file descriptor (herein
> -    referred to as fd2) that is used by the block library to initiate
> -    memory mapped I/O (via mmap()) to the CXL flash device and poll for
> -    completion events. This file descriptor is intentionally installed by
> -    this driver and not the CXL kernel services to allow for intermediary
> -    notification and access in the event of a non-user-initiated close(),
> -    such as a killed process. This design point is described in further
> -    detail in the description for the DK_CXLFLASH_DETACH ioctl.
> -
> -    There are a few important aspects regarding the "tokens" (context id
> -    and fd2) that are provided back to the user:
> -
> -        - These tokens are only valid for the process under which they
> -          were created. The child of a forked process cannot continue
> -          to use the context id or file descriptor created by its parent
> -          (see DK_CXLFLASH_VLUN_CLONE for further details).
> -
> -        - These tokens are only valid for the lifetime of the context and
> -          the process under which they were created. Once either is
> -          destroyed, the tokens are to be considered stale and subsequent
> -          usage will result in errors.
> -
> -	- A valid adapter file descriptor (fd2 >= 0) is only returned on
> -	  the initial attach for a context. Subsequent attaches to an
> -	  existing context (DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH_REUSE_CONTEXT flag present)
> -	  do not provide the adapter file descriptor as it was previously
> -	  made known to the application.
> -
> -        - When a context is no longer needed, the user shall detach from
> -          the context via the DK_CXLFLASH_DETACH ioctl. When this ioctl
> -	  returns with a valid adapter file descriptor and the return flag
> -	  DK_CXLFLASH_APP_CLOSE_ADAP_FD is present, the application _must_
> -	  close the adapter file descriptor following a successful detach.
> -
> -	- When this ioctl returns with a valid fd2 and the return flag
> -	  DK_CXLFLASH_APP_CLOSE_ADAP_FD is present, the application _must_
> -	  close fd2 in the following circumstances:
> -
> -		+ Following a successful detach of the last user of the context
> -		+ Following a successful recovery on the context's original fd2
> -		+ In the child process of a fork(), following a clone ioctl,
> -		  on the fd2 associated with the source context
> -
> -        - At any time, a close on fd2 will invalidate the tokens. Applications
> -	  should exercise caution to only close fd2 when appropriate (outlined
> -	  in the previous bullet) to avoid premature loss of I/O.
> -
> ------------------------
> -    This ioctl is responsible for transitioning the LUN to direct
> -    (physical) mode access and configuring the AFU for direct access from
> -    user space on a per-context basis. Additionally, the block size and
> -    last logical block address (LBA) are returned to the user.
> -
> -    As mentioned previously, when operating in user space access mode,
> -    LUNs may be accessed in whole or in part. Only one mode is allowed
> -    at a time and if one mode is active (outstanding references exist),
> -    requests to use the LUN in a different mode are denied.
> -
> -    The AFU is configured for direct access from user space by adding an
> -    entry to the AFU's resource handle table. The index of the entry is
> -    treated as a resource handle that is returned to the user. The user
> -    is then able to use the handle to reference the LUN during I/O.
> -
> -------------------------
> -    This ioctl is responsible for transitioning the LUN to virtual mode
> -    of access and configuring the AFU for virtual access from user space
> -    on a per-context basis. Additionally, the block size and last logical
> -    block address (LBA) are returned to the user.
> -
> -    As mentioned previously, when operating in user space access mode,
> -    LUNs may be accessed in whole or in part. Only one mode is allowed
> -    at a time and if one mode is active (outstanding references exist),
> -    requests to use the LUN in a different mode are denied.
> -
> -    The AFU is configured for virtual access from user space by adding
> -    an entry to the AFU's resource handle table. The index of the entry
> -    is treated as a resource handle that is returned to the user. The
> -    user is then able to use the handle to reference the LUN during I/O.
> -
> -    By default, the virtual LUN is created with a size of 0. The user
> -    would need to use the DK_CXLFLASH_VLUN_RESIZE ioctl to adjust the grow
> -    the virtual LUN to a desired size. To avoid having to perform this
> -    resize for the initial creation of the virtual LUN, the user has the
> -    option of specifying a size as part of the DK_CXLFLASH_USER_VIRTUAL
> -    ioctl, such that when success is returned to the user, the
> -    resource handle that is provided is already referencing provisioned
> -    storage. This is reflected by the last LBA being a non-zero value.
> -
> -    When a LUN is accessible from more than one port, this ioctl will
> -    return with the DK_CXLFLASH_ALL_PORTS_ACTIVE return flag set. This
> -    provides the user with a hint that I/O can be retried in the event
> -    of an I/O error as the LUN can be reached over multiple paths.
> -
> ------------------------
> -    This ioctl is responsible for resizing a previously created virtual
> -    LUN and will fail if invoked upon a LUN that is not in virtual
> -    mode. Upon success, an updated last LBA is returned to the user
> -    indicating the new size of the virtual LUN associated with the
> -    resource handle.
> -
> -    The partitioning of virtual LUNs is jointly mediated by the cxlflash
> -    driver and the AFU. An allocation table is kept for each LUN that is
> -    operating in the virtual mode and used to program a LUN translation
> -    table that the AFU references when provided with a resource handle.
> -
> -    This ioctl can return -EAGAIN if an AFU sync operation takes too long.
> -    In addition to returning a failure to user, cxlflash will also schedule
> -    an asynchronous AFU reset. Should the user choose to retry the operation,
> -    it is expected to succeed. If this ioctl fails with -EAGAIN, the user
> -    can either retry the operation or treat it as a failure.
> -
> --------------------
> -    This ioctl is responsible for releasing a previously obtained
> -    reference to either a physical or virtual LUN. This can be
> -    thought of as the inverse of the DK_CXLFLASH_USER_DIRECT or
> -    DK_CXLFLASH_USER_VIRTUAL ioctls. Upon success, the resource handle
> -    is no longer valid and the entry in the resource handle table is
> -    made available to be used again.
> -
> -    As part of the release process for virtual LUNs, the virtual LUN
> -    is first resized to 0 to clear out and free the translation tables
> -    associated with the virtual LUN reference.
> -
> -------------------
> -    This ioctl is responsible for unregistering a context with the
> -    cxlflash driver and release outstanding resources that were
> -    not explicitly released via the DK_CXLFLASH_RELEASE ioctl. Upon
> -    success, all "tokens" which had been provided to the user from the
> -    DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH onward are no longer valid.
> -
> -    When the DK_CXLFLASH_APP_CLOSE_ADAP_FD flag was returned on a successful
> -    attach, the application _must_ close the fd2 associated with the context
> -    following the detach of the final user of the context.
> -
> -----------------------
> -    This ioctl is responsible for cloning a previously created
> -    context to a more recently created context. It exists solely to
> -    support maintaining user space access to storage after a process
> -    forks. Upon success, the child process (which invoked the ioctl)
> -    will have access to the same LUNs via the same resource handle(s)
> -    as the parent, but under a different context.
> -
> -    Context sharing across processes is not supported with CXL and
> -    therefore each fork must be met with establishing a new context
> -    for the child process. This ioctl simplifies the state management
> -    and playback required by a user in such a scenario. When a process
> -    forks, child process can clone the parents context by first creating
> -    a context (via DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH) and then using this ioctl to
> -    perform the clone from the parent to the child.
> -
> -    The clone itself is fairly simple. The resource handle and lun
> -    translation tables are copied from the parent context to the child's
> -    and then synced with the AFU.
> -
> -    When the DK_CXLFLASH_APP_CLOSE_ADAP_FD flag was returned on a successful
> -    attach, the application _must_ close the fd2 associated with the source
> -    context (still resident/accessible in the parent process) following the
> -    clone. This is to avoid a stale entry in the file descriptor table of the
> -    child process.
> -
> -    This ioctl can return -EAGAIN if an AFU sync operation takes too long.
> -    In addition to returning a failure to user, cxlflash will also schedule
> -    an asynchronous AFU reset. Should the user choose to retry the operation,
> -    it is expected to succeed. If this ioctl fails with -EAGAIN, the user
> -    can either retry the operation or treat it as a failure.
> -
> -------------------
> -    This ioctl is used to detect various changes such as the capacity of
> -    the disk changing, the number of LUNs visible changing, etc. In cases
> -    where the changes affect the application (such as a LUN resize), the
> -    cxlflash driver will report the changed state to the application.
> -
> -    The user calls in when they want to validate that a LUN hasn't been
> -    changed in response to a check condition. As the user is operating out
> -    of band from the kernel, they will see these types of events without
> -    the kernel's knowledge. When encountered, the user's architected
> -    behavior is to call in to this ioctl, indicating what they want to
> -    verify and passing along any appropriate information. For now, only
> -    verifying a LUN change (ie: size different) with sense data is
> -    supported.
> -
> ------------------------
> -    This ioctl is used to drive recovery (if such an action is warranted)
> -    of a specified user context. Any state associated with the user context
> -    is re-established upon successful recovery.
> -
> -    User contexts are put into an error condition when the device needs to
> -    be reset or is terminating. Users are notified of this error condition
> -    by seeing all 0xF's on an MMIO read. Upon encountering this, the
> -    architected behavior for a user is to call into this ioctl to recover
> -    their context. A user may also call into this ioctl at any time to
> -    check if the device is operating normally. If a failure is returned
> -    from this ioctl, the user is expected to gracefully clean up their
> -    context via release/detach ioctls. Until they do, the context they
> -    hold is not relinquished. The user may also optionally exit the process
> -    at which time the context/resources they held will be freed as part of
> -    the release fop.
> -
> -    When the DK_CXLFLASH_APP_CLOSE_ADAP_FD flag was returned on a successful
> -    attach, the application _must_ unmap and close the fd2 associated with the
> -    original context following this ioctl returning success and indicating that
> -    the context was recovered (DK_CXLFLASH_RECOVER_AFU_CONTEXT_RESET).
> -
> -----------------------
> -    This ioctl is used to switch a LUN from a mode where it is available
> -    for file-system access (legacy), to a mode where it is set aside for
> -    exclusive user space access (superpipe). In case a LUN is visible
> -    across multiple ports and adapters, this ioctl is used to uniquely
> -    identify each LUN by its World Wide Node Name (WWNN).
> -
> -
> -CXL Flash Driver Host IOCTLs
> -============================
> -
> -    Each host adapter instance that is supported by the cxlflash driver
> -    has a special character device associated with it to enable a set of
> -    host management function. These character devices are hosted in a
> -    class dedicated for cxlflash and can be accessed via `/dev/cxlflash/*`.
> -
> -    Applications can be written to perform various functions using the
> -    host ioctl APIs below.
> -
> -    The structure definitions for these IOCTLs are available in:
> -    uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h
> -
> --------------------------
> -    This ioctl is used to create and delete persistent LUNs on cxlflash
> -    devices that lack an external LUN management interface. It is only
> -    valid when used with AFUs that support the LUN provision capability.
> -
> -    When sufficient space is available, LUNs can be created by specifying
> -    the target port to host the LUN and a desired size in 4K blocks. Upon
> -    success, the LUN ID and WWID of the created LUN will be returned and
> -    the SCSI bus can be scanned to detect the change in LUN topology. Note
> -    that partial allocations are not supported. Should a creation fail due
> -    to a space issue, the target port can be queried for its current LUN
> -    geometry.
> -
> -    To remove a LUN, the device must first be disassociated from the Linux
> -    SCSI subsystem. The LUN deletion can then be initiated by specifying a
> -    target port and LUN ID. Upon success, the LUN geometry associated with
> -    the port will be updated to reflect new number of provisioned LUNs and
> -    available capacity.
> -
> -    To query the LUN geometry of a port, the target port is specified and
> -    upon success, the following information is presented:
> -
> -        - Maximum number of provisioned LUNs allowed for the port
> -        - Current number of provisioned LUNs for the port
> -        - Maximum total capacity of provisioned LUNs for the port (4K blocks)
> -        - Current total capacity of provisioned LUNs for the port (4K blocks)
> -
> -    With this information, the number of available LUNs and capacity can be
> -    can be calculated.
> -
> ----------------------
> -    This ioctl is used to debug AFUs by supporting a command pass-through
> -    interface. It is only valid when used with AFUs that support the AFU
> -    debug capability.
> -
> -    With exception of buffer management, AFU debug commands are opaque to
> -    cxlflash and treated as pass-through. For debug commands that do require
> -    data transfer, the user supplies an adequately sized data buffer and must
> -    specify the data transfer direction with respect to the host. There is a
> -    maximum transfer size of 256K imposed. Note that partial read completions
> -    are not supported - when errors are experienced with a host read data
> -    transfer, the data buffer is not copied back to the user.
> diff --git a/Documentation/arch/powerpc/index.rst b/Documentation/arch/powerpc/index.rst
> index 9749f6dc258f..995268530f21 100644
> --- a/Documentation/arch/powerpc/index.rst
> +++ b/Documentation/arch/powerpc/index.rst
> @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ powerpc
>       cpu_families
>       cpu_features
>       cxl
> -    cxlflash
>       dawr-power9
>       dexcr
>       dscr
> diff --git a/Documentation/userspace-api/ioctl/ioctl-number.rst b/Documentation/userspace-api/ioctl/ioctl-number.rst
> index 6d1465315df3..efe133c50615 100644
> --- a/Documentation/userspace-api/ioctl/ioctl-number.rst
> +++ b/Documentation/userspace-api/ioctl/ioctl-number.rst
> @@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ Code  Seq#    Include File                                           Comments
>   0xC0  00-0F  linux/usb/iowarrior.h
>   0xCA  00-0F  uapi/misc/cxl.h
>   0xCA  10-2F  uapi/misc/ocxl.h
> -0xCA  80-BF  uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h
> +0xCA  80-BF  uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h                              Dead since 6.14
>   0xCB  00-1F                                                          CBM serial IEC bus in development:
>                                                                        <mailto:michael.klein@puffin.lb.shuttle.de>
>   0xCC  00-0F  drivers/misc/ibmvmc.h                                   pseries VMC driver
> index 896a307fa065..f1171fe71e4e 100644
> @@ -6318,15 +6318,6 @@ F:	drivers/misc/cxl/
>   F:	include/misc/cxl*
>   F:	include/uapi/misc/cxl.h
> -CXLFLASH (IBM Coherent Accelerator Processor Interface CAPI Flash) SCSI DRIVER
> -M:	Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.ibm.com>
> -M:	Uma Krishnan <ukrishn@linux.ibm.com>
> -L:	linux-scsi@vger.kernel.org
> -S:	Obsolete
> -F:	Documentation/arch/powerpc/cxlflash.rst
> -F:	drivers/scsi/cxlflash/
> -F:	include/uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h
> -
>   M:	Russell King <linux@armlinux.org.uk>
>   L:	linux-arm-kernel@lists.infradead.org (moderated for non-subscribers)
> diff --git a/drivers/scsi/Kconfig b/drivers/scsi/Kconfig
> index 37c24ffea65c..c749d376159a 100644
> --- a/drivers/scsi/Kconfig
> +++ b/drivers/scsi/Kconfig
> @@ -336,7 +336,6 @@ source "drivers/scsi/cxgbi/Kconfig"
>   source "drivers/scsi/bnx2i/Kconfig"
>   source "drivers/scsi/bnx2fc/Kconfig"
>   source "drivers/scsi/be2iscsi/Kconfig"
> -source "drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Kconfig"
>   config SGIWD93_SCSI
>   	tristate "SGI WD93C93 SCSI Driver"
> diff --git a/drivers/scsi/Makefile b/drivers/scsi/Makefile
> index 1313ddf2fd1a..16de3e41f94c 100644
> --- a/drivers/scsi/Makefile
> +++ b/drivers/scsi/Makefile
> @@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_SYM53C8XX_2)	+= sym53c8xx_2/
>   obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_ZALON)	+= zalon7xx.o
>   obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_DC395x)	+= dc395x.o
>   obj-$(CONFIG_SCSI_AM53C974)	+= esp_scsi.o	am53c974.o
> -obj-$(CONFIG_CXLFLASH)		+= cxlflash/
>   obj-$(CONFIG_MEGARAID_LEGACY)	+= megaraid.o
>   obj-$(CONFIG_MEGARAID_NEWGEN)	+= megaraid/
>   obj-$(CONFIG_MEGARAID_SAS)	+= megaraid/
> diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Kconfig b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Kconfig
> deleted file mode 100644
> index c424d36e89a6..000000000000
> --- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Kconfig
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
> -# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
> -#
> -# IBM CXL-attached Flash Accelerator SCSI Driver
> -#
> -
> -config CXLFLASH
> -	tristate "Support for IBM CAPI Flash (DEPRECATED)"
> -	depends on PCI && SCSI && (CXL || OCXL) && EEH
> -	select IRQ_POLL
> -	help
> -	  The cxlflash driver is deprecated and will be removed in a future
> -	  kernel release.
> -
> -	  Allows CAPI Accelerated IO to Flash
> -	  If unsure, say N.
> diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Makefile b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Makefile
> deleted file mode 100644
> index fd2f0dd9daf9..000000000000
> --- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/Makefile
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
> -# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
> -obj-$(CONFIG_CXLFLASH) += cxlflash.o
> -cxlflash-y += main.o superpipe.o lunmgt.o vlun.o
> -cxlflash-$(CONFIG_CXL) += cxl_hw.o
> -cxlflash-$(CONFIG_OCXL) += ocxl_hw.o
> diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/backend.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/backend.h
> deleted file mode 100644
> index 181e0445ed42..000000000000
> --- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/backend.h
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
> -/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
> -/*
> - * CXL Flash Device Driver
> - *
> - * Written by: Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *             Uma Krishnan <ukrishn@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *
> - * Copyright (C) 2018 IBM Corporation
> - */
> -
> -
> -extern const struct cxlflash_backend_ops cxlflash_cxl_ops;
> -extern const struct cxlflash_backend_ops cxlflash_ocxl_ops;
> -
> -struct cxlflash_backend_ops {
> -	struct module *module;
> -	void __iomem * (*psa_map)(void *ctx_cookie);
> -	void (*psa_unmap)(void __iomem *addr);
> -	int (*process_element)(void *ctx_cookie);
> -	int (*map_afu_irq)(void *ctx_cookie, int num, irq_handler_t handler,
> -			   void *cookie, char *name);
> -	void (*unmap_afu_irq)(void *ctx_cookie, int num, void *cookie);
> -	u64 (*get_irq_objhndl)(void *ctx_cookie, int irq);
> -	int (*start_context)(void *ctx_cookie);
> -	int (*stop_context)(void *ctx_cookie);
> -	int (*afu_reset)(void *ctx_cookie);
> -	void (*set_master)(void *ctx_cookie);
> -	void * (*get_context)(struct pci_dev *dev, void *afu_cookie);
> -	void * (*dev_context_init)(struct pci_dev *dev, void *afu_cookie);
> -	int (*release_context)(void *ctx_cookie);
> -	void (*perst_reloads_same_image)(void *afu_cookie, bool image);
> -	ssize_t (*read_adapter_vpd)(struct pci_dev *dev, void *buf,
> -				    size_t count);
> -	int (*allocate_afu_irqs)(void *ctx_cookie, int num);
> -	void (*free_afu_irqs)(void *ctx_cookie);
> -	void * (*create_afu)(struct pci_dev *dev);
> -	void (*destroy_afu)(void *afu_cookie);
> -	struct file * (*get_fd)(void *ctx_cookie, struct file_operations *fops,
> -				int *fd);
> -	void * (*fops_get_context)(struct file *file);
> -	int (*start_work)(void *ctx_cookie, u64 irqs);
> -	int (*fd_mmap)(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vm);
> -	int (*fd_release)(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
> -};
> -
> -#endif /* _CXLFLASH_BACKEND_H */
> diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/common.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/common.h
> deleted file mode 100644
> index de6229e27b48..000000000000
> --- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/common.h
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
> -/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
> -/*
> - * CXL Flash Device Driver
> - *
> - * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *
> - * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
> - */
> -
> -
> -#include <linux/async.h>
> -#include <linux/cdev.h>
> -#include <linux/irq_poll.h>
> -#include <linux/list.h>
> -#include <linux/rwsem.h>
> -#include <linux/types.h>
> -#include <scsi/scsi.h>
> -#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
> -#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
> -
> -#include "backend.h"
> -
> -extern const struct file_operations cxlflash_cxl_fops;
> -
> -#define MAX_CONTEXT	CXLFLASH_MAX_CONTEXT	/* num contexts per afu */
> -#define MAX_FC_PORTS	CXLFLASH_MAX_FC_PORTS	/* max ports per AFU */
> -#define LEGACY_FC_PORTS	2			/* legacy ports per AFU */
> -
> -#define CHAN2PORTBANK(_x)	((_x) >> ilog2(CXLFLASH_NUM_FC_PORTS_PER_BANK))
> -#define CHAN2BANKPORT(_x)	((_x) & (CXLFLASH_NUM_FC_PORTS_PER_BANK - 1))
> -
> -#define CHAN2PORTMASK(_x)	(1 << (_x))	/* channel to port mask */
> -#define PORTMASK2CHAN(_x)	(ilog2((_x)))	/* port mask to channel */
> -#define PORTNUM2CHAN(_x)	((_x) - 1)	/* port number to channel */
> -
> -#define CXLFLASH_BLOCK_SIZE	4096		/* 4K blocks */
> -#define CXLFLASH_MAX_XFER_SIZE	16777216	/* 16MB transfer */
> -								 * max_sectors
> -								 * in units of
> -								 * 512 byte
> -								 * sectors
> -								 */
> -
> -#define MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT (PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(struct sisl_rht_entry))
> -
> -/* AFU command retry limit */
> -#define MC_RETRY_CNT	5	/* Sufficient for SCSI and certain AFU errors */
> -
> -/* Command management definitions */
> -#define CXLFLASH_MAX_CMDS               256
> -
> -/* RRQ for master issued cmds */
> -#define NUM_RRQ_ENTRY                   CXLFLASH_MAX_CMDS
> -
> -/* SQ for master issued cmds */
> -
> -/* Hardware queue definitions */
> -#define CXLFLASH_DEF_HWQS		1
> -#define CXLFLASH_MAX_HWQS		8
> -#define PRIMARY_HWQ			0
> -
> -
> -static inline void check_sizes(void)
> -{
> -}
> -
> -/* AFU defines a fixed size of 4K for command buffers (borrow 4K page define) */
> -#define CMD_BUFSIZE     SIZE_4K
> -
> -enum cxlflash_lr_state {
> -};
> -
> -enum cxlflash_init_state {
> -};
> -
> -enum cxlflash_state {
> -	STATE_PROBING,	/* Initial state during probe */
> -	STATE_PROBED,	/* Temporary state, probe completed but EEH occurred */
> -	STATE_NORMAL,	/* Normal running state, everything good */
> -	STATE_RESET,	/* Reset state, trying to reset/recover */
> -	STATE_FAILTERM	/* Failed/terminating state, error out users/threads */
> -};
> -
> -enum cxlflash_hwq_mode {
> -	HWQ_MODE_RR,	/* Roundrobin (default) */
> -	HWQ_MODE_TAG,	/* Distribute based on block MQ tag */
> -	HWQ_MODE_CPU,	/* CPU affinity */
> -};
> -
> -/*
> - * Each context has its own set of resource handles that is visible
> - * only from that context.
> - */
> -
> -struct cxlflash_cfg {
> -	struct afu *afu;
> -
> -	const struct cxlflash_backend_ops *ops;
> -	struct pci_dev *dev;
> -	struct pci_device_id *dev_id;
> -	struct Scsi_Host *host;
> -	int num_fc_ports;
> -	struct cdev cdev;
> -	struct device *chardev;
> -
> -	ulong cxlflash_regs_pci;
> -
> -	struct work_struct work_q;
> -	enum cxlflash_init_state init_state;
> -	enum cxlflash_lr_state lr_state;
> -	int lr_port;
> -	atomic_t scan_host_needed;
> -
> -	void *afu_cookie;
> -
> -	atomic_t recovery_threads;
> -	struct mutex ctx_recovery_mutex;
> -	struct mutex ctx_tbl_list_mutex;
> -	struct rw_semaphore ioctl_rwsem;
> -	struct ctx_info *ctx_tbl[MAX_CONTEXT];
> -	struct list_head ctx_err_recovery; /* contexts w/ recovery pending */
> -	struct file_operations cxl_fops;
> -
> -	/* Parameters that are LUN table related */
> -	int last_lun_index[MAX_FC_PORTS];
> -	int promote_lun_index;
> -	struct list_head lluns; /* list of llun_info structs */
> -
> -	wait_queue_head_t tmf_waitq;
> -	spinlock_t tmf_slock;
> -	bool tmf_active;
> -	bool ws_unmap;		/* Write-same unmap supported */
> -	wait_queue_head_t reset_waitq;
> -	enum cxlflash_state state;
> -	async_cookie_t async_reset_cookie;
> -};
> -
> -struct afu_cmd {
> -	struct sisl_ioarcb rcb;	/* IOARCB (cache line aligned) */
> -	struct sisl_ioasa sa;	/* IOASA must follow IOARCB */
> -	struct afu *parent;
> -	struct scsi_cmnd *scp;
> -	struct completion cevent;
> -	struct list_head queue;
> -	u32 hwq_index;
> -
> -	u8 cmd_tmf:1,
> -	   cmd_aborted:1;
> -
> -	struct list_head list;	/* Pending commands link */
> -
> -	/* As per the SISLITE spec the IOARCB EA has to be 16-byte aligned.
> -	 * However for performance reasons the IOARCB/IOASA should be
> -	 * cache line aligned.
> -	 */
> -} __aligned(cache_line_size());
> -
> -static inline struct afu_cmd *sc_to_afuc(struct scsi_cmnd *sc)
> -{
> -	return PTR_ALIGN(scsi_cmd_priv(sc), __alignof__(struct afu_cmd));
> -}
> -
> -static inline struct afu_cmd *sc_to_afuci(struct scsi_cmnd *sc)
> -{
> -	struct afu_cmd *afuc = sc_to_afuc(sc);
> -
> -	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&afuc->queue);
> -	return afuc;
> -}
> -
> -static inline struct afu_cmd *sc_to_afucz(struct scsi_cmnd *sc)
> -{
> -	struct afu_cmd *afuc = sc_to_afuc(sc);
> -
> -	memset(afuc, 0, sizeof(*afuc));
> -	return sc_to_afuci(sc);
> -}
> -
> -struct hwq {
> -	/* Stuff requiring alignment go first. */
> -	struct sisl_ioarcb sq[NUM_SQ_ENTRY];		/* 16K SQ */
> -	u64 rrq_entry[NUM_RRQ_ENTRY];			/* 2K RRQ */
> -
> -	/* Beware of alignment till here. Preferably introduce new
> -	 * fields after this point
> -	 */
> -	struct afu *afu;
> -	void *ctx_cookie;
> -	struct sisl_host_map __iomem *host_map;		/* MC host map */
> -	struct sisl_ctrl_map __iomem *ctrl_map;		/* MC control map */
> -	ctx_hndl_t ctx_hndl;	/* master's context handle */
> -	u32 index;		/* Index of this hwq */
> -	int num_irqs;		/* Number of interrupts requested for context */
> -	struct list_head pending_cmds;	/* Commands pending completion */
> -
> -	atomic_t hsq_credits;
> -	spinlock_t hsq_slock;	/* Hardware send queue lock */
> -	struct sisl_ioarcb *hsq_start;
> -	struct sisl_ioarcb *hsq_end;
> -	struct sisl_ioarcb *hsq_curr;
> -	spinlock_t hrrq_slock;
> -	u64 *hrrq_start;
> -	u64 *hrrq_end;
> -	u64 *hrrq_curr;
> -	bool toggle;
> -	bool hrrq_online;
> -
> -	s64 room;
> -
> -	struct irq_poll irqpoll;
> -} __aligned(cache_line_size());
> -
> -struct afu {
> -	struct hwq hwqs[CXLFLASH_MAX_HWQS];
> -	int (*send_cmd)(struct afu *afu, struct afu_cmd *cmd);
> -	int (*context_reset)(struct hwq *hwq);
> -
> -	/* AFU HW */
> -	struct cxlflash_afu_map __iomem *afu_map;	/* entire MMIO map */
> -
> -	atomic_t cmds_active;	/* Number of currently active AFU commands */
> -	struct mutex sync_active;	/* Mutex to serialize AFU commands */
> -	u64 hb;
> -	u32 internal_lun;	/* User-desired LUN mode for this AFU */
> -
> -	u32 num_hwqs;		/* Number of hardware queues */
> -	u32 desired_hwqs;	/* Desired h/w queues, effective on AFU reset */
> -	enum cxlflash_hwq_mode hwq_mode; /* Steering mode for h/w queues */
> -	u32 hwq_rr_count;	/* Count to distribute traffic for roundrobin */
> -
> -	char version[16];
> -	u64 interface_version;
> -
> -	u32 irqpoll_weight;
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *parent; /* Pointer back to parent cxlflash_cfg */
> -};
> -
> -static inline struct hwq *get_hwq(struct afu *afu, u32 index)
> -{
> -
> -	return &afu->hwqs[index];
> -}
> -
> -static inline bool afu_is_irqpoll_enabled(struct afu *afu)
> -{
> -	return !!afu->irqpoll_weight;
> -}
> -
> -static inline bool afu_has_cap(struct afu *afu, u64 cap)
> -{
> -	u64 afu_cap = afu->interface_version >> SISL_INTVER_CAP_SHIFT;
> -
> -	return afu_cap & cap;
> -}
> -
> -static inline bool afu_is_ocxl_lisn(struct afu *afu)
> -{
> -	return afu_has_cap(afu, SISL_INTVER_CAP_OCXL_LISN);
> -}
> -
> -static inline bool afu_is_afu_debug(struct afu *afu)
> -{
> -	return afu_has_cap(afu, SISL_INTVER_CAP_AFU_DEBUG);
> -}
> -
> -static inline bool afu_is_lun_provision(struct afu *afu)
> -{
> -	return afu_has_cap(afu, SISL_INTVER_CAP_LUN_PROVISION);
> -}
> -
> -static inline bool afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(struct afu *afu)
> -{
> -	return afu_has_cap(afu, SISL_INTVER_CAP_SQ_CMD_MODE);
> -}
> -
> -static inline bool afu_is_ioarrin_cmd_mode(struct afu *afu)
> -{
> -	return afu_has_cap(afu, SISL_INTVER_CAP_IOARRIN_CMD_MODE);
> -}
> -
> -static inline u64 lun_to_lunid(u64 lun)
> -{
> -	__be64 lun_id;
> -
> -	int_to_scsilun(lun, (struct scsi_lun *)&lun_id);
> -	return be64_to_cpu(lun_id);
> -}
> -
> -static inline struct fc_port_bank __iomem *get_fc_port_bank(
> -					    struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, int i)
> -{
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -
> -	return &afu->afu_map->global.bank[CHAN2PORTBANK(i)];
> -}
> -
> -static inline __be64 __iomem *get_fc_port_regs(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, int i)
> -{
> -	struct fc_port_bank __iomem *fcpb = get_fc_port_bank(cfg, i);
> -
> -	return &fcpb->fc_port_regs[CHAN2BANKPORT(i)][0];
> -}
> -
> -static inline __be64 __iomem *get_fc_port_luns(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, int i)
> -{
> -	struct fc_port_bank __iomem *fcpb = get_fc_port_bank(cfg, i);
> -
> -	return &fcpb->fc_port_luns[CHAN2BANKPORT(i)][0];
> -}
> -
> -int cxlflash_afu_sync(struct afu *afu, ctx_hndl_t c, res_hndl_t r, u8 mode);
> -void cxlflash_list_init(void);
> -void cxlflash_term_global_luns(void);
> -void cxlflash_free_errpage(void);
> -int cxlflash_ioctl(struct scsi_device *sdev, unsigned int cmd,
> -		   void __user *arg);
> -void cxlflash_stop_term_user_contexts(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg);
> -int cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg);
> -void cxlflash_term_local_luns(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg);
> -void cxlflash_restore_luntable(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg);
> -
> -#endif /* ifndef _CXLFLASH_COMMON_H */
> diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/cxl_hw.c b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/cxl_hw.c
> deleted file mode 100644
> index b814130f3f5c..000000000000
> --- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/cxl_hw.c
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
> -// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
> -/*
> - * CXL Flash Device Driver
> - *
> - * Written by: Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *             Uma Krishnan <ukrishn@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *
> - * Copyright (C) 2018 IBM Corporation
> - */
> -
> -#include <misc/cxl.h>
> -
> -#include "backend.h"
> -
> -/*
> - * The following routines map the cxlflash backend operations to existing CXL
> - * kernel API function and are largely simple shims that provide an abstraction
> - * for converting generic context and AFU cookies into cxl_context or cxl_afu
> - * pointers.
> - */
> -
> -static void __iomem *cxlflash_psa_map(void *ctx_cookie)
> -{
> -	return cxl_psa_map(ctx_cookie);
> -}
> -
> -static void cxlflash_psa_unmap(void __iomem *addr)
> -{
> -	cxl_psa_unmap(addr);
> -}
> -
> -static int cxlflash_process_element(void *ctx_cookie)
> -{
> -	return cxl_process_element(ctx_cookie);
> -}
> -
> -static int cxlflash_map_afu_irq(void *ctx_cookie, int num,
> -				irq_handler_t handler, void *cookie, char *name)
> -{
> -	return cxl_map_afu_irq(ctx_cookie, num, handler, cookie, name);
> -}
> -
> -static void cxlflash_unmap_afu_irq(void *ctx_cookie, int num, void *cookie)
> -{
> -	cxl_unmap_afu_irq(ctx_cookie, num, cookie);
> -}
> -
> -static u64 cxlflash_get_irq_objhndl(void *ctx_cookie, int irq)
> -{
> -	/* Dummy fop for cxl */
> -	return 0;
> -}
> -
> -static int cxlflash_start_context(void *ctx_cookie)
> -{
> -	return cxl_start_context(ctx_cookie, 0, NULL);
> -}
> -
> -static int cxlflash_stop_context(void *ctx_cookie)
> -{
> -	return cxl_stop_context(ctx_cookie);
> -}
> -
> -static int cxlflash_afu_reset(void *ctx_cookie)
> -{
> -	return cxl_afu_reset(ctx_cookie);
> -}
> -
> -static void cxlflash_set_master(void *ctx_cookie)
> -{
> -	cxl_set_master(ctx_cookie);
> -}
> -
> -static void *cxlflash_get_context(struct pci_dev *dev, void *afu_cookie)
> -{
> -	return cxl_get_context(dev);
> -}
> -
> -static void *cxlflash_dev_context_init(struct pci_dev *dev, void *afu_cookie)
> -{
> -	return cxl_dev_context_init(dev);
> -}
> -
> -static int cxlflash_release_context(void *ctx_cookie)
> -{
> -	return cxl_release_context(ctx_cookie);
> -}
> -
> -static void cxlflash_perst_reloads_same_image(void *afu_cookie, bool image)
> -{
> -	cxl_perst_reloads_same_image(afu_cookie, image);
> -}
> -
> -static ssize_t cxlflash_read_adapter_vpd(struct pci_dev *dev,
> -					 void *buf, size_t count)
> -{
> -	return cxl_read_adapter_vpd(dev, buf, count);
> -}
> -
> -static int cxlflash_allocate_afu_irqs(void *ctx_cookie, int num)
> -{
> -	return cxl_allocate_afu_irqs(ctx_cookie, num);
> -}
> -
> -static void cxlflash_free_afu_irqs(void *ctx_cookie)
> -{
> -	cxl_free_afu_irqs(ctx_cookie);
> -}
> -
> -static void *cxlflash_create_afu(struct pci_dev *dev)
> -{
> -	return cxl_pci_to_afu(dev);
> -}
> -
> -static void cxlflash_destroy_afu(void *afu)
> -{
> -	/* Dummy fop for cxl */
> -}
> -
> -static struct file *cxlflash_get_fd(void *ctx_cookie,
> -				    struct file_operations *fops, int *fd)
> -{
> -	return cxl_get_fd(ctx_cookie, fops, fd);
> -}
> -
> -static void *cxlflash_fops_get_context(struct file *file)
> -{
> -	return cxl_fops_get_context(file);
> -}
> -
> -static int cxlflash_start_work(void *ctx_cookie, u64 irqs)
> -{
> -	struct cxl_ioctl_start_work work = { 0 };
> -
> -	work.num_interrupts = irqs;
> -	work.flags = CXL_START_WORK_NUM_IRQS;
> -
> -	return cxl_start_work(ctx_cookie, &work);
> -}
> -
> -static int cxlflash_fd_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vm)
> -{
> -	return cxl_fd_mmap(file, vm);
> -}
> -
> -static int cxlflash_fd_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
> -{
> -	return cxl_fd_release(inode, file);
> -}
> -
> -const struct cxlflash_backend_ops cxlflash_cxl_ops = {
> -	.module			= THIS_MODULE,
> -	.psa_map		= cxlflash_psa_map,
> -	.psa_unmap		= cxlflash_psa_unmap,
> -	.process_element	= cxlflash_process_element,
> -	.map_afu_irq		= cxlflash_map_afu_irq,
> -	.unmap_afu_irq		= cxlflash_unmap_afu_irq,
> -	.get_irq_objhndl	= cxlflash_get_irq_objhndl,
> -	.start_context		= cxlflash_start_context,
> -	.stop_context		= cxlflash_stop_context,
> -	.afu_reset		= cxlflash_afu_reset,
> -	.set_master		= cxlflash_set_master,
> -	.get_context		= cxlflash_get_context,
> -	.dev_context_init	= cxlflash_dev_context_init,
> -	.release_context	= cxlflash_release_context,
> -	.perst_reloads_same_image = cxlflash_perst_reloads_same_image,
> -	.read_adapter_vpd	= cxlflash_read_adapter_vpd,
> -	.allocate_afu_irqs	= cxlflash_allocate_afu_irqs,
> -	.free_afu_irqs		= cxlflash_free_afu_irqs,
> -	.create_afu		= cxlflash_create_afu,
> -	.destroy_afu		= cxlflash_destroy_afu,
> -	.get_fd			= cxlflash_get_fd,
> -	.fops_get_context	= cxlflash_fops_get_context,
> -	.start_work		= cxlflash_start_work,
> -	.fd_mmap		= cxlflash_fd_mmap,
> -	.fd_release		= cxlflash_fd_release,
> -};
> diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/lunmgt.c b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/lunmgt.c
> deleted file mode 100644
> index 962c797fda07..000000000000
> --- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/lunmgt.c
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
> -// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
> -/*
> - * CXL Flash Device Driver
> - *
> - * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *
> - * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
> - */
> -
> -#include <linux/unaligned.h>
> -
> -#include <linux/interrupt.h>
> -#include <linux/pci.h>
> -
> -#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
> -#include <uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h>
> -
> -#include "sislite.h"
> -#include "common.h"
> -#include "vlun.h"
> -#include "superpipe.h"
> -
> -/**
> - * create_local() - allocate and initialize a local LUN information structure
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
> - * @wwid:	World Wide Node Name for LUN.
> - *
> - * Return: Allocated local llun_info structure on success, NULL on failure
> - */
> -static struct llun_info *create_local(struct scsi_device *sdev, u8 *wwid)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct llun_info *lli = NULL;
> -
> -	lli = kzalloc(sizeof(*lli), GFP_KERNEL);
> -	if (unlikely(!lli)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: could not allocate lli\n", __func__);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	lli->sdev = sdev;
> -	lli->host_no = sdev->host->host_no;
> -	lli->in_table = false;
> -
> -	memcpy(lli->wwid, wwid, DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN_WWID_LEN);
> -out:
> -	return lli;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * create_global() - allocate and initialize a global LUN information structure
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
> - * @wwid:	World Wide Node Name for LUN.
> - *
> - * Return: Allocated global glun_info structure on success, NULL on failure
> - */
> -static struct glun_info *create_global(struct scsi_device *sdev, u8 *wwid)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct glun_info *gli = NULL;
> -
> -	gli = kzalloc(sizeof(*gli), GFP_KERNEL);
> -	if (unlikely(!gli)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: could not allocate gli\n", __func__);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	mutex_init(&gli->mutex);
> -	memcpy(gli->wwid, wwid, DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN_WWID_LEN);
> -out:
> -	return gli;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * lookup_local() - find a local LUN information structure by WWID
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - * @wwid:	WWID associated with LUN.
> - *
> - * Return: Found local lun_info structure on success, NULL on failure
> - */
> -static struct llun_info *lookup_local(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u8 *wwid)
> -{
> -	struct llun_info *lli, *temp;
> -
> -	list_for_each_entry_safe(lli, temp, &cfg->lluns, list)
> -		if (!memcmp(lli->wwid, wwid, DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN_WWID_LEN))
> -			return lli;
> -
> -	return NULL;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * lookup_global() - find a global LUN information structure by WWID
> - * @wwid:	WWID associated with LUN.
> - *
> - * Return: Found global lun_info structure on success, NULL on failure
> - */
> -static struct glun_info *lookup_global(u8 *wwid)
> -{
> -	struct glun_info *gli, *temp;
> -
> -	list_for_each_entry_safe(gli, temp, &global.gluns, list)
> -		if (!memcmp(gli->wwid, wwid, DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN_WWID_LEN))
> -			return gli;
> -
> -	return NULL;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * find_and_create_lun() - find or create a local LUN information structure
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
> - * @wwid:	WWID associated with LUN.
> - *
> - * The LUN is kept both in a local list (per adapter) and in a global list
> - * (across all adapters). Certain attributes of the LUN are local to the
> - * adapter (such as index, port selection mask, etc.).
> - *
> - * The block allocation map is shared across all adapters (i.e. associated
> - * wih the global list). Since different attributes are associated with
> - * the per adapter and global entries, allocate two separate structures for each
> - * LUN (one local, one global).
> - *
> - * Keep a pointer back from the local to the global entry.
> - *
> - * This routine assumes the caller holds the global mutex.
> - *
> - * Return: Found/Allocated local lun_info structure on success, NULL on failure
> - */
> -static struct llun_info *find_and_create_lun(struct scsi_device *sdev, u8 *wwid)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct llun_info *lli = NULL;
> -	struct glun_info *gli = NULL;
> -
> -	if (unlikely(!wwid))
> -		goto out;
> -
> -	lli = lookup_local(cfg, wwid);
> -	if (lli)
> -		goto out;
> -
> -	lli = create_local(sdev, wwid);
> -	if (unlikely(!lli))
> -		goto out;
> -
> -	gli = lookup_global(wwid);
> -	if (gli) {
> -		lli->parent = gli;
> -		list_add(&lli->list, &cfg->lluns);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	gli = create_global(sdev, wwid);
> -	if (unlikely(!gli)) {
> -		kfree(lli);
> -		lli = NULL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	lli->parent = gli;
> -	list_add(&lli->list, &cfg->lluns);
> -
> -	list_add(&gli->list, &global.gluns);
> -
> -out:
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning lli=%p, gli=%p\n", __func__, lli, gli);
> -	return lli;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_term_local_luns() - Delete all entries from local LUN list, free.
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - */
> -void cxlflash_term_local_luns(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	struct llun_info *lli, *temp;
> -
> -	mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
> -	list_for_each_entry_safe(lli, temp, &cfg->lluns, list) {
> -		list_del(&lli->list);
> -		kfree(lli);
> -	}
> -	mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_list_init() - initializes the global LUN list
> - */
> -void cxlflash_list_init(void)
> -{
> -	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&global.gluns);
> -	mutex_init(&global.mutex);
> -	global.err_page = NULL;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_term_global_luns() - frees resources associated with global LUN list
> - */
> -void cxlflash_term_global_luns(void)
> -{
> -	struct glun_info *gli, *temp;
> -
> -	mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
> -	list_for_each_entry_safe(gli, temp, &global.gluns, list) {
> -		list_del(&gli->list);
> -		cxlflash_ba_terminate(&gli->blka.ba_lun);
> -		kfree(gli);
> -	}
> -	mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_manage_lun() - handles LUN management activities
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
> - * @arg:	Manage ioctl data structure.
> - *
> - * This routine is used to notify the driver about a LUN's WWID and associate
> - * SCSI devices (sdev) with a global LUN instance. Additionally it serves to
> - * change a LUN's operating mode: legacy or superpipe.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -int cxlflash_manage_lun(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
> -{
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_manage_lun *manage = arg;
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct llun_info *lli = NULL;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	u64 flags = manage->hdr.flags;
> -	u32 chan = sdev->channel;
> -
> -	mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
> -	lli = find_and_create_lun(sdev, manage->wwid);
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: WWID=%016llx%016llx, flags=%016llx lli=%p\n",
> -		__func__, get_unaligned_be64(&manage->wwid[0]),
> -		get_unaligned_be64(&manage->wwid[8]), manage->hdr.flags, lli);
> -	if (unlikely(!lli)) {
> -		rc = -ENOMEM;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -		/*
> -		 * Update port selection mask based upon channel, store off LUN
> -		 * in unpacked, AFU-friendly format, and hang LUN reference in
> -		 * the sdev.
> -		 */
> -		lli->port_sel |= CHAN2PORTMASK(chan);
> -		lli->lun_id[chan] = lun_to_lunid(sdev->lun);
> -		sdev->hostdata = lli;
> -		if (lli->parent->mode != MODE_NONE)
> -			rc = -EBUSY;
> -		else {
> -			/*
> -			 * Clean up local LUN for this port and reset table
> -			 * tracking when no more references exist.
> -			 */
> -			sdev->hostdata = NULL;
> -			lli->port_sel &= ~CHAN2PORTMASK(chan);
> -			if (lli->port_sel == 0U)
> -				lli->in_table = false;
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: port_sel=%08x chan=%u lun_id=%016llx\n",
> -		__func__, lli->port_sel, chan, lli->lun_id[chan]);
> -
> -out:
> -	mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.c b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.c
> deleted file mode 100644
> index ae626e389c8b..000000000000
> --- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.c
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,3970 +0,0 @@
> -// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
> -/*
> - * CXL Flash Device Driver
> - *
> - * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *
> - * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
> - */
> -
> -#include <linux/delay.h>
> -#include <linux/list.h>
> -#include <linux/module.h>
> -#include <linux/pci.h>
> -
> -#include <linux/unaligned.h>
> -
> -#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
> -#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
> -#include <uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h>
> -
> -#include "main.h"
> -#include "sislite.h"
> -#include "common.h"
> -
> -MODULE_AUTHOR("Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>");
> -MODULE_AUTHOR("Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>");
> -
> -static char *cxlflash_devnode(const struct device *dev, umode_t *mode);
> -static const struct class cxlflash_class = {
> -	.name = "cxlflash",
> -	.devnode = cxlflash_devnode,
> -};
> -
> -static u32 cxlflash_major;
> -static DECLARE_BITMAP(cxlflash_minor, CXLFLASH_MAX_ADAPTERS);
> -
> -/**
> - * process_cmd_err() - command error handler
> - * @cmd:	AFU command that experienced the error.
> - * @scp:	SCSI command associated with the AFU command in error.
> - *
> - * Translates error bits from AFU command to SCSI command results.
> - */
> -static void process_cmd_err(struct afu_cmd *cmd, struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
> -{
> -	struct afu *afu = cmd->parent;
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct sisl_ioasa *ioasa;
> -	u32 resid;
> -
> -	ioasa = &(cmd->sa);
> -
> -	if (ioasa->rc.flags & SISL_RC_FLAGS_UNDERRUN) {
> -		resid = ioasa->resid;
> -		scsi_set_resid(scp, resid);
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: cmd underrun cmd = %p scp = %p, resid = %d\n",
> -			__func__, cmd, scp, resid);
> -	}
> -
> -	if (ioasa->rc.flags & SISL_RC_FLAGS_OVERRUN) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: cmd underrun cmd = %p scp = %p\n",
> -			__func__, cmd, scp);
> -		scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
> -	}
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: cmd failed afu_rc=%02x scsi_rc=%02x fc_rc=%02x "
> -		"afu_extra=%02x scsi_extra=%02x fc_extra=%02x\n", __func__,
> -		ioasa->rc.afu_rc, ioasa->rc.scsi_rc, ioasa->rc.fc_rc,
> -		ioasa->afu_extra, ioasa->scsi_extra, ioasa->fc_extra);
> -
> -	if (ioasa->rc.scsi_rc) {
> -		/* We have a SCSI status */
> -		if (ioasa->rc.flags & SISL_RC_FLAGS_SENSE_VALID) {
> -			memcpy(scp->sense_buffer, ioasa->sense_data,
> -			       SISL_SENSE_DATA_LEN);
> -			scp->result = ioasa->rc.scsi_rc;
> -		} else
> -			scp->result = ioasa->rc.scsi_rc | (DID_ERROR << 16);
> -	}
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * We encountered an error. Set scp->result based on nature
> -	 * of error.
> -	 */
> -	if (ioasa->rc.fc_rc) {
> -		/* We have an FC status */
> -		switch (ioasa->rc.fc_rc) {
> -			scp->result = (DID_REQUEUE << 16);
> -			break;
> -		case SISL_FC_RC_RESID:
> -			/* This indicates an FCP resid underrun */
> -			if (!(ioasa->rc.flags & SISL_RC_FLAGS_OVERRUN)) {
> -				/* If the SISL_RC_FLAGS_OVERRUN flag was set,
> -				 * then we will handle this error else where.
> -				 * If not then we must handle it here.
> -				 * This is probably an AFU bug.
> -				 */
> -				scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
> -			}
> -			break;
> -			/* Resid mismatch between adapter and device */
> -		case SISL_FC_RC_NOLOGI:
> -		case SISL_FC_RC_NOEXP:
> -		case SISL_FC_RC_INUSE:
> -			scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
> -			break;
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	if (ioasa->rc.afu_rc) {
> -		/* We have an AFU error */
> -		switch (ioasa->rc.afu_rc) {
> -			scp->result = (DID_NO_CONNECT << 16);
> -			break;
> -			switch (ioasa->afu_extra) {
> -				/* Retry */
> -				scp->result = (DID_IMM_RETRY << 16);
> -				break;
> -			default:
> -				scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
> -			}
> -			break;
> -			/* Retry */
> -			scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
> -			break;
> -		default:
> -			scp->result = (DID_ERROR << 16);
> -		}
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cmd_complete() - command completion handler
> - * @cmd:	AFU command that has completed.
> - *
> - * For SCSI commands this routine prepares and submits commands that have
> - * either completed or timed out to the SCSI stack. For internal commands
> - * (TMF or AFU), this routine simply notifies the originator that the
> - * command has completed.
> - */
> -static void cmd_complete(struct afu_cmd *cmd)
> -{
> -	struct scsi_cmnd *scp;
> -	ulong lock_flags;
> -	struct afu *afu = cmd->parent;
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, cmd->hwq_index);
> -
> -	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
> -	list_del(&cmd->list);
> -	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
> -
> -	if (cmd->scp) {
> -		scp = cmd->scp;
> -		if (unlikely(cmd->sa.ioasc))
> -			process_cmd_err(cmd, scp);
> -		else
> -			scp->result = (DID_OK << 16);
> -
> -		dev_dbg_ratelimited(dev, "%s:scp=%p result=%08x ioasc=%08x\n",
> -				    __func__, scp, scp->result, cmd->sa.ioasc);
> -		scsi_done(scp);
> -	} else if (cmd->cmd_tmf) {
> -		spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
> -		cfg->tmf_active = false;
> -		wake_up_all_locked(&cfg->tmf_waitq);
> -		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
> -	} else
> -		complete(&cmd->cevent);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * flush_pending_cmds() - flush all pending commands on this hardware queue
> - * @hwq:	Hardware queue to flush.
> - *
> - * The hardware send queue lock associated with this hardware queue must be
> - * held when calling this routine.
> - */
> -static void flush_pending_cmds(struct hwq *hwq)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = hwq->afu->parent;
> -	struct afu_cmd *cmd, *tmp;
> -	struct scsi_cmnd *scp;
> -	ulong lock_flags;
> -
> -	list_for_each_entry_safe(cmd, tmp, &hwq->pending_cmds, list) {
> -		/* Bypass command when on a doneq, cmd_complete() will handle */
> -		if (!list_empty(&cmd->queue))
> -			continue;
> -
> -		list_del(&cmd->list);
> -
> -		if (cmd->scp) {
> -			scp = cmd->scp;
> -			scp->result = (DID_IMM_RETRY << 16);
> -			scsi_done(scp);
> -		} else {
> -			cmd->cmd_aborted = true;
> -
> -			if (cmd->cmd_tmf) {
> -				spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
> -				cfg->tmf_active = false;
> -				wake_up_all_locked(&cfg->tmf_waitq);
> -				spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock,
> -						       lock_flags);
> -			} else
> -				complete(&cmd->cevent);
> -		}
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * context_reset() - reset context via specified register
> - * @hwq:	Hardware queue owning the context to be reset.
> - * @reset_reg:	MMIO register to perform reset.
> - *
> - * When the reset is successful, the SISLite specification guarantees that
> - * the AFU has aborted all currently pending I/O. Accordingly, these commands
> - * must be flushed.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int context_reset(struct hwq *hwq, __be64 __iomem *reset_reg)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = hwq->afu->parent;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	int rc = -ETIMEDOUT;
> -	int nretry = 0;
> -	u64 val = 0x1;
> -	ulong lock_flags;
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: hwq=%p\n", __func__, hwq);
> -
> -	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
> -
> -	writeq_be(val, reset_reg);
> -	do {
> -		val = readq_be(reset_reg);
> -		if ((val & 0x1) == 0x0) {
> -			rc = 0;
> -			break;
> -		}
> -
> -		/* Double delay each time */
> -		udelay(1 << nretry);
> -	} while (nretry++ < MC_ROOM_RETRY_CNT);
> -
> -	if (!rc)
> -		flush_pending_cmds(hwq);
> -
> -	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d, val=%016llx nretry=%d\n",
> -		__func__, rc, val, nretry);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * context_reset_ioarrin() - reset context via IOARRIN register
> - * @hwq:	Hardware queue owning the context to be reset.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int context_reset_ioarrin(struct hwq *hwq)
> -{
> -	return context_reset(hwq, &hwq->host_map->ioarrin);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * context_reset_sq() - reset context via SQ_CONTEXT_RESET register
> - * @hwq:	Hardware queue owning the context to be reset.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int context_reset_sq(struct hwq *hwq)
> -{
> -	return context_reset(hwq, &hwq->host_map->sq_ctx_reset);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * send_cmd_ioarrin() - sends an AFU command via IOARRIN register
> - * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
> - * @cmd:	AFU command to send.
> - *
> - * Return:
> - *	0 on success, SCSI_MLQUEUE_HOST_BUSY on failure
> - */
> -static int send_cmd_ioarrin(struct afu *afu, struct afu_cmd *cmd)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, cmd->hwq_index);
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	s64 room;
> -	ulong lock_flags;
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * To avoid the performance penalty of MMIO, spread the update of
> -	 * 'room' over multiple commands.
> -	 */
> -	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
> -	if (--hwq->room < 0) {
> -		room = readq_be(&hwq->host_map->cmd_room);
> -		if (room <= 0) {
> -			dev_dbg_ratelimited(dev, "%s: no cmd_room to send "
> -					    "0x%02X, room=0x%016llX\n",
> -					    __func__, cmd->rcb.cdb[0], room);
> -			hwq->room = 0;
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -		hwq->room = room - 1;
> -	}
> -
> -	list_add(&cmd->list, &hwq->pending_cmds);
> -	writeq_be((u64)&cmd->rcb, &hwq->host_map->ioarrin);
> -out:
> -	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
> -	dev_dbg_ratelimited(dev, "%s: cmd=%p len=%u ea=%016llx rc=%d\n",
> -		__func__, cmd, cmd->rcb.data_len, cmd->rcb.data_ea, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * send_cmd_sq() - sends an AFU command via SQ ring
> - * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
> - * @cmd:	AFU command to send.
> - *
> - * Return:
> - *	0 on success, SCSI_MLQUEUE_HOST_BUSY on failure
> - */
> -static int send_cmd_sq(struct afu *afu, struct afu_cmd *cmd)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, cmd->hwq_index);
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	int newval;
> -	ulong lock_flags;
> -
> -	newval = atomic_dec_if_positive(&hwq->hsq_credits);
> -	if (newval <= 0) {
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	cmd->rcb.ioasa = &cmd->sa;
> -
> -	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
> -
> -	*hwq->hsq_curr = cmd->rcb;
> -	if (hwq->hsq_curr < hwq->hsq_end)
> -		hwq->hsq_curr++;
> -	else
> -		hwq->hsq_curr = hwq->hsq_start;
> -
> -	list_add(&cmd->list, &hwq->pending_cmds);
> -	writeq_be((u64)hwq->hsq_curr, &hwq->host_map->sq_tail);
> -
> -	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
> -out:
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: cmd=%p len=%u ea=%016llx ioasa=%p rc=%d curr=%p "
> -	       "head=%016llx tail=%016llx\n", __func__, cmd, cmd->rcb.data_len,
> -	       cmd->rcb.data_ea, cmd->rcb.ioasa, rc, hwq->hsq_curr,
> -	       readq_be(&hwq->host_map->sq_head),
> -	       readq_be(&hwq->host_map->sq_tail));
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * wait_resp() - polls for a response or timeout to a sent AFU command
> - * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
> - * @cmd:	AFU command that was sent.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int wait_resp(struct afu *afu, struct afu_cmd *cmd)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	ulong timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(cmd->rcb.timeout * 2 * 1000);
> -
> -	timeout = wait_for_completion_timeout(&cmd->cevent, timeout);
> -	if (!timeout)
> -		rc = -ETIMEDOUT;
> -
> -	if (cmd->cmd_aborted)
> -		rc = -EAGAIN;
> -
> -	if (unlikely(cmd->sa.ioasc != 0)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: cmd %02x failed, ioasc=%08x\n",
> -			__func__, cmd->rcb.cdb[0], cmd->sa.ioasc);
> -		rc = -EIO;
> -	}
> -
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cmd_to_target_hwq() - selects a target hardware queue for a SCSI command
> - * @host:	SCSI host associated with device.
> - * @scp:	SCSI command to send.
> - * @afu:	SCSI command to send.
> - *
> - * Hashes a command based upon the hardware queue mode.
> - *
> - * Return: Trusted index of target hardware queue
> - */
> -static u32 cmd_to_target_hwq(struct Scsi_Host *host, struct scsi_cmnd *scp,
> -			     struct afu *afu)
> -{
> -	u32 tag;
> -	u32 hwq = 0;
> -
> -	if (afu->num_hwqs == 1)
> -		return 0;
> -
> -	switch (afu->hwq_mode) {
> -	case HWQ_MODE_RR:
> -		hwq = afu->hwq_rr_count++ % afu->num_hwqs;
> -		break;
> -	case HWQ_MODE_TAG:
> -		tag = blk_mq_unique_tag(scsi_cmd_to_rq(scp));
> -		hwq = blk_mq_unique_tag_to_hwq(tag);
> -		break;
> -	case HWQ_MODE_CPU:
> -		hwq = smp_processor_id() % afu->num_hwqs;
> -		break;
> -	default:
> -		WARN_ON_ONCE(1);
> -	}
> -
> -	return hwq;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * send_tmf() - sends a Task Management Function (TMF)
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device destined for TMF.
> - * @tmfcmd:	TMF command to send.
> - *
> - * Return:
> - *	0 on success, SCSI_MLQUEUE_HOST_BUSY or -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int send_tmf(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, struct scsi_device *sdev,
> -		    u64 tmfcmd)
> -{
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct afu_cmd *cmd = NULL;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
> -	bool needs_deletion = false;
> -	char *buf = NULL;
> -	ulong lock_flags;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	ulong to;
> -
> -	buf = kzalloc(sizeof(*cmd) + __alignof__(*cmd) - 1, GFP_KERNEL);
> -	if (unlikely(!buf)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: no memory for command\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -ENOMEM;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	cmd = (struct afu_cmd *)PTR_ALIGN(buf, __alignof__(*cmd));
> -	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cmd->queue);
> -
> -	/* When Task Management Function is active do not send another */
> -	spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
> -	if (cfg->tmf_active)
> -		wait_event_interruptible_lock_irq(cfg->tmf_waitq,
> -						  !cfg->tmf_active,
> -						  cfg->tmf_slock);
> -	cfg->tmf_active = true;
> -	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
> -
> -	cmd->parent = afu;
> -	cmd->cmd_tmf = true;
> -	cmd->hwq_index = hwq->index;
> -
> -	cmd->rcb.ctx_id = hwq->ctx_hndl;
> -	cmd->rcb.msi = SISL_MSI_RRQ_UPDATED;
> -	cmd->rcb.port_sel = CHAN2PORTMASK(sdev->channel);
> -	cmd->rcb.lun_id = lun_to_lunid(sdev->lun);
> -	cmd->rcb.req_flags = (SISL_REQ_FLAGS_PORT_LUN_ID |
> -			      SISL_REQ_FLAGS_TMF_CMD);
> -	memcpy(cmd->rcb.cdb, &tmfcmd, sizeof(tmfcmd));
> -
> -	rc = afu->send_cmd(afu, cmd);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
> -		cfg->tmf_active = false;
> -		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
> -	to = msecs_to_jiffies(5000);
> -	to = wait_event_interruptible_lock_irq_timeout(cfg->tmf_waitq,
> -						       !cfg->tmf_active,
> -						       cfg->tmf_slock,
> -						       to);
> -	if (!to) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: TMF timed out\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -ETIMEDOUT;
> -		needs_deletion = true;
> -	} else if (cmd->cmd_aborted) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: TMF aborted\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -EAGAIN;
> -	} else if (cmd->sa.ioasc) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: TMF failed ioasc=%08x\n",
> -			__func__, cmd->sa.ioasc);
> -		rc = -EIO;
> -	}
> -	cfg->tmf_active = false;
> -	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
> -
> -	if (needs_deletion) {
> -		spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
> -		list_del(&cmd->list);
> -		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
> -	}
> -out:
> -	kfree(buf);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_driver_info() - information handler for this host driver
> - * @host:	SCSI host associated with device.
> - *
> - * Return: A string describing the device.
> - */
> -static const char *cxlflash_driver_info(struct Scsi_Host *host)
> -{
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_queuecommand() - sends a mid-layer request
> - * @host:	SCSI host associated with device.
> - * @scp:	SCSI command to send.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, SCSI_MLQUEUE_HOST_BUSY on failure
> - */
> -static int cxlflash_queuecommand(struct Scsi_Host *host, struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(host);
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct afu_cmd *cmd = sc_to_afuci(scp);
> -	struct scatterlist *sg = scsi_sglist(scp);
> -	int hwq_index = cmd_to_target_hwq(host, scp, afu);
> -	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, hwq_index);
> -	u16 req_flags = SISL_REQ_FLAGS_SUP_UNDERRUN;
> -	ulong lock_flags;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	dev_dbg_ratelimited(dev, "%s: (scp=%p) %d/%d/%d/%llu "
> -			    "cdb=(%08x-%08x-%08x-%08x)\n",
> -			    __func__, scp, host->host_no, scp->device->channel,
> -			    scp->device->id, scp->device->lun,
> -			    get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[0]),
> -			    get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[1]),
> -			    get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[2]),
> -			    get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[3]));
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * If a Task Management Function is active, wait for it to complete
> -	 * before continuing with regular commands.
> -	 */
> -	spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
> -	if (cfg->tmf_active) {
> -		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
> -
> -	switch (cfg->state) {
> -	case STATE_PROBED:
> -	case STATE_RESET:
> -		dev_dbg_ratelimited(dev, "%s: device is in reset\n", __func__);
> -		goto out;
> -		dev_dbg_ratelimited(dev, "%s: device has failed\n", __func__);
> -		scp->result = (DID_NO_CONNECT << 16);
> -		scsi_done(scp);
> -		rc = 0;
> -		goto out;
> -	default:
> -		atomic_inc(&afu->cmds_active);
> -		break;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (likely(sg)) {
> -		cmd->rcb.data_len = sg->length;
> -		cmd->rcb.data_ea = (uintptr_t)sg_virt(sg);
> -	}
> -
> -	cmd->scp = scp;
> -	cmd->parent = afu;
> -	cmd->hwq_index = hwq_index;
> -
> -	cmd->sa.ioasc = 0;
> -	cmd->rcb.ctx_id = hwq->ctx_hndl;
> -	cmd->rcb.msi = SISL_MSI_RRQ_UPDATED;
> -	cmd->rcb.port_sel = CHAN2PORTMASK(scp->device->channel);
> -	cmd->rcb.lun_id = lun_to_lunid(scp->device->lun);
> -
> -	if (scp->sc_data_direction == DMA_TO_DEVICE)
> -		req_flags |= SISL_REQ_FLAGS_HOST_WRITE;
> -
> -	cmd->rcb.req_flags = req_flags;
> -	memcpy(cmd->rcb.cdb, scp->cmnd, sizeof(cmd->rcb.cdb));
> -
> -	rc = afu->send_cmd(afu, cmd);
> -	atomic_dec(&afu->cmds_active);
> -out:
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_wait_for_pci_err_recovery() - wait for error recovery during probe
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - */
> -static void cxlflash_wait_for_pci_err_recovery(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	struct pci_dev *pdev = cfg->dev;
> -
> -	if (pci_channel_offline(pdev))
> -		wait_event_timeout(cfg->reset_waitq,
> -				   !pci_channel_offline(pdev),
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * free_mem() - free memory associated with the AFU
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - */
> -static void free_mem(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -
> -	if (cfg->afu) {
> -		free_pages((ulong)afu, get_order(sizeof(struct afu)));
> -		cfg->afu = NULL;
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_reset_sync() - synchronizing point for asynchronous resets
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - */
> -static void cxlflash_reset_sync(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	if (cfg->async_reset_cookie == 0)
> -		return;
> -
> -	/* Wait until all async calls prior to this cookie have completed */
> -	async_synchronize_cookie(cfg->async_reset_cookie + 1);
> -	cfg->async_reset_cookie = 0;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * stop_afu() - stops the AFU command timers and unmaps the MMIO space
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - *
> - * Safe to call with AFU in a partially allocated/initialized state.
> - *
> - * Cancels scheduled worker threads, waits for any active internal AFU
> - * commands to timeout, disables IRQ polling and then unmaps the MMIO space.
> - */
> -static void stop_afu(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct hwq *hwq;
> -	int i;
> -
> -	cancel_work_sync(&cfg->work_q);
> -	if (!current_is_async())
> -		cxlflash_reset_sync(cfg);
> -
> -	if (likely(afu)) {
> -		while (atomic_read(&afu->cmds_active))
> -			ssleep(1);
> -
> -		if (afu_is_irqpoll_enabled(afu)) {
> -			for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
> -				hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
> -
> -				irq_poll_disable(&hwq->irqpoll);
> -			}
> -		}
> -
> -		if (likely(afu->afu_map)) {
> -			cfg->ops->psa_unmap(afu->afu_map);
> -			afu->afu_map = NULL;
> -		}
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * term_intr() - disables all AFU interrupts
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - * @level:	Depth of allocation, where to begin waterfall tear down.
> - * @index:	Index of the hardware queue.
> - *
> - * Safe to call with AFU/MC in partially allocated/initialized state.
> - */
> -static void term_intr(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, enum undo_level level,
> -		      u32 index)
> -{
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct hwq *hwq;
> -
> -	if (!afu) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: returning with NULL afu\n", __func__);
> -		return;
> -	}
> -
> -	hwq = get_hwq(afu, index);
> -
> -	if (!hwq->ctx_cookie) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: returning with NULL MC\n", __func__);
> -		return;
> -	}
> -
> -	switch (level) {
> -	case UNMAP_THREE:
> -		/* SISL_MSI_ASYNC_ERROR is setup only for the primary HWQ */
> -		if (index == PRIMARY_HWQ)
> -			cfg->ops->unmap_afu_irq(hwq->ctx_cookie, 3, hwq);
> -		fallthrough;
> -	case UNMAP_TWO:
> -		cfg->ops->unmap_afu_irq(hwq->ctx_cookie, 2, hwq);
> -		fallthrough;
> -	case UNMAP_ONE:
> -		cfg->ops->unmap_afu_irq(hwq->ctx_cookie, 1, hwq);
> -		fallthrough;
> -	case FREE_IRQ:
> -		cfg->ops->free_afu_irqs(hwq->ctx_cookie);
> -		fallthrough;
> -	case UNDO_NOOP:
> -		/* No action required */
> -		break;
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * term_mc() - terminates the master context
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - * @index:	Index of the hardware queue.
> - *
> - * Safe to call with AFU/MC in partially allocated/initialized state.
> - */
> -static void term_mc(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u32 index)
> -{
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct hwq *hwq;
> -	ulong lock_flags;
> -
> -	if (!afu) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: returning with NULL afu\n", __func__);
> -		return;
> -	}
> -
> -	hwq = get_hwq(afu, index);
> -
> -	if (!hwq->ctx_cookie) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: returning with NULL MC\n", __func__);
> -		return;
> -	}
> -
> -	WARN_ON(cfg->ops->stop_context(hwq->ctx_cookie));
> -	if (index != PRIMARY_HWQ)
> -		WARN_ON(cfg->ops->release_context(hwq->ctx_cookie));
> -	hwq->ctx_cookie = NULL;
> -
> -	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hrrq_slock, lock_flags);
> -	hwq->hrrq_online = false;
> -	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hrrq_slock, lock_flags);
> -
> -	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
> -	flush_pending_cmds(hwq);
> -	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * term_afu() - terminates the AFU
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - *
> - * Safe to call with AFU/MC in partially allocated/initialized state.
> - */
> -static void term_afu(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	int k;
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * Tear down is carefully orchestrated to ensure
> -	 * no interrupts can come in when the problem state
> -	 * area is unmapped.
> -	 *
> -	 * 1) Disable all AFU interrupts for each master
> -	 * 2) Unmap the problem state area
> -	 * 3) Stop each master context
> -	 */
> -	for (k = cfg->afu->num_hwqs - 1; k >= 0; k--)
> -		term_intr(cfg, UNMAP_THREE, k);
> -
> -	stop_afu(cfg);
> -
> -	for (k = cfg->afu->num_hwqs - 1; k >= 0; k--)
> -		term_mc(cfg, k);
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning\n", __func__);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * notify_shutdown() - notifies device of pending shutdown
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - * @wait:	Whether to wait for shutdown processing to complete.
> - *
> - * This function will notify the AFU that the adapter is being shutdown
> - * and will wait for shutdown processing to complete if wait is true.
> - * This notification should flush pending I/Os to the device and halt
> - * further I/Os until the next AFU reset is issued and device restarted.
> - */
> -static void notify_shutdown(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, bool wait)
> -{
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct dev_dependent_vals *ddv;
> -	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
> -	u64 reg, status;
> -	int i, retry_cnt = 0;
> -
> -	ddv = (struct dev_dependent_vals *)cfg->dev_id->driver_data;
> -	if (!(ddv->flags & CXLFLASH_NOTIFY_SHUTDOWN))
> -		return;
> -
> -	if (!afu || !afu->afu_map) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Problem state area not mapped\n", __func__);
> -		return;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Notify AFU */
> -	for (i = 0; i < cfg->num_fc_ports; i++) {
> -		fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, i);
> -
> -		reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_CONFIG2 / 8]);
> -		writeq_be(reg, &fc_port_regs[FC_CONFIG2 / 8]);
> -	}
> -
> -	if (!wait)
> -		return;
> -
> -	/* Wait up to 1.5 seconds for shutdown processing to complete */
> -	for (i = 0; i < cfg->num_fc_ports; i++) {
> -		fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, i);
> -		retry_cnt = 0;
> -
> -		while (true) {
> -			status = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_STATUS / 8]);
> -				break;
> -			if (++retry_cnt >= MC_RETRY_CNT) {
> -				dev_dbg(dev, "%s: port %d shutdown processing "
> -					"not yet completed\n", __func__, i);
> -				break;
> -			}
> -			msleep(100 * retry_cnt);
> -		}
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_get_minor() - gets the first available minor number
> - *
> - * Return: Unique minor number that can be used to create the character device.
> - */
> -static int cxlflash_get_minor(void)
> -{
> -	int minor;
> -	long bit;
> -
> -	bit = find_first_zero_bit(cxlflash_minor, CXLFLASH_MAX_ADAPTERS);
> -		return -1;
> -
> -	minor = bit & MINORMASK;
> -	set_bit(minor, cxlflash_minor);
> -	return minor;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_put_minor() - releases the minor number
> - * @minor:	Minor number that is no longer needed.
> - */
> -static void cxlflash_put_minor(int minor)
> -{
> -	clear_bit(minor, cxlflash_minor);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_release_chrdev() - release the character device for the host
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - */
> -static void cxlflash_release_chrdev(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	device_unregister(cfg->chardev);
> -	cfg->chardev = NULL;
> -	cdev_del(&cfg->cdev);
> -	cxlflash_put_minor(MINOR(cfg->cdev.dev));
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_remove() - PCI entry point to tear down host
> - * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
> - *
> - * Safe to use as a cleanup in partially allocated/initialized state. Note that
> - * the reset_waitq is flushed as part of the stop/termination of user contexts.
> - */
> -static void cxlflash_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
> -	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
> -	ulong lock_flags;
> -
> -	if (!pci_is_enabled(pdev)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Device is disabled\n", __func__);
> -		return;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Yield to running recovery threads before continuing with remove */
> -	wait_event(cfg->reset_waitq, cfg->state != STATE_RESET &&
> -				     cfg->state != STATE_PROBING);
> -	spin_lock_irqsave(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
> -	if (cfg->tmf_active)
> -		wait_event_interruptible_lock_irq(cfg->tmf_waitq,
> -						  !cfg->tmf_active,
> -						  cfg->tmf_slock);
> -	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cfg->tmf_slock, lock_flags);
> -
> -	/* Notify AFU and wait for shutdown processing to complete */
> -	notify_shutdown(cfg, true);
> -
> -	cfg->state = STATE_FAILTERM;
> -	cxlflash_stop_term_user_contexts(cfg);
> -
> -	switch (cfg->init_state) {
> -		cxlflash_release_chrdev(cfg);
> -		fallthrough;
> -		cxlflash_term_local_luns(cfg);
> -		scsi_remove_host(cfg->host);
> -		fallthrough;
> -	case INIT_STATE_AFU:
> -		term_afu(cfg);
> -		fallthrough;
> -	case INIT_STATE_PCI:
> -		cfg->ops->destroy_afu(cfg->afu_cookie);
> -		pci_disable_device(pdev);
> -		fallthrough;
> -		free_mem(cfg);
> -		scsi_host_put(cfg->host);
> -		break;
> -	}
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning\n", __func__);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * alloc_mem() - allocates the AFU and its command pool
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - *
> - * A partially allocated state remains on failure.
> - *
> - * Return:
> - *	0 on success
> - *	-ENOMEM on failure to allocate memory
> - */
> -static int alloc_mem(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -
> -	/* AFU is ~28k, i.e. only one 64k page or up to seven 4k pages */
> -	cfg->afu = (void *)__get_free_pages(GFP_KERNEL | __GFP_ZERO,
> -					    get_order(sizeof(struct afu)));
> -	if (unlikely(!cfg->afu)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: cannot get %d free pages\n",
> -			__func__, get_order(sizeof(struct afu)));
> -		rc = -ENOMEM;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -	cfg->afu->parent = cfg;
> -	cfg->afu->desired_hwqs = CXLFLASH_DEF_HWQS;
> -	cfg->afu->afu_map = NULL;
> -out:
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * init_pci() - initializes the host as a PCI device
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int init_pci(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	struct pci_dev *pdev = cfg->dev;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	rc = pci_enable_device(pdev);
> -	if (rc || pci_channel_offline(pdev)) {
> -		if (pci_channel_offline(pdev)) {
> -			cxlflash_wait_for_pci_err_recovery(cfg);
> -			rc = pci_enable_device(pdev);
> -		}
> -
> -		if (rc) {
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: Cannot enable adapter\n", __func__);
> -			cxlflash_wait_for_pci_err_recovery(cfg);
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -out:
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * init_scsi() - adds the host to the SCSI stack and kicks off host scan
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int init_scsi(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	struct pci_dev *pdev = cfg->dev;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	rc = scsi_add_host(cfg->host, &pdev->dev);
> -	if (rc) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: scsi_add_host failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	scsi_scan_host(cfg->host);
> -
> -out:
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * set_port_online() - transitions the specified host FC port to online state
> - * @fc_regs:	Top of MMIO region defined for specified port.
> - *
> - * The provided MMIO region must be mapped prior to call. Online state means
> - * that the FC link layer has synced, completed the handshaking process, and
> - * is ready for login to start.
> - */
> -static void set_port_online(__be64 __iomem *fc_regs)
> -{
> -	u64 cmdcfg;
> -
> -	cmdcfg = readq_be(&fc_regs[FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG / 8]);
> -	cmdcfg &= (~FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG_OFFLINE);	/* clear OFF_LINE */
> -	cmdcfg |= (FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG_ONLINE);	/* set ON_LINE */
> -	writeq_be(cmdcfg, &fc_regs[FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG / 8]);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * set_port_offline() - transitions the specified host FC port to offline state
> - * @fc_regs:	Top of MMIO region defined for specified port.
> - *
> - * The provided MMIO region must be mapped prior to call.
> - */
> -static void set_port_offline(__be64 __iomem *fc_regs)
> -{
> -	u64 cmdcfg;
> -
> -	cmdcfg = readq_be(&fc_regs[FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG / 8]);
> -	cmdcfg &= (~FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG_ONLINE);	/* clear ON_LINE */
> -	cmdcfg |= (FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG_OFFLINE);	/* set OFF_LINE */
> -	writeq_be(cmdcfg, &fc_regs[FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG / 8]);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * wait_port_online() - waits for the specified host FC port come online
> - * @fc_regs:	Top of MMIO region defined for specified port.
> - * @delay_us:	Number of microseconds to delay between reading port status.
> - * @nretry:	Number of cycles to retry reading port status.
> - *
> - * The provided MMIO region must be mapped prior to call. This will timeout
> - * when the cable is not plugged in.
> - *
> - * Return:
> - *	TRUE (1) when the specified port is online
> - *	FALSE (0) when the specified port fails to come online after timeout
> - */
> -static bool wait_port_online(__be64 __iomem *fc_regs, u32 delay_us, u32 nretry)
> -{
> -	u64 status;
> -
> -	WARN_ON(delay_us < 1000);
> -
> -	do {
> -		msleep(delay_us / 1000);
> -		status = readq_be(&fc_regs[FC_MTIP_STATUS / 8]);
> -		if (status == U64_MAX)
> -			nretry /= 2;
> -	} while ((status & FC_MTIP_STATUS_MASK) != FC_MTIP_STATUS_ONLINE &&
> -		 nretry--);
> -
> -	return ((status & FC_MTIP_STATUS_MASK) == FC_MTIP_STATUS_ONLINE);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * wait_port_offline() - waits for the specified host FC port go offline
> - * @fc_regs:	Top of MMIO region defined for specified port.
> - * @delay_us:	Number of microseconds to delay between reading port status.
> - * @nretry:	Number of cycles to retry reading port status.
> - *
> - * The provided MMIO region must be mapped prior to call.
> - *
> - * Return:
> - *	TRUE (1) when the specified port is offline
> - *	FALSE (0) when the specified port fails to go offline after timeout
> - */
> -static bool wait_port_offline(__be64 __iomem *fc_regs, u32 delay_us, u32 nretry)
> -{
> -	u64 status;
> -
> -	WARN_ON(delay_us < 1000);
> -
> -	do {
> -		msleep(delay_us / 1000);
> -		status = readq_be(&fc_regs[FC_MTIP_STATUS / 8]);
> -		if (status == U64_MAX)
> -			nretry /= 2;
> -	} while ((status & FC_MTIP_STATUS_MASK) != FC_MTIP_STATUS_OFFLINE &&
> -		 nretry--);
> -
> -	return ((status & FC_MTIP_STATUS_MASK) == FC_MTIP_STATUS_OFFLINE);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * afu_set_wwpn() - configures the WWPN for the specified host FC port
> - * @afu:	AFU associated with the host that owns the specified FC port.
> - * @port:	Port number being configured.
> - * @fc_regs:	Top of MMIO region defined for specified port.
> - * @wwpn:	The world-wide-port-number previously discovered for port.
> - *
> - * The provided MMIO region must be mapped prior to call. As part of the
> - * sequence to configure the WWPN, the port is toggled offline and then back
> - * online. This toggling action can cause this routine to delay up to a few
> - * seconds. When configured to use the internal LUN feature of the AFU, a
> - * failure to come online is overridden.
> - */
> -static void afu_set_wwpn(struct afu *afu, int port, __be64 __iomem *fc_regs,
> -			 u64 wwpn)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -
> -	set_port_offline(fc_regs);
> -	if (!wait_port_offline(fc_regs, FC_PORT_STATUS_RETRY_INTERVAL_US,
> -			       FC_PORT_STATUS_RETRY_CNT)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: wait on port %d to go offline timed out\n",
> -			__func__, port);
> -	}
> -
> -	writeq_be(wwpn, &fc_regs[FC_PNAME / 8]);
> -
> -	set_port_online(fc_regs);
> -	if (!wait_port_online(fc_regs, FC_PORT_STATUS_RETRY_INTERVAL_US,
> -			      FC_PORT_STATUS_RETRY_CNT)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: wait on port %d to go online timed out\n",
> -			__func__, port);
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * afu_link_reset() - resets the specified host FC port
> - * @afu:	AFU associated with the host that owns the specified FC port.
> - * @port:	Port number being configured.
> - * @fc_regs:	Top of MMIO region defined for specified port.
> - *
> - * The provided MMIO region must be mapped prior to call. The sequence to
> - * reset the port involves toggling it offline and then back online. This
> - * action can cause this routine to delay up to a few seconds. An effort
> - * is made to maintain link with the device by switching to host to use
> - * the alternate port exclusively while the reset takes place.
> - * failure to come online is overridden.
> - */
> -static void afu_link_reset(struct afu *afu, int port, __be64 __iomem *fc_regs)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	u64 port_sel;
> -
> -	/* first switch the AFU to the other links, if any */
> -	port_sel = readq_be(&afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_port_sel);
> -	port_sel &= ~(1ULL << port);
> -	writeq_be(port_sel, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_port_sel);
> -	cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, 0, 0, AFU_GSYNC);
> -
> -	set_port_offline(fc_regs);
> -	if (!wait_port_offline(fc_regs, FC_PORT_STATUS_RETRY_INTERVAL_US,
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: wait on port %d to go offline timed out\n",
> -			__func__, port);
> -
> -	set_port_online(fc_regs);
> -	if (!wait_port_online(fc_regs, FC_PORT_STATUS_RETRY_INTERVAL_US,
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: wait on port %d to go online timed out\n",
> -			__func__, port);
> -
> -	/* switch back to include this port */
> -	port_sel |= (1ULL << port);
> -	writeq_be(port_sel, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_port_sel);
> -	cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, 0, 0, AFU_GSYNC);
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning port_sel=%016llx\n", __func__, port_sel);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * afu_err_intr_init() - clears and initializes the AFU for error interrupts
> - * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
> - */
> -static void afu_err_intr_init(struct afu *afu)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
> -	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
> -	int i;
> -	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
> -	u64 reg;
> -
> -	/* global async interrupts: AFU clears afu_ctrl on context exit
> -	 * if async interrupts were sent to that context. This prevents
> -	 * the AFU form sending further async interrupts when
> -	 * there is
> -	 * nobody to receive them.
> -	 */
> -
> -	/* mask all */
> -	writeq_be(-1ULL, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.aintr_mask);
> -	/* set LISN# to send and point to primary master context */
> -	reg = ((u64) (((hwq->ctx_hndl << 8) | SISL_MSI_ASYNC_ERROR)) << 40);
> -
> -	if (afu->internal_lun)
> -		reg |= 1;	/* Bit 63 indicates local lun */
> -	writeq_be(reg, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_ctrl);
> -	/* clear all */
> -	writeq_be(-1ULL, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.aintr_clear);
> -	/* unmask bits that are of interest */
> -	/* note: afu can send an interrupt after this step */
> -	writeq_be(SISL_ASTATUS_MASK, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.aintr_mask);
> -	/* clear again in case a bit came on after previous clear but before */
> -	/* unmask */
> -	writeq_be(-1ULL, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.aintr_clear);
> -
> -	/* Clear/Set internal lun bits */
> -	fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, 0);
> -	reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_CONFIG2 / 8]);
> -	if (afu->internal_lun)
> -		reg |= ((u64)(afu->internal_lun - 1) << SISL_FC_INTERNAL_SHIFT);
> -	writeq_be(reg, &fc_port_regs[FC_CONFIG2 / 8]);
> -
> -	/* now clear FC errors */
> -	for (i = 0; i < cfg->num_fc_ports; i++) {
> -		fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, i);
> -
> -		writeq_be(0xFFFFFFFFU, &fc_port_regs[FC_ERROR / 8]);
> -		writeq_be(0, &fc_port_regs[FC_ERRCAP / 8]);
> -	}
> -
> -	/* sync interrupts for master's IOARRIN write */
> -	/* note that unlike asyncs, there can be no pending sync interrupts */
> -	/* at this time (this is a fresh context and master has not written */
> -	/* IOARRIN yet), so there is nothing to clear. */
> -
> -	/* set LISN#, it is always sent to the context that wrote IOARRIN */
> -	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
> -		hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
> -
> -		reg = readq_be(&hwq->host_map->ctx_ctrl);
> -		WARN_ON((reg & SISL_CTX_CTRL_LISN_MASK) != 0);
> -		reg |= SISL_MSI_SYNC_ERROR;
> -		writeq_be(reg, &hwq->host_map->ctx_ctrl);
> -		writeq_be(SISL_ISTATUS_MASK, &hwq->host_map->intr_mask);
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_sync_err_irq() - interrupt handler for synchronous errors
> - * @irq:	Interrupt number.
> - * @data:	Private data provided at interrupt registration, the AFU.
> - *
> - * Return: Always return IRQ_HANDLED.
> - */
> -static irqreturn_t cxlflash_sync_err_irq(int irq, void *data)
> -{
> -	struct hwq *hwq = (struct hwq *)data;
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = hwq->afu->parent;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	u64 reg;
> -	u64 reg_unmasked;
> -
> -	reg = readq_be(&hwq->host_map->intr_status);
> -	reg_unmasked = (reg & SISL_ISTATUS_UNMASK);
> -
> -	if (reg_unmasked == 0UL) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: spurious interrupt, intr_status=%016llx\n",
> -			__func__, reg);
> -		goto cxlflash_sync_err_irq_exit;
> -	}
> -
> -	dev_err(dev, "%s: unexpected interrupt, intr_status=%016llx\n",
> -		__func__, reg);
> -
> -	writeq_be(reg_unmasked, &hwq->host_map->intr_clear);
> -
> -cxlflash_sync_err_irq_exit:
> -	return IRQ_HANDLED;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * process_hrrq() - process the read-response queue
> - * @hwq:	HWQ associated with the host.
> - * @doneq:	Queue of commands harvested from the RRQ.
> - * @budget:	Threshold of RRQ entries to process.
> - *
> - * This routine must be called holding the disabled RRQ spin lock.
> - *
> - * Return: The number of entries processed.
> - */
> -static int process_hrrq(struct hwq *hwq, struct list_head *doneq, int budget)
> -{
> -	struct afu *afu = hwq->afu;
> -	struct afu_cmd *cmd;
> -	struct sisl_ioasa *ioasa;
> -	struct sisl_ioarcb *ioarcb;
> -	bool toggle = hwq->toggle;
> -	int num_hrrq = 0;
> -	u64 entry,
> -	    *hrrq_start = hwq->hrrq_start,
> -	    *hrrq_end = hwq->hrrq_end,
> -	    *hrrq_curr = hwq->hrrq_curr;
> -
> -	/* Process ready RRQ entries up to the specified budget (if any) */
> -	while (true) {
> -		entry = *hrrq_curr;
> -
> -		if ((entry & SISL_RESP_HANDLE_T_BIT) != toggle)
> -			break;
> -
> -		entry &= ~SISL_RESP_HANDLE_T_BIT;
> -
> -		if (afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(afu)) {
> -			ioasa = (struct sisl_ioasa *)entry;
> -			cmd = container_of(ioasa, struct afu_cmd, sa);
> -		} else {
> -			ioarcb = (struct sisl_ioarcb *)entry;
> -			cmd = container_of(ioarcb, struct afu_cmd, rcb);
> -		}
> -
> -		list_add_tail(&cmd->queue, doneq);
> -
> -		/* Advance to next entry or wrap and flip the toggle bit */
> -		if (hrrq_curr < hrrq_end)
> -			hrrq_curr++;
> -		else {
> -			hrrq_curr = hrrq_start;
> -			toggle ^= SISL_RESP_HANDLE_T_BIT;
> -		}
> -
> -		atomic_inc(&hwq->hsq_credits);
> -		num_hrrq++;
> -
> -		if (budget > 0 && num_hrrq >= budget)
> -			break;
> -	}
> -
> -	hwq->hrrq_curr = hrrq_curr;
> -	hwq->toggle = toggle;
> -
> -	return num_hrrq;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * process_cmd_doneq() - process a queue of harvested RRQ commands
> - * @doneq:	Queue of completed commands.
> - *
> - * Note that upon return the queue can no longer be trusted.
> - */
> -static void process_cmd_doneq(struct list_head *doneq)
> -{
> -	struct afu_cmd *cmd, *tmp;
> -
> -	WARN_ON(list_empty(doneq));
> -
> -	list_for_each_entry_safe(cmd, tmp, doneq, queue)
> -		cmd_complete(cmd);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_irqpoll() - process a queue of harvested RRQ commands
> - * @irqpoll:	IRQ poll structure associated with queue to poll.
> - * @budget:	Threshold of RRQ entries to process per poll.
> - *
> - * Return: The number of entries processed.
> - */
> -static int cxlflash_irqpoll(struct irq_poll *irqpoll, int budget)
> -{
> -	struct hwq *hwq = container_of(irqpoll, struct hwq, irqpoll);
> -	unsigned long hrrq_flags;
> -	LIST_HEAD(doneq);
> -	int num_entries = 0;
> -
> -	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hrrq_slock, hrrq_flags);
> -
> -	num_entries = process_hrrq(hwq, &doneq, budget);
> -	if (num_entries < budget)
> -		irq_poll_complete(irqpoll);
> -
> -	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hrrq_slock, hrrq_flags);
> -
> -	process_cmd_doneq(&doneq);
> -	return num_entries;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_rrq_irq() - interrupt handler for read-response queue (normal path)
> - * @irq:	Interrupt number.
> - * @data:	Private data provided at interrupt registration, the AFU.
> - *
> - * Return: IRQ_HANDLED or IRQ_NONE when no ready entries found.
> - */
> -static irqreturn_t cxlflash_rrq_irq(int irq, void *data)
> -{
> -	struct hwq *hwq = (struct hwq *)data;
> -	struct afu *afu = hwq->afu;
> -	unsigned long hrrq_flags;
> -	LIST_HEAD(doneq);
> -	int num_entries = 0;
> -
> -	spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hrrq_slock, hrrq_flags);
> -
> -	/* Silently drop spurious interrupts when queue is not online */
> -	if (!hwq->hrrq_online) {
> -		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hrrq_slock, hrrq_flags);
> -		return IRQ_HANDLED;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (afu_is_irqpoll_enabled(afu)) {
> -		irq_poll_sched(&hwq->irqpoll);
> -		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hrrq_slock, hrrq_flags);
> -		return IRQ_HANDLED;
> -	}
> -
> -	num_entries = process_hrrq(hwq, &doneq, -1);
> -	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hrrq_slock, hrrq_flags);
> -
> -	if (num_entries == 0)
> -		return IRQ_NONE;
> -
> -	process_cmd_doneq(&doneq);
> -	return IRQ_HANDLED;
> -}
> -
> -/*
> - * Asynchronous interrupt information table
> - *
> - * NOTE:
> - *	- Order matters here as this array is indexed by bit position.
> - *
> - *	- The checkpatch script considers the BUILD_SISL_ASTATUS_FC_PORT macro
> - *	  as complex and complains due to a lack of parentheses/braces.
> - */
> -#define ASTATUS_FC(_a, _b, _c, _d)					 \
> -	{ SISL_ASTATUS_FC##_a##_##_b, _c, _a, (_d) }
> -
> -#define BUILD_SISL_ASTATUS_FC_PORT(_a)					 \
> -	ASTATUS_FC(_a, LINK_UP, "link up", 0),				 \
> -	ASTATUS_FC(_a, LINK_DN, "link down", 0),			 \
> -	ASTATUS_FC(_a, LOGI_S, "login succeeded", SCAN_HOST),		 \
> -	ASTATUS_FC(_a, LOGI_F, "login failed", CLR_FC_ERROR),		 \
> -	ASTATUS_FC(_a, LOGI_R, "login timed out, retrying", LINK_RESET), \
> -	ASTATUS_FC(_a, CRC_T, "CRC threshold exceeded", LINK_RESET),	 \
> -	ASTATUS_FC(_a, LOGO, "target initiated LOGO", 0),		 \
> -	ASTATUS_FC(_a, OTHER, "other error", CLR_FC_ERROR | LINK_RESET)
> -
> -static const struct asyc_intr_info ainfo[] = {
> -};
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_async_err_irq() - interrupt handler for asynchronous errors
> - * @irq:	Interrupt number.
> - * @data:	Private data provided at interrupt registration, the AFU.
> - *
> - * Return: Always return IRQ_HANDLED.
> - */
> -static irqreturn_t cxlflash_async_err_irq(int irq, void *data)
> -{
> -	struct hwq *hwq = (struct hwq *)data;
> -	struct afu *afu = hwq->afu;
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	const struct asyc_intr_info *info;
> -	struct sisl_global_map __iomem *global = &afu->afu_map->global;
> -	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
> -	u64 reg_unmasked;
> -	u64 reg;
> -	u64 bit;
> -	u8 port;
> -
> -	reg = readq_be(&global->regs.aintr_status);
> -	reg_unmasked = (reg & SISL_ASTATUS_UNMASK);
> -
> -	if (unlikely(reg_unmasked == 0)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: spurious interrupt, aintr_status=%016llx\n",
> -			__func__, reg);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* FYI, it is 'okay' to clear AFU status before FC_ERROR */
> -	writeq_be(reg_unmasked, &global->regs.aintr_clear);
> -
> -	/* Check each bit that is on */
> -	for_each_set_bit(bit, (ulong *)&reg_unmasked, BITS_PER_LONG) {
> -		if (unlikely(bit >= ARRAY_SIZE(ainfo))) {
> -			WARN_ON_ONCE(1);
> -			continue;
> -		}
> -
> -		info = &ainfo[bit];
> -		if (unlikely(info->status != 1ULL << bit)) {
> -			WARN_ON_ONCE(1);
> -			continue;
> -		}
> -
> -		port = info->port;
> -		fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, port);
> -
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: FC Port %d -> %s, fc_status=%016llx\n",
> -			__func__, port, info->desc,
> -		       readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_STATUS / 8]));
> -
> -		/*
> -		 * Do link reset first, some OTHER errors will set FC_ERROR
> -		 * again if cleared before or w/o a reset
> -		 */
> -		if (info->action & LINK_RESET) {
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: FC Port %d: resetting link\n",
> -				__func__, port);
> -			cfg->lr_state = LINK_RESET_REQUIRED;
> -			cfg->lr_port = port;
> -			schedule_work(&cfg->work_q);
> -		}
> -
> -		if (info->action & CLR_FC_ERROR) {
> -			reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_ERROR / 8]);
> -
> -			/*
> -			 * Since all errors are unmasked, FC_ERROR and FC_ERRCAP
> -			 * should be the same and tracing one is sufficient.
> -			 */
> -
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: fc %d: clearing fc_error=%016llx\n",
> -				__func__, port, reg);
> -
> -			writeq_be(reg, &fc_port_regs[FC_ERROR / 8]);
> -			writeq_be(0, &fc_port_regs[FC_ERRCAP / 8]);
> -		}
> -
> -		if (info->action & SCAN_HOST) {
> -			atomic_inc(&cfg->scan_host_needed);
> -			schedule_work(&cfg->work_q);
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -out:
> -	return IRQ_HANDLED;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * read_vpd() - obtains the WWPNs from VPD
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - * @wwpn:	Array of size MAX_FC_PORTS to pass back WWPNs
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int read_vpd(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u64 wwpn[])
> -{
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct pci_dev *pdev = cfg->dev;
> -	int i, k, rc = 0;
> -	unsigned int kw_size;
> -	ssize_t vpd_size;
> -	char vpd_data[CXLFLASH_VPD_LEN];
> -	char tmp_buf[WWPN_BUF_LEN] = { 0 };
> -	const struct dev_dependent_vals *ddv = (struct dev_dependent_vals *)
> -						cfg->dev_id->driver_data;
> -	const bool wwpn_vpd_required = ddv->flags & CXLFLASH_WWPN_VPD_REQUIRED;
> -	const char *wwpn_vpd_tags[MAX_FC_PORTS] = { "V5", "V6", "V7", "V8" };
> -
> -	/* Get the VPD data from the device */
> -	vpd_size = cfg->ops->read_adapter_vpd(pdev, vpd_data, sizeof(vpd_data));
> -	if (unlikely(vpd_size <= 0)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Unable to read VPD (size = %ld)\n",
> -			__func__, vpd_size);
> -		rc = -ENODEV;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * Find the offset of the WWPN tag within the read only
> -	 * VPD data and validate the found field (partials are
> -	 * no good to us). Convert the ASCII data to an integer
> -	 * value. Note that we must copy to a temporary buffer
> -	 * because the conversion service requires that the ASCII
> -	 * string be terminated.
> -	 *
> -	 * Allow for WWPN not being found for all devices, setting
> -	 * the returned WWPN to zero when not found. Notify with a
> -	 * log error for cards that should have had WWPN keywords
> -	 * in the VPD - cards requiring WWPN will not have their
> -	 * ports programmed and operate in an undefined state.
> -	 */
> -	for (k = 0; k < cfg->num_fc_ports; k++) {
> -		i = pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword(vpd_data, vpd_size,
> -						 wwpn_vpd_tags[k], &kw_size);
> -		if (i == -ENOENT) {
> -			if (wwpn_vpd_required)
> -				dev_err(dev, "%s: Port %d WWPN not found\n",
> -					__func__, k);
> -			wwpn[k] = 0ULL;
> -			continue;
> -		}
> -
> -		if (i < 0 || kw_size != WWPN_LEN) {
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: Port %d WWPN incomplete or bad VPD\n",
> -				__func__, k);
> -			rc = -ENODEV;
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -
> -		memcpy(tmp_buf, &vpd_data[i], WWPN_LEN);
> -		rc = kstrtoul(tmp_buf, WWPN_LEN, (ulong *)&wwpn[k]);
> -		if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: WWPN conversion failed for port %d\n",
> -				__func__, k);
> -			rc = -ENODEV;
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: wwpn%d=%016llx\n", __func__, k, wwpn[k]);
> -	}
> -
> -out:
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * init_pcr() - initialize the provisioning and control registers
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - *
> - * Also sets up fast access to the mapped registers and initializes AFU
> - * command fields that never change.
> - */
> -static void init_pcr(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct sisl_ctrl_map __iomem *ctrl_map;
> -	struct hwq *hwq;
> -	void *cookie;
> -	int i;
> -
> -	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONTEXT; i++) {
> -		ctrl_map = &afu->afu_map->ctrls[i].ctrl;
> -		/* Disrupt any clients that could be running */
> -		/* e.g. clients that survived a master restart */
> -		writeq_be(0, &ctrl_map->rht_start);
> -		writeq_be(0, &ctrl_map->rht_cnt_id);
> -		writeq_be(0, &ctrl_map->ctx_cap);
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Copy frequently used fields into hwq */
> -	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
> -		hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
> -		cookie = hwq->ctx_cookie;
> -
> -		hwq->ctx_hndl = (u16) cfg->ops->process_element(cookie);
> -		hwq->host_map = &afu->afu_map->hosts[hwq->ctx_hndl].host;
> -		hwq->ctrl_map = &afu->afu_map->ctrls[hwq->ctx_hndl].ctrl;
> -
> -		/* Program the Endian Control for the master context */
> -		writeq_be(SISL_ENDIAN_CTRL, &hwq->host_map->endian_ctrl);
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * init_global() - initialize AFU global registers
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - */
> -static int init_global(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct hwq *hwq;
> -	struct sisl_host_map __iomem *hmap;
> -	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
> -	u64 wwpn[MAX_FC_PORTS];	/* wwpn of AFU ports */
> -	int i = 0, num_ports = 0;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	int j;
> -	void *ctx;
> -	u64 reg;
> -
> -	rc = read_vpd(cfg, &wwpn[0]);
> -	if (rc) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: could not read vpd rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Set up RRQ and SQ in HWQ for master issued cmds */
> -	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
> -		hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
> -		hmap = hwq->host_map;
> -
> -		writeq_be((u64) hwq->hrrq_start, &hmap->rrq_start);
> -		writeq_be((u64) hwq->hrrq_end, &hmap->rrq_end);
> -		hwq->hrrq_online = true;
> -
> -		if (afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(afu)) {
> -			writeq_be((u64)hwq->hsq_start, &hmap->sq_start);
> -			writeq_be((u64)hwq->hsq_end, &hmap->sq_end);
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	/* AFU configuration */
> -	reg = readq_be(&afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_config);
> -	/* enable all auto retry options and control endianness */
> -	/* leave others at default: */
> -	/* CTX_CAP write protected, mbox_r does not clear on read and */
> -	/* checker on if dual afu */
> -	writeq_be(reg, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_config);
> -
> -	/* Global port select: select either port */
> -	if (afu->internal_lun) {
> -		/* Only use port 0 */
> -		writeq_be(PORT0, &afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_port_sel);
> -		num_ports = 0;
> -	} else {
> -		writeq_be(PORT_MASK(cfg->num_fc_ports),
> -			  &afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_port_sel);
> -		num_ports = cfg->num_fc_ports;
> -	}
> -
> -	for (i = 0; i < num_ports; i++) {
> -		fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, i);
> -
> -		/* Unmask all errors (but they are still masked at AFU) */
> -		writeq_be(0, &fc_port_regs[FC_ERRMSK / 8]);
> -		/* Clear CRC error cnt & set a threshold */
> -		(void)readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_CNT_CRCERR / 8]);
> -		writeq_be(MC_CRC_THRESH, &fc_port_regs[FC_CRC_THRESH / 8]);
> -
> -		/* Set WWPNs. If already programmed, wwpn[i] is 0 */
> -		if (wwpn[i] != 0)
> -			afu_set_wwpn(afu, i, &fc_port_regs[0], wwpn[i]);
> -		/* Programming WWPN back to back causes additional
> -		 * offline/online transitions and a PLOGI
> -		 */
> -		msleep(100);
> -	}
> -
> -	if (afu_is_ocxl_lisn(afu)) {
> -		/* Set up the LISN effective address for each master */
> -		for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
> -			hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
> -			ctx = hwq->ctx_cookie;
> -
> -			for (j = 0; j < hwq->num_irqs; j++) {
> -				reg = cfg->ops->get_irq_objhndl(ctx, j);
> -				writeq_be(reg, &hwq->ctrl_map->lisn_ea[j]);
> -			}
> -
> -			reg = hwq->ctx_hndl;
> -			writeq_be(SISL_LISN_PASID(reg, reg),
> -				  &hwq->ctrl_map->lisn_pasid[0]);
> -			writeq_be(SISL_LISN_PASID(0UL, reg),
> -				  &hwq->ctrl_map->lisn_pasid[1]);
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Set up master's own CTX_CAP to allow real mode, host translation */
> -	/* tables, afu cmds and read/write GSCSI cmds. */
> -	/* First, unlock ctx_cap write by reading mbox */
> -	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
> -		hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
> -
> -		(void)readq_be(&hwq->ctrl_map->mbox_r);	/* unlock ctx_cap */
> -			&hwq->ctrl_map->ctx_cap);
> -	}
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * Determine write-same unmap support for host by evaluating the unmap
> -	 * sector support bit of the context control register associated with
> -	 * the primary hardware queue. Note that while this status is reflected
> -	 * in a context register, the outcome can be assumed to be host-wide.
> -	 */
> -	hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
> -	reg = readq_be(&hwq->host_map->ctx_ctrl);
> -		cfg->ws_unmap = true;
> -
> -	/* Initialize heartbeat */
> -	afu->hb = readq_be(&afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_hb);
> -out:
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * start_afu() - initializes and starts the AFU
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - */
> -static int start_afu(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct hwq *hwq;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	int i;
> -
> -	init_pcr(cfg);
> -
> -	/* Initialize each HWQ */
> -	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
> -		hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
> -
> -		/* After an AFU reset, RRQ entries are stale, clear them */
> -		memset(&hwq->rrq_entry, 0, sizeof(hwq->rrq_entry));
> -
> -		/* Initialize RRQ pointers */
> -		hwq->hrrq_start = &hwq->rrq_entry[0];
> -		hwq->hrrq_end = &hwq->rrq_entry[NUM_RRQ_ENTRY - 1];
> -		hwq->hrrq_curr = hwq->hrrq_start;
> -		hwq->toggle = 1;
> -
> -		/* Initialize spin locks */
> -		spin_lock_init(&hwq->hrrq_slock);
> -		spin_lock_init(&hwq->hsq_slock);
> -
> -		/* Initialize SQ */
> -		if (afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(afu)) {
> -			memset(&hwq->sq, 0, sizeof(hwq->sq));
> -			hwq->hsq_start = &hwq->sq[0];
> -			hwq->hsq_end = &hwq->sq[NUM_SQ_ENTRY - 1];
> -			hwq->hsq_curr = hwq->hsq_start;
> -
> -			atomic_set(&hwq->hsq_credits, NUM_SQ_ENTRY - 1);
> -		}
> -
> -		/* Initialize IRQ poll */
> -		if (afu_is_irqpoll_enabled(afu))
> -			irq_poll_init(&hwq->irqpoll, afu->irqpoll_weight,
> -				      cxlflash_irqpoll);
> -
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = init_global(cfg);
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * init_intr() - setup interrupt handlers for the master context
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - * @hwq:	Hardware queue to initialize.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static enum undo_level init_intr(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg,
> -				 struct hwq *hwq)
> -{
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	void *ctx = hwq->ctx_cookie;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	enum undo_level level = UNDO_NOOP;
> -	bool is_primary_hwq = (hwq->index == PRIMARY_HWQ);
> -	int num_irqs = hwq->num_irqs;
> -
> -	rc = cfg->ops->allocate_afu_irqs(ctx, num_irqs);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: allocate_afu_irqs failed rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		level = UNDO_NOOP;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = cfg->ops->map_afu_irq(ctx, 1, cxlflash_sync_err_irq, hwq,
> -				   "SISL_MSI_SYNC_ERROR");
> -	if (unlikely(rc <= 0)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: SISL_MSI_SYNC_ERROR map failed\n", __func__);
> -		level = FREE_IRQ;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = cfg->ops->map_afu_irq(ctx, 2, cxlflash_rrq_irq, hwq,
> -				   "SISL_MSI_RRQ_UPDATED");
> -	if (unlikely(rc <= 0)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: SISL_MSI_RRQ_UPDATED map failed\n", __func__);
> -		level = UNMAP_ONE;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* SISL_MSI_ASYNC_ERROR is setup only for the primary HWQ */
> -	if (!is_primary_hwq)
> -		goto out;
> -
> -	rc = cfg->ops->map_afu_irq(ctx, 3, cxlflash_async_err_irq, hwq,
> -				   "SISL_MSI_ASYNC_ERROR");
> -	if (unlikely(rc <= 0)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: SISL_MSI_ASYNC_ERROR map failed\n", __func__);
> -		level = UNMAP_TWO;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -out:
> -	return level;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * init_mc() - create and register as the master context
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - * @index:	HWQ Index of the master context.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int init_mc(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u32 index)
> -{
> -	void *ctx;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(cfg->afu, index);
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	int num_irqs;
> -	enum undo_level level;
> -
> -	hwq->afu = cfg->afu;
> -	hwq->index = index;
> -	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&hwq->pending_cmds);
> -
> -	if (index == PRIMARY_HWQ) {
> -		ctx = cfg->ops->get_context(cfg->dev, cfg->afu_cookie);
> -		num_irqs = 3;
> -	} else {
> -		ctx = cfg->ops->dev_context_init(cfg->dev, cfg->afu_cookie);
> -		num_irqs = 2;
> -	}
> -	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(ctx)) {
> -		rc = -ENOMEM;
> -		goto err1;
> -	}
> -
> -	WARN_ON(hwq->ctx_cookie);
> -	hwq->ctx_cookie = ctx;
> -	hwq->num_irqs = num_irqs;
> -
> -	/* Set it up as a master with the CXL */
> -	cfg->ops->set_master(ctx);
> -
> -	/* Reset AFU when initializing primary context */
> -	if (index == PRIMARY_HWQ) {
> -		rc = cfg->ops->afu_reset(ctx);
> -		if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: AFU reset failed rc=%d\n",
> -				      __func__, rc);
> -			goto err1;
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	level = init_intr(cfg, hwq);
> -	if (unlikely(level)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: interrupt init failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		goto err2;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Finally, activate the context by starting it */
> -	rc = cfg->ops->start_context(hwq->ctx_cookie);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: start context failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		level = UNMAP_THREE;
> -		goto err2;
> -	}
> -
> -out:
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -err2:
> -	term_intr(cfg, level, index);
> -	if (index != PRIMARY_HWQ)
> -		cfg->ops->release_context(ctx);
> -err1:
> -	hwq->ctx_cookie = NULL;
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * get_num_afu_ports() - determines and configures the number of AFU ports
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - *
> - * This routine determines the number of AFU ports by converting the global
> - * port selection mask. The converted value is only valid following an AFU
> - * reset (explicit or power-on). This routine must be invoked shortly after
> - * mapping as other routines are dependent on the number of ports during the
> - * initialization sequence.
> - *
> - * To support legacy AFUs that might not have reflected an initial global
> - * port mask (value read is 0), default to the number of ports originally
> - * supported by the cxlflash driver (2) before hardware with other port
> - * offerings was introduced.
> - */
> -static void get_num_afu_ports(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	u64 port_mask;
> -	int num_fc_ports = LEGACY_FC_PORTS;
> -
> -	port_mask = readq_be(&afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_port_sel);
> -	if (port_mask != 0ULL)
> -		num_fc_ports = min(ilog2(port_mask) + 1, MAX_FC_PORTS);
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: port_mask=%016llx num_fc_ports=%d\n",
> -		__func__, port_mask, num_fc_ports);
> -
> -	cfg->num_fc_ports = num_fc_ports;
> -	cfg->host->max_channel = PORTNUM2CHAN(num_fc_ports);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * init_afu() - setup as master context and start AFU
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - *
> - * This routine is a higher level of control for configuring the
> - * AFU on probe and reset paths.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int init_afu(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	u64 reg;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct hwq *hwq;
> -	int i;
> -
> -	cfg->ops->perst_reloads_same_image(cfg->afu_cookie, true);
> -
> -	mutex_init(&afu->sync_active);
> -	afu->num_hwqs = afu->desired_hwqs;
> -	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
> -		rc = init_mc(cfg, i);
> -		if (rc) {
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: init_mc failed rc=%d index=%d\n",
> -				__func__, rc, i);
> -			goto err1;
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Map the entire MMIO space of the AFU using the first context */
> -	hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
> -	afu->afu_map = cfg->ops->psa_map(hwq->ctx_cookie);
> -	if (!afu->afu_map) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: psa_map failed\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -ENOMEM;
> -		goto err1;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* No byte reverse on reading afu_version or string will be backwards */
> -	reg = readq(&afu->afu_map->global.regs.afu_version);
> -	memcpy(afu->version, &reg, sizeof(reg));
> -	afu->interface_version =
> -	    readq_be(&afu->afu_map->global.regs.interface_version);
> -	if ((afu->interface_version + 1) == 0) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "Back level AFU, please upgrade. AFU version %s "
> -			"interface version %016llx\n", afu->version,
> -		       afu->interface_version);
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto err1;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(afu)) {
> -		afu->send_cmd = send_cmd_sq;
> -		afu->context_reset = context_reset_sq;
> -	} else {
> -		afu->send_cmd = send_cmd_ioarrin;
> -		afu->context_reset = context_reset_ioarrin;
> -	}
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: afu_ver=%s interface_ver=%016llx\n", __func__,
> -		afu->version, afu->interface_version);
> -
> -	get_num_afu_ports(cfg);
> -
> -	rc = start_afu(cfg);
> -	if (rc) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: start_afu failed, rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		goto err1;
> -	}
> -
> -	afu_err_intr_init(cfg->afu);
> -	for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
> -		hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
> -
> -		hwq->room = readq_be(&hwq->host_map->cmd_room);
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Restore the LUN mappings */
> -	cxlflash_restore_luntable(cfg);
> -out:
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -
> -err1:
> -	for (i = afu->num_hwqs - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
> -		term_intr(cfg, UNMAP_THREE, i);
> -		term_mc(cfg, i);
> -	}
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * afu_reset() - resets the AFU
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int afu_reset(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	/* Stop the context before the reset. Since the context is
> -	 * no longer available restart it after the reset is complete
> -	 */
> -	term_afu(cfg);
> -
> -	rc = init_afu(cfg);
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * drain_ioctls() - wait until all currently executing ioctls have completed
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - *
> - * Obtain write access to read/write semaphore that wraps ioctl
> - * handling to 'drain' ioctls currently executing.
> - */
> -static void drain_ioctls(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	down_write(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
> -	up_write(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_async_reset_host() - asynchronous host reset handler
> - * @data:	Private data provided while scheduling reset.
> - * @cookie:	Cookie that can be used for checkpointing.
> - */
> -static void cxlflash_async_reset_host(void *data, async_cookie_t cookie)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = data;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	if (cfg->state != STATE_RESET) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Not performing a reset, state=%d\n",
> -			__func__, cfg->state);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	drain_ioctls(cfg);
> -	cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(cfg);
> -	rc = afu_reset(cfg);
> -	if (rc)
> -		cfg->state = STATE_FAILTERM;
> -	else
> -		cfg->state = STATE_NORMAL;
> -	wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
> -
> -out:
> -	scsi_unblock_requests(cfg->host);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_schedule_async_reset() - schedule an asynchronous host reset
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - */
> -static void cxlflash_schedule_async_reset(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -
> -	if (cfg->state != STATE_NORMAL) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Not performing reset state=%d\n",
> -			__func__, cfg->state);
> -		return;
> -	}
> -
> -	cfg->state = STATE_RESET;
> -	scsi_block_requests(cfg->host);
> -	cfg->async_reset_cookie = async_schedule(cxlflash_async_reset_host,
> -						 cfg);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * send_afu_cmd() - builds and sends an internal AFU command
> - * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
> - * @rcb:	Pre-populated IOARCB describing command to send.
> - *
> - * The AFU can only take one internal AFU command at a time. This limitation is
> - * enforced by using a mutex to provide exclusive access to the AFU during the
> - * operation. This design point requires calling threads to not be on interrupt
> - * context due to the possibility of sleeping during concurrent AFU operations.
> - *
> - * The command status is optionally passed back to the caller when the caller
> - * populates the IOASA field of the IOARCB with a pointer to an IOASA structure.
> - *
> - * Return:
> - *	0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int send_afu_cmd(struct afu *afu, struct sisl_ioarcb *rcb)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct afu_cmd *cmd = NULL;
> -	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
> -	ulong lock_flags;
> -	char *buf = NULL;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	int nretry = 0;
> -
> -	if (cfg->state != STATE_NORMAL) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Sync not required state=%u\n",
> -			__func__, cfg->state);
> -		return 0;
> -	}
> -
> -	mutex_lock(&afu->sync_active);
> -	atomic_inc(&afu->cmds_active);
> -	buf = kmalloc(sizeof(*cmd) + __alignof__(*cmd) - 1, GFP_KERNEL);
> -	if (unlikely(!buf)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: no memory for command\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -ENOMEM;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	cmd = (struct afu_cmd *)PTR_ALIGN(buf, __alignof__(*cmd));
> -
> -retry:
> -	memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(*cmd));
> -	memcpy(&cmd->rcb, rcb, sizeof(*rcb));
> -	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cmd->queue);
> -	init_completion(&cmd->cevent);
> -	cmd->parent = afu;
> -	cmd->hwq_index = hwq->index;
> -	cmd->rcb.ctx_id = hwq->ctx_hndl;
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: afu=%p cmd=%p type=%02x nretry=%d\n",
> -		__func__, afu, cmd, cmd->rcb.cdb[0], nretry);
> -
> -	rc = afu->send_cmd(afu, cmd);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		rc = -ENOBUFS;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = wait_resp(afu, cmd);
> -	switch (rc) {
> -	case -ETIMEDOUT:
> -		rc = afu->context_reset(hwq);
> -		if (rc) {
> -			/* Delete the command from pending_cmds list */
> -			spin_lock_irqsave(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
> -			list_del(&cmd->list);
> -			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&hwq->hsq_slock, lock_flags);
> -
> -			cxlflash_schedule_async_reset(cfg);
> -			break;
> -		}
> -		fallthrough;	/* to retry */
> -	case -EAGAIN:
> -		if (++nretry < 2)
> -			goto retry;
> -		fallthrough;	/* to exit */
> -	default:
> -		break;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (rcb->ioasa)
> -		*rcb->ioasa = cmd->sa;
> -out:
> -	atomic_dec(&afu->cmds_active);
> -	mutex_unlock(&afu->sync_active);
> -	kfree(buf);
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_afu_sync() - builds and sends an AFU sync command
> - * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
> - * @ctx:	Identifies context requesting sync.
> - * @res:	Identifies resource requesting sync.
> - * @mode:	Type of sync to issue (lightweight, heavyweight, global).
> - *
> - * AFU sync operations are only necessary and allowed when the device is
> - * operating normally. When not operating normally, sync requests can occur as
> - * part of cleaning up resources associated with an adapter prior to removal.
> - * In this scenario, these requests are simply ignored (safe due to the AFU
> - * going away).
> - *
> - * Return:
> - *	0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -int cxlflash_afu_sync(struct afu *afu, ctx_hndl_t ctx, res_hndl_t res, u8 mode)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct sisl_ioarcb rcb = { 0 };
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: afu=%p ctx=%u res=%u mode=%u\n",
> -		__func__, afu, ctx, res, mode);
> -
> -	rcb.req_flags = SISL_REQ_FLAGS_AFU_CMD;
> -	rcb.msi = SISL_MSI_RRQ_UPDATED;
> -	rcb.timeout = MC_AFU_SYNC_TIMEOUT;
> -
> -	rcb.cdb[0] = SISL_AFU_CMD_SYNC;
> -	rcb.cdb[1] = mode;
> -	put_unaligned_be16(ctx, &rcb.cdb[2]);
> -	put_unaligned_be32(res, &rcb.cdb[4]);
> -
> -	return send_afu_cmd(afu, &rcb);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_eh_abort_handler() - abort a SCSI command
> - * @scp:	SCSI command to abort.
> - *
> - * CXL Flash devices do not support a single command abort. Reset the context
> - * as per SISLite specification. Flush any pending commands in the hardware
> - * queue before the reset.
> - *
> - * Return: SUCCESS/FAILED as defined in scsi/scsi.h
> - */
> -static int cxlflash_eh_abort_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
> -{
> -	int rc = FAILED;
> -	struct Scsi_Host *host = scp->device->host;
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(host);
> -	struct afu_cmd *cmd = sc_to_afuc(scp);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, cmd->hwq_index);
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: (scp=%p) %d/%d/%d/%llu "
> -		"cdb=(%08x-%08x-%08x-%08x)\n", __func__, scp, host->host_no,
> -		scp->device->channel, scp->device->id, scp->device->lun,
> -		get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[0]),
> -		get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[1]),
> -		get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[2]),
> -		get_unaligned_be32(&((u32 *)scp->cmnd)[3]));
> -
> -	/* When the state is not normal, another reset/reload is in progress.
> -	 * Return failed and the mid-layer will invoke host reset handler.
> -	 */
> -	if (cfg->state != STATE_NORMAL) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Invalid state for abort, state=%d\n",
> -			__func__, cfg->state);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = afu->context_reset(hwq);
> -	if (unlikely(rc))
> -		goto out;
> -
> -	rc = SUCCESS;
> -
> -out:
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_eh_device_reset_handler() - reset a single LUN
> - * @scp:	SCSI command to send.
> - *
> - * Return:
> - *	SUCCESS as defined in scsi/scsi.h
> - *	FAILED as defined in scsi/scsi.h
> - */
> -static int cxlflash_eh_device_reset_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
> -{
> -	int rc = SUCCESS;
> -	struct scsi_device *sdev = scp->device;
> -	struct Scsi_Host *host = sdev->host;
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	int rcr = 0;
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: %d/%d/%d/%llu\n", __func__,
> -		host->host_no, sdev->channel, sdev->id, sdev->lun);
> -retry:
> -	switch (cfg->state) {
> -	case STATE_NORMAL:
> -		rcr = send_tmf(cfg, sdev, TMF_LUN_RESET);
> -		if (unlikely(rcr))
> -			rc = FAILED;
> -		break;
> -	case STATE_RESET:
> -		wait_event(cfg->reset_waitq, cfg->state != STATE_RESET);
> -		goto retry;
> -	default:
> -		rc = FAILED;
> -		break;
> -	}
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_eh_host_reset_handler() - reset the host adapter
> - * @scp:	SCSI command from stack identifying host.
> - *
> - * Following a reset, the state is evaluated again in case an EEH occurred
> - * during the reset. In such a scenario, the host reset will either yield
> - * until the EEH recovery is complete or return success or failure based
> - * upon the current device state.
> - *
> - * Return:
> - *	SUCCESS as defined in scsi/scsi.h
> - *	FAILED as defined in scsi/scsi.h
> - */
> -static int cxlflash_eh_host_reset_handler(struct scsi_cmnd *scp)
> -{
> -	int rc = SUCCESS;
> -	int rcr = 0;
> -	struct Scsi_Host *host = scp->device->host;
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: %d\n", __func__, host->host_no);
> -
> -	switch (cfg->state) {
> -	case STATE_NORMAL:
> -		cfg->state = STATE_RESET;
> -		drain_ioctls(cfg);
> -		cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(cfg);
> -		rcr = afu_reset(cfg);
> -		if (rcr) {
> -			rc = FAILED;
> -			cfg->state = STATE_FAILTERM;
> -		} else
> -			cfg->state = STATE_NORMAL;
> -		wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
> -		ssleep(1);
> -		fallthrough;
> -	case STATE_RESET:
> -		wait_event(cfg->reset_waitq, cfg->state != STATE_RESET);
> -		if (cfg->state == STATE_NORMAL)
> -			break;
> -		fallthrough;
> -	default:
> -		rc = FAILED;
> -		break;
> -	}
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_change_queue_depth() - change the queue depth for the device
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device destined for queue depth change.
> - * @qdepth:	Requested queue depth value to set.
> - *
> - * The requested queue depth is capped to the maximum supported value.
> - *
> - * Return: The actual queue depth set.
> - */
> -static int cxlflash_change_queue_depth(struct scsi_device *sdev, int qdepth)
> -{
> -
> -	if (qdepth > CXLFLASH_MAX_CMDS_PER_LUN)
> -
> -	scsi_change_queue_depth(sdev, qdepth);
> -	return sdev->queue_depth;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_show_port_status() - queries and presents the current port status
> - * @port:	Desired port for status reporting.
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
> - *
> - * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf or -EINVAL.
> - */
> -static ssize_t cxlflash_show_port_status(u32 port,
> -					 struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg,
> -					 char *buf)
> -{
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	char *disp_status;
> -	u64 status;
> -	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
> -
> -	WARN_ON(port >= MAX_FC_PORTS);
> -
> -	if (port >= cfg->num_fc_ports) {
> -		dev_info(dev, "%s: Port %d not supported on this card.\n",
> -			__func__, port);
> -		return -EINVAL;
> -	}
> -
> -	fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, port);
> -	status = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_MTIP_STATUS / 8]);
> -	status &= FC_MTIP_STATUS_MASK;
> -
> -	if (status == FC_MTIP_STATUS_ONLINE)
> -		disp_status = "online";
> -	else if (status == FC_MTIP_STATUS_OFFLINE)
> -		disp_status = "offline";
> -	else
> -		disp_status = "unknown";
> -
> -	return scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", disp_status);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * port0_show() - queries and presents the current status of port 0
> - * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
> - * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
> - * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
> - *
> - * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
> - */
> -static ssize_t port0_show(struct device *dev,
> -			  struct device_attribute *attr,
> -			  char *buf)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
> -
> -	return cxlflash_show_port_status(0, cfg, buf);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * port1_show() - queries and presents the current status of port 1
> - * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
> - * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
> - * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
> - *
> - * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
> - */
> -static ssize_t port1_show(struct device *dev,
> -			  struct device_attribute *attr,
> -			  char *buf)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
> -
> -	return cxlflash_show_port_status(1, cfg, buf);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * port2_show() - queries and presents the current status of port 2
> - * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
> - * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
> - * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
> - *
> - * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
> - */
> -static ssize_t port2_show(struct device *dev,
> -			  struct device_attribute *attr,
> -			  char *buf)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
> -
> -	return cxlflash_show_port_status(2, cfg, buf);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * port3_show() - queries and presents the current status of port 3
> - * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
> - * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
> - * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
> - *
> - * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
> - */
> -static ssize_t port3_show(struct device *dev,
> -			  struct device_attribute *attr,
> -			  char *buf)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
> -
> -	return cxlflash_show_port_status(3, cfg, buf);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * lun_mode_show() - presents the current LUN mode of the host
> - * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
> - * @attr:	Device attribute representing the LUN mode.
> - * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back the LUN mode in ASCII.
> - *
> - * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
> - */
> -static ssize_t lun_mode_show(struct device *dev,
> -			     struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -
> -	return scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%u\n", afu->internal_lun);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * lun_mode_store() - sets the LUN mode of the host
> - * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
> - * @attr:	Device attribute representing the LUN mode.
> - * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE containing the LUN mode in ASCII.
> - * @count:	Length of data resizing in @buf.
> - *
> - * The CXL Flash AFU supports a dummy LUN mode where the external
> - * links and storage are not required. Space on the FPGA is used
> - * to create 1 or 2 small LUNs which are presented to the system
> - * as if they were a normal storage device. This feature is useful
> - * during development and also provides manufacturing with a way
> - * to test the AFU without an actual device.
> - *
> - * 0 = external LUN[s] (default)
> - * 1 = internal LUN (1 x 64K, 512B blocks, id 0)
> - * 2 = internal LUN (1 x 64K, 4K blocks, id 0)
> - * 3 = internal LUN (2 x 32K, 512B blocks, ids 0,1)
> - * 4 = internal LUN (2 x 32K, 4K blocks, ids 0,1)
> - *
> - * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
> - */
> -static ssize_t lun_mode_store(struct device *dev,
> -			      struct device_attribute *attr,
> -			      const char *buf, size_t count)
> -{
> -	struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(dev);
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(shost);
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	int rc;
> -	u32 lun_mode;
> -
> -	rc = kstrtouint(buf, 10, &lun_mode);
> -	if (!rc && (lun_mode < 5) && (lun_mode != afu->internal_lun)) {
> -		afu->internal_lun = lun_mode;
> -
> -		/*
> -		 * When configured for internal LUN, there is only one channel,
> -		 * channel number 0, else there will be one less than the number
> -		 * of fc ports for this card.
> -		 */
> -		if (afu->internal_lun)
> -			shost->max_channel = 0;
> -		else
> -			shost->max_channel = PORTNUM2CHAN(cfg->num_fc_ports);
> -
> -		afu_reset(cfg);
> -		scsi_scan_host(cfg->host);
> -	}
> -
> -	return count;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ioctl_version_show() - presents the current ioctl version of the host
> - * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
> - * @attr:	Device attribute representing the ioctl version.
> - * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back the ioctl version.
> - *
> - * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
> - */
> -static ssize_t ioctl_version_show(struct device *dev,
> -				  struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
> -{
> -	ssize_t bytes = 0;
> -
> -	bytes = scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE,
> -			  "disk: %u\n", DK_CXLFLASH_VERSION_0);
> -	bytes += scnprintf(buf + bytes, PAGE_SIZE - bytes,
> -			   "host: %u\n", HT_CXLFLASH_VERSION_0);
> -
> -	return bytes;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_show_port_lun_table() - queries and presents the port LUN table
> - * @port:	Desired port for status reporting.
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
> - *
> - * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf or -EINVAL.
> - */
> -static ssize_t cxlflash_show_port_lun_table(u32 port,
> -					    struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg,
> -					    char *buf)
> -{
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_luns;
> -	int i;
> -	ssize_t bytes = 0;
> -
> -	WARN_ON(port >= MAX_FC_PORTS);
> -
> -	if (port >= cfg->num_fc_ports) {
> -		dev_info(dev, "%s: Port %d not supported on this card.\n",
> -			__func__, port);
> -		return -EINVAL;
> -	}
> -
> -	fc_port_luns = get_fc_port_luns(cfg, port);
> -
> -	for (i = 0; i < CXLFLASH_NUM_VLUNS; i++)
> -		bytes += scnprintf(buf + bytes, PAGE_SIZE - bytes,
> -				   "%03d: %016llx\n",
> -				   i, readq_be(&fc_port_luns[i]));
> -	return bytes;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * port0_lun_table_show() - presents the current LUN table of port 0
> - * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
> - * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
> - * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
> - *
> - * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
> - */
> -static ssize_t port0_lun_table_show(struct device *dev,
> -				    struct device_attribute *attr,
> -				    char *buf)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
> -
> -	return cxlflash_show_port_lun_table(0, cfg, buf);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * port1_lun_table_show() - presents the current LUN table of port 1
> - * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
> - * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
> - * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
> - *
> - * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
> - */
> -static ssize_t port1_lun_table_show(struct device *dev,
> -				    struct device_attribute *attr,
> -				    char *buf)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
> -
> -	return cxlflash_show_port_lun_table(1, cfg, buf);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * port2_lun_table_show() - presents the current LUN table of port 2
> - * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
> - * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
> - * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
> - *
> - * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
> - */
> -static ssize_t port2_lun_table_show(struct device *dev,
> -				    struct device_attribute *attr,
> -				    char *buf)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
> -
> -	return cxlflash_show_port_lun_table(2, cfg, buf);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * port3_lun_table_show() - presents the current LUN table of port 3
> - * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host owning the port.
> - * @attr:	Device attribute representing the port.
> - * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back port status in ASCII.
> - *
> - * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
> - */
> -static ssize_t port3_lun_table_show(struct device *dev,
> -				    struct device_attribute *attr,
> -				    char *buf)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
> -
> -	return cxlflash_show_port_lun_table(3, cfg, buf);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * irqpoll_weight_show() - presents the current IRQ poll weight for the host
> - * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
> - * @attr:	Device attribute representing the IRQ poll weight.
> - * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back the current IRQ poll
> - *		weight in ASCII.
> - *
> - * An IRQ poll weight of 0 indicates polling is disabled.
> - *
> - * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
> - */
> -static ssize_t irqpoll_weight_show(struct device *dev,
> -				   struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -
> -	return scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%u\n", afu->irqpoll_weight);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * irqpoll_weight_store() - sets the current IRQ poll weight for the host
> - * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
> - * @attr:	Device attribute representing the IRQ poll weight.
> - * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE containing the desired IRQ poll
> - *		weight in ASCII.
> - * @count:	Length of data resizing in @buf.
> - *
> - * An IRQ poll weight of 0 indicates polling is disabled.
> - *
> - * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
> - */
> -static ssize_t irqpoll_weight_store(struct device *dev,
> -				    struct device_attribute *attr,
> -				    const char *buf, size_t count)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
> -	struct device *cfgdev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct hwq *hwq;
> -	u32 weight;
> -	int rc, i;
> -
> -	rc = kstrtouint(buf, 10, &weight);
> -	if (rc)
> -		return -EINVAL;
> -
> -	if (weight > 256) {
> -		dev_info(cfgdev,
> -			 "Invalid IRQ poll weight. It must be 256 or less.\n");
> -		return -EINVAL;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (weight == afu->irqpoll_weight) {
> -		dev_info(cfgdev,
> -			 "Current IRQ poll weight has the same weight.\n");
> -		return -EINVAL;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (afu_is_irqpoll_enabled(afu)) {
> -		for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
> -			hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
> -
> -			irq_poll_disable(&hwq->irqpoll);
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	afu->irqpoll_weight = weight;
> -
> -	if (weight > 0) {
> -		for (i = 0; i < afu->num_hwqs; i++) {
> -			hwq = get_hwq(afu, i);
> -
> -			irq_poll_init(&hwq->irqpoll, weight, cxlflash_irqpoll);
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	return count;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * num_hwqs_show() - presents the number of hardware queues for the host
> - * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
> - * @attr:	Device attribute representing the number of hardware queues.
> - * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back the number of hardware
> - *		queues in ASCII.
> - *
> - * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
> - */
> -static ssize_t num_hwqs_show(struct device *dev,
> -			     struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -
> -	return scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%u\n", afu->num_hwqs);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * num_hwqs_store() - sets the number of hardware queues for the host
> - * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
> - * @attr:	Device attribute representing the number of hardware queues.
> - * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE containing the number of hardware
> - *		queues in ASCII.
> - * @count:	Length of data resizing in @buf.
> - *
> - * n > 0: num_hwqs = n
> - * n = 0: num_hwqs = num_online_cpus()
> - * n < 0: num_online_cpus() / abs(n)
> - *
> - * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
> - */
> -static ssize_t num_hwqs_store(struct device *dev,
> -			      struct device_attribute *attr,
> -			      const char *buf, size_t count)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	int rc;
> -	int nhwqs, num_hwqs;
> -
> -	rc = kstrtoint(buf, 10, &nhwqs);
> -	if (rc)
> -		return -EINVAL;
> -
> -	if (nhwqs >= 1)
> -		num_hwqs = nhwqs;
> -	else if (nhwqs == 0)
> -		num_hwqs = num_online_cpus();
> -	else
> -		num_hwqs = num_online_cpus() / abs(nhwqs);
> -
> -	afu->desired_hwqs = min(num_hwqs, CXLFLASH_MAX_HWQS);
> -	WARN_ON_ONCE(afu->desired_hwqs == 0);
> -
> -retry:
> -	switch (cfg->state) {
> -	case STATE_NORMAL:
> -		cfg->state = STATE_RESET;
> -		drain_ioctls(cfg);
> -		cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(cfg);
> -		rc = afu_reset(cfg);
> -		if (rc)
> -			cfg->state = STATE_FAILTERM;
> -		else
> -			cfg->state = STATE_NORMAL;
> -		wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
> -		break;
> -	case STATE_RESET:
> -		wait_event(cfg->reset_waitq, cfg->state != STATE_RESET);
> -		if (cfg->state == STATE_NORMAL)
> -			goto retry;
> -		fallthrough;
> -	default:
> -		/* Ideally should not happen */
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Device is not ready, state=%d\n",
> -			__func__, cfg->state);
> -		break;
> -	}
> -
> -	return count;
> -}
> -
> -static const char *hwq_mode_name[MAX_HWQ_MODE] = { "rr", "tag", "cpu" };
> -
> -/**
> - * hwq_mode_show() - presents the HWQ steering mode for the host
> - * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
> - * @attr:	Device attribute representing the HWQ steering mode.
> - * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back the HWQ steering mode
> - *		as a character string.
> - *
> - * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
> - */
> -static ssize_t hwq_mode_show(struct device *dev,
> -			     struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(class_to_shost(dev));
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -
> -	return scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", hwq_mode_name[afu->hwq_mode]);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * hwq_mode_store() - sets the HWQ steering mode for the host
> - * @dev:	Generic device associated with the host.
> - * @attr:	Device attribute representing the HWQ steering mode.
> - * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE containing the HWQ steering mode
> - *		as a character string.
> - * @count:	Length of data resizing in @buf.
> - *
> - * rr = Round-Robin
> - * tag = Block MQ Tagging
> - * cpu = CPU Affinity
> - *
> - * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
> - */
> -static ssize_t hwq_mode_store(struct device *dev,
> -			      struct device_attribute *attr,
> -			      const char *buf, size_t count)
> -{
> -	struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(dev);
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(shost);
> -	struct device *cfgdev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	int i;
> -	u32 mode = MAX_HWQ_MODE;
> -
> -	for (i = 0; i < MAX_HWQ_MODE; i++) {
> -		if (!strncmp(hwq_mode_name[i], buf, strlen(hwq_mode_name[i]))) {
> -			mode = i;
> -			break;
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	if (mode >= MAX_HWQ_MODE) {
> -		dev_info(cfgdev, "Invalid HWQ steering mode.\n");
> -		return -EINVAL;
> -	}
> -
> -	afu->hwq_mode = mode;
> -
> -	return count;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * mode_show() - presents the current mode of the device
> - * @dev:	Generic device associated with the device.
> - * @attr:	Device attribute representing the device mode.
> - * @buf:	Buffer of length PAGE_SIZE to report back the dev mode in ASCII.
> - *
> - * Return: The size of the ASCII string returned in @buf.
> - */
> -static ssize_t mode_show(struct device *dev,
> -			 struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
> -{
> -	struct scsi_device *sdev = to_scsi_device(dev);
> -
> -	return scnprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n",
> -			 sdev->hostdata ? "superpipe" : "legacy");
> -}
> -
> -/*
> - * Host attributes
> - */
> -static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port0);
> -static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port1);
> -static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port2);
> -static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port3);
> -static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(lun_mode);
> -static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(ioctl_version);
> -static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port0_lun_table);
> -static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port1_lun_table);
> -static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port2_lun_table);
> -static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(port3_lun_table);
> -static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(irqpoll_weight);
> -static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(num_hwqs);
> -static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(hwq_mode);
> -
> -static struct attribute *cxlflash_host_attrs[] = {
> -	&dev_attr_port0.attr,
> -	&dev_attr_port1.attr,
> -	&dev_attr_port2.attr,
> -	&dev_attr_port3.attr,
> -	&dev_attr_lun_mode.attr,
> -	&dev_attr_ioctl_version.attr,
> -	&dev_attr_port0_lun_table.attr,
> -	&dev_attr_port1_lun_table.attr,
> -	&dev_attr_port2_lun_table.attr,
> -	&dev_attr_port3_lun_table.attr,
> -	&dev_attr_irqpoll_weight.attr,
> -	&dev_attr_num_hwqs.attr,
> -	&dev_attr_hwq_mode.attr,
> -	NULL
> -};
> -
> -ATTRIBUTE_GROUPS(cxlflash_host);
> -
> -/*
> - * Device attributes
> - */
> -static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(mode);
> -
> -static struct attribute *cxlflash_dev_attrs[] = {
> -	&dev_attr_mode.attr,
> -	NULL
> -};
> -
> -ATTRIBUTE_GROUPS(cxlflash_dev);
> -
> -/*
> - * Host template
> - */
> -static struct scsi_host_template driver_template = {
> -	.module = THIS_MODULE,
> -	.info = cxlflash_driver_info,
> -	.ioctl = cxlflash_ioctl,
> -	.proc_name = CXLFLASH_NAME,
> -	.queuecommand = cxlflash_queuecommand,
> -	.eh_abort_handler = cxlflash_eh_abort_handler,
> -	.eh_device_reset_handler = cxlflash_eh_device_reset_handler,
> -	.eh_host_reset_handler = cxlflash_eh_host_reset_handler,
> -	.change_queue_depth = cxlflash_change_queue_depth,
> -	.cmd_per_lun = CXLFLASH_MAX_CMDS_PER_LUN,
> -	.can_queue = CXLFLASH_MAX_CMDS,
> -	.cmd_size = sizeof(struct afu_cmd) + __alignof__(struct afu_cmd) - 1,
> -	.this_id = -1,
> -	.sg_tablesize = 1,	/* No scatter gather support */
> -	.max_sectors = CXLFLASH_MAX_SECTORS,
> -	.shost_groups = cxlflash_host_groups,
> -	.sdev_groups = cxlflash_dev_groups,
> -};
> -
> -/*
> - * Device dependent values
> - */
> -static struct dev_dependent_vals dev_corsa_vals = { CXLFLASH_MAX_SECTORS,
> -static struct dev_dependent_vals dev_flash_gt_vals = { CXLFLASH_MAX_SECTORS,
> -static struct dev_dependent_vals dev_briard_vals = { CXLFLASH_MAX_SECTORS,
> -
> -/*
> - * PCI device binding table
> - */
> -static const struct pci_device_id cxlflash_pci_table[] = {
> -	 PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, (kernel_ulong_t)&dev_corsa_vals},
> -	 PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, (kernel_ulong_t)&dev_flash_gt_vals},
> -	 PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, (kernel_ulong_t)&dev_briard_vals},
> -	{}
> -};
> -
> -MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, cxlflash_pci_table);
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_worker_thread() - work thread handler for the AFU
> - * @work:	Work structure contained within cxlflash associated with host.
> - *
> - * Handles the following events:
> - * - Link reset which cannot be performed on interrupt context due to
> - * blocking up to a few seconds
> - * - Rescan the host
> - */
> -static void cxlflash_worker_thread(struct work_struct *work)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = container_of(work, struct cxlflash_cfg,
> -						work_q);
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
> -	int port;
> -	ulong lock_flags;
> -
> -	/* Avoid MMIO if the device has failed */
> -
> -	if (cfg->state != STATE_NORMAL)
> -		return;
> -
> -	spin_lock_irqsave(cfg->host->host_lock, lock_flags);
> -
> -	if (cfg->lr_state == LINK_RESET_REQUIRED) {
> -		port = cfg->lr_port;
> -		if (port < 0)
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: invalid port index %d\n",
> -				__func__, port);
> -		else {
> -			spin_unlock_irqrestore(cfg->host->host_lock,
> -					       lock_flags);
> -
> -			/* The reset can block... */
> -			fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, port);
> -			afu_link_reset(afu, port, fc_port_regs);
> -			spin_lock_irqsave(cfg->host->host_lock, lock_flags);
> -		}
> -
> -		cfg->lr_state = LINK_RESET_COMPLETE;
> -	}
> -
> -	spin_unlock_irqrestore(cfg->host->host_lock, lock_flags);
> -
> -	if (atomic_dec_if_positive(&cfg->scan_host_needed) >= 0)
> -		scsi_scan_host(cfg->host);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_chr_open() - character device open handler
> - * @inode:	Device inode associated with this character device.
> - * @file:	File pointer for this device.
> - *
> - * Only users with admin privileges are allowed to open the character device.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int cxlflash_chr_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg;
> -
> -	if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
> -		return -EACCES;
> -
> -	cfg = container_of(inode->i_cdev, struct cxlflash_cfg, cdev);
> -	file->private_data = cfg;
> -
> -	return 0;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * decode_hioctl() - translates encoded host ioctl to easily identifiable string
> - * @cmd:        The host ioctl command to decode.
> - *
> - * Return: A string identifying the decoded host ioctl.
> - */
> -static char *decode_hioctl(unsigned int cmd)
> -{
> -	switch (cmd) {
> -		return __stringify_1(HT_CXLFLASH_LUN_PROVISION);
> -	}
> -
> -	return "UNKNOWN";
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_lun_provision() - host LUN provisioning handler
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - * @arg:	Kernel copy of userspace ioctl data structure.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int cxlflash_lun_provision(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, void *arg)
> -{
> -	struct ht_cxlflash_lun_provision *lunprov = arg;
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct sisl_ioarcb rcb;
> -	struct sisl_ioasa asa;
> -	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_regs;
> -	u16 port = lunprov->port;
> -	u16 scmd = lunprov->hdr.subcmd;
> -	u16 type;
> -	u64 reg;
> -	u64 size;
> -	u64 lun_id;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	if (!afu_is_lun_provision(afu)) {
> -		rc = -ENOTSUPP;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (port >= cfg->num_fc_ports) {
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	switch (scmd) {
> -		size = lunprov->size;
> -		lun_id = 0;
> -		break;
> -		size = 0;
> -		lun_id = lunprov->lun_id;
> -		break;
> -		fc_port_regs = get_fc_port_regs(cfg, port);
> -
> -		reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_MAX_NUM_LUNS / 8]);
> -		lunprov->max_num_luns = reg;
> -		reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_CUR_NUM_LUNS / 8]);
> -		lunprov->cur_num_luns = reg;
> -		reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_MAX_CAP_PORT / 8]);
> -		lunprov->max_cap_port = reg;
> -		reg = readq_be(&fc_port_regs[FC_CUR_CAP_PORT / 8]);
> -		lunprov->cur_cap_port = reg;
> -
> -		goto out;
> -	default:
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	memset(&rcb, 0, sizeof(rcb));
> -	memset(&asa, 0, sizeof(asa));
> -	rcb.req_flags = SISL_REQ_FLAGS_AFU_CMD;
> -	rcb.lun_id = lun_id;
> -	rcb.msi = SISL_MSI_RRQ_UPDATED;
> -	rcb.timeout = MC_LUN_PROV_TIMEOUT;
> -	rcb.ioasa = &asa;
> -
> -	rcb.cdb[0] = SISL_AFU_CMD_LUN_PROVISION;
> -	rcb.cdb[1] = type;
> -	rcb.cdb[2] = port;
> -	put_unaligned_be64(size, &rcb.cdb[8]);
> -
> -	rc = send_afu_cmd(afu, &rcb);
> -	if (rc) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: send_afu_cmd failed rc=%d asc=%08x afux=%x\n",
> -			__func__, rc, asa.ioasc, asa.afu_extra);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -		lunprov->lun_id = (u64)asa.lunid_hi << 32 | asa.lunid_lo;
> -		memcpy(lunprov->wwid, asa.wwid, sizeof(lunprov->wwid));
> -	}
> -out:
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_afu_debug() - host AFU debug handler
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - * @arg:	Kernel copy of userspace ioctl data structure.
> - *
> - * For debug requests requiring a data buffer, always provide an aligned
> - * (cache line) buffer to the AFU to appease any alignment requirements.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int cxlflash_afu_debug(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, void *arg)
> -{
> -	struct ht_cxlflash_afu_debug *afu_dbg = arg;
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct sisl_ioarcb rcb;
> -	struct sisl_ioasa asa;
> -	char *buf = NULL;
> -	char *kbuf = NULL;
> -	void __user *ubuf = (__force void __user *)afu_dbg->data_ea;
> -	u16 req_flags = SISL_REQ_FLAGS_AFU_CMD;
> -	u32 ulen = afu_dbg->data_len;
> -	bool is_write = afu_dbg->hdr.flags & HT_CXLFLASH_HOST_WRITE;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	if (!afu_is_afu_debug(afu)) {
> -		rc = -ENOTSUPP;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (ulen) {
> -		req_flags |= SISL_REQ_FLAGS_SUP_UNDERRUN;
> -
> -			rc = -EINVAL;
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -
> -		buf = kmalloc(ulen + cache_line_size() - 1, GFP_KERNEL);
> -		if (unlikely(!buf)) {
> -			rc = -ENOMEM;
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -
> -		kbuf = PTR_ALIGN(buf, cache_line_size());
> -
> -		if (is_write) {
> -			req_flags |= SISL_REQ_FLAGS_HOST_WRITE;
> -
> -			if (copy_from_user(kbuf, ubuf, ulen)) {
> -				rc = -EFAULT;
> -				goto out;
> -			}
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	memset(&rcb, 0, sizeof(rcb));
> -	memset(&asa, 0, sizeof(asa));
> -
> -	rcb.req_flags = req_flags;
> -	rcb.msi = SISL_MSI_RRQ_UPDATED;
> -	rcb.timeout = MC_AFU_DEBUG_TIMEOUT;
> -	rcb.ioasa = &asa;
> -
> -	if (ulen) {
> -		rcb.data_len = ulen;
> -		rcb.data_ea = (uintptr_t)kbuf;
> -	}
> -
> -	rcb.cdb[0] = SISL_AFU_CMD_DEBUG;
> -	memcpy(&rcb.cdb[4], afu_dbg->afu_subcmd,
> -
> -	rc = send_afu_cmd(afu, &rcb);
> -	if (rc) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: send_afu_cmd failed rc=%d asc=%08x afux=%x\n",
> -			__func__, rc, asa.ioasc, asa.afu_extra);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (ulen && !is_write) {
> -		if (copy_to_user(ubuf, kbuf, ulen))
> -			rc = -EFAULT;
> -	}
> -out:
> -	kfree(buf);
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_chr_ioctl() - character device IOCTL handler
> - * @file:	File pointer for this device.
> - * @cmd:	IOCTL command.
> - * @arg:	Userspace ioctl data structure.
> - *
> - * A read/write semaphore is used to implement a 'drain' of currently
> - * running ioctls. The read semaphore is taken at the beginning of each
> - * ioctl thread and released upon concluding execution. Additionally the
> - * semaphore should be released and then reacquired in any ioctl execution
> - * path which will wait for an event to occur that is outside the scope of
> - * the ioctl (i.e. an adapter reset). To drain the ioctls currently running,
> - * a thread simply needs to acquire the write semaphore.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static long cxlflash_chr_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd,
> -			       unsigned long arg)
> -{
> -	typedef int (*hioctl) (struct cxlflash_cfg *, void *);
> -
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = file->private_data;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	char buf[sizeof(union cxlflash_ht_ioctls)];
> -	void __user *uarg = (void __user *)arg;
> -	struct ht_cxlflash_hdr *hdr;
> -	size_t size = 0;
> -	bool known_ioctl = false;
> -	int idx = 0;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	hioctl do_ioctl = NULL;
> -
> -	static const struct {
> -		size_t size;
> -		hioctl ioctl;
> -	} ioctl_tbl[] = {	/* NOTE: order matters here */
> -	{ sizeof(struct ht_cxlflash_lun_provision), cxlflash_lun_provision },
> -	{ sizeof(struct ht_cxlflash_afu_debug), cxlflash_afu_debug },
> -	};
> -
> -	/* Hold read semaphore so we can drain if needed */
> -	down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: cmd=%u idx=%d tbl_size=%lu\n",
> -		__func__, cmd, idx, sizeof(ioctl_tbl));
> -
> -	switch (cmd) {
> -		known_ioctl = true;
> -		size = ioctl_tbl[idx].size;
> -		do_ioctl = ioctl_tbl[idx].ioctl;
> -
> -		if (likely(do_ioctl))
> -			break;
> -
> -		fallthrough;
> -	default:
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (unlikely(copy_from_user(&buf, uarg, size))) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: copy_from_user() fail "
> -			"size=%lu cmd=%d (%s) uarg=%p\n",
> -			__func__, size, cmd, decode_hioctl(cmd), uarg);
> -		rc = -EFAULT;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	hdr = (struct ht_cxlflash_hdr *)&buf;
> -	if (hdr->version != HT_CXLFLASH_VERSION_0) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Version %u not supported for %s\n",
> -			__func__, hdr->version, decode_hioctl(cmd));
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (hdr->rsvd[0] || hdr->rsvd[1] || hdr->return_flags) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Reserved/rflags populated\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = do_ioctl(cfg, (void *)&buf);
> -	if (likely(!rc))
> -		if (unlikely(copy_to_user(uarg, &buf, size))) {
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: copy_to_user() fail "
> -				"size=%lu cmd=%d (%s) uarg=%p\n",
> -				__func__, size, cmd, decode_hioctl(cmd), uarg);
> -			rc = -EFAULT;
> -		}
> -
> -	/* fall through to exit */
> -
> -out:
> -	up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
> -	if (unlikely(rc && known_ioctl))
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: ioctl %s (%08X) returned rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, decode_hioctl(cmd), cmd, rc);
> -	else
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ioctl %s (%08X) returned rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, decode_hioctl(cmd), cmd, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/*
> - * Character device file operations
> - */
> -static const struct file_operations cxlflash_chr_fops = {
> -	.owner          = THIS_MODULE,
> -	.open           = cxlflash_chr_open,
> -	.unlocked_ioctl	= cxlflash_chr_ioctl,
> -	.compat_ioctl	= compat_ptr_ioctl,
> -};
> -
> -/**
> - * init_chrdev() - initialize the character device for the host
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int init_chrdev(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct device *char_dev;
> -	dev_t devno;
> -	int minor;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	minor = cxlflash_get_minor();
> -	if (unlikely(minor < 0)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Exhausted allowed adapters\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -ENOSPC;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	devno = MKDEV(cxlflash_major, minor);
> -	cdev_init(&cfg->cdev, &cxlflash_chr_fops);
> -
> -	rc = cdev_add(&cfg->cdev, devno, 1);
> -	if (rc) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: cdev_add failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		goto err1;
> -	}
> -
> -	char_dev = device_create(&cxlflash_class, NULL, devno,
> -				 NULL, "cxlflash%d", minor);
> -	if (IS_ERR(char_dev)) {
> -		rc = PTR_ERR(char_dev);
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: device_create failed rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto err2;
> -	}
> -
> -	cfg->chardev = char_dev;
> -out:
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -err2:
> -	cdev_del(&cfg->cdev);
> -err1:
> -	cxlflash_put_minor(minor);
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_probe() - PCI entry point to add host
> - * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
> - * @dev_id:	PCI device id associated with device.
> - *
> - * The device will initially start out in a 'probing' state and
> - * transition to the 'normal' state at the end of a successful
> - * probe. Should an EEH event occur during probe, the notification
> - * thread (error_detected()) will wait until the probe handler
> - * is nearly complete. At that time, the device will be moved to
> - * a 'probed' state and the EEH thread woken up to drive the slot
> - * reset and recovery (device moves to 'normal' state). Meanwhile,
> - * the probe will be allowed to exit successfully.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int cxlflash_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev,
> -			  const struct pci_device_id *dev_id)
> -{
> -	struct Scsi_Host *host;
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = NULL;
> -	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
> -	struct dev_dependent_vals *ddv;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	int k;
> -
> -	dev_err_once(&pdev->dev, "DEPRECATION: cxlflash is deprecated and will be removed in a future kernel release\n");
> -
> -	dev_dbg(&pdev->dev, "%s: Found CXLFLASH with IRQ: %d\n",
> -		__func__, pdev->irq);
> -
> -	ddv = (struct dev_dependent_vals *)dev_id->driver_data;
> -	driver_template.max_sectors = ddv->max_sectors;
> -
> -	host = scsi_host_alloc(&driver_template, sizeof(struct cxlflash_cfg));
> -	if (!host) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: scsi_host_alloc failed\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -ENOMEM;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	host->unique_id = host->host_no;
> -	host->max_cmd_len = CXLFLASH_MAX_CDB_LEN;
> -
> -	cfg = shost_priv(host);
> -	cfg->state = STATE_PROBING;
> -	cfg->host = host;
> -	rc = alloc_mem(cfg);
> -	if (rc) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: alloc_mem failed\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -ENOMEM;
> -		scsi_host_put(cfg->host);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	cfg->init_state = INIT_STATE_NONE;
> -	cfg->dev = pdev;
> -	cfg->cxl_fops = cxlflash_cxl_fops;
> -	cfg->ops = cxlflash_assign_ops(ddv);
> -	WARN_ON_ONCE(!cfg->ops);
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * Promoted LUNs move to the top of the LUN table. The rest stay on
> -	 * the bottom half. The bottom half grows from the end (index = 255),
> -	 * whereas the top half grows from the beginning (index = 0).
> -	 *
> -	 * Initialize the last LUN index for all possible ports.
> -	 */
> -	cfg->promote_lun_index = 0;
> -
> -	for (k = 0; k < MAX_FC_PORTS; k++)
> -		cfg->last_lun_index[k] = CXLFLASH_NUM_VLUNS/2 - 1;
> -
> -	cfg->dev_id = (struct pci_device_id *)dev_id;
> -
> -	init_waitqueue_head(&cfg->tmf_waitq);
> -	init_waitqueue_head(&cfg->reset_waitq);
> -
> -	INIT_WORK(&cfg->work_q, cxlflash_worker_thread);
> -	cfg->lr_state = LINK_RESET_INVALID;
> -	cfg->lr_port = -1;
> -	spin_lock_init(&cfg->tmf_slock);
> -	mutex_init(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
> -	mutex_init(&cfg->ctx_recovery_mutex);
> -	init_rwsem(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
> -	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cfg->ctx_err_recovery);
> -	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cfg->lluns);
> -
> -	pci_set_drvdata(pdev, cfg);
> -
> -	rc = init_pci(cfg);
> -	if (rc) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: init_pci failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		goto out_remove;
> -	}
> -	cfg->init_state = INIT_STATE_PCI;
> -
> -	cfg->afu_cookie = cfg->ops->create_afu(pdev);
> -	if (unlikely(!cfg->afu_cookie)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: create_afu failed\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -ENOMEM;
> -		goto out_remove;
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = init_afu(cfg);
> -	if (rc && !wq_has_sleeper(&cfg->reset_waitq)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: init_afu failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		goto out_remove;
> -	}
> -	cfg->init_state = INIT_STATE_AFU;
> -
> -	rc = init_scsi(cfg);
> -	if (rc) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: init_scsi failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		goto out_remove;
> -	}
> -	cfg->init_state = INIT_STATE_SCSI;
> -
> -	rc = init_chrdev(cfg);
> -	if (rc) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: init_chrdev failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		goto out_remove;
> -	}
> -	cfg->init_state = INIT_STATE_CDEV;
> -
> -	if (wq_has_sleeper(&cfg->reset_waitq)) {
> -		cfg->state = STATE_PROBED;
> -		wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
> -	} else
> -		cfg->state = STATE_NORMAL;
> -out:
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -
> -out_remove:
> -	cfg->state = STATE_PROBED;
> -	cxlflash_remove(pdev);
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_pci_error_detected() - called when a PCI error is detected
> - * @pdev:	PCI device struct.
> - * @state:	PCI channel state.
> - *
> - * When an EEH occurs during an active reset, wait until the reset is
> - * complete and then take action based upon the device state.
> - *
> - */
> -static pci_ers_result_t cxlflash_pci_error_detected(struct pci_dev *pdev,
> -						    pci_channel_state_t state)
> -{
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: pdev=%p state=%u\n", __func__, pdev, state);
> -
> -	switch (state) {
> -	case pci_channel_io_frozen:
> -		wait_event(cfg->reset_waitq, cfg->state != STATE_RESET &&
> -					     cfg->state != STATE_PROBING);
> -		if (cfg->state == STATE_FAILTERM)
> -
> -		cfg->state = STATE_RESET;
> -		scsi_block_requests(cfg->host);
> -		drain_ioctls(cfg);
> -		rc = cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(cfg);
> -		if (unlikely(rc))
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed to mark user contexts rc=%d\n",
> -				__func__, rc);
> -		term_afu(cfg);
> -	case pci_channel_io_perm_failure:
> -		cfg->state = STATE_FAILTERM;
> -		wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
> -		scsi_unblock_requests(cfg->host);
> -	default:
> -		break;
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_pci_slot_reset() - called when PCI slot has been reset
> - * @pdev:	PCI device struct.
> - *
> - * This routine is called by the pci error recovery code after the PCI
> - * slot has been reset, just before we should resume normal operations.
> - *
> - */
> -static pci_ers_result_t cxlflash_pci_slot_reset(struct pci_dev *pdev)
> -{
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: pdev=%p\n", __func__, pdev);
> -
> -	rc = init_afu(cfg);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: EEH recovery failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	}
> -
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_pci_resume() - called when normal operation can resume
> - * @pdev:	PCI device struct
> - */
> -static void cxlflash_pci_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: pdev=%p\n", __func__, pdev);
> -
> -	cfg->state = STATE_NORMAL;
> -	wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
> -	scsi_unblock_requests(cfg->host);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_devnode() - provides devtmpfs for devices in the cxlflash class
> - * @dev:	Character device.
> - * @mode:	Mode that can be used to verify access.
> - *
> - * Return: Allocated string describing the devtmpfs structure.
> - */
> -static char *cxlflash_devnode(const struct device *dev, umode_t *mode)
> -{
> -	return kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "cxlflash/%s", dev_name(dev));
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_class_init() - create character device class
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int cxlflash_class_init(void)
> -{
> -	dev_t devno;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	rc = alloc_chrdev_region(&devno, 0, CXLFLASH_MAX_ADAPTERS, "cxlflash");
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		pr_err("%s: alloc_chrdev_region failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	cxlflash_major = MAJOR(devno);
> -
> -	rc = class_register(&cxlflash_class);
> -	if (rc) {
> -		pr_err("%s: class_create failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		goto err;
> -	}
> -
> -out:
> -	pr_debug("%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -err:
> -	unregister_chrdev_region(devno, CXLFLASH_MAX_ADAPTERS);
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_class_exit() - destroy character device class
> - */
> -static void cxlflash_class_exit(void)
> -{
> -	dev_t devno = MKDEV(cxlflash_major, 0);
> -
> -	class_unregister(&cxlflash_class);
> -	unregister_chrdev_region(devno, CXLFLASH_MAX_ADAPTERS);
> -}
> -
> -static const struct pci_error_handlers cxlflash_err_handler = {
> -	.error_detected = cxlflash_pci_error_detected,
> -	.slot_reset = cxlflash_pci_slot_reset,
> -	.resume = cxlflash_pci_resume,
> -};
> -
> -/*
> - * PCI device structure
> - */
> -static struct pci_driver cxlflash_driver = {
> -	.name = CXLFLASH_NAME,
> -	.id_table = cxlflash_pci_table,
> -	.probe = cxlflash_probe,
> -	.remove = cxlflash_remove,
> -	.shutdown = cxlflash_remove,
> -	.err_handler = &cxlflash_err_handler,
> -};
> -
> -/**
> - * init_cxlflash() - module entry point
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int __init init_cxlflash(void)
> -{
> -	int rc;
> -
> -	check_sizes();
> -	cxlflash_list_init();
> -	rc = cxlflash_class_init();
> -	if (unlikely(rc))
> -		goto out;
> -
> -	rc = pci_register_driver(&cxlflash_driver);
> -	if (unlikely(rc))
> -		goto err;
> -out:
> -	pr_debug("%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -err:
> -	cxlflash_class_exit();
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * exit_cxlflash() - module exit point
> - */
> -static void __exit exit_cxlflash(void)
> -{
> -	cxlflash_term_global_luns();
> -	cxlflash_free_errpage();
> -
> -	pci_unregister_driver(&cxlflash_driver);
> -	cxlflash_class_exit();
> -}
> -
> -module_init(init_cxlflash);
> -module_exit(exit_cxlflash);
> diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.h
> deleted file mode 100644
> index 0bfb98effce0..000000000000
> --- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/main.h
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
> -/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
> -/*
> - * CXL Flash Device Driver
> - *
> - * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *
> - * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
> - */
> -
> -#ifndef _CXLFLASH_MAIN_H
> -#define _CXLFLASH_MAIN_H
> -
> -#include <linux/list.h>
> -#include <linux/types.h>
> -#include <scsi/scsi.h>
> -#include <scsi/scsi_device.h>
> -
> -#include "backend.h"
> -
> -#define CXLFLASH_NAME		"cxlflash"
> -
> -#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_IBM_CORSA		0x04F0
> -#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_IBM_FLASH_GT	0x0600
> -#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_IBM_BRIARD	0x0624
> -
> -/* Since there is only one target, make it 0 */
> -#define CXLFLASH_TARGET		0
> -#define CXLFLASH_MAX_CDB_LEN	16
> -
> -/* Really only one target per bus since the Texan is directly attached */
> -
> -
> -/* FC defines */
> -#define FC_MTIP_CMDCONFIG 0x010
> -#define FC_MTIP_STATUS 0x018
> -#define FC_MAX_NUM_LUNS 0x080 /* Max LUNs host can provision for port */
> -#define FC_CUR_NUM_LUNS 0x088 /* Cur number LUNs provisioned for port */
> -#define FC_MAX_CAP_PORT 0x090 /* Max capacity all LUNs for port (4K blocks) */
> -#define FC_CUR_CAP_PORT 0x098 /* Cur capacity all LUNs for port (4K blocks) */
> -
> -#define FC_PNAME 0x300
> -#define FC_CONFIG 0x320
> -#define FC_CONFIG2 0x328
> -#define FC_STATUS 0x330
> -#define FC_ERROR 0x380
> -#define FC_ERRCAP 0x388
> -#define FC_ERRMSK 0x390
> -#define FC_CNT_CRCERR 0x538
> -#define FC_CRC_THRESH 0x580
> -
> -
> -#define FC_MTIP_STATUS_MASK		0x30ULL
> -
> -/* TIMEOUT and RETRY definitions */
> -
> -/* AFU command timeout values */
> -#define MC_AFU_SYNC_TIMEOUT	5	/* 5 secs */
> -#define MC_LUN_PROV_TIMEOUT	5	/* 5 secs */
> -#define MC_AFU_DEBUG_TIMEOUT	5	/* 5 secs */
> -
> -/* AFU command room retry limit */
> -#define MC_ROOM_RETRY_CNT	10
> -
> -/* FC CRC clear periodic timer */
> -#define MC_CRC_THRESH 100	/* threshold in 5 mins */
> -
> -#define FC_PORT_STATUS_RETRY_CNT 100	/* 100 100ms retries = 10 seconds */
> -#define FC_PORT_STATUS_RETRY_INTERVAL_US 100000	/* microseconds */
> -
> -/* VPD defines */
> -#define CXLFLASH_VPD_LEN	256
> -#define WWPN_LEN	16
> -#define WWPN_BUF_LEN	(WWPN_LEN + 1)
> -
> -enum undo_level {
> -	UNDO_NOOP = 0,
> -};
> -
> -struct dev_dependent_vals {
> -	u64 max_sectors;
> -	u64 flags;
> -#define CXLFLASH_NOTIFY_SHUTDOWN	0x0000000000000001ULL
> -#define CXLFLASH_WWPN_VPD_REQUIRED	0x0000000000000002ULL
> -#define CXLFLASH_OCXL_DEV		0x0000000000000004ULL
> -};
> -
> -static inline const struct cxlflash_backend_ops *
> -cxlflash_assign_ops(struct dev_dependent_vals *ddv)
> -{
> -	const struct cxlflash_backend_ops *ops = NULL;
> -
> -	if (ddv->flags & CXLFLASH_OCXL_DEV)
> -		ops = &cxlflash_ocxl_ops;
> -#endif
> -
> -	if (!(ddv->flags & CXLFLASH_OCXL_DEV))
> -		ops = &cxlflash_cxl_ops;
> -#endif
> -
> -	return ops;
> -}
> -
> -struct asyc_intr_info {
> -	u64 status;
> -	char *desc;
> -	u8 port;
> -	u8 action;
> -#define CLR_FC_ERROR	0x01
> -#define LINK_RESET	0x02
> -#define SCAN_HOST	0x04
> -};
> -
> -#endif /* _CXLFLASH_MAIN_H */
> diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.c b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.c
> deleted file mode 100644
> index 6542818e595a..000000000000
> --- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.c
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,1399 +0,0 @@
> -// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
> -/*
> - * CXL Flash Device Driver
> - *
> - * Written by: Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *             Uma Krishnan <ukrishn@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *
> - * Copyright (C) 2018 IBM Corporation
> - */
> -
> -#include <linux/file.h>
> -#include <linux/idr.h>
> -#include <linux/module.h>
> -#include <linux/mount.h>
> -#include <linux/pseudo_fs.h>
> -#include <linux/poll.h>
> -#include <linux/sched/signal.h>
> -#include <linux/interrupt.h>
> -#include <linux/irqdomain.h>
> -#include <asm/xive.h>
> -#include <misc/ocxl.h>
> -
> -#include <uapi/misc/cxl.h>
> -
> -#include "backend.h"
> -#include "ocxl_hw.h"
> -
> -/*
> - * Pseudo-filesystem to allocate inodes.
> - */
> -
> -#define OCXLFLASH_FS_MAGIC      0x1697698f
> -
> -static int ocxlflash_fs_cnt;
> -static struct vfsmount *ocxlflash_vfs_mount;
> -
> -static int ocxlflash_fs_init_fs_context(struct fs_context *fc)
> -{
> -	return init_pseudo(fc, OCXLFLASH_FS_MAGIC) ? 0 : -ENOMEM;
> -}
> -
> -static struct file_system_type ocxlflash_fs_type = {
> -	.name		= "ocxlflash",
> -	.owner		= THIS_MODULE,
> -	.init_fs_context = ocxlflash_fs_init_fs_context,
> -	.kill_sb	= kill_anon_super,
> -};
> -
> -/*
> - * ocxlflash_release_mapping() - release the memory mapping
> - * @ctx:	Context whose mapping is to be released.
> - */
> -static void ocxlflash_release_mapping(struct ocxlflash_context *ctx)
> -{
> -	if (ctx->mapping)
> -		simple_release_fs(&ocxlflash_vfs_mount, &ocxlflash_fs_cnt);
> -	ctx->mapping = NULL;
> -}
> -
> -/*
> - * ocxlflash_getfile() - allocate pseudo filesystem, inode, and the file
> - * @dev:	Generic device of the host.
> - * @name:	Name of the pseudo filesystem.
> - * @fops:	File operations.
> - * @priv:	Private data.
> - * @flags:	Flags for the file.
> - *
> - * Return: pointer to the file on success, ERR_PTR on failure
> - */
> -static struct file *ocxlflash_getfile(struct device *dev, const char *name,
> -				      const struct file_operations *fops,
> -				      void *priv, int flags)
> -{
> -	struct file *file;
> -	struct inode *inode;
> -	int rc;
> -
> -	if (fops->owner && !try_module_get(fops->owner)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Owner does not exist\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -ENOENT;
> -		goto err1;
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = simple_pin_fs(&ocxlflash_fs_type, &ocxlflash_vfs_mount,
> -			   &ocxlflash_fs_cnt);
> -	if (unlikely(rc < 0)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Cannot mount ocxlflash pseudofs rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto err2;
> -	}
> -
> -	inode = alloc_anon_inode(ocxlflash_vfs_mount->mnt_sb);
> -	if (IS_ERR(inode)) {
> -		rc = PTR_ERR(inode);
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: alloc_anon_inode failed rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto err3;
> -	}
> -
> -	file = alloc_file_pseudo(inode, ocxlflash_vfs_mount, name,
> -				 flags & (O_ACCMODE | O_NONBLOCK), fops);
> -	if (IS_ERR(file)) {
> -		rc = PTR_ERR(file);
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: alloc_file failed rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto err4;
> -	}
> -
> -	file->private_data = priv;
> -out:
> -	return file;
> -err4:
> -	iput(inode);
> -err3:
> -	simple_release_fs(&ocxlflash_vfs_mount, &ocxlflash_fs_cnt);
> -err2:
> -	module_put(fops->owner);
> -err1:
> -	file = ERR_PTR(rc);
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_psa_map() - map the process specific MMIO space
> - * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context for which the mapping needs to be done.
> - *
> - * Return: MMIO pointer of the mapped region
> - */
> -static void __iomem *ocxlflash_psa_map(void *ctx_cookie)
> -{
> -	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
> -	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
> -
> -	mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
> -	if (ctx->state != STARTED) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context not started, state=%d\n", __func__,
> -			ctx->state);
> -		mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
> -		return NULL;
> -	}
> -	mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
> -
> -	return ioremap(ctx->psn_phys, ctx->psn_size);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_psa_unmap() - unmap the process specific MMIO space
> - * @addr:	MMIO pointer to unmap.
> - */
> -static void ocxlflash_psa_unmap(void __iomem *addr)
> -{
> -	iounmap(addr);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_process_element() - get process element of the adapter context
> - * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context associated with the process element.
> - *
> - * Return: process element of the adapter context
> - */
> -static int ocxlflash_process_element(void *ctx_cookie)
> -{
> -	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
> -
> -	return ctx->pe;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * afu_map_irq() - map the interrupt of the adapter context
> - * @flags:	Flags.
> - * @ctx:	Adapter context.
> - * @num:	Per-context AFU interrupt number.
> - * @handler:	Interrupt handler to register.
> - * @cookie:	Interrupt handler private data.
> - * @name:	Name of the interrupt.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int afu_map_irq(u64 flags, struct ocxlflash_context *ctx, int num,
> -		       irq_handler_t handler, void *cookie, char *name)
> -{
> -	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
> -	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
> -	struct ocxlflash_irqs *irq;
> -	struct xive_irq_data *xd;
> -	u32 virq;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	if (num < 0 || num >= ctx->num_irqs) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Interrupt %d not allocated\n", __func__, num);
> -		rc = -ENOENT;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	irq = &ctx->irqs[num];
> -	virq = irq_create_mapping(NULL, irq->hwirq);
> -	if (unlikely(!virq)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: irq_create_mapping failed\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -ENOMEM;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = request_irq(virq, handler, 0, name, cookie);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: request_irq failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		goto err1;
> -	}
> -
> -	xd = irq_get_handler_data(virq);
> -	if (unlikely(!xd)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Can't get interrupt data\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -ENXIO;
> -		goto err2;
> -	}
> -
> -	irq->virq = virq;
> -	irq->vtrig = xd->trig_mmio;
> -out:
> -	return rc;
> -err2:
> -	free_irq(virq, cookie);
> -err1:
> -	irq_dispose_mapping(virq);
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_map_afu_irq() - map the interrupt of the adapter context
> - * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context.
> - * @num:	Per-context AFU interrupt number.
> - * @handler:	Interrupt handler to register.
> - * @cookie:	Interrupt handler private data.
> - * @name:	Name of the interrupt.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int ocxlflash_map_afu_irq(void *ctx_cookie, int num,
> -				 irq_handler_t handler, void *cookie,
> -				 char *name)
> -{
> -	return afu_map_irq(0, ctx_cookie, num, handler, cookie, name);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * afu_unmap_irq() - unmap the interrupt
> - * @flags:	Flags.
> - * @ctx:	Adapter context.
> - * @num:	Per-context AFU interrupt number.
> - * @cookie:	Interrupt handler private data.
> - */
> -static void afu_unmap_irq(u64 flags, struct ocxlflash_context *ctx, int num,
> -			  void *cookie)
> -{
> -	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
> -	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
> -	struct ocxlflash_irqs *irq;
> -
> -	if (num < 0 || num >= ctx->num_irqs) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Interrupt %d not allocated\n", __func__, num);
> -		return;
> -	}
> -
> -	irq = &ctx->irqs[num];
> -
> -	if (irq_find_mapping(NULL, irq->hwirq)) {
> -		free_irq(irq->virq, cookie);
> -		irq_dispose_mapping(irq->virq);
> -	}
> -
> -	memset(irq, 0, sizeof(*irq));
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_unmap_afu_irq() - unmap the interrupt
> - * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context.
> - * @num:	Per-context AFU interrupt number.
> - * @cookie:	Interrupt handler private data.
> - */
> -static void ocxlflash_unmap_afu_irq(void *ctx_cookie, int num, void *cookie)
> -{
> -	return afu_unmap_irq(0, ctx_cookie, num, cookie);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_get_irq_objhndl() - get the object handle for an interrupt
> - * @ctx_cookie:	Context associated with the interrupt.
> - * @irq:	Interrupt number.
> - *
> - * Return: effective address of the mapped region
> - */
> -static u64 ocxlflash_get_irq_objhndl(void *ctx_cookie, int irq)
> -{
> -	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
> -
> -	if (irq < 0 || irq >= ctx->num_irqs)
> -		return 0;
> -
> -	return (__force u64)ctx->irqs[irq].vtrig;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_xsl_fault() - callback when translation error is triggered
> - * @data:	Private data provided at callback registration, the context.
> - * @addr:	Address that triggered the error.
> - * @dsisr:	Value of dsisr register.
> - */
> -static void ocxlflash_xsl_fault(void *data, u64 addr, u64 dsisr)
> -{
> -	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = data;
> -
> -	spin_lock(&ctx->slock);
> -	ctx->fault_addr = addr;
> -	ctx->fault_dsisr = dsisr;
> -	ctx->pending_fault = true;
> -	spin_unlock(&ctx->slock);
> -
> -	wake_up_all(&ctx->wq);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * start_context() - local routine to start a context
> - * @ctx:	Adapter context to be started.
> - *
> - * Assign the context specific MMIO space, add and enable the PE.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int start_context(struct ocxlflash_context *ctx)
> -{
> -	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
> -	struct ocxl_afu_config *acfg = &afu->acfg;
> -	void *link_token = afu->link_token;
> -	struct pci_dev *pdev = afu->pdev;
> -	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
> -	bool master = ctx->master;
> -	struct mm_struct *mm;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	u32 pid;
> -
> -	mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
> -	if (ctx->state != OPENED) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context state invalid, state=%d\n",
> -			__func__, ctx->state);
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (master) {
> -		ctx->psn_size = acfg->global_mmio_size;
> -		ctx->psn_phys = afu->gmmio_phys;
> -	} else {
> -		ctx->psn_size = acfg->pp_mmio_stride;
> -		ctx->psn_phys = afu->ppmmio_phys + (ctx->pe * ctx->psn_size);
> -	}
> -
> -	/* pid and mm not set for master contexts */
> -	if (master) {
> -		pid = 0;
> -		mm = NULL;
> -	} else {
> -		pid = current->mm->context.id;
> -		mm = current->mm;
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = ocxl_link_add_pe(link_token, ctx->pe, pid, 0, 0,
> -			      pci_dev_id(pdev), mm, ocxlflash_xsl_fault,
> -			      ctx);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_link_add_pe failed rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	ctx->state = STARTED;
> -out:
> -	mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_start_context() - start a kernel context
> - * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context to be started.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int ocxlflash_start_context(void *ctx_cookie)
> -{
> -	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
> -
> -	return start_context(ctx);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_stop_context() - stop a context
> - * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context to be stopped.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int ocxlflash_stop_context(void *ctx_cookie)
> -{
> -	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
> -	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
> -	struct ocxl_afu_config *acfg = &afu->acfg;
> -	struct pci_dev *pdev = afu->pdev;
> -	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
> -	enum ocxlflash_ctx_state state;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
> -	state = ctx->state;
> -	ctx->state = CLOSED;
> -	mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
> -	if (state != STARTED)
> -		goto out;
> -
> -	rc = ocxl_config_terminate_pasid(pdev, acfg->dvsec_afu_control_pos,
> -					 ctx->pe);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_config_terminate_pasid failed rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		/* If EBUSY, PE could be referenced in future by the AFU */
> -		if (rc == -EBUSY)
> -			goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = ocxl_link_remove_pe(afu->link_token, ctx->pe);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_link_remove_pe failed rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -out:
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_afu_reset() - reset the AFU
> - * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context.
> - */
> -static int ocxlflash_afu_reset(void *ctx_cookie)
> -{
> -	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
> -	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
> -
> -	/* Pending implementation from OCXL transport services */
> -	dev_err_once(dev, "%s: afu_reset() fop not supported\n", __func__);
> -
> -	/* Silently return success until it is implemented */
> -	return 0;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_set_master() - sets the context as master
> - * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context to set as master.
> - */
> -static void ocxlflash_set_master(void *ctx_cookie)
> -{
> -	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
> -
> -	ctx->master = true;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_get_context() - obtains the context associated with the host
> - * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
> - * @afu_cookie:	Hardware AFU associated with the host.
> - *
> - * Return: returns the pointer to host adapter context
> - */
> -static void *ocxlflash_get_context(struct pci_dev *pdev, void *afu_cookie)
> -{
> -	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = afu_cookie;
> -
> -	return afu->ocxl_ctx;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_dev_context_init() - allocate and initialize an adapter context
> - * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
> - * @afu_cookie:	Hardware AFU associated with the host.
> - *
> - * Return: returns the adapter context on success, ERR_PTR on failure
> - */
> -static void *ocxlflash_dev_context_init(struct pci_dev *pdev, void *afu_cookie)
> -{
> -	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = afu_cookie;
> -	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
> -	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx;
> -	int rc;
> -
> -	ctx = kzalloc(sizeof(*ctx), GFP_KERNEL);
> -	if (unlikely(!ctx)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context allocation failed\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -ENOMEM;
> -		goto err1;
> -	}
> -
> -	idr_preload(GFP_KERNEL);
> -	rc = idr_alloc(&afu->idr, ctx, 0, afu->max_pasid, GFP_NOWAIT);
> -	idr_preload_end();
> -	if (unlikely(rc < 0)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: idr_alloc failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		goto err2;
> -	}
> -
> -	spin_lock_init(&ctx->slock);
> -	init_waitqueue_head(&ctx->wq);
> -	mutex_init(&ctx->state_mutex);
> -
> -	ctx->state = OPENED;
> -	ctx->pe = rc;
> -	ctx->master = false;
> -	ctx->mapping = NULL;
> -	ctx->hw_afu = afu;
> -	ctx->irq_bitmap = 0;
> -	ctx->pending_irq = false;
> -	ctx->pending_fault = false;
> -out:
> -	return ctx;
> -err2:
> -	kfree(ctx);
> -err1:
> -	ctx = ERR_PTR(rc);
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_release_context() - releases an adapter context
> - * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context to be released.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int ocxlflash_release_context(void *ctx_cookie)
> -{
> -	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
> -	struct device *dev;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	if (!ctx)
> -		goto out;
> -
> -	dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
> -	mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
> -	if (ctx->state >= STARTED) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context in use, state=%d\n", __func__,
> -			ctx->state);
> -		mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
> -		rc = -EBUSY;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -	mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
> -
> -	idr_remove(&ctx->hw_afu->idr, ctx->pe);
> -	ocxlflash_release_mapping(ctx);
> -	kfree(ctx);
> -out:
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_perst_reloads_same_image() - sets the image reload policy
> - * @afu_cookie:	Hardware AFU associated with the host.
> - * @image:	Whether to load the same image on PERST.
> - */
> -static void ocxlflash_perst_reloads_same_image(void *afu_cookie, bool image)
> -{
> -	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = afu_cookie;
> -
> -	afu->perst_same_image = image;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_read_adapter_vpd() - reads the adapter VPD
> - * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
> - * @buf:	Buffer to get the VPD data.
> - * @count:	Size of buffer (maximum bytes that can be read).
> - *
> - * Return: size of VPD on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static ssize_t ocxlflash_read_adapter_vpd(struct pci_dev *pdev, void *buf,
> -					  size_t count)
> -{
> -	return pci_read_vpd(pdev, 0, count, buf);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * free_afu_irqs() - internal service to free interrupts
> - * @ctx:	Adapter context.
> - */
> -static void free_afu_irqs(struct ocxlflash_context *ctx)
> -{
> -	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
> -	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
> -	int i;
> -
> -	if (!ctx->irqs) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Interrupts not allocated\n", __func__);
> -		return;
> -	}
> -
> -	for (i = ctx->num_irqs; i >= 0; i--)
> -		ocxl_link_free_irq(afu->link_token, ctx->irqs[i].hwirq);
> -
> -	kfree(ctx->irqs);
> -	ctx->irqs = NULL;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * alloc_afu_irqs() - internal service to allocate interrupts
> - * @ctx:	Context associated with the request.
> - * @num:	Number of interrupts requested.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int alloc_afu_irqs(struct ocxlflash_context *ctx, int num)
> -{
> -	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
> -	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
> -	struct ocxlflash_irqs *irqs;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	int hwirq;
> -	int i;
> -
> -	if (ctx->irqs) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Interrupts already allocated\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -EEXIST;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (num > OCXL_MAX_IRQS) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Too many interrupts num=%d\n", __func__, num);
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	irqs = kcalloc(num, sizeof(*irqs), GFP_KERNEL);
> -	if (unlikely(!irqs)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context irqs allocation failed\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -ENOMEM;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
> -		rc = ocxl_link_irq_alloc(afu->link_token, &hwirq);
> -		if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_link_irq_alloc failed rc=%d\n",
> -				__func__, rc);
> -			goto err;
> -		}
> -
> -		irqs[i].hwirq = hwirq;
> -	}
> -
> -	ctx->irqs = irqs;
> -	ctx->num_irqs = num;
> -out:
> -	return rc;
> -err:
> -	for (i = i-1; i >= 0; i--)
> -		ocxl_link_free_irq(afu->link_token, irqs[i].hwirq);
> -	kfree(irqs);
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_allocate_afu_irqs() - allocates the requested number of interrupts
> - * @ctx_cookie:	Context associated with the request.
> - * @num:	Number of interrupts requested.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int ocxlflash_allocate_afu_irqs(void *ctx_cookie, int num)
> -{
> -	return alloc_afu_irqs(ctx_cookie, num);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_free_afu_irqs() - frees the interrupts of an adapter context
> - * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context.
> - */
> -static void ocxlflash_free_afu_irqs(void *ctx_cookie)
> -{
> -	free_afu_irqs(ctx_cookie);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_unconfig_afu() - unconfigure the AFU
> - * @afu: AFU associated with the host.
> - */
> -static void ocxlflash_unconfig_afu(struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu)
> -{
> -	if (afu->gmmio_virt) {
> -		iounmap(afu->gmmio_virt);
> -		afu->gmmio_virt = NULL;
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_destroy_afu() - destroy the AFU structure
> - * @afu_cookie:	AFU to be freed.
> - */
> -static void ocxlflash_destroy_afu(void *afu_cookie)
> -{
> -	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = afu_cookie;
> -	int pos;
> -
> -	if (!afu)
> -		return;
> -
> -	ocxlflash_release_context(afu->ocxl_ctx);
> -	idr_destroy(&afu->idr);
> -
> -	/* Disable the AFU */
> -	pos = afu->acfg.dvsec_afu_control_pos;
> -	ocxl_config_set_afu_state(afu->pdev, pos, 0);
> -
> -	ocxlflash_unconfig_afu(afu);
> -	kfree(afu);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_config_fn() - configure the host function
> - * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
> - * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int ocxlflash_config_fn(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu)
> -{
> -	struct ocxl_fn_config *fcfg = &afu->fcfg;
> -	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
> -	u16 base, enabled, supported;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	/* Read DVSEC config of the function */
> -	rc = ocxl_config_read_function(pdev, fcfg);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_config_read_function failed rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Check if function has AFUs defined, only 1 per function supported */
> -	if (fcfg->max_afu_index >= 0) {
> -		afu->is_present = true;
> -		if (fcfg->max_afu_index != 0)
> -			dev_warn(dev, "%s: Unexpected AFU index value %d\n",
> -				 __func__, fcfg->max_afu_index);
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = ocxl_config_get_actag_info(pdev, &base, &enabled, &supported);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_config_get_actag_info failed rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	afu->fn_actag_base = base;
> -	afu->fn_actag_enabled = enabled;
> -
> -	ocxl_config_set_actag(pdev, fcfg->dvsec_function_pos, base, enabled);
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Function acTag range base=%u enabled=%u\n",
> -		__func__, base, enabled);
> -
> -	rc = ocxl_link_setup(pdev, 0, &afu->link_token);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_link_setup failed rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = ocxl_config_set_TL(pdev, fcfg->dvsec_tl_pos);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_config_set_TL failed rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto err;
> -	}
> -out:
> -	return rc;
> -err:
> -	ocxl_link_release(pdev, afu->link_token);
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_unconfig_fn() - unconfigure the host function
> - * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
> - * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
> - */
> -static void ocxlflash_unconfig_fn(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu)
> -{
> -	ocxl_link_release(pdev, afu->link_token);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_map_mmio() - map the AFU MMIO space
> - * @afu: AFU associated with the host.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int ocxlflash_map_mmio(struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu)
> -{
> -	struct ocxl_afu_config *acfg = &afu->acfg;
> -	struct pci_dev *pdev = afu->pdev;
> -	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
> -	phys_addr_t gmmio, ppmmio;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	rc = pci_request_region(pdev, acfg->global_mmio_bar, "ocxlflash");
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: pci_request_region for global failed rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -	gmmio = pci_resource_start(pdev, acfg->global_mmio_bar);
> -	gmmio += acfg->global_mmio_offset;
> -
> -	rc = pci_request_region(pdev, acfg->pp_mmio_bar, "ocxlflash");
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: pci_request_region for pp bar failed rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto err1;
> -	}
> -	ppmmio = pci_resource_start(pdev, acfg->pp_mmio_bar);
> -	ppmmio += acfg->pp_mmio_offset;
> -
> -	afu->gmmio_virt = ioremap(gmmio, acfg->global_mmio_size);
> -	if (unlikely(!afu->gmmio_virt)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: MMIO mapping failed\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -ENOMEM;
> -		goto err2;
> -	}
> -
> -	afu->gmmio_phys = gmmio;
> -	afu->ppmmio_phys = ppmmio;
> -out:
> -	return rc;
> -err2:
> -	pci_release_region(pdev, acfg->pp_mmio_bar);
> -err1:
> -	pci_release_region(pdev, acfg->global_mmio_bar);
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_config_afu() - configure the host AFU
> - * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
> - * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
> - *
> - * Must be called _after_ host function configuration.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int ocxlflash_config_afu(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu)
> -{
> -	struct ocxl_afu_config *acfg = &afu->acfg;
> -	struct ocxl_fn_config *fcfg = &afu->fcfg;
> -	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
> -	int count;
> -	int base;
> -	int pos;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	/* This HW AFU function does not have any AFUs defined */
> -	if (!afu->is_present)
> -		goto out;
> -
> -	/* Read AFU config at index 0 */
> -	rc = ocxl_config_read_afu(pdev, fcfg, acfg, 0);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxl_config_read_afu failed rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Only one AFU per function is supported, so actag_base is same */
> -	base = afu->fn_actag_base;
> -	count = min_t(int, acfg->actag_supported, afu->fn_actag_enabled);
> -	pos = acfg->dvsec_afu_control_pos;
> -
> -	ocxl_config_set_afu_actag(pdev, pos, base, count);
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: acTag base=%d enabled=%d\n", __func__, base, count);
> -	afu->afu_actag_base = base;
> -	afu->afu_actag_enabled = count;
> -	afu->max_pasid = 1 << acfg->pasid_supported_log;
> -
> -	ocxl_config_set_afu_pasid(pdev, pos, 0, acfg->pasid_supported_log);
> -
> -	rc = ocxlflash_map_mmio(afu);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxlflash_map_mmio failed rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Enable the AFU */
> -	ocxl_config_set_afu_state(pdev, acfg->dvsec_afu_control_pos, 1);
> -out:
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_create_afu() - create the AFU for OCXL
> - * @pdev:	PCI device associated with the host.
> - *
> - * Return: AFU on success, NULL on failure
> - */
> -static void *ocxlflash_create_afu(struct pci_dev *pdev)
> -{
> -	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
> -	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx;
> -	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu;
> -	int rc;
> -
> -	afu = kzalloc(sizeof(*afu), GFP_KERNEL);
> -	if (unlikely(!afu)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: HW AFU allocation failed\n", __func__);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	afu->pdev = pdev;
> -	afu->dev = dev;
> -	idr_init(&afu->idr);
> -
> -	rc = ocxlflash_config_fn(pdev, afu);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Function configuration failed rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto err1;
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = ocxlflash_config_afu(pdev, afu);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: AFU configuration failed rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto err2;
> -	}
> -
> -	ctx = ocxlflash_dev_context_init(pdev, afu);
> -	if (IS_ERR(ctx)) {
> -		rc = PTR_ERR(ctx);
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxlflash_dev_context_init failed rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto err3;
> -	}
> -
> -	afu->ocxl_ctx = ctx;
> -out:
> -	return afu;
> -err3:
> -	ocxlflash_unconfig_afu(afu);
> -err2:
> -	ocxlflash_unconfig_fn(pdev, afu);
> -err1:
> -	idr_destroy(&afu->idr);
> -	kfree(afu);
> -	afu = NULL;
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ctx_event_pending() - check for any event pending on the context
> - * @ctx:	Context to be checked.
> - *
> - * Return: true if there is an event pending, false if none pending
> - */
> -static inline bool ctx_event_pending(struct ocxlflash_context *ctx)
> -{
> -	if (ctx->pending_irq || ctx->pending_fault)
> -		return true;
> -
> -	return false;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * afu_poll() - poll the AFU for events on the context
> - * @file:	File associated with the adapter context.
> - * @poll:	Poll structure from the user.
> - *
> - * Return: poll mask
> - */
> -static unsigned int afu_poll(struct file *file, struct poll_table_struct *poll)
> -{
> -	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = file->private_data;
> -	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
> -	ulong lock_flags;
> -	int mask = 0;
> -
> -	poll_wait(file, &ctx->wq, poll);
> -
> -	spin_lock_irqsave(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
> -	if (ctx_event_pending(ctx))
> -		mask |= POLLIN | POLLRDNORM;
> -	else if (ctx->state == CLOSED)
> -		mask |= POLLERR;
> -	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Poll wait completed for pe %i mask %i\n",
> -		__func__, ctx->pe, mask);
> -
> -	return mask;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * afu_read() - perform a read on the context for any event
> - * @file:	File associated with the adapter context.
> - * @buf:	Buffer to receive the data.
> - * @count:	Size of buffer (maximum bytes that can be read).
> - * @off:	Offset.
> - *
> - * Return: size of the data read on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static ssize_t afu_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count,
> -			loff_t *off)
> -{
> -	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = file->private_data;
> -	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
> -	struct cxl_event event;
> -	ulong lock_flags;
> -	ssize_t esize;
> -	ssize_t rc;
> -	int bit;
> -	DEFINE_WAIT(event_wait);
> -
> -	if (*off != 0) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Non-zero offset not supported, off=%lld\n",
> -			__func__, *off);
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	spin_lock_irqsave(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
> -
> -	for (;;) {
> -		prepare_to_wait(&ctx->wq, &event_wait, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
> -
> -		if (ctx_event_pending(ctx) || (ctx->state == CLOSED))
> -			break;
> -
> -		if (file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) {
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: File cannot be blocked on I/O\n",
> -				__func__);
> -			rc = -EAGAIN;
> -			goto err;
> -		}
> -
> -		if (signal_pending(current)) {
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: Signal pending on the process\n",
> -				__func__);
> -			rc = -ERESTARTSYS;
> -			goto err;
> -		}
> -
> -		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
> -		schedule();
> -		spin_lock_irqsave(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
> -	}
> -
> -	finish_wait(&ctx->wq, &event_wait);
> -
> -	memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event));
> -	event.header.process_element = ctx->pe;
> -	event.header.size = sizeof(struct cxl_event_header);
> -	if (ctx->pending_irq) {
> -		esize = sizeof(struct cxl_event_afu_interrupt);
> -		event.header.size += esize;
> -		event.header.type = CXL_EVENT_AFU_INTERRUPT;
> -
> -		bit = find_first_bit(&ctx->irq_bitmap, ctx->num_irqs);
> -		clear_bit(bit, &ctx->irq_bitmap);
> -		event.irq.irq = bit + 1;
> -		if (bitmap_empty(&ctx->irq_bitmap, ctx->num_irqs))
> -			ctx->pending_irq = false;
> -	} else if (ctx->pending_fault) {
> -		event.header.size += sizeof(struct cxl_event_data_storage);
> -		event.header.type = CXL_EVENT_DATA_STORAGE;
> -		event.fault.addr = ctx->fault_addr;
> -		event.fault.dsisr = ctx->fault_dsisr;
> -		ctx->pending_fault = false;
> -	}
> -
> -	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
> -
> -	if (copy_to_user(buf, &event, event.header.size)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: copy_to_user failed\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -EFAULT;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = event.header.size;
> -out:
> -	return rc;
> -err:
> -	finish_wait(&ctx->wq, &event_wait);
> -	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ctx->slock, lock_flags);
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * afu_release() - release and free the context
> - * @inode:	File inode pointer.
> - * @file:	File associated with the context.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int afu_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
> -{
> -	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = file->private_data;
> -	int i;
> -
> -	/* Unmap and free the interrupts associated with the context */
> -	for (i = ctx->num_irqs; i >= 0; i--)
> -		afu_unmap_irq(0, ctx, i, ctx);
> -	free_afu_irqs(ctx);
> -
> -	return ocxlflash_release_context(ctx);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_mmap_fault() - mmap fault handler
> - * @vmf:	VM fault associated with current fault.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static vm_fault_t ocxlflash_mmap_fault(struct vm_fault *vmf)
> -{
> -	struct vm_area_struct *vma = vmf->vma;
> -	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = vma->vm_file->private_data;
> -	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
> -	u64 mmio_area, offset;
> -
> -	offset = vmf->pgoff << PAGE_SHIFT;
> -	if (offset >= ctx->psn_size)
> -		return VM_FAULT_SIGBUS;
> -
> -	mutex_lock(&ctx->state_mutex);
> -	if (ctx->state != STARTED) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context not started, state=%d\n",
> -			__func__, ctx->state);
> -		mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
> -		return VM_FAULT_SIGBUS;
> -	}
> -	mutex_unlock(&ctx->state_mutex);
> -
> -	mmio_area = ctx->psn_phys;
> -	mmio_area += offset;
> -
> -	return vmf_insert_pfn(vma, vmf->address, mmio_area >> PAGE_SHIFT);
> -}
> -
> -static const struct vm_operations_struct ocxlflash_vmops = {
> -	.fault = ocxlflash_mmap_fault,
> -};
> -
> -/**
> - * afu_mmap() - map the fault handler operations
> - * @file:	File associated with the context.
> - * @vma:	VM area associated with mapping.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int afu_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
> -{
> -	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = file->private_data;
> -
> -	if ((vma_pages(vma) + vma->vm_pgoff) >
> -	    (ctx->psn_size >> PAGE_SHIFT))
> -		return -EINVAL;
> -
> -	vm_flags_set(vma, VM_IO | VM_PFNMAP);
> -	vma->vm_page_prot = pgprot_noncached(vma->vm_page_prot);
> -	vma->vm_ops = &ocxlflash_vmops;
> -	return 0;
> -}
> -
> -static const struct file_operations ocxl_afu_fops = {
> -	.owner		= THIS_MODULE,
> -	.poll		= afu_poll,
> -	.read		= afu_read,
> -	.release	= afu_release,
> -	.mmap		= afu_mmap,
> -};
> -
> -#define PATCH_FOPS(NAME)						\
> -	do { if (!fops->NAME) fops->NAME = ocxl_afu_fops.NAME; } while (0)
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_get_fd() - get file descriptor for an adapter context
> - * @ctx_cookie:	Adapter context.
> - * @fops:	File operations to be associated.
> - * @fd:		File descriptor to be returned back.
> - *
> - * Return: pointer to the file on success, ERR_PTR on failure
> - */
> -static struct file *ocxlflash_get_fd(void *ctx_cookie,
> -				     struct file_operations *fops, int *fd)
> -{
> -	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
> -	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
> -	struct file *file;
> -	int flags, fdtmp;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	char *name = NULL;
> -
> -	/* Only allow one fd per context */
> -	if (ctx->mapping) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context is already mapped to an fd\n",
> -			__func__);
> -		rc = -EEXIST;
> -		goto err1;
> -	}
> -
> -	flags = O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC;
> -
> -	/* This code is similar to anon_inode_getfd() */
> -	rc = get_unused_fd_flags(flags);
> -	if (unlikely(rc < 0)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: get_unused_fd_flags failed rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto err1;
> -	}
> -	fdtmp = rc;
> -
> -	/* Patch the file ops that are not defined */
> -	if (fops) {
> -		PATCH_FOPS(poll);
> -		PATCH_FOPS(read);
> -		PATCH_FOPS(release);
> -		PATCH_FOPS(mmap);
> -	} else /* Use default ops */
> -		fops = (struct file_operations *)&ocxl_afu_fops;
> -
> -	name = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "ocxlflash:%d", ctx->pe);
> -	file = ocxlflash_getfile(dev, name, fops, ctx, flags);
> -	kfree(name);
> -	if (IS_ERR(file)) {
> -		rc = PTR_ERR(file);
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: ocxlflash_getfile failed rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto err2;
> -	}
> -
> -	ctx->mapping = file->f_mapping;
> -	*fd = fdtmp;
> -out:
> -	return file;
> -err2:
> -	put_unused_fd(fdtmp);
> -err1:
> -	file = ERR_PTR(rc);
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_fops_get_context() - get the context associated with the file
> - * @file:	File associated with the adapter context.
> - *
> - * Return: pointer to the context
> - */
> -static void *ocxlflash_fops_get_context(struct file *file)
> -{
> -	return file->private_data;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_afu_irq() - interrupt handler for user contexts
> - * @irq:	Interrupt number.
> - * @data:	Private data provided at interrupt registration, the context.
> - *
> - * Return: Always return IRQ_HANDLED.
> - */
> -static irqreturn_t ocxlflash_afu_irq(int irq, void *data)
> -{
> -	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = data;
> -	struct device *dev = ctx->hw_afu->dev;
> -	int i;
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Interrupt raised for pe %i virq %i\n",
> -		__func__, ctx->pe, irq);
> -
> -	for (i = 0; i < ctx->num_irqs; i++) {
> -		if (ctx->irqs[i].virq == irq)
> -			break;
> -	}
> -	if (unlikely(i >= ctx->num_irqs)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Received AFU IRQ out of range\n", __func__);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	spin_lock(&ctx->slock);
> -	set_bit(i - 1, &ctx->irq_bitmap);
> -	ctx->pending_irq = true;
> -	spin_unlock(&ctx->slock);
> -
> -	wake_up_all(&ctx->wq);
> -out:
> -	return IRQ_HANDLED;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_start_work() - start a user context
> - * @ctx_cookie:	Context to be started.
> - * @num_irqs:	Number of interrupts requested.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int ocxlflash_start_work(void *ctx_cookie, u64 num_irqs)
> -{
> -	struct ocxlflash_context *ctx = ctx_cookie;
> -	struct ocxl_hw_afu *afu = ctx->hw_afu;
> -	struct device *dev = afu->dev;
> -	char *name;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	int i;
> -
> -	rc = alloc_afu_irqs(ctx, num_irqs);
> -	if (unlikely(rc < 0)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: alloc_afu_irqs failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	for (i = 0; i < num_irqs; i++) {
> -		name = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "ocxlflash-%s-pe%i-%i",
> -				 dev_name(dev), ctx->pe, i);
> -		rc = afu_map_irq(0, ctx, i, ocxlflash_afu_irq, ctx, name);
> -		kfree(name);
> -		if (unlikely(rc < 0)) {
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: afu_map_irq failed rc=%d\n",
> -				__func__, rc);
> -			goto err;
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = start_context(ctx);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: start_context failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		goto err;
> -	}
> -out:
> -	return rc;
> -err:
> -	for (i = i-1; i >= 0; i--)
> -		afu_unmap_irq(0, ctx, i, ctx);
> -	free_afu_irqs(ctx);
> -	goto out;
> -};
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_fd_mmap() - mmap handler for adapter file descriptor
> - * @file:	File installed with adapter file descriptor.
> - * @vma:	VM area associated with mapping.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int ocxlflash_fd_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
> -{
> -	return afu_mmap(file, vma);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ocxlflash_fd_release() - release the context associated with the file
> - * @inode:	File inode pointer.
> - * @file:	File associated with the adapter context.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int ocxlflash_fd_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
> -{
> -	return afu_release(inode, file);
> -}
> -
> -/* Backend ops to ocxlflash services */
> -const struct cxlflash_backend_ops cxlflash_ocxl_ops = {
> -	.module			= THIS_MODULE,
> -	.psa_map		= ocxlflash_psa_map,
> -	.psa_unmap		= ocxlflash_psa_unmap,
> -	.process_element	= ocxlflash_process_element,
> -	.map_afu_irq		= ocxlflash_map_afu_irq,
> -	.unmap_afu_irq		= ocxlflash_unmap_afu_irq,
> -	.get_irq_objhndl	= ocxlflash_get_irq_objhndl,
> -	.start_context		= ocxlflash_start_context,
> -	.stop_context		= ocxlflash_stop_context,
> -	.afu_reset		= ocxlflash_afu_reset,
> -	.set_master		= ocxlflash_set_master,
> -	.get_context		= ocxlflash_get_context,
> -	.dev_context_init	= ocxlflash_dev_context_init,
> -	.release_context	= ocxlflash_release_context,
> -	.perst_reloads_same_image = ocxlflash_perst_reloads_same_image,
> -	.read_adapter_vpd	= ocxlflash_read_adapter_vpd,
> -	.allocate_afu_irqs	= ocxlflash_allocate_afu_irqs,
> -	.free_afu_irqs		= ocxlflash_free_afu_irqs,
> -	.create_afu		= ocxlflash_create_afu,
> -	.destroy_afu		= ocxlflash_destroy_afu,
> -	.get_fd			= ocxlflash_get_fd,
> -	.fops_get_context	= ocxlflash_fops_get_context,
> -	.start_work		= ocxlflash_start_work,
> -	.fd_mmap		= ocxlflash_fd_mmap,
> -	.fd_release		= ocxlflash_fd_release,
> -};
> diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.h
> deleted file mode 100644
> index f2fe88816bea..000000000000
> --- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/ocxl_hw.h
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
> -/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
> -/*
> - * CXL Flash Device Driver
> - *
> - * Written by: Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *	       Uma Krishnan <ukrishn@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *
> - * Copyright (C) 2018 IBM Corporation
> - */
> -
> -#define OCXL_MAX_IRQS	4	/* Max interrupts per process */
> -
> -struct ocxlflash_irqs {
> -	int hwirq;
> -	u32 virq;
> -	void __iomem *vtrig;
> -};
> -
> -/* OCXL hardware AFU associated with the host */
> -struct ocxl_hw_afu {
> -	struct ocxlflash_context *ocxl_ctx; /* Host context */
> -	struct pci_dev *pdev;		/* PCI device */
> -	struct device *dev;		/* Generic device */
> -	bool perst_same_image;		/* Same image loaded on perst */
> -
> -	struct ocxl_fn_config fcfg;	/* DVSEC config of the function */
> -	struct ocxl_afu_config acfg;	/* AFU configuration data */
> -
> -	int fn_actag_base;		/* Function acTag base */
> -	int fn_actag_enabled;		/* Function acTag number enabled */
> -	int afu_actag_base;		/* AFU acTag base */
> -	int afu_actag_enabled;		/* AFU acTag number enabled */
> -
> -	phys_addr_t ppmmio_phys;	/* Per process MMIO space */
> -	phys_addr_t gmmio_phys;		/* Global AFU MMIO space */
> -	void __iomem *gmmio_virt;	/* Global MMIO map */
> -
> -	void *link_token;		/* Link token for the SPA */
> -	struct idr idr;			/* IDR to manage contexts */
> -	int max_pasid;			/* Maximum number of contexts */
> -	bool is_present;		/* Function has AFUs defined */
> -};
> -
> -enum ocxlflash_ctx_state {
> -};
> -
> -struct ocxlflash_context {
> -	struct ocxl_hw_afu *hw_afu;	/* HW AFU back pointer */
> -	struct address_space *mapping;	/* Mapping for pseudo filesystem */
> -	bool master;			/* Whether this is a master context */
> -	int pe;				/* Process element */
> -
> -	phys_addr_t psn_phys;		/* Process mapping */
> -	u64 psn_size;			/* Process mapping size */
> -
> -	spinlock_t slock;		/* Protects irq/fault/event updates */
> -	wait_queue_head_t wq;		/* Wait queue for poll and interrupts */
> -	struct mutex state_mutex;	/* Mutex to update context state */
> -	enum ocxlflash_ctx_state state;	/* Context state */
> -
> -	struct ocxlflash_irqs *irqs;	/* Pointer to array of structures */
> -	int num_irqs;			/* Number of interrupts */
> -	bool pending_irq;		/* Pending interrupt on the context */
> -	ulong irq_bitmap;		/* Bits indicating pending irq num */
> -
> -	u64 fault_addr;			/* Address that triggered the fault */
> -	u64 fault_dsisr;		/* Value of dsisr register at fault */
> -	bool pending_fault;		/* Pending translation fault */
> -};
> diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/sislite.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/sislite.h
> deleted file mode 100644
> index ab315c59505b..000000000000
> --- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/sislite.h
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
> -/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
> -/*
> - * CXL Flash Device Driver
> - *
> - * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *
> - * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
> - */
> -
> -#ifndef _SISLITE_H
> -#define _SISLITE_H
> -
> -#include <linux/types.h>
> -
> -typedef u16 ctx_hndl_t;
> -typedef u32 res_hndl_t;
> -
> -#define SIZE_4K		4096
> -#define SIZE_64K	65536
> -
> -/*
> - * IOARCB: 64 bytes, min 16 byte alignment required, host native endianness
> - * except for SCSI CDB which remains big endian per SCSI standards.
> - */
> -struct sisl_ioarcb {
> -	u16 ctx_id;		/* ctx_hndl_t */
> -	u16 req_flags;
> -#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_RES_HNDL       0x8000U	/* bit 0 (MSB) */
> -#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_PORT_LUN_ID    0x0000U
> -
> -#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_SUP_UNDERRUN   0x4000U	/* bit 1 */
> -
> -#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_TIMEOUT_SECS   0x0000U	/* bits 8,9 */
> -
> -#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_TMF_CMD        0x0004u	/* bit 13 */
> -
> -#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_AFU_CMD        0x0002U	/* bit 14 */
> -
> -#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_HOST_WRITE     0x0001U	/* bit 15 (LSB) */
> -#define SISL_REQ_FLAGS_HOST_READ      0x0000U
> -
> -	union {
> -		u32 res_hndl;	/* res_hndl_t */
> -		u32 port_sel;	/* this is a selection mask:
> -				 * 0x1 -> port#0 can be selected,
> -				 * 0x2 -> port#1 can be selected.
> -				 * Can be bitwise ORed.
> -				 */
> -	};
> -	u64 lun_id;
> -	u32 data_len;		/* 4K for read/write */
> -	u32 ioadl_len;
> -	union {
> -		u64 data_ea;	/* min 16 byte aligned */
> -		u64 ioadl_ea;
> -	};
> -	u8 msi;			/* LISN to send on RRQ write */
> -#define SISL_MSI_CXL_PFAULT        0	/* reserved for CXL page faults */
> -#define SISL_MSI_SYNC_ERROR        1	/* recommended for AFU sync error */
> -#define SISL_MSI_RRQ_UPDATED       2	/* recommended for IO completion */
> -#define SISL_MSI_ASYNC_ERROR       3	/* master only - for AFU async error */
> -
> -	u8 rrq;			/* 0 for a single RRQ */
> -	u16 timeout;		/* in units specified by req_flags */
> -	u32 rsvd1;
> -	u8 cdb[16];		/* must be in big endian */
> -#define SISL_AFU_CMD_SYNC		0xC0	/* AFU sync command */
> -#define SISL_AFU_CMD_LUN_PROVISION	0xD0	/* AFU LUN provision command */
> -#define SISL_AFU_CMD_DEBUG		0xE0	/* AFU debug command */
> -
> -#define SISL_AFU_LUN_PROVISION_CREATE	0x00	/* LUN provision create type */
> -#define SISL_AFU_LUN_PROVISION_DELETE	0x01	/* LUN provision delete type */
> -
> -	union {
> -		u64 reserved;			/* Reserved for IOARRIN mode */
> -		struct sisl_ioasa *ioasa;	/* IOASA EA for SQ Mode */
> -	};
> -} __packed;
> -
> -struct sisl_rc {
> -	u8 flags;
> -#define SISL_RC_FLAGS_SENSE_VALID         0x80U
> -#define SISL_RC_FLAGS_OVERRUN             0x20U
> -#define SISL_RC_FLAGS_UNDERRUN            0x10U
> -
> -	u8 afu_rc;
> -#define SISL_AFU_RC_RHT_INVALID           0x01U	/* user error */
> -#define SISL_AFU_RC_RHT_UNALIGNED         0x02U	/* should never happen */
> -#define SISL_AFU_RC_RHT_OUT_OF_BOUNDS     0x03u	/* user error */
> -#define SISL_AFU_RC_RHT_DMA_ERR           0x04u	/* see afu_extra
> -						 * may retry if afu_retry is off
> -						 * possible on master exit
> -						 */
> -#define SISL_AFU_RC_RHT_RW_PERM           0x05u	/* no RW perms, user error */
> -#define SISL_AFU_RC_LXT_UNALIGNED         0x12U	/* should never happen */
> -#define SISL_AFU_RC_LXT_OUT_OF_BOUNDS     0x13u	/* user error */
> -#define SISL_AFU_RC_LXT_DMA_ERR           0x14u	/* see afu_extra
> -						 * may retry if afu_retry is off
> -						 * possible on master exit
> -						 */
> -#define SISL_AFU_RC_LXT_RW_PERM           0x15u	/* no RW perms, user error */
> -
> -#define SISL_AFU_RC_NOT_XLATE_HOST        0x1au	/* possible if master exited */
> -
> -	/* NO_CHANNELS means the FC ports selected by dest_port in
> -	 * IOARCB or in the LXT entry are down when the AFU tried to select
> -	 * a FC port. If the port went down on an active IO, it will set
> -	 * fc_rc to =0x54(NOLOGI) or 0x57(LINKDOWN) instead.
> -	 */
> -#define SISL_AFU_RC_NO_CHANNELS           0x20U	/* see afu_extra, may retry */
> -#define SISL_AFU_RC_CAP_VIOLATION         0x21U	/* either user error or
> -						 * afu reset/master restart
> -						 */
> -#define SISL_AFU_RC_OUT_OF_DATA_BUFS      0x30U	/* always retry */
> -#define SISL_AFU_RC_DATA_DMA_ERR          0x31U	/* see afu_extra
> -						 * may retry if afu_retry is off
> -						 */
> -
> -	u8 scsi_rc;		/* SCSI status byte, retry as appropriate */
> -#define SISL_SCSI_RC_CHECK                0x02U
> -#define SISL_SCSI_RC_BUSY                 0x08u
> -
> -	u8 fc_rc;		/* retry */
> -	/*
> -	 * We should only see fc_rc=0x57 (LINKDOWN) or 0x54(NOLOGI) for
> -	 * commands that are in flight when a link goes down or is logged out.
> -	 * If the link is down or logged out before AFU selects the port, either
> -	 * it will choose the other port or we will get afu_rc=0x20 (no_channel)
> -	 * if there is no valid port to use.
> -	 *
> -	 * ABORTPEND/ABORTOK/ABORTFAIL/TGTABORT can be retried, typically these
> -	 * would happen if a frame is dropped and something times out.
> -	 * NOLOGI or LINKDOWN can be retried if the other port is up.
> -	 * RESIDERR can be retried as well.
> -	 *
> -	 * ABORTFAIL might indicate that lots of frames are getting CRC errors.
> -	 * So it maybe retried once and reset the link if it happens again.
> -	 * The link can also be reset on the CRC error threshold interrupt.
> -	 */
> -#define SISL_FC_RC_ABORTPEND	0x52	/* exchange timeout or abort request */
> -#define SISL_FC_RC_WRABORTPEND	0x53	/* due to write XFER_RDY invalid */
> -#define SISL_FC_RC_NOLOGI	0x54	/* port not logged in, in-flight cmds */
> -#define SISL_FC_RC_NOEXP	0x55	/* FC protocol error or HW bug */
> -#define SISL_FC_RC_INUSE	0x56	/* tag already in use, HW bug */
> -#define SISL_FC_RC_LINKDOWN	0x57	/* link down, in-flight cmds */
> -#define SISL_FC_RC_ABORTOK	0x58	/* pending abort completed w/success */
> -#define SISL_FC_RC_ABORTFAIL	0x59	/* pending abort completed w/fail */
> -#define SISL_FC_RC_RESID	0x5A	/* ioasa underrun/overrun flags set */
> -#define SISL_FC_RC_RESIDERR	0x5B	/* actual data len does not match SCSI
> -					 * reported len, possibly due to dropped
> -					 * frames
> -					 */
> -#define SISL_FC_RC_TGTABORT	0x5C	/* command aborted by target */
> -};
> -
> -#define SISL_SENSE_DATA_LEN     20	/* Sense data length         */
> -#define SISL_WWID_DATA_LEN	16	/* WWID data length          */
> -
> -/*
> - * IOASA: 64 bytes & must follow IOARCB, min 16 byte alignment required,
> - * host native endianness
> - */
> -struct sisl_ioasa {
> -	union {
> -		struct sisl_rc rc;
> -		u32 ioasc;
> -#define SISL_IOASC_GOOD_COMPLETION        0x00000000U
> -	};
> -
> -	union {
> -		u32 resid;
> -		u32 lunid_hi;
> -	};
> -
> -	u8 port;
> -	u8 afu_extra;
> -	/* when afu_rc=0x04, 0x14, 0x31 (_xxx_DMA_ERR):
> -	 * afu_exta contains PSL response code. Useful codes are:
> -	 */
> -#define SISL_AFU_DMA_ERR_PAGE_IN	0x0A	/* AFU_retry_on_pagein Action
> -						 *  Enabled            N/A
> -						 *  Disabled           retry
> -						 */
> -#define SISL_AFU_DMA_ERR_INVALID_EA	0x0B	/* this is a hard error
> -						 * afu_rc	Implies
> -						 * 0x04, 0x14	master exit.
> -						 * 0x31         user error.
> -						 */
> -	/* when afu rc=0x20 (no channels):
> -	 * afu_extra bits [4:5]: available portmask,  [6:7]: requested portmask.
> -	 */
> -#define SISL_AFU_NO_CLANNELS_AMASK(afu_extra) (((afu_extra) & 0x0C) >> 2)
> -#define SISL_AFU_NO_CLANNELS_RMASK(afu_extra) ((afu_extra) & 0x03)
> -
> -	u8 scsi_extra;
> -	u8 fc_extra;
> -
> -	union {
> -		u8 sense_data[SISL_SENSE_DATA_LEN];
> -		struct {
> -			u32 lunid_lo;
> -			u8 wwid[SISL_WWID_DATA_LEN];
> -		};
> -	};
> -
> -	/* These fields are defined by the SISlite architecture for the
> -	 * host to use as they see fit for their implementation.
> -	 */
> -	union {
> -		u64 host_use[4];
> -		u8 host_use_b[32];
> -	};
> -} __packed;
> -
> -#define SISL_RESP_HANDLE_T_BIT        0x1ULL	/* Toggle bit */
> -
> -/* MMIO space is required to support only 64-bit access */
> -
> -/*
> - * This AFU has two mechanisms to deal with endian-ness.
> - * One is a global configuration (in the afu_config) register
> - * below that specifies the endian-ness of the host.
> - * The other is a per context (i.e. application) specification
> - * controlled by the endian_ctrl field here. Since the master
> - * context is one such application the master context's
> - * endian-ness is set to be the same as the host.
> - *
> - * As per the SISlite spec, the MMIO registers are always
> - * big endian.
> - */
> -#define SISL_ENDIAN_CTRL_BE           0x8000000000000080ULL
> -#define SISL_ENDIAN_CTRL_LE           0x0000000000000000ULL
> -
> -#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
> -#define SISL_ENDIAN_CTRL              SISL_ENDIAN_CTRL_BE
> -#else
> -#define SISL_ENDIAN_CTRL              SISL_ENDIAN_CTRL_LE
> -#endif
> -
> -/* per context host transport MMIO  */
> -struct sisl_host_map {
> -	__be64 endian_ctrl;	/* Per context Endian Control. The AFU will
> -				 * operate on whatever the context is of the
> -				 * host application.
> -				 */
> -
> -	__be64 intr_status;	/* this sends LISN# programmed in ctx_ctrl.
> -				 * Only recovery in a PERM_ERR is a context
> -				 * exit since there is no way to tell which
> -				 * command caused the error.
> -				 */
> -#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_LISN_3_EA		0x0400ULL /* b53, user error */
> -#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_LISN_2_EA		0x0200ULL /* b54, user error */
> -#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_LISN_1_EA		0x0100ULL /* b55, user error */
> -#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_LISN_3_PASID	0x0080ULL /* b56, user error */
> -#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_LISN_2_PASID	0x0040ULL /* b57, user error */
> -#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_LISN_1_PASID	0x0020ULL /* b58, user error */
> -#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_CMDROOM		0x0010ULL /* b59, user error */
> -#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_RCB_READ		0x0008ULL /* b60, user error */
> -#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_SA_WRITE		0x0004ULL /* b61, user error */
> -#define SISL_ISTATUS_PERM_ERR_RRQ_WRITE		0x0002ULL /* b62, user error */
> -	/* Page in wait accessing RCB/IOASA/RRQ is reported in b63.
> -	 * Same error in data/LXT/RHT access is reported via IOASA.
> -	 */
> -#define SISL_ISTATUS_TEMP_ERR_PAGEIN		0x0001ULL /* b63, can only be
> -							   * generated when AFU
> -							   * auto retry is
> -							   * disabled. If user
> -							   * can determine the
> -							   * command that caused
> -							   * the error, it can
> -							   * be retried.
> -							   */
> -#define SISL_ISTATUS_UNMASK	(0x07FFULL)		/* 1 means unmasked */
> -#define SISL_ISTATUS_MASK	~(SISL_ISTATUS_UNMASK)	/* 1 means masked */
> -
> -	__be64 intr_clear;
> -	__be64 intr_mask;
> -	__be64 ioarrin;		/* only write what cmd_room permits */
> -	__be64 rrq_start;	/* start & end are both inclusive */
> -	__be64 rrq_end;		/* write sequence: start followed by end */
> -	__be64 cmd_room;
> -	__be64 ctx_ctrl;	/* least significant byte or b56:63 is LISN# */
> -#define SISL_CTX_CTRL_UNMAP_SECTOR	0x8000000000000000ULL /* b0 */
> -	__be64 mbox_w;		/* restricted use */
> -	__be64 sq_start;	/* Submission Queue (R/W): write sequence and */
> -	__be64 sq_end;		/* inclusion semantics are the same as RRQ    */
> -	__be64 sq_head;		/* Submission Queue Head (R): for debugging   */
> -	__be64 sq_tail;		/* Submission Queue TAIL (R/W): next IOARCB   */
> -	__be64 sq_ctx_reset;	/* Submission Queue Context Reset (R/W)	      */
> -};
> -
> -/* per context provisioning & control MMIO */
> -struct sisl_ctrl_map {
> -	__be64 rht_start;
> -	__be64 rht_cnt_id;
> -	/* both cnt & ctx_id args must be ULL */
> -#define SISL_RHT_CNT_ID(cnt, ctx_id)  (((cnt) << 48) | ((ctx_id) << 32))
> -
> -	__be64 ctx_cap;	/* afu_rc below is when the capability is violated */
> -#define SISL_CTX_CAP_PROXY_ISSUE       0x8000000000000000ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
> -#define SISL_CTX_CAP_REAL_MODE         0x4000000000000000ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
> -#define SISL_CTX_CAP_HOST_XLATE        0x2000000000000000ULL /* afu_rc 0x1a */
> -#define SISL_CTX_CAP_PROXY_TARGET      0x1000000000000000ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
> -#define SISL_CTX_CAP_AFU_CMD           0x0000000000000008ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
> -#define SISL_CTX_CAP_GSCSI_CMD         0x0000000000000004ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
> -#define SISL_CTX_CAP_WRITE_CMD         0x0000000000000002ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
> -#define SISL_CTX_CAP_READ_CMD          0x0000000000000001ULL /* afu_rc 0x21 */
> -	__be64 mbox_r;
> -	__be64 lisn_pasid[2];
> -	/* pasid _a arg must be ULL */
> -#define SISL_LISN_PASID(_a, _b)	(((_a) << 32) | (_b))
> -	__be64 lisn_ea[3];
> -};
> -
> -/* single copy global regs */
> -struct sisl_global_regs {
> -	__be64 aintr_status;
> -	/*
> -	 * In cxlflash, FC port/link are arranged in port pairs, each
> -	 * gets a byte of status:
> -	 *
> -	 *	*_OTHER:	other err, FC_ERRCAP[31:20]
> -	 *	*_LOGO:		target sent FLOGI/PLOGI/LOGO while logged in
> -	 *	*_CRC_T:	CRC threshold exceeded
> -	 *	*_LOGI_R:	login state machine timed out and retrying
> -	 *	*_LOGI_F:	login failed, FC_ERROR[19:0]
> -	 *	*_LOGI_S:	login succeeded
> -	 *	*_LINK_DN:	link online to offline
> -	 *	*_LINK_UP:	link offline to online
> -	 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_OTHER	 0x80000000ULL /* b32 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_LOGO    0x40000000ULL /* b33 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_CRC_T   0x20000000ULL /* b34 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_LOGI_R  0x10000000ULL /* b35 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_LOGI_F  0x08000000ULL /* b36 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_LOGI_S  0x04000000ULL /* b37 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_LINK_DN 0x02000000ULL /* b38 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC2_LINK_UP 0x01000000ULL /* b39 */
> -
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_OTHER   0x00800000ULL /* b40 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_LOGO    0x00400000ULL /* b41 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_CRC_T   0x00200000ULL /* b42 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_LOGI_R  0x00100000ULL /* b43 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_LOGI_F  0x00080000ULL /* b44 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_LOGI_S  0x00040000ULL /* b45 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_LINK_DN 0x00020000ULL /* b46 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC3_LINK_UP 0x00010000ULL /* b47 */
> -
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_OTHER	 0x00008000ULL /* b48 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_LOGO    0x00004000ULL /* b49 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_CRC_T   0x00002000ULL /* b50 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_LOGI_R  0x00001000ULL /* b51 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_LOGI_F  0x00000800ULL /* b52 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_LOGI_S  0x00000400ULL /* b53 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_LINK_DN 0x00000200ULL /* b54 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC0_LINK_UP 0x00000100ULL /* b55 */
> -
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_OTHER   0x00000080ULL /* b56 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_LOGO    0x00000040ULL /* b57 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_CRC_T   0x00000020ULL /* b58 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_LOGI_R  0x00000010ULL /* b59 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_LOGI_F  0x00000008ULL /* b60 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_LOGI_S  0x00000004ULL /* b61 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_LINK_DN 0x00000002ULL /* b62 */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_FC1_LINK_UP 0x00000001ULL /* b63 */
> -
> -#define SISL_FC_INTERNAL_UNMASK	0x0000000300000000ULL	/* 1 means unmasked */
> -
> -#define SISL_FC_SHUTDOWN_NORMAL		0x0000000000000010ULL
> -#define SISL_FC_SHUTDOWN_ABRUPT		0x0000000000000020ULL
> -
> -#define SISL_STATUS_SHUTDOWN_ACTIVE	0x0000000000000010ULL
> -#define SISL_STATUS_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE	0x0000000000000020ULL
> -
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_UNMASK	0xFFFFFFFFULL		/* 1 means unmasked */
> -#define SISL_ASTATUS_MASK	~(SISL_ASTATUS_UNMASK)	/* 1 means masked */
> -
> -	__be64 aintr_clear;
> -	__be64 aintr_mask;
> -	__be64 afu_ctrl;
> -	__be64 afu_hb;
> -	__be64 afu_scratch_pad;
> -	__be64 afu_port_sel;
> -#define SISL_AFUCONF_AR_LXT	0x2000ULL
> -#define SISL_AFUCONF_AR_RHT	0x1000ULL
> -#define SISL_AFUCONF_AR_DATA	0x0800ULL
> -#define SISL_AFUCONF_AR_RSRC	0x0400ULL
> -#define SISL_AFUCONF_AR_IOASA	0x0200ULL
> -#define SISL_AFUCONF_AR_RRQ	0x0100ULL
> -/* Aggregate all Auto Retry Bits */
> -#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
> -#define SISL_AFUCONF_ENDIAN            0x0000ULL
> -#else
> -#define SISL_AFUCONF_ENDIAN            0x0020ULL
> -#endif
> -#define SISL_AFUCONF_MBOX_CLR_READ     0x0010ULL
> -	__be64 afu_config;
> -	__be64 rsvd[0xf8];
> -	__le64 afu_version;
> -	__be64 interface_version;
> -#define SISL_INTVER_CAP_SHIFT			16
> -#define SISL_INTVER_MAJ_SHIFT			8
> -#define SISL_INTVER_MAJ_MASK			0x00000000FFFF0000ULL
> -#define SISL_INTVER_MIN_MASK			0x000000000000FFFFULL
> -#define SISL_INTVER_CAP_IOARRIN_CMD_MODE	0x800000000000ULL
> -#define SISL_INTVER_CAP_SQ_CMD_MODE		0x400000000000ULL
> -#define SISL_INTVER_CAP_RESERVED_CMD_MODE_A	0x200000000000ULL
> -#define SISL_INTVER_CAP_RESERVED_CMD_MODE_B	0x100000000000ULL
> -#define SISL_INTVER_CAP_LUN_PROVISION		0x080000000000ULL
> -#define SISL_INTVER_CAP_AFU_DEBUG		0x040000000000ULL
> -#define SISL_INTVER_CAP_OCXL_LISN		0x020000000000ULL
> -};
> -
> -#define CXLFLASH_NUM_FC_PORTS_PER_BANK	2	/* fixed # of ports per bank */
> -#define CXLFLASH_MAX_FC_BANKS		2	/* max # of banks supported */
> -#define CXLFLASH_MAX_CONTEXT	512	/* number of contexts per AFU */
> -#define CXLFLASH_NUM_VLUNS	512	/* number of vluns per AFU/port */
> -#define CXLFLASH_NUM_REGS	512	/* number of registers per port */
> -
> -struct fc_port_bank {
> -};
> -
> -struct sisl_global_map {
> -	union {
> -		struct sisl_global_regs regs;
> -		char page0[SIZE_4K];	/* page 0 */
> -	};
> -
> -	char page1[SIZE_4K];	/* page 1 */
> -
> -	struct fc_port_bank bank[CXLFLASH_MAX_FC_BANKS]; /* pages 2 - 9 */
> -
> -	/* pages 10 - 15 are reserved */
> -
> -};
> -
> -/*
> - * CXL Flash Memory Map
> - *
> - *	+-------------------------------+
> - *	|    512 * 64 KB User MMIO      |
> - *	|        (per context)          |
> - *	|       User Accessible         |
> - *	+-------------------------------+
> - *	|    512 * 128 B per context    |
> - *	|    Provisioning and Control   |
> - *	|   Trusted Process accessible  |
> - *	+-------------------------------+
> - *	|         64 KB Global          |
> - *	|   Trusted Process accessible  |
> - *	+-------------------------------+
> - */
> -struct cxlflash_afu_map {
> -	union {
> -		struct sisl_host_map host;
> -		char harea[SIZE_64K];	/* 64KB each */
> -
> -	union {
> -		struct sisl_ctrl_map ctrl;
> -		char carea[cache_line_size()];	/* 128B each */
> -
> -	union {
> -		struct sisl_global_map global;
> -		char garea[SIZE_64K];	/* 64KB single block */
> -	};
> -};
> -
> -/*
> - * LXT - LBA Translation Table
> - * LXT control blocks
> - */
> -struct sisl_lxt_entry {
> -	u64 rlba_base;	/* bits 0:47 is base
> -			 * b48:55 is lun index
> -			 * b58:59 is write & read perms
> -			 * (if no perm, afu_rc=0x15)
> -			 * b60:63 is port_sel mask
> -			 */
> -};
> -
> -/*
> - * RHT - Resource Handle Table
> - * Per the SISlite spec, RHT entries are to be 16-byte aligned
> - */
> -struct sisl_rht_entry {
> -	struct sisl_lxt_entry *lxt_start;
> -	u32 lxt_cnt;
> -	u16 rsvd;
> -	u8 fp;			/* format & perm nibbles.
> -				 * (if no perm, afu_rc=0x05)
> -				 */
> -	u8 nmask;
> -} __packed __aligned(16);
> -
> -struct sisl_rht_entry_f1 {
> -	u64 lun_id;
> -	union {
> -		struct {
> -			u8 valid;
> -			u8 rsvd[5];
> -			u8 fp;
> -			u8 port_sel;
> -		};
> -
> -		u64 dw;
> -	};
> -} __packed __aligned(16);
> -
> -/* make the fp byte */
> -#define SISL_RHT_FP(fmt, perm) (((fmt) << 4) | (perm))
> -
> -/* make the fp byte for a clone from a source fp and clone flags
> - * flags must be only 2 LSB bits.
> - */
> -#define SISL_RHT_FP_CLONE(src_fp, cln_flags) ((src_fp) & (0xFC | (cln_flags)))
> -
> -#define RHT_PERM_READ  0x01U
> -#define RHT_PERM_WRITE 0x02U
> -
> -/* extract the perm bits from a fp */
> -#define SISL_RHT_PERM(fp) ((fp) & RHT_PERM_RW)
> -
> -#define PORT0  0x01U
> -#define PORT1  0x02U
> -#define PORT2  0x04U
> -#define PORT3  0x08U
> -#define PORT_MASK(_n)	((1 << (_n)) - 1)
> -
> -/* AFU Sync Mode byte */
> -#define AFU_LW_SYNC 0x0U
> -#define AFU_HW_SYNC 0x1U
> -#define AFU_GSYNC   0x2U
> -
> -/* Special Task Management Function CDB */
> -#define TMF_LUN_RESET  0x1U
> -#define TMF_CLEAR_ACA  0x2U
> -
> -#endif /* _SISLITE_H */
> diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.c b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.c
> deleted file mode 100644
> index 97631f48e19d..000000000000
> --- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.c
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,2218 +0,0 @@
> -// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
> -/*
> - * CXL Flash Device Driver
> - *
> - * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *
> - * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
> - */
> -
> -#include <linux/delay.h>
> -#include <linux/file.h>
> -#include <linux/interrupt.h>
> -#include <linux/pci.h>
> -#include <linux/syscalls.h>
> -#include <linux/unaligned.h>
> -
> -#include <scsi/scsi.h>
> -#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
> -#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
> -#include <scsi/scsi_eh.h>
> -#include <uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h>
> -
> -#include "sislite.h"
> -#include "common.h"
> -#include "vlun.h"
> -#include "superpipe.h"
> -
> -struct cxlflash_global global;
> -
> -/**
> - * marshal_rele_to_resize() - translate release to resize structure
> - * @release:	Source structure from which to translate/copy.
> - * @resize:	Destination structure for the translate/copy.
> - */
> -static void marshal_rele_to_resize(struct dk_cxlflash_release *release,
> -				   struct dk_cxlflash_resize *resize)
> -{
> -	resize->hdr = release->hdr;
> -	resize->context_id = release->context_id;
> -	resize->rsrc_handle = release->rsrc_handle;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * marshal_det_to_rele() - translate detach to release structure
> - * @detach:	Destination structure for the translate/copy.
> - * @release:	Source structure from which to translate/copy.
> - */
> -static void marshal_det_to_rele(struct dk_cxlflash_detach *detach,
> -				struct dk_cxlflash_release *release)
> -{
> -	release->hdr = detach->hdr;
> -	release->context_id = detach->context_id;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * marshal_udir_to_rele() - translate udirect to release structure
> - * @udirect:	Source structure from which to translate/copy.
> - * @release:	Destination structure for the translate/copy.
> - */
> -static void marshal_udir_to_rele(struct dk_cxlflash_udirect *udirect,
> -				 struct dk_cxlflash_release *release)
> -{
> -	release->hdr = udirect->hdr;
> -	release->context_id = udirect->context_id;
> -	release->rsrc_handle = udirect->rsrc_handle;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_free_errpage() - frees resources associated with global error page
> - */
> -void cxlflash_free_errpage(void)
> -{
> -
> -	mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
> -	if (global.err_page) {
> -		__free_page(global.err_page);
> -		global.err_page = NULL;
> -	}
> -	mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_stop_term_user_contexts() - stops/terminates known user contexts
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - *
> - * When the host needs to go down, all users must be quiesced and their
> - * memory freed. This is accomplished by putting the contexts in error
> - * state which will notify the user and let them 'drive' the tear down.
> - * Meanwhile, this routine camps until all user contexts have been removed.
> - *
> - * Note that the main loop in this routine will always execute at least once
> - * to flush the reset_waitq.
> - */
> -void cxlflash_stop_term_user_contexts(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	int i, found = true;
> -
> -	cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(cfg);
> -
> -	while (true) {
> -		for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONTEXT; i++)
> -			if (cfg->ctx_tbl[i]) {
> -				found = true;
> -				break;
> -			}
> -
> -		if (!found && list_empty(&cfg->ctx_err_recovery))
> -			return;
> -
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Wait for user contexts to quiesce...\n",
> -			__func__);
> -		wake_up_all(&cfg->reset_waitq);
> -		ssleep(1);
> -		found = false;
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * find_error_context() - locates a context by cookie on the error recovery list
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - * @rctxid:	Desired context by id.
> - * @file:	Desired context by file.
> - *
> - * Return: Found context on success, NULL on failure
> - */
> -static struct ctx_info *find_error_context(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u64 rctxid,
> -					   struct file *file)
> -{
> -	struct ctx_info *ctxi;
> -
> -	list_for_each_entry(ctxi, &cfg->ctx_err_recovery, list)
> -		if ((ctxi->ctxid == rctxid) || (ctxi->file == file))
> -			return ctxi;
> -
> -	return NULL;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * get_context() - obtains a validated and locked context reference
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - * @rctxid:	Desired context (raw, un-decoded format).
> - * @arg:	LUN information or file associated with request.
> - * @ctx_ctrl:	Control information to 'steer' desired lookup.
> - *
> - * NOTE: despite the name pid, in linux, current->pid actually refers
> - * to the lightweight process id (tid) and can change if the process is
> - * multi threaded. The tgid remains constant for the process and only changes
> - * when the process of fork. For all intents and purposes, think of tgid
> - * as a pid in the traditional sense.
> - *
> - * Return: Validated context on success, NULL on failure
> - */
> -struct ctx_info *get_context(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u64 rctxid,
> -			     void *arg, enum ctx_ctrl ctx_ctrl)
> -{
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
> -	struct lun_access *lun_access = NULL;
> -	struct file *file = NULL;
> -	struct llun_info *lli = arg;
> -	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(rctxid);
> -	int rc;
> -	pid_t pid = task_tgid_nr(current), ctxpid = 0;
> -
> -	if (ctx_ctrl & CTX_CTRL_FILE) {
> -		lli = NULL;
> -		file = (struct file *)arg;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (ctx_ctrl & CTX_CTRL_CLONE)
> -		pid = task_ppid_nr(current);
> -
> -	if (likely(ctxid < MAX_CONTEXT)) {
> -		while (true) {
> -			mutex_lock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
> -			ctxi = cfg->ctx_tbl[ctxid];
> -			if (ctxi)
> -				if ((file && (ctxi->file != file)) ||
> -				    (!file && (ctxi->ctxid != rctxid)))
> -					ctxi = NULL;
> -
> -			if ((ctx_ctrl & CTX_CTRL_ERR) ||
> -			    (!ctxi && (ctx_ctrl & CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK)))
> -				ctxi = find_error_context(cfg, rctxid, file);
> -			if (!ctxi) {
> -				mutex_unlock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
> -				goto out;
> -			}
> -
> -			/*
> -			 * Need to acquire ownership of the context while still
> -			 * under the table/list lock to serialize with a remove
> -			 * thread. Use the 'try' to avoid stalling the
> -			 * table/list lock for a single context.
> -			 *
> -			 * Note that the lock order is:
> -			 *
> -			 *	cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex -> ctxi->mutex
> -			 *
> -			 * Therefore release ctx_tbl_list_mutex before retrying.
> -			 */
> -			rc = mutex_trylock(&ctxi->mutex);
> -			mutex_unlock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
> -			if (rc)
> -				break; /* got the context's lock! */
> -		}
> -
> -		if (ctxi->unavail)
> -			goto denied;
> -
> -		ctxpid = ctxi->pid;
> -		if (likely(!(ctx_ctrl & CTX_CTRL_NOPID)))
> -			if (pid != ctxpid)
> -				goto denied;
> -
> -		if (lli) {
> -			list_for_each_entry(lun_access, &ctxi->luns, list)
> -				if (lun_access->lli == lli)
> -					goto out;
> -			goto denied;
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -out:
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: rctxid=%016llx ctxinfo=%p ctxpid=%u pid=%u "
> -		"ctx_ctrl=%u\n", __func__, rctxid, ctxi, ctxpid, pid,
> -		ctx_ctrl);
> -
> -	return ctxi;
> -
> -denied:
> -	mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
> -	ctxi = NULL;
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * put_context() - release a context that was retrieved from get_context()
> - * @ctxi:	Context to release.
> - *
> - * For now, releasing the context equates to unlocking it's mutex.
> - */
> -void put_context(struct ctx_info *ctxi)
> -{
> -	mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * afu_attach() - attach a context to the AFU
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - * @ctxi:	Context to attach.
> - *
> - * Upon setting the context capabilities, they must be confirmed with
> - * a read back operation as the context might have been closed since
> - * the mailbox was unlocked. When this occurs, registration is failed.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int afu_attach(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, struct ctx_info *ctxi)
> -{
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct sisl_ctrl_map __iomem *ctrl_map = ctxi->ctrl_map;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
> -	u64 val;
> -	int i;
> -
> -	/* Unlock cap and restrict user to read/write cmds in translated mode */
> -	readq_be(&ctrl_map->mbox_r);
> -	writeq_be(val, &ctrl_map->ctx_cap);
> -	val = readq_be(&ctrl_map->ctx_cap);
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: ctx may be closed val=%016llx\n",
> -			__func__, val);
> -		rc = -EAGAIN;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (afu_is_ocxl_lisn(afu)) {
> -		/* Set up the LISN effective address for each interrupt */
> -		for (i = 0; i < ctxi->irqs; i++) {
> -			val = cfg->ops->get_irq_objhndl(ctxi->ctx, i);
> -			writeq_be(val, &ctrl_map->lisn_ea[i]);
> -		}
> -
> -		/* Use primary HWQ PASID as identifier for all interrupts */
> -		val = hwq->ctx_hndl;
> -		writeq_be(SISL_LISN_PASID(val, val), &ctrl_map->lisn_pasid[0]);
> -		writeq_be(SISL_LISN_PASID(0UL, val), &ctrl_map->lisn_pasid[1]);
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Set up MMIO registers pointing to the RHT */
> -	writeq_be((u64)ctxi->rht_start, &ctrl_map->rht_start);
> -	val = SISL_RHT_CNT_ID((u64)MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT, (u64)(hwq->ctx_hndl));
> -	writeq_be(val, &ctrl_map->rht_cnt_id);
> -out:
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * read_cap16() - issues a SCSI READ_CAP16 command
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
> - * @lli:	LUN destined for capacity request.
> - *
> - * The READ_CAP16 can take quite a while to complete. Should an EEH occur while
> - * in scsi_execute_cmd(), the EEH handler will attempt to recover. As part of
> - * the recovery, the handler drains all currently running ioctls, waiting until
> - * they have completed before proceeding with a reset. As this routine is used
> - * on the ioctl path, this can create a condition where the EEH handler becomes
> - * stuck, infinitely waiting for this ioctl thread. To avoid this behavior,
> - * temporarily unmark this thread as an ioctl thread by releasing the ioctl
> - * read semaphore. This will allow the EEH handler to proceed with a recovery
> - * while this thread is still running. Once the scsi_execute_cmd() returns,
> - * reacquire the ioctl read semaphore and check the adapter state in case it
> - * changed while inside of scsi_execute_cmd(). The state check will wait if the
> - * adapter is still being recovered or return a failure if the recovery failed.
> - * In the event that the adapter reset failed, simply return the failure as the
> - * ioctl would be unable to continue.
> - *
> - * Note that the above puts a requirement on this routine to only be called on
> - * an ioctl thread.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int read_cap16(struct scsi_device *sdev, struct llun_info *lli)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
> -	struct scsi_sense_hdr sshdr;
> -	const struct scsi_exec_args exec_args = {
> -		.sshdr = &sshdr,
> -	};
> -	u8 *cmd_buf = NULL;
> -	u8 *scsi_cmd = NULL;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	int result = 0;
> -	int retry_cnt = 0;
> -	u32 to = CMD_TIMEOUT * HZ;
> -
> -retry:
> -	cmd_buf = kzalloc(CMD_BUFSIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
> -	scsi_cmd = kzalloc(MAX_COMMAND_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
> -	if (unlikely(!cmd_buf || !scsi_cmd)) {
> -		rc = -ENOMEM;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	scsi_cmd[0] = SERVICE_ACTION_IN_16;	/* read cap(16) */
> -	scsi_cmd[1] = SAI_READ_CAPACITY_16;	/* service action */
> -	put_unaligned_be32(CMD_BUFSIZE, &scsi_cmd[10]);
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: %ssending cmd(%02x)\n", __func__,
> -		retry_cnt ? "re" : "", scsi_cmd[0]);
> -
> -	/* Drop the ioctl read semaphore across lengthy call */
> -	up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
> -	result = scsi_execute_cmd(sdev, scsi_cmd, REQ_OP_DRV_IN, cmd_buf,
> -				  CMD_BUFSIZE, to, CMD_RETRIES, &exec_args);
> -	down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
> -	rc = check_state(cfg);
> -	if (rc) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed state result=%08x\n",
> -			__func__, result);
> -		rc = -ENODEV;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (result > 0 && scsi_sense_valid(&sshdr)) {
> -		if (result & SAM_STAT_CHECK_CONDITION) {
> -			switch (sshdr.sense_key) {
> -			case NO_SENSE:
> -			case NOT_READY:
> -				result &= ~SAM_STAT_CHECK_CONDITION;
> -				break;
> -			case UNIT_ATTENTION:
> -				switch (sshdr.asc) {
> -				case 0x29: /* Power on Reset or Device Reset */
> -					fallthrough;
> -				case 0x2A: /* Device capacity changed */
> -				case 0x3F: /* Report LUNs changed */
> -					/* Retry the command once more */
> -					if (retry_cnt++ < 1) {
> -						kfree(cmd_buf);
> -						kfree(scsi_cmd);
> -						goto retry;
> -					}
> -				}
> -				break;
> -			default:
> -				break;
> -			}
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	if (result) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: command failed, result=%08x\n",
> -			__func__, result);
> -		rc = -EIO;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * Read cap was successful, grab values from the buffer;
> -	 * note that we don't need to worry about unaligned access
> -	 * as the buffer is allocated on an aligned boundary.
> -	 */
> -	mutex_lock(&gli->mutex);
> -	gli->max_lba = be64_to_cpu(*((__be64 *)&cmd_buf[0]));
> -	gli->blk_len = be32_to_cpu(*((__be32 *)&cmd_buf[8]));
> -	mutex_unlock(&gli->mutex);
> -
> -out:
> -	kfree(cmd_buf);
> -	kfree(scsi_cmd);
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: maxlba=%lld blklen=%d rc=%d\n",
> -		__func__, gli->max_lba, gli->blk_len, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * get_rhte() - obtains validated resource handle table entry reference
> - * @ctxi:	Context owning the resource handle.
> - * @rhndl:	Resource handle associated with entry.
> - * @lli:	LUN associated with request.
> - *
> - * Return: Validated RHTE on success, NULL on failure
> - */
> -struct sisl_rht_entry *get_rhte(struct ctx_info *ctxi, res_hndl_t rhndl,
> -				struct llun_info *lli)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = ctxi->cfg;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte = NULL;
> -
> -	if (unlikely(!ctxi->rht_start)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Context does not have allocated RHT\n",
> -			 __func__);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (unlikely(rhndl >= MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad resource handle rhndl=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rhndl);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (unlikely(ctxi->rht_lun[rhndl] != lli)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad resource handle LUN rhndl=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rhndl);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	rhte = &ctxi->rht_start[rhndl];
> -	if (unlikely(rhte->nmask == 0)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Unopened resource handle rhndl=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rhndl);
> -		rhte = NULL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -out:
> -	return rhte;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * rhte_checkout() - obtains free/empty resource handle table entry
> - * @ctxi:	Context owning the resource handle.
> - * @lli:	LUN associated with request.
> - *
> - * Return: Free RHTE on success, NULL on failure
> - */
> -struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte_checkout(struct ctx_info *ctxi,
> -				     struct llun_info *lli)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = ctxi->cfg;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte = NULL;
> -	int i;
> -
> -	/* Find a free RHT entry */
> -	for (i = 0; i < MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT; i++)
> -		if (ctxi->rht_start[i].nmask == 0) {
> -			rhte = &ctxi->rht_start[i];
> -			ctxi->rht_out++;
> -			break;
> -		}
> -
> -	if (likely(rhte))
> -		ctxi->rht_lun[i] = lli;
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rhte=%p index=%d\n", __func__, rhte, i);
> -	return rhte;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * rhte_checkin() - releases a resource handle table entry
> - * @ctxi:	Context owning the resource handle.
> - * @rhte:	RHTE to release.
> - */
> -void rhte_checkin(struct ctx_info *ctxi,
> -		  struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte)
> -{
> -	u32 rsrc_handle = rhte - ctxi->rht_start;
> -
> -	rhte->nmask = 0;
> -	rhte->fp = 0;
> -	ctxi->rht_out--;
> -	ctxi->rht_lun[rsrc_handle] = NULL;
> -	ctxi->rht_needs_ws[rsrc_handle] = false;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * rht_format1() - populates a RHTE for format 1
> - * @rhte:	RHTE to populate.
> - * @lun_id:	LUN ID of LUN associated with RHTE.
> - * @perm:	Desired permissions for RHTE.
> - * @port_sel:	Port selection mask
> - */
> -static void rht_format1(struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte, u64 lun_id, u32 perm,
> -			u32 port_sel)
> -{
> -	/*
> -	 * Populate the Format 1 RHT entry for direct access (physical
> -	 * LUN) using the synchronization sequence defined in the
> -	 * SISLite specification.
> -	 */
> -	struct sisl_rht_entry_f1 dummy = { 0 };
> -	struct sisl_rht_entry_f1 *rhte_f1 = (struct sisl_rht_entry_f1 *)rhte;
> -
> -	memset(rhte_f1, 0, sizeof(*rhte_f1));
> -	rhte_f1->fp = SISL_RHT_FP(1U, 0);
> -	dma_wmb(); /* Make setting of format bit visible */
> -
> -	rhte_f1->lun_id = lun_id;
> -	dma_wmb(); /* Make setting of LUN id visible */
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * Use a dummy RHT Format 1 entry to build the second dword
> -	 * of the entry that must be populated in a single write when
> -	 * enabled (valid bit set to TRUE).
> -	 */
> -	dummy.valid = 0x80;
> -	dummy.fp = SISL_RHT_FP(1U, perm);
> -	dummy.port_sel = port_sel;
> -	rhte_f1->dw = dummy.dw;
> -
> -	dma_wmb(); /* Make remaining RHT entry fields visible */
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_lun_attach() - attaches a user to a LUN and manages the LUN's mode
> - * @gli:	LUN to attach.
> - * @mode:	Desired mode of the LUN.
> - * @locked:	Mutex status on current thread.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -int cxlflash_lun_attach(struct glun_info *gli, enum lun_mode mode, bool locked)
> -{
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	if (!locked)
> -		mutex_lock(&gli->mutex);
> -
> -	if (gli->mode == MODE_NONE)
> -		gli->mode = mode;
> -	else if (gli->mode != mode) {
> -		pr_debug("%s: gli_mode=%d requested_mode=%d\n",
> -			 __func__, gli->mode, mode);
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	gli->users++;
> -	WARN_ON(gli->users <= 0);
> -out:
> -	pr_debug("%s: Returning rc=%d gli->mode=%u gli->users=%u\n",
> -		 __func__, rc, gli->mode, gli->users);
> -	if (!locked)
> -		mutex_unlock(&gli->mutex);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_lun_detach() - detaches a user from a LUN and resets the LUN's mode
> - * @gli:	LUN to detach.
> - *
> - * When resetting the mode, terminate block allocation resources as they
> - * are no longer required (service is safe to call even when block allocation
> - * resources were not present - such as when transitioning from physical mode).
> - * These resources will be reallocated when needed (subsequent transition to
> - * virtual mode).
> - */
> -void cxlflash_lun_detach(struct glun_info *gli)
> -{
> -	mutex_lock(&gli->mutex);
> -	WARN_ON(gli->mode == MODE_NONE);
> -	if (--gli->users == 0) {
> -		gli->mode = MODE_NONE;
> -		cxlflash_ba_terminate(&gli->blka.ba_lun);
> -	}
> -	pr_debug("%s: gli->users=%u\n", __func__, gli->users);
> -	WARN_ON(gli->users < 0);
> -	mutex_unlock(&gli->mutex);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * _cxlflash_disk_release() - releases the specified resource entry
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
> - * @ctxi:	Context owning resources.
> - * @release:	Release ioctl data structure.
> - *
> - * For LUNs in virtual mode, the virtual LUN associated with the specified
> - * resource handle is resized to 0 prior to releasing the RHTE. Note that the
> - * AFU sync should _not_ be performed when the context is sitting on the error
> - * recovery list. A context on the error recovery list is not known to the AFU
> - * due to reset. When the context is recovered, it will be reattached and made
> - * known again to the AFU.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -int _cxlflash_disk_release(struct scsi_device *sdev,
> -			   struct ctx_info *ctxi,
> -			   struct dk_cxlflash_release *release)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
> -	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	bool put_ctx = false;
> -
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_resize size;
> -	res_hndl_t rhndl = release->rsrc_handle;
> -
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	int rcr = 0;
> -	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(release->context_id),
> -	    rctxid = release->context_id;
> -
> -	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte;
> -	struct sisl_rht_entry_f1 *rhte_f1;
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%llu rhndl=%llu gli->mode=%u gli->users=%u\n",
> -		__func__, ctxid, release->rsrc_handle, gli->mode, gli->users);
> -
> -	if (!ctxi) {
> -		ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK);
> -		if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
> -			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n",
> -				__func__, ctxid);
> -			rc = -EINVAL;
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -
> -		put_ctx = true;
> -	}
> -
> -	rhte = get_rhte(ctxi, rhndl, lli);
> -	if (unlikely(!rhte)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad resource handle rhndl=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rhndl);
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * Resize to 0 for virtual LUNS by setting the size
> -	 * to 0. This will clear LXT_START and LXT_CNT fields
> -	 * in the RHT entry and properly sync with the AFU.
> -	 *
> -	 * Afterwards we clear the remaining fields.
> -	 */
> -	switch (gli->mode) {
> -	case MODE_VIRTUAL:
> -		marshal_rele_to_resize(release, &size);
> -		size.req_size = 0;
> -		rc = _cxlflash_vlun_resize(sdev, ctxi, &size);
> -		if (rc) {
> -			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: resize failed rc %d\n", __func__, rc);
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -
> -		break;
> -		/*
> -		 * Clear the Format 1 RHT entry for direct access
> -		 * (physical LUN) using the synchronization sequence
> -		 * defined in the SISLite specification.
> -		 */
> -		rhte_f1 = (struct sisl_rht_entry_f1 *)rhte;
> -
> -		rhte_f1->valid = 0;
> -		dma_wmb(); /* Make revocation of RHT entry visible */
> -
> -		rhte_f1->lun_id = 0;
> -		dma_wmb(); /* Make clearing of LUN id visible */
> -
> -		rhte_f1->dw = 0;
> -		dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry bottom-half clearing visible */
> -
> -		if (!ctxi->err_recovery_active) {
> -			rcr = cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, ctxid, rhndl, AFU_HW_SYNC);
> -			if (unlikely(rcr))
> -				dev_dbg(dev, "%s: AFU sync failed rc=%d\n",
> -					__func__, rcr);
> -		}
> -		break;
> -	default:
> -		WARN(1, "Unsupported LUN mode!");
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	rhte_checkin(ctxi, rhte);
> -	cxlflash_lun_detach(gli);
> -
> -out:
> -	if (put_ctx)
> -		put_context(ctxi);
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -int cxlflash_disk_release(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *release)
> -{
> -	return _cxlflash_disk_release(sdev, NULL, release);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * destroy_context() - releases a context
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - * @ctxi:	Context to release.
> - *
> - * This routine is safe to be called with a a non-initialized context.
> - * Also note that the routine conditionally checks for the existence
> - * of the context control map before clearing the RHT registers and
> - * context capabilities because it is possible to destroy a context
> - * while the context is in the error state (previous mapping was
> - * removed [so there is no need to worry about clearing] and context
> - * is waiting for a new mapping).
> - */
> -static void destroy_context(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg,
> -			    struct ctx_info *ctxi)
> -{
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -
> -	if (ctxi->initialized) {
> -		WARN_ON(!list_empty(&ctxi->luns));
> -
> -		/* Clear RHT registers and drop all capabilities for context */
> -		if (afu->afu_map && ctxi->ctrl_map) {
> -			writeq_be(0, &ctxi->ctrl_map->rht_start);
> -			writeq_be(0, &ctxi->ctrl_map->rht_cnt_id);
> -			writeq_be(0, &ctxi->ctrl_map->ctx_cap);
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Free memory associated with context */
> -	free_page((ulong)ctxi->rht_start);
> -	kfree(ctxi->rht_needs_ws);
> -	kfree(ctxi->rht_lun);
> -	kfree(ctxi);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * create_context() - allocates and initializes a context
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - *
> - * Return: Allocated context on success, NULL on failure
> - */
> -static struct ctx_info *create_context(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
> -	struct llun_info **lli = NULL;
> -	u8 *ws = NULL;
> -	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte;
> -
> -	ctxi = kzalloc(sizeof(*ctxi), GFP_KERNEL);
> -	lli = kzalloc((MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT * sizeof(*lli)), GFP_KERNEL);
> -	ws = kzalloc((MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT * sizeof(*ws)), GFP_KERNEL);
> -	if (unlikely(!ctxi || !lli || !ws)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Unable to allocate context\n", __func__);
> -		goto err;
> -	}
> -
> -	rhte = (struct sisl_rht_entry *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL);
> -	if (unlikely(!rhte)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Unable to allocate RHT\n", __func__);
> -		goto err;
> -	}
> -
> -	ctxi->rht_lun = lli;
> -	ctxi->rht_needs_ws = ws;
> -	ctxi->rht_start = rhte;
> -out:
> -	return ctxi;
> -
> -err:
> -	kfree(ws);
> -	kfree(lli);
> -	kfree(ctxi);
> -	ctxi = NULL;
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * init_context() - initializes a previously allocated context
> - * @ctxi:	Previously allocated context
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - * @ctx:	Previously obtained context cookie.
> - * @ctxid:	Previously obtained process element associated with CXL context.
> - * @file:	Previously obtained file associated with CXL context.
> - * @perms:	User-specified permissions.
> - * @irqs:	User-specified number of interrupts.
> - */
> -static void init_context(struct ctx_info *ctxi, struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg,
> -			 void *ctx, int ctxid, struct file *file, u32 perms,
> -			 u64 irqs)
> -{
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -
> -	ctxi->rht_perms = perms;
> -	ctxi->ctrl_map = &afu->afu_map->ctrls[ctxid].ctrl;
> -	ctxi->ctxid = ENCODE_CTXID(ctxi, ctxid);
> -	ctxi->irqs = irqs;
> -	ctxi->pid = task_tgid_nr(current); /* tgid = pid */
> -	ctxi->ctx = ctx;
> -	ctxi->cfg = cfg;
> -	ctxi->file = file;
> -	ctxi->initialized = true;
> -	mutex_init(&ctxi->mutex);
> -	kref_init(&ctxi->kref);
> -	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ctxi->luns);
> -	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ctxi->list); /* initialize for list_empty() */
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * remove_context() - context kref release handler
> - * @kref:	Kernel reference associated with context to be removed.
> - *
> - * When a context no longer has any references it can safely be removed
> - * from global access and destroyed. Note that it is assumed the thread
> - * relinquishing access to the context holds its mutex.
> - */
> -static void remove_context(struct kref *kref)
> -{
> -	struct ctx_info *ctxi = container_of(kref, struct ctx_info, kref);
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = ctxi->cfg;
> -	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(ctxi->ctxid);
> -
> -	/* Remove context from table/error list */
> -	WARN_ON(!mutex_is_locked(&ctxi->mutex));
> -	ctxi->unavail = true;
> -	mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
> -	mutex_lock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
> -	mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
> -
> -	if (!list_empty(&ctxi->list))
> -		list_del(&ctxi->list);
> -	cfg->ctx_tbl[ctxid] = NULL;
> -	mutex_unlock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
> -	mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
> -
> -	/* Context now completely uncoupled/unreachable */
> -	destroy_context(cfg, ctxi);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * _cxlflash_disk_detach() - detaches a LUN from a context
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
> - * @ctxi:	Context owning resources.
> - * @detach:	Detach ioctl data structure.
> - *
> - * As part of the detach, all per-context resources associated with the LUN
> - * are cleaned up. When detaching the last LUN for a context, the context
> - * itself is cleaned up and released.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int _cxlflash_disk_detach(struct scsi_device *sdev,
> -				 struct ctx_info *ctxi,
> -				 struct dk_cxlflash_detach *detach)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
> -	struct lun_access *lun_access, *t;
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_release rel;
> -	bool put_ctx = false;
> -
> -	int i;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(detach->context_id),
> -	    rctxid = detach->context_id;
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid);
> -
> -	if (!ctxi) {
> -		ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK);
> -		if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
> -			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n",
> -				__func__, ctxid);
> -			rc = -EINVAL;
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -
> -		put_ctx = true;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Cleanup outstanding resources tied to this LUN */
> -	if (ctxi->rht_out) {
> -		marshal_det_to_rele(detach, &rel);
> -		for (i = 0; i < MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT; i++) {
> -			if (ctxi->rht_lun[i] == lli) {
> -				rel.rsrc_handle = i;
> -				_cxlflash_disk_release(sdev, ctxi, &rel);
> -			}
> -
> -			/* No need to loop further if we're done */
> -			if (ctxi->rht_out == 0)
> -				break;
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Take our LUN out of context, free the node */
> -	list_for_each_entry_safe(lun_access, t, &ctxi->luns, list)
> -		if (lun_access->lli == lli) {
> -			list_del(&lun_access->list);
> -			kfree(lun_access);
> -			lun_access = NULL;
> -			break;
> -		}
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * Release the context reference and the sdev reference that
> -	 * bound this LUN to the context.
> -	 */
> -	if (kref_put(&ctxi->kref, remove_context))
> -		put_ctx = false;
> -	scsi_device_put(sdev);
> -out:
> -	if (put_ctx)
> -		put_context(ctxi);
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -static int cxlflash_disk_detach(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *detach)
> -{
> -	return _cxlflash_disk_detach(sdev, NULL, detach);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_cxl_release() - release handler for adapter file descriptor
> - * @inode:	File-system inode associated with fd.
> - * @file:	File installed with adapter file descriptor.
> - *
> - * This routine is the release handler for the fops registered with
> - * the CXL services on an initial attach for a context. It is called
> - * when a close (explicitly by the user or as part of a process tear
> - * down) is performed on the adapter file descriptor returned to the
> - * user. The user should be aware that explicitly performing a close
> - * considered catastrophic and subsequent usage of the superpipe API
> - * with previously saved off tokens will fail.
> - *
> - * This routine derives the context reference and calls detach for
> - * each LUN associated with the context.The final detach operation
> - * causes the context itself to be freed. With exception to when the
> - * CXL process element (context id) lookup fails (a case that should
> - * theoretically never occur), every call into this routine results
> - * in a complete freeing of a context.
> - *
> - * Detaching the LUN is typically an ioctl() operation and the underlying
> - * code assumes that ioctl_rwsem has been acquired as a reader. To support
> - * that design point, the semaphore is acquired and released around detach.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success
> - */
> -static int cxlflash_cxl_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = container_of(file->f_op, struct cxlflash_cfg,
> -						cxl_fops);
> -	void *ctx = cfg->ops->fops_get_context(file);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_detach detach = { { 0 }, 0 };
> -	struct lun_access *lun_access, *t;
> -	enum ctx_ctrl ctrl = CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK | CTX_CTRL_FILE;
> -	int ctxid;
> -
> -	ctxid = cfg->ops->process_element(ctx);
> -	if (unlikely(ctxid < 0)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context %p was closed ctxid=%d\n",
> -			__func__, ctx, ctxid);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	ctxi = get_context(cfg, ctxid, file, ctrl);
> -	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
> -		ctxi = get_context(cfg, ctxid, file, ctrl | CTX_CTRL_CLONE);
> -		if (!ctxi) {
> -			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%d already free\n",
> -				__func__, ctxid);
> -			goto out_release;
> -		}
> -
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Another process owns ctxid=%d\n",
> -			__func__, ctxid);
> -		put_context(ctxi);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: close for ctxid=%d\n", __func__, ctxid);
> -
> -	down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
> -	detach.context_id = ctxi->ctxid;
> -	list_for_each_entry_safe(lun_access, t, &ctxi->luns, list)
> -		_cxlflash_disk_detach(lun_access->sdev, ctxi, &detach);
> -	up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
> -out_release:
> -	cfg->ops->fd_release(inode, file);
> -out:
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning\n", __func__);
> -	return 0;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * unmap_context() - clears a previously established mapping
> - * @ctxi:	Context owning the mapping.
> - *
> - * This routine is used to switch between the error notification page
> - * (dummy page of all 1's) and the real mapping (established by the CXL
> - * fault handler).
> - */
> -static void unmap_context(struct ctx_info *ctxi)
> -{
> -	unmap_mapping_range(ctxi->file->f_mapping, 0, 0, 1);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * get_err_page() - obtains and allocates the error notification page
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - *
> - * Return: error notification page on success, NULL on failure
> - */
> -static struct page *get_err_page(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	struct page *err_page = global.err_page;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -
> -	if (unlikely(!err_page)) {
> -		err_page = alloc_page(GFP_KERNEL);
> -		if (unlikely(!err_page)) {
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: Unable to allocate err_page\n",
> -				__func__);
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -
> -		memset(page_address(err_page), -1, PAGE_SIZE);
> -
> -		/* Serialize update w/ other threads to avoid a leak */
> -		mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
> -		if (likely(!global.err_page))
> -			global.err_page = err_page;
> -		else {
> -			__free_page(err_page);
> -			err_page = global.err_page;
> -		}
> -		mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
> -	}
> -
> -out:
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning err_page=%p\n", __func__, err_page);
> -	return err_page;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_mmap_fault() - mmap fault handler for adapter file descriptor
> - * @vmf:	VM fault associated with current fault.
> - *
> - * To support error notification via MMIO, faults are 'caught' by this routine
> - * that was inserted before passing back the adapter file descriptor on attach.
> - * When a fault occurs, this routine evaluates if error recovery is active and
> - * if so, installs the error page to 'notify' the user about the error state.
> - * During normal operation, the fault is simply handled by the original fault
> - * handler that was installed by CXL services as part of initializing the
> - * adapter file descriptor. The VMA's page protection bits are toggled to
> - * indicate cached/not-cached depending on the memory backing the fault.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, VM_FAULT_SIGBUS on failure
> - */
> -static vm_fault_t cxlflash_mmap_fault(struct vm_fault *vmf)
> -{
> -	struct vm_area_struct *vma = vmf->vma;
> -	struct file *file = vma->vm_file;
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = container_of(file->f_op, struct cxlflash_cfg,
> -						cxl_fops);
> -	void *ctx = cfg->ops->fops_get_context(file);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
> -	struct page *err_page = NULL;
> -	enum ctx_ctrl ctrl = CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK | CTX_CTRL_FILE;
> -	vm_fault_t rc = 0;
> -	int ctxid;
> -
> -	ctxid = cfg->ops->process_element(ctx);
> -	if (unlikely(ctxid < 0)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context %p was closed ctxid=%d\n",
> -			__func__, ctx, ctxid);
> -		goto err;
> -	}
> -
> -	ctxi = get_context(cfg, ctxid, file, ctrl);
> -	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%d\n", __func__, ctxid);
> -		goto err;
> -	}
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: fault for context %d\n", __func__, ctxid);
> -
> -	if (likely(!ctxi->err_recovery_active)) {
> -		vma->vm_page_prot = pgprot_noncached(vma->vm_page_prot);
> -		rc = ctxi->cxl_mmap_vmops->fault(vmf);
> -	} else {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: err recovery active, use err_page\n",
> -			__func__);
> -
> -		err_page = get_err_page(cfg);
> -		if (unlikely(!err_page)) {
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not get err_page\n", __func__);
> -			rc = VM_FAULT_RETRY;
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -
> -		get_page(err_page);
> -		vmf->page = err_page;
> -		vma->vm_page_prot = pgprot_cached(vma->vm_page_prot);
> -	}
> -
> -out:
> -	if (likely(ctxi))
> -		put_context(ctxi);
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%x\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -
> -err:
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/*
> - * Local MMAP vmops to 'catch' faults
> - */
> -static const struct vm_operations_struct cxlflash_mmap_vmops = {
> -	.fault = cxlflash_mmap_fault,
> -};
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_cxl_mmap() - mmap handler for adapter file descriptor
> - * @file:	File installed with adapter file descriptor.
> - * @vma:	VM area associated with mapping.
> - *
> - * Installs local mmap vmops to 'catch' faults for error notification support.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int cxlflash_cxl_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = container_of(file->f_op, struct cxlflash_cfg,
> -						cxl_fops);
> -	void *ctx = cfg->ops->fops_get_context(file);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
> -	enum ctx_ctrl ctrl = CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK | CTX_CTRL_FILE;
> -	int ctxid;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	ctxid = cfg->ops->process_element(ctx);
> -	if (unlikely(ctxid < 0)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Context %p was closed ctxid=%d\n",
> -			__func__, ctx, ctxid);
> -		rc = -EIO;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	ctxi = get_context(cfg, ctxid, file, ctrl);
> -	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%d\n", __func__, ctxid);
> -		rc = -EIO;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: mmap for context %d\n", __func__, ctxid);
> -
> -	rc = cfg->ops->fd_mmap(file, vma);
> -	if (likely(!rc)) {
> -		/* Insert ourself in the mmap fault handler path */
> -		ctxi->cxl_mmap_vmops = vma->vm_ops;
> -		vma->vm_ops = &cxlflash_mmap_vmops;
> -	}
> -
> -out:
> -	if (likely(ctxi))
> -		put_context(ctxi);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -const struct file_operations cxlflash_cxl_fops = {
> -	.owner = THIS_MODULE,
> -	.mmap = cxlflash_cxl_mmap,
> -	.release = cxlflash_cxl_release,
> -};
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_mark_contexts_error() - move contexts to error state and list
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - *
> - * A context is only moved over to the error list when there are no outstanding
> - * references to it. This ensures that a running operation has completed.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -int cxlflash_mark_contexts_error(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	int i, rc = 0;
> -	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
> -
> -	mutex_lock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
> -
> -	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONTEXT; i++) {
> -		ctxi = cfg->ctx_tbl[i];
> -		if (ctxi) {
> -			mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
> -			cfg->ctx_tbl[i] = NULL;
> -			list_add(&ctxi->list, &cfg->ctx_err_recovery);
> -			ctxi->err_recovery_active = true;
> -			ctxi->ctrl_map = NULL;
> -			unmap_context(ctxi);
> -			mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	mutex_unlock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/*
> - * Dummy NULL fops
> - */
> -static const struct file_operations null_fops = {
> -	.owner = THIS_MODULE,
> -};
> -
> -/**
> - * check_state() - checks and responds to the current adapter state
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - *
> - * This routine can block and should only be used on process context.
> - * It assumes that the caller is an ioctl thread and holding the ioctl
> - * read semaphore. This is temporarily let up across the wait to allow
> - * for draining actively running ioctls. Also note that when waking up
> - * from waiting in reset, the state is unknown and must be checked again
> - * before proceeding.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -int check_state(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -retry:
> -	switch (cfg->state) {
> -	case STATE_RESET:
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Reset state, going to wait...\n", __func__);
> -		up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
> -		rc = wait_event_interruptible(cfg->reset_waitq,
> -					      cfg->state != STATE_RESET);
> -		down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
> -		if (unlikely(rc))
> -			break;
> -		goto retry;
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Failed/Terminating\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -ENODEV;
> -		break;
> -	default:
> -		break;
> -	}
> -
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_disk_attach() - attach a LUN to a context
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
> - * @arg:	Attach ioctl data structure.
> - *
> - * Creates a context and attaches LUN to it. A LUN can only be attached
> - * one time to a context (subsequent attaches for the same context/LUN pair
> - * are not supported). Additional LUNs can be attached to a context by
> - * specifying the 'reuse' flag defined in the cxlflash_ioctl.h header.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int cxlflash_disk_attach(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
> -{
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_attach *attach = arg;
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
> -	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
> -	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
> -	struct lun_access *lun_access = NULL;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	u32 perms;
> -	int ctxid = -1;
> -	u64 irqs = attach->num_interrupts;
> -	u64 flags = 0UL;
> -	u64 rctxid = 0UL;
> -	struct file *file = NULL;
> -
> -	void *ctx = NULL;
> -
> -	int fd = -1;
> -
> -	if (irqs > 4) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Cannot support this many interrupts %llu\n",
> -			__func__, irqs);
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (gli->max_lba == 0) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: No capacity info for LUN=%016llx\n",
> -			__func__, lli->lun_id[sdev->channel]);
> -		rc = read_cap16(sdev, lli);
> -		if (rc) {
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: Invalid device rc=%d\n",
> -				__func__, rc);
> -			rc = -ENODEV;
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: LBA = %016llx\n", __func__, gli->max_lba);
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: BLK_LEN = %08x\n", __func__, gli->blk_len);
> -	}
> -
> -	if (attach->hdr.flags & DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH_REUSE_CONTEXT) {
> -		rctxid = attach->context_id;
> -		ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, NULL, 0);
> -		if (!ctxi) {
> -			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context rctxid=%016llx\n",
> -				__func__, rctxid);
> -			rc = -EINVAL;
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -
> -		list_for_each_entry(lun_access, &ctxi->luns, list)
> -			if (lun_access->lli == lli) {
> -				dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Already attached\n",
> -					__func__);
> -				rc = -EINVAL;
> -				goto out;
> -			}
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = scsi_device_get(sdev);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Unable to get sdev reference\n", __func__);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	lun_access = kzalloc(sizeof(*lun_access), GFP_KERNEL);
> -	if (unlikely(!lun_access)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Unable to allocate lun_access\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -ENOMEM;
> -		goto err;
> -	}
> -
> -	lun_access->lli = lli;
> -	lun_access->sdev = sdev;
> -
> -	/* Non-NULL context indicates reuse (another context reference) */
> -	if (ctxi) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Reusing context for LUN rctxid=%016llx\n",
> -			__func__, rctxid);
> -		kref_get(&ctxi->kref);
> -		list_add(&lun_access->list, &ctxi->luns);
> -		goto out_attach;
> -	}
> -
> -	ctxi = create_context(cfg);
> -	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed to create context ctxid=%d\n",
> -			__func__, ctxid);
> -		rc = -ENOMEM;
> -		goto err;
> -	}
> -
> -	ctx = cfg->ops->dev_context_init(cfg->dev, cfg->afu_cookie);
> -	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(ctx)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not initialize context %p\n",
> -			__func__, ctx);
> -		rc = -ENODEV;
> -		goto err;
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = cfg->ops->start_work(ctx, irqs);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Could not start context rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto err;
> -	}
> -
> -	ctxid = cfg->ops->process_element(ctx);
> -	if (unlikely((ctxid >= MAX_CONTEXT) || (ctxid < 0))) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: ctxid=%d invalid\n", __func__, ctxid);
> -		rc = -EPERM;
> -		goto err;
> -	}
> -
> -	file = cfg->ops->get_fd(ctx, &cfg->cxl_fops, &fd);
> -	if (unlikely(fd < 0)) {
> -		rc = -ENODEV;
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not get file descriptor\n", __func__);
> -		goto err;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Translate read/write O_* flags from fcntl.h to AFU permission bits */
> -	perms = SISL_RHT_PERM(attach->hdr.flags + 1);
> -
> -	/* Context mutex is locked upon return */
> -	init_context(ctxi, cfg, ctx, ctxid, file, perms, irqs);
> -
> -	rc = afu_attach(cfg, ctxi);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not attach AFU rc %d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		goto err;
> -	}
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * No error paths after this point. Once the fd is installed it's
> -	 * visible to user space and can't be undone safely on this thread.
> -	 * There is no need to worry about a deadlock here because no one
> -	 * knows about us yet; we can be the only one holding our mutex.
> -	 */
> -	list_add(&lun_access->list, &ctxi->luns);
> -	mutex_lock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
> -	mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
> -	cfg->ctx_tbl[ctxid] = ctxi;
> -	mutex_unlock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
> -	fd_install(fd, file);
> -
> -out_attach:
> -	if (fd != -1)
> -	if (afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(afu))
> -
> -	attach->hdr.return_flags = flags;
> -	attach->context_id = ctxi->ctxid;
> -	attach->block_size = gli->blk_len;
> -	attach->mmio_size = sizeof(afu->afu_map->hosts[0].harea);
> -	attach->last_lba = gli->max_lba;
> -	attach->max_xfer = sdev->host->max_sectors * MAX_SECTOR_UNIT;
> -	attach->max_xfer /= gli->blk_len;
> -
> -out:
> -	attach->adap_fd = fd;
> -
> -	if (ctxi)
> -		put_context(ctxi);
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning ctxid=%d fd=%d bs=%lld rc=%d llba=%lld\n",
> -		__func__, ctxid, fd, attach->block_size, rc, attach->last_lba);
> -	return rc;
> -
> -err:
> -	/* Cleanup CXL context; okay to 'stop' even if it was not started */
> -	if (!IS_ERR_OR_NULL(ctx)) {
> -		cfg->ops->stop_context(ctx);
> -		cfg->ops->release_context(ctx);
> -		ctx = NULL;
> -	}
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * Here, we're overriding the fops with a dummy all-NULL fops because
> -	 * fput() calls the release fop, which will cause us to mistakenly
> -	 * call into the CXL code. Rather than try to add yet more complexity
> -	 * to that routine (cxlflash_cxl_release) we should try to fix the
> -	 * issue here.
> -	 */
> -	if (fd > 0) {
> -		file->f_op = &null_fops;
> -		fput(file);
> -		put_unused_fd(fd);
> -		fd = -1;
> -		file = NULL;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Cleanup our context */
> -	if (ctxi) {
> -		destroy_context(cfg, ctxi);
> -		ctxi = NULL;
> -	}
> -
> -	kfree(lun_access);
> -	scsi_device_put(sdev);
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * recover_context() - recovers a context in error
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - * @ctxi:	Context to release.
> - * @adap_fd:	Adapter file descriptor associated with new/recovered context.
> - *
> - * Restablishes the state for a context-in-error.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int recover_context(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg,
> -			   struct ctx_info *ctxi,
> -			   int *adap_fd)
> -{
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	int fd = -1;
> -	int ctxid = -1;
> -	struct file *file;
> -	void *ctx;
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -
> -	ctx = cfg->ops->dev_context_init(cfg->dev, cfg->afu_cookie);
> -	if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(ctx)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not initialize context %p\n",
> -			__func__, ctx);
> -		rc = -ENODEV;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = cfg->ops->start_work(ctx, ctxi->irqs);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Could not start context rc=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rc);
> -		goto err1;
> -	}
> -
> -	ctxid = cfg->ops->process_element(ctx);
> -	if (unlikely((ctxid >= MAX_CONTEXT) || (ctxid < 0))) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: ctxid=%d invalid\n", __func__, ctxid);
> -		rc = -EPERM;
> -		goto err2;
> -	}
> -
> -	file = cfg->ops->get_fd(ctx, &cfg->cxl_fops, &fd);
> -	if (unlikely(fd < 0)) {
> -		rc = -ENODEV;
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not get file descriptor\n", __func__);
> -		goto err2;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Update with new MMIO area based on updated context id */
> -	ctxi->ctrl_map = &afu->afu_map->ctrls[ctxid].ctrl;
> -
> -	rc = afu_attach(cfg, ctxi);
> -	if (rc) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Could not attach AFU rc %d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		goto err3;
> -	}
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * No error paths after this point. Once the fd is installed it's
> -	 * visible to user space and can't be undone safely on this thread.
> -	 */
> -	ctxi->ctxid = ENCODE_CTXID(ctxi, ctxid);
> -	ctxi->ctx = ctx;
> -	ctxi->file = file;
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * Put context back in table (note the reinit of the context list);
> -	 * we must first drop the context's mutex and then acquire it in
> -	 * order with the table/list mutex to avoid a deadlock - safe to do
> -	 * here because no one can find us at this moment in time.
> -	 */
> -	mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
> -	mutex_lock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
> -	mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
> -	list_del_init(&ctxi->list);
> -	cfg->ctx_tbl[ctxid] = ctxi;
> -	mutex_unlock(&cfg->ctx_tbl_list_mutex);
> -	fd_install(fd, file);
> -	*adap_fd = fd;
> -out:
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning ctxid=%d fd=%d rc=%d\n",
> -		__func__, ctxid, fd, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -
> -err3:
> -	fput(file);
> -	put_unused_fd(fd);
> -err2:
> -	cfg->ops->stop_context(ctx);
> -err1:
> -	cfg->ops->release_context(ctx);
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_afu_recover() - initiates AFU recovery
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
> - * @arg:	Recover ioctl data structure.
> - *
> - * Only a single recovery is allowed at a time to avoid exhausting CXL
> - * resources (leading to recovery failure) in the event that we're up
> - * against the maximum number of contexts limit. For similar reasons,
> - * a context recovery is retried if there are multiple recoveries taking
> - * place at the same time and the failure was due to CXL services being
> - * unable to keep up.
> - *
> - * As this routine is called on ioctl context, it holds the ioctl r/w
> - * semaphore that is used to drain ioctls in recovery scenarios. The
> - * implementation to achieve the pacing described above (a local mutex)
> - * requires that the ioctl r/w semaphore be dropped and reacquired to
> - * avoid a 3-way deadlock when multiple process recoveries operate in
> - * parallel.
> - *
> - * Because a user can detect an error condition before the kernel, it is
> - * quite possible for this routine to act as the kernel's EEH detection
> - * source (MMIO read of mbox_r). Because of this, there is a window of
> - * time where an EEH might have been detected but not yet 'serviced'
> - * (callback invoked, causing the device to enter reset state). To avoid
> - * looping in this routine during that window, a 1 second sleep is in place
> - * between the time the MMIO failure is detected and the time a wait on the
> - * reset wait queue is attempted via check_state().
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int cxlflash_afu_recover(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
> -{
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_recover_afu *recover = arg;
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
> -	struct mutex *mutex = &cfg->ctx_recovery_mutex;
> -	struct hwq *hwq = get_hwq(afu, PRIMARY_HWQ);
> -	u64 flags;
> -	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(recover->context_id),
> -	    rctxid = recover->context_id;
> -	long reg;
> -	bool locked = true;
> -	int lretry = 20; /* up to 2 seconds */
> -	int new_adap_fd = -1;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	atomic_inc(&cfg->recovery_threads);
> -	up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
> -	rc = mutex_lock_interruptible(mutex);
> -	down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
> -	if (rc) {
> -		locked = false;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = check_state(cfg);
> -	if (rc) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed state rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		rc = -ENODEV;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: reason=%016llx rctxid=%016llx\n",
> -		__func__, recover->reason, rctxid);
> -
> -retry:
> -	/* Ensure that this process is attached to the context */
> -	ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK);
> -	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid);
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (ctxi->err_recovery_active) {
> -retry_recover:
> -		rc = recover_context(cfg, ctxi, &new_adap_fd);
> -		if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: Recovery failed ctxid=%llu rc=%d\n",
> -				__func__, ctxid, rc);
> -			if ((rc == -ENODEV) &&
> -			    ((atomic_read(&cfg->recovery_threads) > 1) ||
> -			     (lretry--))) {
> -				dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Going to try again\n",
> -					__func__);
> -				mutex_unlock(mutex);
> -				msleep(100);
> -				rc = mutex_lock_interruptible(mutex);
> -				if (rc) {
> -					locked = false;
> -					goto out;
> -				}
> -				goto retry_recover;
> -			}
> -
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -
> -		ctxi->err_recovery_active = false;
> -
> -		if (afu_is_sq_cmd_mode(afu))
> -
> -		recover->hdr.return_flags = flags;
> -		recover->context_id = ctxi->ctxid;
> -		recover->adap_fd = new_adap_fd;
> -		recover->mmio_size = sizeof(afu->afu_map->hosts[0].harea);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Test if in error state */
> -	reg = readq_be(&hwq->ctrl_map->mbox_r);
> -	if (reg == -1) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: MMIO fail, wait for recovery.\n", __func__);
> -
> -		/*
> -		 * Before checking the state, put back the context obtained with
> -		 * get_context() as it is no longer needed and sleep for a short
> -		 * period of time (see prolog notes).
> -		 */
> -		put_context(ctxi);
> -		ctxi = NULL;
> -		ssleep(1);
> -		rc = check_state(cfg);
> -		if (unlikely(rc))
> -			goto out;
> -		goto retry;
> -	}
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: MMIO working, no recovery required\n", __func__);
> -out:
> -	if (likely(ctxi))
> -		put_context(ctxi);
> -	if (locked)
> -		mutex_unlock(mutex);
> -	atomic_dec_if_positive(&cfg->recovery_threads);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * process_sense() - evaluates and processes sense data
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
> - * @verify:	Verify ioctl data structure.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int process_sense(struct scsi_device *sdev,
> -			 struct dk_cxlflash_verify *verify)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
> -	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
> -	u64 prev_lba = gli->max_lba;
> -	struct scsi_sense_hdr sshdr = { 0 };
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	rc = scsi_normalize_sense((const u8 *)&verify->sense_data,
> -	if (!rc) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed to normalize sense data\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	switch (sshdr.sense_key) {
> -	case NO_SENSE:
> -	case NOT_READY:
> -		break;
> -		switch (sshdr.asc) {
> -		case 0x29: /* Power on Reset or Device Reset */
> -			fallthrough;
> -		case 0x2A: /* Device settings/capacity changed */
> -			rc = read_cap16(sdev, lli);
> -			if (rc) {
> -				rc = -ENODEV;
> -				break;
> -			}
> -			if (prev_lba != gli->max_lba)
> -				dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Capacity changed old=%lld "
> -					"new=%lld\n", __func__, prev_lba,
> -					gli->max_lba);
> -			break;
> -		case 0x3F: /* Report LUNs changed, Rescan. */
> -			scsi_scan_host(cfg->host);
> -			break;
> -		default:
> -			rc = -EIO;
> -			break;
> -		}
> -		break;
> -	default:
> -		rc = -EIO;
> -		break;
> -	}
> -out:
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: sense_key %x asc %x ascq %x rc %d\n", __func__,
> -		sshdr.sense_key, sshdr.asc, sshdr.ascq, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_disk_verify() - verifies a LUN is the same and handle size changes
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
> - * @arg:	Verify ioctl data structure.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int cxlflash_disk_verify(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
> -{
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_verify *verify = arg;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
> -	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
> -	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte = NULL;
> -	res_hndl_t rhndl = verify->rsrc_handle;
> -	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(verify->context_id),
> -	    rctxid = verify->context_id;
> -	u64 last_lba = 0;
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%llu rhndl=%016llx, hint=%016llx, "
> -		"flags=%016llx\n", __func__, ctxid, verify->rsrc_handle,
> -		verify->hint, verify->hdr.flags);
> -
> -	ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, 0);
> -	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid);
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	rhte = get_rhte(ctxi, rhndl, lli);
> -	if (unlikely(!rhte)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad resource handle rhndl=%d\n",
> -			__func__, rhndl);
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * Look at the hint/sense to see if it requires us to redrive
> -	 * inquiry (i.e. the Unit attention is due to the WWN changing).
> -	 */
> -	if (verify->hint & DK_CXLFLASH_VERIFY_HINT_SENSE) {
> -		/* Can't hold mutex across process_sense/read_cap16,
> -		 * since we could have an intervening EEH event.
> -		 */
> -		ctxi->unavail = true;
> -		mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
> -		rc = process_sense(sdev, verify);
> -		if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed to validate sense data (%d)\n",
> -				__func__, rc);
> -			mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
> -			ctxi->unavail = false;
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -		mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
> -		ctxi->unavail = false;
> -	}
> -
> -	switch (gli->mode) {
> -		last_lba = gli->max_lba;
> -		break;
> -	case MODE_VIRTUAL:
> -		/* Cast lxt_cnt to u64 for multiply to be treated as 64bit op */
> -		last_lba = ((u64)rhte->lxt_cnt * MC_CHUNK_SIZE * gli->blk_len);
> -		last_lba /= CXLFLASH_BLOCK_SIZE;
> -		last_lba--;
> -		break;
> -	default:
> -		WARN(1, "Unsupported LUN mode!");
> -	}
> -
> -	verify->last_lba = last_lba;
> -
> -out:
> -	if (likely(ctxi))
> -		put_context(ctxi);
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d llba=%llx\n",
> -		__func__, rc, verify->last_lba);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * decode_ioctl() - translates an encoded ioctl to an easily identifiable string
> - * @cmd:	The ioctl command to decode.
> - *
> - * Return: A string identifying the decoded ioctl.
> - */
> -static char *decode_ioctl(unsigned int cmd)
> -{
> -	switch (cmd) {
> -		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH);
> -		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_USER_DIRECT);
> -		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_USER_VIRTUAL);
> -		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_VLUN_RESIZE);
> -		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_RELEASE);
> -		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_DETACH);
> -		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_VERIFY);
> -		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_VLUN_CLONE);
> -		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_RECOVER_AFU);
> -		return __stringify_1(DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN);
> -	}
> -
> -	return "UNKNOWN";
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_disk_direct_open() - opens a direct (physical) disk
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
> - * @arg:	UDirect ioctl data structure.
> - *
> - * On successful return, the user is informed of the resource handle
> - * to be used to identify the direct lun and the size (in blocks) of
> - * the direct lun in last LBA format.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int cxlflash_disk_direct_open(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
> -	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_release rel = { { 0 }, 0 };
> -
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_udirect *pphys = (struct dk_cxlflash_udirect *)arg;
> -
> -	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(pphys->context_id),
> -	    rctxid = pphys->context_id;
> -	u64 lun_size = 0;
> -	u64 last_lba = 0;
> -	u64 rsrc_handle = -1;
> -	u32 port = CHAN2PORTMASK(sdev->channel);
> -
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
> -	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte = NULL;
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%llu ls=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid, lun_size);
> -
> -	rc = cxlflash_lun_attach(gli, MODE_PHYSICAL, false);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Failed attach to LUN (PHYSICAL)\n", __func__);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, 0);
> -	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid);
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto err1;
> -	}
> -
> -	rhte = rhte_checkout(ctxi, lli);
> -	if (unlikely(!rhte)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Too many opens ctxid=%lld\n",
> -			__func__, ctxid);
> -		rc = -EMFILE;	/* too many opens  */
> -		goto err1;
> -	}
> -
> -	rsrc_handle = (rhte - ctxi->rht_start);
> -
> -	rht_format1(rhte, lli->lun_id[sdev->channel], ctxi->rht_perms, port);
> -
> -	last_lba = gli->max_lba;
> -	pphys->hdr.return_flags = 0;
> -	pphys->last_lba = last_lba;
> -	pphys->rsrc_handle = rsrc_handle;
> -
> -	rc = cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, ctxid, rsrc_handle, AFU_LW_SYNC);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: AFU sync failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		goto err2;
> -	}
> -
> -out:
> -	if (likely(ctxi))
> -		put_context(ctxi);
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning handle=%llu rc=%d llba=%llu\n",
> -		__func__, rsrc_handle, rc, last_lba);
> -	return rc;
> -
> -err2:
> -	marshal_udir_to_rele(pphys, &rel);
> -	_cxlflash_disk_release(sdev, ctxi, &rel);
> -	goto out;
> -err1:
> -	cxlflash_lun_detach(gli);
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ioctl_common() - common IOCTL handler for driver
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
> - * @cmd:	IOCTL command.
> - *
> - * Handles common fencing operations that are valid for multiple ioctls. Always
> - * allow through ioctls that are cleanup oriented in nature, even when operating
> - * in a failed/terminating state.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int ioctl_common(struct scsi_device *sdev, unsigned int cmd)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	if (unlikely(!lli)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Unknown LUN\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = check_state(cfg);
> -	if (unlikely(rc) && (cfg->state == STATE_FAILTERM)) {
> -		switch (cmd) {
> -			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Command override rc=%d\n",
> -				__func__, rc);
> -			rc = 0;
> -			break;
> -		}
> -	}
> -out:
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_ioctl() - IOCTL handler for driver
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
> - * @cmd:	IOCTL command.
> - * @arg:	Userspace ioctl data structure.
> - *
> - * A read/write semaphore is used to implement a 'drain' of currently
> - * running ioctls. The read semaphore is taken at the beginning of each
> - * ioctl thread and released upon concluding execution. Additionally the
> - * semaphore should be released and then reacquired in any ioctl execution
> - * path which will wait for an event to occur that is outside the scope of
> - * the ioctl (i.e. an adapter reset). To drain the ioctls currently running,
> - * a thread simply needs to acquire the write semaphore.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -int cxlflash_ioctl(struct scsi_device *sdev, unsigned int cmd, void __user *arg)
> -{
> -	typedef int (*sioctl) (struct scsi_device *, void *);
> -
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr *hdr;
> -	char buf[sizeof(union cxlflash_ioctls)];
> -	size_t size = 0;
> -	bool known_ioctl = false;
> -	int idx;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	struct Scsi_Host *shost = sdev->host;
> -	sioctl do_ioctl = NULL;
> -
> -	static const struct {
> -		size_t size;
> -		sioctl ioctl;
> -	} ioctl_tbl[] = {	/* NOTE: order matters here */
> -	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_attach), cxlflash_disk_attach},
> -	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_udirect), cxlflash_disk_direct_open},
> -	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_release), cxlflash_disk_release},
> -	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_detach), cxlflash_disk_detach},
> -	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_verify), cxlflash_disk_verify},
> -	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_recover_afu), cxlflash_afu_recover},
> -	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_manage_lun), cxlflash_manage_lun},
> -	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_uvirtual), cxlflash_disk_virtual_open},
> -	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_resize), cxlflash_vlun_resize},
> -	{sizeof(struct dk_cxlflash_clone), cxlflash_disk_clone},
> -	};
> -
> -	/* Hold read semaphore so we can drain if needed */
> -	down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
> -
> -	/* Restrict command set to physical support only for internal LUN */
> -	if (afu->internal_lun)
> -		switch (cmd) {
> -			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: %s not supported for lun_mode=%d\n",
> -				__func__, decode_ioctl(cmd), afu->internal_lun);
> -			rc = -EINVAL;
> -			goto cxlflash_ioctl_exit;
> -		}
> -
> -	switch (cmd) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: %s (%08X) on dev(%d/%d/%d/%llu)\n",
> -			__func__, decode_ioctl(cmd), cmd, shost->host_no,
> -			sdev->channel, sdev->id, sdev->lun);
> -		rc = ioctl_common(sdev, cmd);
> -		if (unlikely(rc))
> -			goto cxlflash_ioctl_exit;
> -
> -		fallthrough;
> -
> -		known_ioctl = true;
> -		idx = _IOC_NR(cmd) - _IOC_NR(DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH);
> -		size = ioctl_tbl[idx].size;
> -		do_ioctl = ioctl_tbl[idx].ioctl;
> -
> -		if (likely(do_ioctl))
> -			break;
> -
> -		fallthrough;
> -	default:
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto cxlflash_ioctl_exit;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (unlikely(copy_from_user(&buf, arg, size))) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: copy_from_user() fail size=%lu cmd=%u (%s) arg=%p\n",
> -			__func__, size, cmd, decode_ioctl(cmd), arg);
> -		rc = -EFAULT;
> -		goto cxlflash_ioctl_exit;
> -	}
> -
> -	hdr = (struct dk_cxlflash_hdr *)&buf;
> -	if (hdr->version != DK_CXLFLASH_VERSION_0) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Version %u not supported for %s\n",
> -			__func__, hdr->version, decode_ioctl(cmd));
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto cxlflash_ioctl_exit;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (hdr->rsvd[0] || hdr->rsvd[1] || hdr->rsvd[2] || hdr->return_flags) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Reserved/rflags populated\n", __func__);
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto cxlflash_ioctl_exit;
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = do_ioctl(sdev, (void *)&buf);
> -	if (likely(!rc))
> -		if (unlikely(copy_to_user(arg, &buf, size))) {
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: copy_to_user() fail size=%lu cmd=%u (%s) arg=%p\n",
> -				__func__, size, cmd, decode_ioctl(cmd), arg);
> -			rc = -EFAULT;
> -		}
> -
> -	/* fall through to exit */
> -
> -cxlflash_ioctl_exit:
> -	up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
> -	if (unlikely(rc && known_ioctl))
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: ioctl %s (%08X) on dev(%d/%d/%d/%llu) "
> -			"returned rc %d\n", __func__,
> -			decode_ioctl(cmd), cmd, shost->host_no,
> -			sdev->channel, sdev->id, sdev->lun, rc);
> -	else
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ioctl %s (%08X) on dev(%d/%d/%d/%llu) "
> -			"returned rc %d\n", __func__, decode_ioctl(cmd),
> -			cmd, shost->host_no, sdev->channel, sdev->id,
> -			sdev->lun, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.h
> deleted file mode 100644
> index fe8c975d13d7..000000000000
> --- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/superpipe.h
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
> -/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
> -/*
> - * CXL Flash Device Driver
> - *
> - * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *
> - * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
> - */
> -
> -
> -extern struct cxlflash_global global;
> -
> -/*
> - * Terminology: use afu (and not adapter) to refer to the HW.
> - * Adapter is the entire slot and includes PSL out of which
> - * only the AFU is visible to user space.
> - */
> -
> -/* Chunk size parms: note sislite minimum chunk size is
> - * 0x10000 LBAs corresponding to a NMASK or 16.
> - */
> -#define MC_CHUNK_SIZE     (1 << MC_RHT_NMASK)	/* in LBAs */
> -
> -#define CMD_TIMEOUT 30  /* 30 secs */
> -#define CMD_RETRIES 5   /* 5 retries for scsi_execute */
> -
> -#define MAX_SECTOR_UNIT  512 /* max_sector is in 512 byte multiples */
> -
> -enum lun_mode {
> -	MODE_NONE = 0,
> -};
> -
> -/* Global (entire driver, spans adapters) lun_info structure */
> -struct glun_info {
> -	u64 max_lba;		/* from read cap(16) */
> -	u32 blk_len;		/* from read cap(16) */
> -	enum lun_mode mode;	/* NONE, VIRTUAL, PHYSICAL */
> -	int users;		/* Number of users w/ references to LUN */
> -
> -	u8 wwid[16];
> -
> -	struct mutex mutex;
> -
> -	struct blka blka;
> -	struct list_head list;
> -};
> -
> -/* Local (per-adapter) lun_info structure */
> -struct llun_info {
> -	u64 lun_id[MAX_FC_PORTS]; /* from REPORT_LUNS */
> -	u32 lun_index;		/* Index in the LUN table */
> -	u32 host_no;		/* host_no from Scsi_host */
> -	u32 port_sel;		/* What port to use for this LUN */
> -	bool in_table;		/* Whether a LUN table entry was created */
> -
> -	u8 wwid[16];		/* Keep a duplicate copy here? */
> -
> -	struct glun_info *parent; /* Pointer to entry in global LUN structure */
> -	struct scsi_device *sdev;
> -	struct list_head list;
> -};
> -
> -struct lun_access {
> -	struct llun_info *lli;
> -	struct scsi_device *sdev;
> -	struct list_head list;
> -};
> -
> -enum ctx_ctrl {
> -	CTX_CTRL_CLONE		= (1 << 1),
> -	CTX_CTRL_ERR		= (1 << 2),
> -	CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK	= (1 << 3),
> -	CTX_CTRL_NOPID		= (1 << 4),
> -	CTX_CTRL_FILE		= (1 << 5)
> -};
> -
> -#define ENCODE_CTXID(_ctx, _id)	(((((u64)_ctx) & 0xFFFFFFFF0ULL) << 28) | _id)
> -#define DECODE_CTXID(_val)	(_val & 0xFFFFFFFF)
> -
> -struct ctx_info {
> -	struct sisl_ctrl_map __iomem *ctrl_map; /* initialized at startup */
> -	struct sisl_rht_entry *rht_start; /* 1 page (req'd for alignment),
> -					   * alloc/free on attach/detach
> -					   */
> -	u32 rht_out;		/* Number of checked out RHT entries */
> -	u32 rht_perms;		/* User-defined permissions for RHT entries */
> -	struct llun_info **rht_lun;       /* Mapping of RHT entries to LUNs */
> -	u8 *rht_needs_ws;	/* User-desired write-same function per RHTE */
> -
> -	u64 ctxid;
> -	u64 irqs; /* Number of interrupts requested for context */
> -	pid_t pid;
> -	bool initialized;
> -	bool unavail;
> -	bool err_recovery_active;
> -	struct mutex mutex; /* Context protection */
> -	struct kref kref;
> -	void *ctx;
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg;
> -	struct list_head luns;	/* LUNs attached to this context */
> -	const struct vm_operations_struct *cxl_mmap_vmops;
> -	struct file *file;
> -	struct list_head list; /* Link contexts in error recovery */
> -};
> -
> -struct cxlflash_global {
> -	struct mutex mutex;
> -	struct list_head gluns;/* list of glun_info structs */
> -	struct page *err_page; /* One page of all 0xF for error notification */
> -};
> -
> -int cxlflash_vlun_resize(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *resize);
> -int _cxlflash_vlun_resize(struct scsi_device *sdev, struct ctx_info *ctxi,
> -			  struct dk_cxlflash_resize *resize);
> -
> -int cxlflash_disk_release(struct scsi_device *sdev,
> -			  void *release);
> -int _cxlflash_disk_release(struct scsi_device *sdev, struct ctx_info *ctxi,
> -			   struct dk_cxlflash_release *release);
> -
> -int cxlflash_disk_clone(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg);
> -
> -int cxlflash_disk_virtual_open(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg);
> -
> -int cxlflash_lun_attach(struct glun_info *gli, enum lun_mode mode, bool locked);
> -void cxlflash_lun_detach(struct glun_info *gli);
> -
> -struct ctx_info *get_context(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, u64 rctxit, void *arg,
> -			     enum ctx_ctrl ctrl);
> -void put_context(struct ctx_info *ctxi);
> -
> -struct sisl_rht_entry *get_rhte(struct ctx_info *ctxi, res_hndl_t rhndl,
> -				struct llun_info *lli);
> -
> -struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte_checkout(struct ctx_info *ctxi,
> -				     struct llun_info *lli);
> -void rhte_checkin(struct ctx_info *ctxi, struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte);
> -
> -void cxlflash_ba_terminate(struct ba_lun *ba_lun);
> -
> -int cxlflash_manage_lun(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *manage);
> -
> -int check_state(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg);
> -
> -#endif /* ifndef _CXLFLASH_SUPERPIPE_H */
> diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.c b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.c
> deleted file mode 100644
> index 32e807703377..000000000000
> --- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.c
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,1336 +0,0 @@
> -// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
> -/*
> - * CXL Flash Device Driver
> - *
> - * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *
> - * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
> - */
> -
> -#include <linux/interrupt.h>
> -#include <linux/pci.h>
> -#include <linux/syscalls.h>
> -#include <linux/unaligned.h>
> -#include <asm/bitsperlong.h>
> -
> -#include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h>
> -#include <scsi/scsi_host.h>
> -#include <uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h>
> -
> -#include "sislite.h"
> -#include "common.h"
> -#include "vlun.h"
> -#include "superpipe.h"
> -
> -/**
> - * marshal_virt_to_resize() - translate uvirtual to resize structure
> - * @virt:	Source structure from which to translate/copy.
> - * @resize:	Destination structure for the translate/copy.
> - */
> -static void marshal_virt_to_resize(struct dk_cxlflash_uvirtual *virt,
> -				   struct dk_cxlflash_resize *resize)
> -{
> -	resize->hdr = virt->hdr;
> -	resize->context_id = virt->context_id;
> -	resize->rsrc_handle = virt->rsrc_handle;
> -	resize->req_size = virt->lun_size;
> -	resize->last_lba = virt->last_lba;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * marshal_clone_to_rele() - translate clone to release structure
> - * @clone:	Source structure from which to translate/copy.
> - * @release:	Destination structure for the translate/copy.
> - */
> -static void marshal_clone_to_rele(struct dk_cxlflash_clone *clone,
> -				  struct dk_cxlflash_release *release)
> -{
> -	release->hdr = clone->hdr;
> -	release->context_id = clone->context_id_dst;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ba_init() - initializes a block allocator
> - * @ba_lun:	Block allocator to initialize.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int ba_init(struct ba_lun *ba_lun)
> -{
> -	struct ba_lun_info *bali = NULL;
> -	int lun_size_au = 0, i = 0;
> -	int last_word_underflow = 0;
> -	u64 *lam;
> -
> -	pr_debug("%s: Initializing LUN: lun_id=%016llx "
> -		 "ba_lun->lsize=%lx ba_lun->au_size=%lX\n",
> -		__func__, ba_lun->lun_id, ba_lun->lsize, ba_lun->au_size);
> -
> -	/* Calculate bit map size */
> -	lun_size_au = ba_lun->lsize / ba_lun->au_size;
> -	if (lun_size_au == 0) {
> -		pr_debug("%s: Requested LUN size of 0!\n", __func__);
> -		return -EINVAL;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Allocate lun information container */
> -	bali = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ba_lun_info), GFP_KERNEL);
> -	if (unlikely(!bali)) {
> -		pr_err("%s: Failed to allocate lun_info lun_id=%016llx\n",
> -		       __func__, ba_lun->lun_id);
> -		return -ENOMEM;
> -	}
> -
> -	bali->total_aus = lun_size_au;
> -	bali->lun_bmap_size = lun_size_au / BITS_PER_LONG;
> -
> -	if (lun_size_au % BITS_PER_LONG)
> -		bali->lun_bmap_size++;
> -
> -	/* Allocate bitmap space */
> -	bali->lun_alloc_map = kzalloc((bali->lun_bmap_size * sizeof(u64)),
> -				      GFP_KERNEL);
> -	if (unlikely(!bali->lun_alloc_map)) {
> -		pr_err("%s: Failed to allocate lun allocation map: "
> -		       "lun_id=%016llx\n", __func__, ba_lun->lun_id);
> -		kfree(bali);
> -		return -ENOMEM;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Initialize the bit map size and set all bits to '1' */
> -	bali->free_aun_cnt = lun_size_au;
> -
> -	for (i = 0; i < bali->lun_bmap_size; i++)
> -		bali->lun_alloc_map[i] = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL;
> -
> -	/* If the last word not fully utilized, mark extra bits as allocated */
> -	last_word_underflow = (bali->lun_bmap_size * BITS_PER_LONG);
> -	last_word_underflow -= bali->free_aun_cnt;
> -	if (last_word_underflow > 0) {
> -		lam = &bali->lun_alloc_map[bali->lun_bmap_size - 1];
> -		for (i = (HIBIT - last_word_underflow + 1);
> -		     i < BITS_PER_LONG;
> -		     i++)
> -			clear_bit(i, (ulong *)lam);
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Initialize high elevator index, low/curr already at 0 from kzalloc */
> -	bali->free_high_idx = bali->lun_bmap_size;
> -
> -	/* Allocate clone map */
> -	bali->aun_clone_map = kzalloc((bali->total_aus * sizeof(u8)),
> -				      GFP_KERNEL);
> -	if (unlikely(!bali->aun_clone_map)) {
> -		pr_err("%s: Failed to allocate clone map: lun_id=%016llx\n",
> -		       __func__, ba_lun->lun_id);
> -		kfree(bali->lun_alloc_map);
> -		kfree(bali);
> -		return -ENOMEM;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Pass the allocated LUN info as a handle to the user */
> -	ba_lun->ba_lun_handle = bali;
> -
> -	pr_debug("%s: Successfully initialized the LUN: "
> -		 "lun_id=%016llx bitmap size=%x, free_aun_cnt=%llx\n",
> -		__func__, ba_lun->lun_id, bali->lun_bmap_size,
> -		bali->free_aun_cnt);
> -	return 0;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * find_free_range() - locates a free bit within the block allocator
> - * @low:	First word in block allocator to start search.
> - * @high:	Last word in block allocator to search.
> - * @bali:	LUN information structure owning the block allocator to search.
> - * @bit_word:	Passes back the word in the block allocator owning the free bit.
> - *
> - * Return: The bit position within the passed back word, -1 on failure
> - */
> -static int find_free_range(u32 low,
> -			   u32 high,
> -			   struct ba_lun_info *bali, int *bit_word)
> -{
> -	int i;
> -	u64 bit_pos = -1;
> -	ulong *lam, num_bits;
> -
> -	for (i = low; i < high; i++)
> -		if (bali->lun_alloc_map[i] != 0) {
> -			lam = (ulong *)&bali->lun_alloc_map[i];
> -			num_bits = (sizeof(*lam) * BITS_PER_BYTE);
> -			bit_pos = find_first_bit(lam, num_bits);
> -
> -			pr_devel("%s: Found free bit %llu in LUN "
> -				 "map entry %016llx at bitmap index = %d\n",
> -				 __func__, bit_pos, bali->lun_alloc_map[i], i);
> -
> -			*bit_word = i;
> -			bali->free_aun_cnt--;
> -			clear_bit(bit_pos, lam);
> -			break;
> -		}
> -
> -	return bit_pos;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ba_alloc() - allocates a block from the block allocator
> - * @ba_lun:	Block allocator from which to allocate a block.
> - *
> - * Return: The allocated block, -1 on failure
> - */
> -static u64 ba_alloc(struct ba_lun *ba_lun)
> -{
> -	u64 bit_pos = -1;
> -	int bit_word = 0;
> -	struct ba_lun_info *bali = NULL;
> -
> -	bali = ba_lun->ba_lun_handle;
> -
> -	pr_debug("%s: Received block allocation request: "
> -		 "lun_id=%016llx free_aun_cnt=%llx\n",
> -		 __func__, ba_lun->lun_id, bali->free_aun_cnt);
> -
> -	if (bali->free_aun_cnt == 0) {
> -		pr_debug("%s: No space left on LUN: lun_id=%016llx\n",
> -			 __func__, ba_lun->lun_id);
> -		return -1ULL;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Search to find a free entry, curr->high then low->curr */
> -	bit_pos = find_free_range(bali->free_curr_idx,
> -				  bali->free_high_idx, bali, &bit_word);
> -	if (bit_pos == -1) {
> -		bit_pos = find_free_range(bali->free_low_idx,
> -					  bali->free_curr_idx,
> -					  bali, &bit_word);
> -		if (bit_pos == -1) {
> -			pr_debug("%s: Could not find an allocation unit on LUN:"
> -				 " lun_id=%016llx\n", __func__, ba_lun->lun_id);
> -			return -1ULL;
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Update the free_curr_idx */
> -	if (bit_pos == HIBIT)
> -		bali->free_curr_idx = bit_word + 1;
> -	else
> -		bali->free_curr_idx = bit_word;
> -
> -	pr_debug("%s: Allocating AU number=%llx lun_id=%016llx "
> -		 "free_aun_cnt=%llx\n", __func__,
> -		 ((bit_word * BITS_PER_LONG) + bit_pos), ba_lun->lun_id,
> -		 bali->free_aun_cnt);
> -
> -	return (u64) ((bit_word * BITS_PER_LONG) + bit_pos);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * validate_alloc() - validates the specified block has been allocated
> - * @bali:		LUN info owning the block allocator.
> - * @aun:		Block to validate.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -1 on failure
> - */
> -static int validate_alloc(struct ba_lun_info *bali, u64 aun)
> -{
> -	int idx = 0, bit_pos = 0;
> -
> -	idx = aun / BITS_PER_LONG;
> -	bit_pos = aun % BITS_PER_LONG;
> -
> -	if (test_bit(bit_pos, (ulong *)&bali->lun_alloc_map[idx]))
> -		return -1;
> -
> -	return 0;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ba_free() - frees a block from the block allocator
> - * @ba_lun:	Block allocator from which to allocate a block.
> - * @to_free:	Block to free.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -1 on failure
> - */
> -static int ba_free(struct ba_lun *ba_lun, u64 to_free)
> -{
> -	int idx = 0, bit_pos = 0;
> -	struct ba_lun_info *bali = NULL;
> -
> -	bali = ba_lun->ba_lun_handle;
> -
> -	if (validate_alloc(bali, to_free)) {
> -		pr_debug("%s: AUN %llx is not allocated on lun_id=%016llx\n",
> -			 __func__, to_free, ba_lun->lun_id);
> -		return -1;
> -	}
> -
> -	pr_debug("%s: Received a request to free AU=%llx lun_id=%016llx "
> -		 "free_aun_cnt=%llx\n", __func__, to_free, ba_lun->lun_id,
> -		 bali->free_aun_cnt);
> -
> -	if (bali->aun_clone_map[to_free] > 0) {
> -		pr_debug("%s: AUN %llx lun_id=%016llx cloned. Clone count=%x\n",
> -			 __func__, to_free, ba_lun->lun_id,
> -			 bali->aun_clone_map[to_free]);
> -		bali->aun_clone_map[to_free]--;
> -		return 0;
> -	}
> -
> -	idx = to_free / BITS_PER_LONG;
> -	bit_pos = to_free % BITS_PER_LONG;
> -
> -	set_bit(bit_pos, (ulong *)&bali->lun_alloc_map[idx]);
> -	bali->free_aun_cnt++;
> -
> -	if (idx < bali->free_low_idx)
> -		bali->free_low_idx = idx;
> -	else if (idx > bali->free_high_idx)
> -		bali->free_high_idx = idx;
> -
> -	pr_debug("%s: Successfully freed AU bit_pos=%x bit map index=%x "
> -		 "lun_id=%016llx free_aun_cnt=%llx\n", __func__, bit_pos, idx,
> -		 ba_lun->lun_id, bali->free_aun_cnt);
> -
> -	return 0;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ba_clone() - Clone a chunk of the block allocation table
> - * @ba_lun:	Block allocator from which to allocate a block.
> - * @to_clone:	Block to clone.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -1 on failure
> - */
> -static int ba_clone(struct ba_lun *ba_lun, u64 to_clone)
> -{
> -	struct ba_lun_info *bali = ba_lun->ba_lun_handle;
> -
> -	if (validate_alloc(bali, to_clone)) {
> -		pr_debug("%s: AUN=%llx not allocated on lun_id=%016llx\n",
> -			 __func__, to_clone, ba_lun->lun_id);
> -		return -1;
> -	}
> -
> -	pr_debug("%s: Received a request to clone AUN %llx on lun_id=%016llx\n",
> -		 __func__, to_clone, ba_lun->lun_id);
> -
> -	if (bali->aun_clone_map[to_clone] == MAX_AUN_CLONE_CNT) {
> -		pr_debug("%s: AUN %llx on lun_id=%016llx hit max clones already\n",
> -			 __func__, to_clone, ba_lun->lun_id);
> -		return -1;
> -	}
> -
> -	bali->aun_clone_map[to_clone]++;
> -
> -	return 0;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * ba_space() - returns the amount of free space left in the block allocator
> - * @ba_lun:	Block allocator.
> - *
> - * Return: Amount of free space in block allocator
> - */
> -static u64 ba_space(struct ba_lun *ba_lun)
> -{
> -	struct ba_lun_info *bali = ba_lun->ba_lun_handle;
> -
> -	return bali->free_aun_cnt;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_ba_terminate() - frees resources associated with the block allocator
> - * @ba_lun:	Block allocator.
> - *
> - * Safe to call in a partially allocated state.
> - */
> -void cxlflash_ba_terminate(struct ba_lun *ba_lun)
> -{
> -	struct ba_lun_info *bali = ba_lun->ba_lun_handle;
> -
> -	if (bali) {
> -		kfree(bali->aun_clone_map);
> -		kfree(bali->lun_alloc_map);
> -		kfree(bali);
> -		ba_lun->ba_lun_handle = NULL;
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * init_vlun() - initializes a LUN for virtual use
> - * @lli:	LUN information structure that owns the block allocator.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int init_vlun(struct llun_info *lli)
> -{
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
> -	struct blka *blka = &gli->blka;
> -
> -	memset(blka, 0, sizeof(*blka));
> -	mutex_init(&blka->mutex);
> -
> -	/* LUN IDs are unique per port, save the index instead */
> -	blka->ba_lun.lun_id = lli->lun_index;
> -	blka->ba_lun.lsize = gli->max_lba + 1;
> -	blka->ba_lun.lba_size = gli->blk_len;
> -
> -	blka->ba_lun.au_size = MC_CHUNK_SIZE;
> -	blka->nchunk = blka->ba_lun.lsize / MC_CHUNK_SIZE;
> -
> -	rc = ba_init(&blka->ba_lun);
> -	if (unlikely(rc))
> -		pr_debug("%s: cannot init block_alloc, rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -
> -	pr_debug("%s: returning rc=%d lli=%p\n", __func__, rc, lli);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * write_same16() - sends a SCSI WRITE_SAME16 (0) command to specified LUN
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
> - * @lba:	Logical block address to start write same.
> - * @nblks:	Number of logical blocks to write same.
> - *
> - * The SCSI WRITE_SAME16 can take quite a while to complete. Should an EEH occur
> - * while in scsi_execute_cmd(), the EEH handler will attempt to recover. As
> - * part of the recovery, the handler drains all currently running ioctls,
> - * waiting until they have completed before proceeding with a reset. As this
> - * routine is used on the ioctl path, this can create a condition where the
> - * EEH handler becomes stuck, infinitely waiting for this ioctl thread. To
> - * avoid this behavior, temporarily unmark this thread as an ioctl thread by
> - * releasing the ioctl read semaphore. This will allow the EEH handler to
> - * proceed with a recovery while this thread is still running. Once the
> - * scsi_execute_cmd() returns, reacquire the ioctl read semaphore and check the
> - * adapter state in case it changed while inside of scsi_execute_cmd(). The
> - * state check will wait if the adapter is still being recovered or return a
> - * failure if the recovery failed. In the event that the adapter reset failed,
> - * simply return the failure as the ioctl would be unable to continue.
> - *
> - * Note that the above puts a requirement on this routine to only be called on
> - * an ioctl thread.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int write_same16(struct scsi_device *sdev,
> -			u64 lba,
> -			u32 nblks)
> -{
> -	u8 *cmd_buf = NULL;
> -	u8 *scsi_cmd = NULL;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	int result = 0;
> -	u64 offset = lba;
> -	int left = nblks;
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	const u32 s = ilog2(sdev->sector_size) - 9;
> -	const u32 to = sdev->request_queue->rq_timeout;
> -	const u32 ws_limit =
> -		sdev->request_queue->limits.max_write_zeroes_sectors >> s;
> -
> -	cmd_buf = kzalloc(CMD_BUFSIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
> -	scsi_cmd = kzalloc(MAX_COMMAND_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
> -	if (unlikely(!cmd_buf || !scsi_cmd)) {
> -		rc = -ENOMEM;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	while (left > 0) {
> -
> -		scsi_cmd[0] = WRITE_SAME_16;
> -		scsi_cmd[1] = cfg->ws_unmap ? 0x8 : 0;
> -		put_unaligned_be64(offset, &scsi_cmd[2]);
> -		put_unaligned_be32(ws_limit < left ? ws_limit : left,
> -				   &scsi_cmd[10]);
> -
> -		/* Drop the ioctl read semaphore across lengthy call */
> -		up_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
> -		result = scsi_execute_cmd(sdev, scsi_cmd, REQ_OP_DRV_OUT,
> -					  cmd_buf, CMD_BUFSIZE, to,
> -					  CMD_RETRIES, NULL);
> -		down_read(&cfg->ioctl_rwsem);
> -		rc = check_state(cfg);
> -		if (rc) {
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed state result=%08x\n",
> -				__func__, result);
> -			rc = -ENODEV;
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -
> -		if (result) {
> -			dev_err_ratelimited(dev, "%s: command failed for "
> -					    "offset=%lld result=%08x\n",
> -					    __func__, offset, result);
> -			rc = -EIO;
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -		left -= ws_limit;
> -		offset += ws_limit;
> -	}
> -
> -out:
> -	kfree(cmd_buf);
> -	kfree(scsi_cmd);
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * grow_lxt() - expands the translation table associated with the specified RHTE
> - * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
> - * @ctxid:	Context ID of context owning the RHTE.
> - * @rhndl:	Resource handle associated with the RHTE.
> - * @rhte:	Resource handle entry (RHTE).
> - * @new_size:	Number of translation entries associated with RHTE.
> - *
> - * By design, this routine employs a 'best attempt' allocation and will
> - * truncate the requested size down if there is not sufficient space in
> - * the block allocator to satisfy the request but there does exist some
> - * amount of space. The user is made aware of this by returning the size
> - * allocated.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int grow_lxt(struct afu *afu,
> -		    struct scsi_device *sdev,
> -		    ctx_hndl_t ctxid,
> -		    res_hndl_t rhndl,
> -		    struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte,
> -		    u64 *new_size)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct sisl_lxt_entry *lxt = NULL, *lxt_old = NULL;
> -	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
> -	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
> -	struct blka *blka = &gli->blka;
> -	u32 av_size;
> -	u32 ngrps, ngrps_old;
> -	u64 aun;		/* chunk# allocated by block allocator */
> -	u64 delta = *new_size - rhte->lxt_cnt;
> -	u64 my_new_size;
> -	int i, rc = 0;
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * Check what is available in the block allocator before re-allocating
> -	 * LXT array. This is done up front under the mutex which must not be
> -	 * released until after allocation is complete.
> -	 */
> -	mutex_lock(&blka->mutex);
> -	av_size = ba_space(&blka->ba_lun);
> -	if (unlikely(av_size <= 0)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ba_space error av_size=%d\n",
> -			__func__, av_size);
> -		mutex_unlock(&blka->mutex);
> -		rc = -ENOSPC;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (av_size < delta)
> -		delta = av_size;
> -
> -	lxt_old = rhte->lxt_start;
> -	ngrps_old = LXT_NUM_GROUPS(rhte->lxt_cnt);
> -	ngrps = LXT_NUM_GROUPS(rhte->lxt_cnt + delta);
> -
> -	if (ngrps != ngrps_old) {
> -		/* reallocate to fit new size */
> -		lxt = kzalloc((sizeof(*lxt) * LXT_GROUP_SIZE * ngrps),
> -			      GFP_KERNEL);
> -		if (unlikely(!lxt)) {
> -			mutex_unlock(&blka->mutex);
> -			rc = -ENOMEM;
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -
> -		/* copy over all old entries */
> -		memcpy(lxt, lxt_old, (sizeof(*lxt) * rhte->lxt_cnt));
> -	} else
> -		lxt = lxt_old;
> -
> -	/* nothing can fail from now on */
> -	my_new_size = rhte->lxt_cnt + delta;
> -
> -	/* add new entries to the end */
> -	for (i = rhte->lxt_cnt; i < my_new_size; i++) {
> -		/*
> -		 * Due to the earlier check of available space, ba_alloc
> -		 * cannot fail here. If it did due to internal error,
> -		 * leave a rlba_base of -1u which will likely be a
> -		 * invalid LUN (too large).
> -		 */
> -		aun = ba_alloc(&blka->ba_lun);
> -		if ((aun == -1ULL) || (aun >= blka->nchunk))
> -			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ba_alloc error allocated chunk=%llu "
> -				"max=%llu\n", __func__, aun, blka->nchunk - 1);
> -
> -		/* select both ports, use r/w perms from RHT */
> -		lxt[i].rlba_base = ((aun << MC_CHUNK_SHIFT) |
> -				    (lli->lun_index << LXT_LUNIDX_SHIFT) |
> -				    (RHT_PERM_RW << LXT_PERM_SHIFT |
> -				     lli->port_sel));
> -	}
> -
> -	mutex_unlock(&blka->mutex);
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * The following sequence is prescribed in the SISlite spec
> -	 * for syncing up with the AFU when adding LXT entries.
> -	 */
> -	dma_wmb(); /* Make LXT updates are visible */
> -
> -	rhte->lxt_start = lxt;
> -	dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry's LXT table update visible */
> -
> -	rhte->lxt_cnt = my_new_size;
> -	dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry's LXT table size update visible */
> -
> -	rc = cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, ctxid, rhndl, AFU_LW_SYNC);
> -	if (unlikely(rc))
> -		rc = -EAGAIN;
> -
> -	/* free old lxt if reallocated */
> -	if (lxt != lxt_old)
> -		kfree(lxt_old);
> -	*new_size = my_new_size;
> -out:
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * shrink_lxt() - reduces translation table associated with the specified RHTE
> - * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN.
> - * @rhndl:	Resource handle associated with the RHTE.
> - * @rhte:	Resource handle entry (RHTE).
> - * @ctxi:	Context owning resources.
> - * @new_size:	Number of translation entries associated with RHTE.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int shrink_lxt(struct afu *afu,
> -		      struct scsi_device *sdev,
> -		      res_hndl_t rhndl,
> -		      struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte,
> -		      struct ctx_info *ctxi,
> -		      u64 *new_size)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct sisl_lxt_entry *lxt, *lxt_old;
> -	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
> -	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
> -	struct blka *blka = &gli->blka;
> -	ctx_hndl_t ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(ctxi->ctxid);
> -	bool needs_ws = ctxi->rht_needs_ws[rhndl];
> -	bool needs_sync = !ctxi->err_recovery_active;
> -	u32 ngrps, ngrps_old;
> -	u64 aun;		/* chunk# allocated by block allocator */
> -	u64 delta = rhte->lxt_cnt - *new_size;
> -	u64 my_new_size;
> -	int i, rc = 0;
> -
> -	lxt_old = rhte->lxt_start;
> -	ngrps_old = LXT_NUM_GROUPS(rhte->lxt_cnt);
> -	ngrps = LXT_NUM_GROUPS(rhte->lxt_cnt - delta);
> -
> -	if (ngrps != ngrps_old) {
> -		/* Reallocate to fit new size unless new size is 0 */
> -		if (ngrps) {
> -			lxt = kzalloc((sizeof(*lxt) * LXT_GROUP_SIZE * ngrps),
> -				      GFP_KERNEL);
> -			if (unlikely(!lxt)) {
> -				rc = -ENOMEM;
> -				goto out;
> -			}
> -
> -			/* Copy over old entries that will remain */
> -			memcpy(lxt, lxt_old,
> -			       (sizeof(*lxt) * (rhte->lxt_cnt - delta)));
> -		} else
> -			lxt = NULL;
> -	} else
> -		lxt = lxt_old;
> -
> -	/* Nothing can fail from now on */
> -	my_new_size = rhte->lxt_cnt - delta;
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * The following sequence is prescribed in the SISlite spec
> -	 * for syncing up with the AFU when removing LXT entries.
> -	 */
> -	rhte->lxt_cnt = my_new_size;
> -	dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry's LXT table size update visible */
> -
> -	rhte->lxt_start = lxt;
> -	dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry's LXT table update visible */
> -
> -	if (needs_sync) {
> -		rc = cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, ctxid, rhndl, AFU_HW_SYNC);
> -		if (unlikely(rc))
> -			rc = -EAGAIN;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (needs_ws) {
> -		/*
> -		 * Mark the context as unavailable, so that we can release
> -		 * the mutex safely.
> -		 */
> -		ctxi->unavail = true;
> -		mutex_unlock(&ctxi->mutex);
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Free LBAs allocated to freed chunks */
> -	mutex_lock(&blka->mutex);
> -	for (i = delta - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
> -		aun = lxt_old[my_new_size + i].rlba_base >> MC_CHUNK_SHIFT;
> -		if (needs_ws)
> -			write_same16(sdev, aun, MC_CHUNK_SIZE);
> -		ba_free(&blka->ba_lun, aun);
> -	}
> -	mutex_unlock(&blka->mutex);
> -
> -	if (needs_ws) {
> -		/* Make the context visible again */
> -		mutex_lock(&ctxi->mutex);
> -		ctxi->unavail = false;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Free old lxt if reallocated */
> -	if (lxt != lxt_old)
> -		kfree(lxt_old);
> -	*new_size = my_new_size;
> -out:
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * _cxlflash_vlun_resize() - changes the size of a virtual LUN
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN owning virtual LUN.
> - * @ctxi:	Context owning resources.
> - * @resize:	Resize ioctl data structure.
> - *
> - * On successful return, the user is informed of the new size (in blocks)
> - * of the virtual LUN in last LBA format. When the size of the virtual
> - * LUN is zero, the last LBA is reflected as -1. See comment in the
> - * prologue for _cxlflash_disk_release() regarding AFU syncs and contexts
> - * on the error recovery list.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -int _cxlflash_vlun_resize(struct scsi_device *sdev,
> -			  struct ctx_info *ctxi,
> -			  struct dk_cxlflash_resize *resize)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
> -	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	bool put_ctx = false;
> -
> -	res_hndl_t rhndl = resize->rsrc_handle;
> -	u64 new_size;
> -	u64 nsectors;
> -	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(resize->context_id),
> -	    rctxid = resize->context_id;
> -
> -	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte;
> -
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * The requested size (req_size) is always assumed to be in 4k blocks,
> -	 * so we have to convert it here from 4k to chunk size.
> -	 */
> -	nsectors = (resize->req_size * CXLFLASH_BLOCK_SIZE) / gli->blk_len;
> -	new_size = DIV_ROUND_UP(nsectors, MC_CHUNK_SIZE);
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%llu rhndl=%llu req_size=%llu new_size=%llu\n",
> -		__func__, ctxid, resize->rsrc_handle, resize->req_size,
> -		new_size);
> -
> -	if (unlikely(gli->mode != MODE_VIRTUAL)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: LUN mode does not support resize mode=%d\n",
> -			__func__, gli->mode);
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto out;
> -
> -	}
> -
> -	if (!ctxi) {
> -		ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, CTX_CTRL_ERR_FALLBACK);
> -		if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
> -			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n",
> -				__func__, ctxid);
> -			rc = -EINVAL;
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -
> -		put_ctx = true;
> -	}
> -
> -	rhte = get_rhte(ctxi, rhndl, lli);
> -	if (unlikely(!rhte)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad resource handle rhndl=%u\n",
> -			__func__, rhndl);
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (new_size > rhte->lxt_cnt)
> -		rc = grow_lxt(afu, sdev, ctxid, rhndl, rhte, &new_size);
> -	else if (new_size < rhte->lxt_cnt)
> -		rc = shrink_lxt(afu, sdev, rhndl, rhte, ctxi, &new_size);
> -	else {
> -		/*
> -		 * Rare case where there is already sufficient space, just
> -		 * need to perform a translation sync with the AFU. This
> -		 * scenario likely follows a previous sync failure during
> -		 * a resize operation. Accordingly, perform the heavyweight
> -		 * form of translation sync as it is unknown which type of
> -		 * resize failed previously.
> -		 */
> -		rc = cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, ctxid, rhndl, AFU_HW_SYNC);
> -		if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -			rc = -EAGAIN;
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	resize->hdr.return_flags = 0;
> -	resize->last_lba = (new_size * MC_CHUNK_SIZE * gli->blk_len);
> -	resize->last_lba /= CXLFLASH_BLOCK_SIZE;
> -	resize->last_lba--;
> -
> -out:
> -	if (put_ctx)
> -		put_context(ctxi);
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: resized to %llu returning rc=%d\n",
> -		__func__, resize->last_lba, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -int cxlflash_vlun_resize(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *resize)
> -{
> -	return _cxlflash_vlun_resize(sdev, NULL, resize);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_restore_luntable() - Restore LUN table to prior state
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - */
> -void cxlflash_restore_luntable(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg)
> -{
> -	struct llun_info *lli, *temp;
> -	u32 lind;
> -	int k;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_luns;
> -
> -	mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
> -
> -	list_for_each_entry_safe(lli, temp, &cfg->lluns, list) {
> -		if (!lli->in_table)
> -			continue;
> -
> -		lind = lli->lun_index;
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Virtual LUNs on slot %d:\n", __func__, lind);
> -
> -		for (k = 0; k < cfg->num_fc_ports; k++)
> -			if (lli->port_sel & (1 << k)) {
> -				fc_port_luns = get_fc_port_luns(cfg, k);
> -				writeq_be(lli->lun_id[k], &fc_port_luns[lind]);
> -				dev_dbg(dev, "\t%d=%llx\n", k, lli->lun_id[k]);
> -			}
> -	}
> -
> -	mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * get_num_ports() - compute number of ports from port selection mask
> - * @psm:	Port selection mask.
> - *
> - * Return: Population count of port selection mask
> - */
> -static inline u8 get_num_ports(u32 psm)
> -{
> -	static const u8 bits[16] = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3,
> -				     1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4 };
> -
> -	return bits[psm & 0xf];
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * init_luntable() - write an entry in the LUN table
> - * @cfg:	Internal structure associated with the host.
> - * @lli:	Per adapter LUN information structure.
> - *
> - * On successful return, a LUN table entry is created:
> - *	- at the top for LUNs visible on multiple ports.
> - *	- at the bottom for LUNs visible only on one port.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int init_luntable(struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg, struct llun_info *lli)
> -{
> -	u32 chan;
> -	u32 lind;
> -	u32 nports;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	int k;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	__be64 __iomem *fc_port_luns;
> -
> -	mutex_lock(&global.mutex);
> -
> -	if (lli->in_table)
> -		goto out;
> -
> -	nports = get_num_ports(lli->port_sel);
> -	if (nports == 0 || nports > cfg->num_fc_ports) {
> -		WARN(1, "Unsupported port configuration nports=%u", nports);
> -		rc = -EIO;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (nports > 1) {
> -		/*
> -		 * When LUN is visible from multiple ports, we will put
> -		 * it in the top half of the LUN table.
> -		 */
> -		for (k = 0; k < cfg->num_fc_ports; k++) {
> -			if (!(lli->port_sel & (1 << k)))
> -				continue;
> -
> -			if (cfg->promote_lun_index == cfg->last_lun_index[k]) {
> -				rc = -ENOSPC;
> -				goto out;
> -			}
> -		}
> -
> -		lind = lli->lun_index = cfg->promote_lun_index;
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Virtual LUNs on slot %d:\n", __func__, lind);
> -
> -		for (k = 0; k < cfg->num_fc_ports; k++) {
> -			if (!(lli->port_sel & (1 << k)))
> -				continue;
> -
> -			fc_port_luns = get_fc_port_luns(cfg, k);
> -			writeq_be(lli->lun_id[k], &fc_port_luns[lind]);
> -			dev_dbg(dev, "\t%d=%llx\n", k, lli->lun_id[k]);
> -		}
> -
> -		cfg->promote_lun_index++;
> -	} else {
> -		/*
> -		 * When LUN is visible only from one port, we will put
> -		 * it in the bottom half of the LUN table.
> -		 */
> -		chan = PORTMASK2CHAN(lli->port_sel);
> -		if (cfg->promote_lun_index == cfg->last_lun_index[chan]) {
> -			rc = -ENOSPC;
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -
> -		lind = lli->lun_index = cfg->last_lun_index[chan];
> -		fc_port_luns = get_fc_port_luns(cfg, chan);
> -		writeq_be(lli->lun_id[chan], &fc_port_luns[lind]);
> -		cfg->last_lun_index[chan]--;
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Virtual LUNs on slot %d:\n\t%d=%llx\n",
> -			__func__, lind, chan, lli->lun_id[chan]);
> -	}
> -
> -	lli->in_table = true;
> -out:
> -	mutex_unlock(&global.mutex);
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_disk_virtual_open() - open a virtual disk of specified size
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN owning virtual LUN.
> - * @arg:	UVirtual ioctl data structure.
> - *
> - * On successful return, the user is informed of the resource handle
> - * to be used to identify the virtual LUN and the size (in blocks) of
> - * the virtual LUN in last LBA format. When the size of the virtual LUN
> - * is zero, the last LBA is reflected as -1.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -int cxlflash_disk_virtual_open(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
> -	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
> -
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_uvirtual *virt = (struct dk_cxlflash_uvirtual *)arg;
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_resize resize;
> -
> -	u64 ctxid = DECODE_CTXID(virt->context_id),
> -	    rctxid = virt->context_id;
> -	u64 lun_size = virt->lun_size;
> -	u64 last_lba = 0;
> -	u64 rsrc_handle = -1;
> -
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	struct ctx_info *ctxi = NULL;
> -	struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte = NULL;
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid=%llu ls=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid, lun_size);
> -
> -	/* Setup the LUNs block allocator on first call */
> -	mutex_lock(&gli->mutex);
> -	if (gli->mode == MODE_NONE) {
> -		rc = init_vlun(lli);
> -		if (rc) {
> -			dev_err(dev, "%s: init_vlun failed rc=%d\n",
> -				__func__, rc);
> -			rc = -ENOMEM;
> -			goto err0;
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	rc = cxlflash_lun_attach(gli, MODE_VIRTUAL, true);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Failed attach to LUN (VIRTUAL)\n", __func__);
> -		goto err0;
> -	}
> -	mutex_unlock(&gli->mutex);
> -
> -	rc = init_luntable(cfg, lli);
> -	if (rc) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: init_luntable failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		goto err1;
> -	}
> -
> -	ctxi = get_context(cfg, rctxid, lli, 0);
> -	if (unlikely(!ctxi)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid=%llu\n", __func__, ctxid);
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto err1;
> -	}
> -
> -	rhte = rhte_checkout(ctxi, lli);
> -	if (unlikely(!rhte)) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: too many opens ctxid=%llu\n",
> -			__func__, ctxid);
> -		rc = -EMFILE;	/* too many opens  */
> -		goto err1;
> -	}
> -
> -	rsrc_handle = (rhte - ctxi->rht_start);
> -
> -	/* Populate RHT format 0 */
> -	rhte->nmask = MC_RHT_NMASK;
> -	rhte->fp = SISL_RHT_FP(0U, ctxi->rht_perms);
> -
> -	/* Resize even if requested size is 0 */
> -	marshal_virt_to_resize(virt, &resize);
> -	resize.rsrc_handle = rsrc_handle;
> -	rc = _cxlflash_vlun_resize(sdev, ctxi, &resize);
> -	if (rc) {
> -		dev_err(dev, "%s: resize failed rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -		goto err2;
> -	}
> -	last_lba = resize.last_lba;
> -
> -	if (virt->hdr.flags & DK_CXLFLASH_UVIRTUAL_NEED_WRITE_SAME)
> -		ctxi->rht_needs_ws[rsrc_handle] = true;
> -
> -	virt->hdr.return_flags = 0;
> -	virt->last_lba = last_lba;
> -	virt->rsrc_handle = rsrc_handle;
> -
> -	if (get_num_ports(lli->port_sel) > 1)
> -		virt->hdr.return_flags |= DK_CXLFLASH_ALL_PORTS_ACTIVE;
> -out:
> -	if (likely(ctxi))
> -		put_context(ctxi);
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning handle=%llu rc=%d llba=%llu\n",
> -		__func__, rsrc_handle, rc, last_lba);
> -	return rc;
> -
> -err2:
> -	rhte_checkin(ctxi, rhte);
> -err1:
> -	cxlflash_lun_detach(gli);
> -	goto out;
> -err0:
> -	/* Special common cleanup prior to successful LUN attach */
> -	cxlflash_ba_terminate(&gli->blka.ba_lun);
> -	mutex_unlock(&gli->mutex);
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * clone_lxt() - copies translation tables from source to destination RHTE
> - * @afu:	AFU associated with the host.
> - * @blka:	Block allocator associated with LUN.
> - * @ctxid:	Context ID of context owning the RHTE.
> - * @rhndl:	Resource handle associated with the RHTE.
> - * @rhte:	Destination resource handle entry (RHTE).
> - * @rhte_src:	Source resource handle entry (RHTE).
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -static int clone_lxt(struct afu *afu,
> -		     struct blka *blka,
> -		     ctx_hndl_t ctxid,
> -		     res_hndl_t rhndl,
> -		     struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte,
> -		     struct sisl_rht_entry *rhte_src)
> -{
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = afu->parent;
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct sisl_lxt_entry *lxt = NULL;
> -	bool locked = false;
> -	u32 ngrps;
> -	u64 aun;		/* chunk# allocated by block allocator */
> -	int j;
> -	int i = 0;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -
> -	ngrps = LXT_NUM_GROUPS(rhte_src->lxt_cnt);
> -
> -	if (ngrps) {
> -		/* allocate new LXTs for clone */
> -		lxt = kzalloc((sizeof(*lxt) * LXT_GROUP_SIZE * ngrps),
> -				GFP_KERNEL);
> -		if (unlikely(!lxt)) {
> -			rc = -ENOMEM;
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -
> -		/* copy over */
> -		memcpy(lxt, rhte_src->lxt_start,
> -		       (sizeof(*lxt) * rhte_src->lxt_cnt));
> -
> -		/* clone the LBAs in block allocator via ref_cnt, note that the
> -		 * block allocator mutex must be held until it is established
> -		 * that this routine will complete without the need for a
> -		 * cleanup.
> -		 */
> -		mutex_lock(&blka->mutex);
> -		locked = true;
> -		for (i = 0; i < rhte_src->lxt_cnt; i++) {
> -			aun = (lxt[i].rlba_base >> MC_CHUNK_SHIFT);
> -			if (ba_clone(&blka->ba_lun, aun) == -1ULL) {
> -				rc = -EIO;
> -				goto err;
> -			}
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * The following sequence is prescribed in the SISlite spec
> -	 * for syncing up with the AFU when adding LXT entries.
> -	 */
> -	dma_wmb(); /* Make LXT updates are visible */
> -
> -	rhte->lxt_start = lxt;
> -	dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry's LXT table update visible */
> -
> -	rhte->lxt_cnt = rhte_src->lxt_cnt;
> -	dma_wmb(); /* Make RHT entry's LXT table size update visible */
> -
> -	rc = cxlflash_afu_sync(afu, ctxid, rhndl, AFU_LW_SYNC);
> -	if (unlikely(rc)) {
> -		rc = -EAGAIN;
> -		goto err2;
> -	}
> -
> -out:
> -	if (locked)
> -		mutex_unlock(&blka->mutex);
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -err2:
> -	/* Reset the RHTE */
> -	rhte->lxt_cnt = 0;
> -	dma_wmb();
> -	rhte->lxt_start = NULL;
> -	dma_wmb();
> -err:
> -	/* free the clones already made */
> -	for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
> -		aun = (lxt[j].rlba_base >> MC_CHUNK_SHIFT);
> -		ba_free(&blka->ba_lun, aun);
> -	}
> -	kfree(lxt);
> -	goto out;
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * cxlflash_disk_clone() - clone a context by making snapshot of another
> - * @sdev:	SCSI device associated with LUN owning virtual LUN.
> - * @arg:	Clone ioctl data structure.
> - *
> - * This routine effectively performs cxlflash_disk_open operation for each
> - * in-use virtual resource in the source context. Note that the destination
> - * context must be in pristine state and cannot have any resource handles
> - * open at the time of the clone.
> - *
> - * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure
> - */
> -int cxlflash_disk_clone(struct scsi_device *sdev, void *arg)
> -{
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_clone *clone = arg;
> -	struct cxlflash_cfg *cfg = shost_priv(sdev->host);
> -	struct device *dev = &cfg->dev->dev;
> -	struct llun_info *lli = sdev->hostdata;
> -	struct glun_info *gli = lli->parent;
> -	struct blka *blka = &gli->blka;
> -	struct afu *afu = cfg->afu;
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_release release = { { 0 }, 0 };
> -
> -	struct ctx_info *ctxi_src = NULL,
> -			*ctxi_dst = NULL;
> -	struct lun_access *lun_access_src, *lun_access_dst;
> -	u32 perms;
> -	u64 ctxid_src = DECODE_CTXID(clone->context_id_src),
> -	    ctxid_dst = DECODE_CTXID(clone->context_id_dst),
> -	    rctxid_src = clone->context_id_src,
> -	    rctxid_dst = clone->context_id_dst;
> -	int i, j;
> -	int rc = 0;
> -	bool found;
> -	LIST_HEAD(sidecar);
> -
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: ctxid_src=%llu ctxid_dst=%llu\n",
> -		__func__, ctxid_src, ctxid_dst);
> -
> -	/* Do not clone yourself */
> -	if (unlikely(rctxid_src == rctxid_dst)) {
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	if (unlikely(gli->mode != MODE_VIRTUAL)) {
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Only supported on virtual LUNs mode=%u\n",
> -			__func__, gli->mode);
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	ctxi_src = get_context(cfg, rctxid_src, lli, CTX_CTRL_CLONE);
> -	ctxi_dst = get_context(cfg, rctxid_dst, lli, 0);
> -	if (unlikely(!ctxi_src || !ctxi_dst)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Bad context ctxid_src=%llu ctxid_dst=%llu\n",
> -			__func__, ctxid_src, ctxid_dst);
> -		rc = -EINVAL;
> -		goto out;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* Verify there is no open resource handle in the destination context */
> -	for (i = 0; i < MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT; i++)
> -		if (ctxi_dst->rht_start[i].nmask != 0) {
> -			rc = -EINVAL;
> -			goto out;
> -		}
> -
> -	/* Clone LUN access list */
> -	list_for_each_entry(lun_access_src, &ctxi_src->luns, list) {
> -		found = false;
> -		list_for_each_entry(lun_access_dst, &ctxi_dst->luns, list)
> -			if (lun_access_dst->sdev == lun_access_src->sdev) {
> -				found = true;
> -				break;
> -			}
> -
> -		if (!found) {
> -			lun_access_dst = kzalloc(sizeof(*lun_access_dst),
> -						 GFP_KERNEL);
> -			if (unlikely(!lun_access_dst)) {
> -				dev_err(dev, "%s: lun_access allocation fail\n",
> -					__func__);
> -				rc = -ENOMEM;
> -				goto out;
> -			}
> -
> -			*lun_access_dst = *lun_access_src;
> -			list_add(&lun_access_dst->list, &sidecar);
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	if (unlikely(!ctxi_src->rht_out)) {
> -		dev_dbg(dev, "%s: Nothing to clone\n", __func__);
> -		goto out_success;
> -	}
> -
> -	/* User specified permission on attach */
> -	perms = ctxi_dst->rht_perms;
> -
> -	/*
> -	 * Copy over checked-out RHT (and their associated LXT) entries by
> -	 * hand, stopping after we've copied all outstanding entries and
> -	 * cleaning up if the clone fails.
> -	 *
> -	 * Note: This loop is equivalent to performing cxlflash_disk_open and
> -	 * cxlflash_vlun_resize. As such, LUN accounting needs to be taken into
> -	 * account by attaching after each successful RHT entry clone. In the
> -	 * event that a clone failure is experienced, the LUN detach is handled
> -	 * via the cleanup performed by _cxlflash_disk_release.
> -	 */
> -	for (i = 0; i < MAX_RHT_PER_CONTEXT; i++) {
> -		if (ctxi_src->rht_out == ctxi_dst->rht_out)
> -			break;
> -		if (ctxi_src->rht_start[i].nmask == 0)
> -			continue;
> -
> -		/* Consume a destination RHT entry */
> -		ctxi_dst->rht_out++;
> -		ctxi_dst->rht_start[i].nmask = ctxi_src->rht_start[i].nmask;
> -		ctxi_dst->rht_start[i].fp =
> -		    SISL_RHT_FP_CLONE(ctxi_src->rht_start[i].fp, perms);
> -		ctxi_dst->rht_lun[i] = ctxi_src->rht_lun[i];
> -
> -		rc = clone_lxt(afu, blka, ctxid_dst, i,
> -			       &ctxi_dst->rht_start[i],
> -			       &ctxi_src->rht_start[i]);
> -		if (rc) {
> -			marshal_clone_to_rele(clone, &release);
> -			for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
> -				release.rsrc_handle = j;
> -				_cxlflash_disk_release(sdev, ctxi_dst,
> -						       &release);
> -			}
> -
> -			/* Put back the one we failed on */
> -			rhte_checkin(ctxi_dst, &ctxi_dst->rht_start[i]);
> -			goto err;
> -		}
> -
> -		cxlflash_lun_attach(gli, gli->mode, false);
> -	}
> -
> -out_success:
> -	list_splice(&sidecar, &ctxi_dst->luns);
> -
> -	/* fall through */
> -out:
> -	if (ctxi_src)
> -		put_context(ctxi_src);
> -	if (ctxi_dst)
> -		put_context(ctxi_dst);
> -	dev_dbg(dev, "%s: returning rc=%d\n", __func__, rc);
> -	return rc;
> -
> -err:
> -	list_for_each_entry_safe(lun_access_src, lun_access_dst, &sidecar, list)
> -		kfree(lun_access_src);
> -	goto out;
> -}
> diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.h b/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.h
> deleted file mode 100644
> index 68e3ea52fe80..000000000000
> --- a/drivers/scsi/cxlflash/vlun.h
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
> -/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
> -/*
> - * CXL Flash Device Driver
> - *
> - * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *
> - * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
> - */
> -
> -#ifndef _CXLFLASH_VLUN_H
> -#define _CXLFLASH_VLUN_H
> -
> -/* RHT - Resource Handle Table */
> -#define MC_RHT_NMASK      16	/* in bits */
> -#define MC_CHUNK_SHIFT    MC_RHT_NMASK	/* shift to go from LBA to chunk# */
> -
> -#define HIBIT             (BITS_PER_LONG - 1)
> -
> -#define MAX_AUN_CLONE_CNT 0xFF
> -
> -/*
> - * LXT - LBA Translation Table
> - *
> - * +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---+---+
> - * | RLBA_BASE                                     |LUN_IDX| P |SEL|
> - * +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---+---+
> - *
> - * The LXT Entry contains the physical LBA where the chunk starts (RLBA_BASE).
> - * AFU ORes the low order bits from the virtual LBA (offset into the chunk)
> - * with RLBA_BASE. The result is the physical LBA to be sent to storage.
> - * The LXT Entry also contains an index to a LUN TBL and a bitmask of which
> - * outgoing (FC) * ports can be selected. The port select bit-mask is ANDed
> - * with a global port select bit-mask maintained by the driver.
> - * In addition, it has permission bits that are ANDed with the
> - * RHT permissions to arrive at the final permissions for the chunk.
> - *
> - * LXT tables are allocated dynamically in groups. This is done to avoid
> - * a malloc/free overhead each time the LXT has to grow or shrink.
> - *
> - * Based on the current lxt_cnt (used), it is always possible to know
> - * how many are allocated (used+free). The number of allocated entries is
> - * not stored anywhere.
> - *
> - * The LXT table is re-allocated whenever it needs to cross into another group.
> - */
> -#define LXT_GROUP_SIZE          8
> -#define LXT_NUM_GROUPS(lxt_cnt) (((lxt_cnt) + 7)/8)	/* alloc'ed groups */
> -#define LXT_LUNIDX_SHIFT  8	/* LXT entry, shift for LUN index */
> -#define LXT_PERM_SHIFT    4	/* LXT entry, shift for permission bits */
> -
> -struct ba_lun_info {
> -	u64 *lun_alloc_map;
> -	u32 lun_bmap_size;
> -	u32 total_aus;
> -	u64 free_aun_cnt;
> -
> -	/* indices to be used for elevator lookup of free map */
> -	u32 free_low_idx;
> -	u32 free_curr_idx;
> -	u32 free_high_idx;
> -
> -	u8 *aun_clone_map;
> -};
> -
> -struct ba_lun {
> -	u64 lun_id;
> -	u64 wwpn;
> -	size_t lsize;		/* LUN size in number of LBAs             */
> -	size_t lba_size;	/* LBA size in number of bytes            */
> -	size_t au_size;		/* Allocation Unit size in number of LBAs */
> -	struct ba_lun_info *ba_lun_handle;
> -};
> -
> -/* Block Allocator */
> -struct blka {
> -	struct ba_lun ba_lun;
> -	u64 nchunk;		/* number of chunks */
> -	struct mutex mutex;
> -};
> -
> -#endif /* ifndef _CXLFLASH_SUPERPIPE_H */
> diff --git a/include/uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h b/include/uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h
> deleted file mode 100644
> index 513da47aa5ab..000000000000
> --- a/include/uapi/scsi/cxlflash_ioctl.h
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
> -/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ WITH Linux-syscall-note */
> -/*
> - * CXL Flash Device Driver
> - *
> - * Written by: Manoj N. Kumar <manoj@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *             Matthew R. Ochs <mrochs@linux.vnet.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
> - *
> - * Copyright (C) 2015 IBM Corporation
> - *
> - * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
> - * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
> - * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
> - * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
> - */
> -
> -#ifndef _CXLFLASH_IOCTL_H
> -#define _CXLFLASH_IOCTL_H
> -
> -#include <linux/types.h>
> -
> -/*
> - * Structure and definitions for all CXL Flash ioctls
> - */
> -#define CXLFLASH_WWID_LEN		16
> -
> -/*
> - * Structure and flag definitions CXL Flash superpipe ioctls
> - */
> -
> -#define DK_CXLFLASH_VERSION_0	0
> -
> -struct dk_cxlflash_hdr {
> -	__u16 version;			/* Version data */
> -	__u16 rsvd[3];			/* Reserved for future use */
> -	__u64 flags;			/* Input flags */
> -	__u64 return_flags;		/* Returned flags */
> -};
> -
> -/*
> - * Return flag definitions available to all superpipe ioctls
> - *
> - * Similar to the input flags, these are grown from the bottom-up with the
> - * intention that ioctl-specific return flag definitions would grow from the
> - * top-down, allowing the two sets to co-exist. While not required/enforced
> - * at this time, this provides future flexibility.
> - */
> -#define DK_CXLFLASH_ALL_PORTS_ACTIVE	0x0000000000000001ULL
> -#define DK_CXLFLASH_APP_CLOSE_ADAP_FD	0x0000000000000002ULL
> -#define DK_CXLFLASH_CONTEXT_SQ_CMD_MODE	0x0000000000000004ULL
> -
> -/*
> - * General Notes:
> - * -------------
> - * The 'context_id' field of all ioctl structures contains the context
> - * identifier for a context in the lower 32-bits (upper 32-bits are not
> - * to be used when identifying a context to the AFU). That said, the value
> - * in its entirety (all 64-bits) is to be treated as an opaque cookie and
> - * should be presented as such when issuing ioctls.
> - */
> -
> -/*
> - * ------------------------
> - * Read/write access permissions are specified via the O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY,
> - * and O_RDWR flags defined in the fcntl.h header file.
> - *
> - * A valid adapter file descriptor (fd >= 0) is only returned on the initial
> - * attach (successful) of a context. When a context is shared(reused), the user
> - * is expected to already 'know' the adapter file descriptor associated with the
> - * context.
> - */
> -#define DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH_REUSE_CONTEXT	0x8000000000000000ULL
> -
> -struct dk_cxlflash_attach {
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
> -	__u64 num_interrupts;		/* Requested number of interrupts */
> -	__u64 context_id;		/* Returned context */
> -	__u64 mmio_size;		/* Returned size of MMIO area */
> -	__u64 block_size;		/* Returned block size, in bytes */
> -	__u64 adap_fd;			/* Returned adapter file descriptor */
> -	__u64 last_lba;			/* Returned last LBA on the device */
> -	__u64 max_xfer;			/* Returned max transfer size, blocks */
> -	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
> -};
> -
> -struct dk_cxlflash_detach {
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
> -	__u64 context_id;		/* Context to detach */
> -	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
> -};
> -
> -struct dk_cxlflash_udirect {
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
> -	__u64 context_id;		/* Context to own physical resources */
> -	__u64 rsrc_handle;		/* Returned resource handle */
> -	__u64 last_lba;			/* Returned last LBA on the device */
> -	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
> -};
> -
> -#define DK_CXLFLASH_UVIRTUAL_NEED_WRITE_SAME	0x8000000000000000ULL
> -
> -struct dk_cxlflash_uvirtual {
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
> -	__u64 context_id;		/* Context to own virtual resources */
> -	__u64 lun_size;			/* Requested size, in 4K blocks */
> -	__u64 rsrc_handle;		/* Returned resource handle */
> -	__u64 last_lba;			/* Returned last LBA of LUN */
> -	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
> -};
> -
> -struct dk_cxlflash_release {
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
> -	__u64 context_id;		/* Context owning resources */
> -	__u64 rsrc_handle;		/* Resource handle to release */
> -	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
> -};
> -
> -struct dk_cxlflash_resize {
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
> -	__u64 context_id;		/* Context owning resources */
> -	__u64 rsrc_handle;		/* Resource handle of LUN to resize */
> -	__u64 req_size;			/* New requested size, in 4K blocks */
> -	__u64 last_lba;			/* Returned last LBA of LUN */
> -	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
> -};
> -
> -struct dk_cxlflash_clone {
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
> -	__u64 context_id_src;		/* Context to clone from */
> -	__u64 context_id_dst;		/* Context to clone to */
> -	__u64 adap_fd_src;		/* Source context adapter fd */
> -	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
> -};
> -
> -#define DK_CXLFLASH_VERIFY_HINT_SENSE	0x8000000000000000ULL
> -
> -struct dk_cxlflash_verify {
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
> -	__u64 context_id;		/* Context owning resources to verify */
> -	__u64 rsrc_handle;		/* Resource handle of LUN */
> -	__u64 hint;			/* Reasons for verify */
> -	__u64 last_lba;			/* Returned last LBA of device */
> -	__u8 sense_data[DK_CXLFLASH_VERIFY_SENSE_LEN]; /* SCSI sense data */
> -	__u8 pad[6];			/* Pad to next 8-byte boundary */
> -	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
> -};
> -
> -#define DK_CXLFLASH_RECOVER_AFU_CONTEXT_RESET	0x8000000000000000ULL
> -
> -struct dk_cxlflash_recover_afu {
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;	/* Common fields */
> -	__u64 reason;			/* Reason for recovery request */
> -	__u64 context_id;		/* Context to recover / updated ID */
> -	__u64 mmio_size;		/* Returned size of MMIO area */
> -	__u64 adap_fd;			/* Returned adapter file descriptor */
> -	__u64 reserved[8];		/* Reserved for future use */
> -};
> -
> -
> -struct dk_cxlflash_manage_lun {
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_hdr hdr;			/* Common fields */
> -	__u8 wwid[DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN_WWID_LEN];	/* Page83 WWID, NAA-6 */
> -	__u64 reserved[8];				/* Rsvd, future use */
> -};
> -
> -union cxlflash_ioctls {
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_attach attach;
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_detach detach;
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_udirect udirect;
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_uvirtual uvirtual;
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_release release;
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_resize resize;
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_clone clone;
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_verify verify;
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_recover_afu recover_afu;
> -	struct dk_cxlflash_manage_lun manage_lun;
> -};
> -
> -#define MAX_CXLFLASH_IOCTL_SZ	(sizeof(union cxlflash_ioctls))
> -
> -#define CXL_MAGIC 0xCA
> -#define CXL_IOWR(_n, _s)	_IOWR(CXL_MAGIC, _n, struct _s)
> -
> -/*
> - * CXL Flash superpipe ioctls start at base of the reserved CXL_MAGIC
> - * region (0x80) and grow upwards.
> - */
> -#define DK_CXLFLASH_ATTACH		CXL_IOWR(0x80, dk_cxlflash_attach)
> -#define DK_CXLFLASH_USER_DIRECT		CXL_IOWR(0x81, dk_cxlflash_udirect)
> -#define DK_CXLFLASH_RELEASE		CXL_IOWR(0x82, dk_cxlflash_release)
> -#define DK_CXLFLASH_DETACH		CXL_IOWR(0x83, dk_cxlflash_detach)
> -#define DK_CXLFLASH_VERIFY		CXL_IOWR(0x84, dk_cxlflash_verify)
> -#define DK_CXLFLASH_RECOVER_AFU		CXL_IOWR(0x85, dk_cxlflash_recover_afu)
> -#define DK_CXLFLASH_MANAGE_LUN		CXL_IOWR(0x86, dk_cxlflash_manage_lun)
> -#define DK_CXLFLASH_USER_VIRTUAL	CXL_IOWR(0x87, dk_cxlflash_uvirtual)
> -#define DK_CXLFLASH_VLUN_RESIZE		CXL_IOWR(0x88, dk_cxlflash_resize)
> -#define DK_CXLFLASH_VLUN_CLONE		CXL_IOWR(0x89, dk_cxlflash_clone)
> -
> -/*
> - * Structure and flag definitions CXL Flash host ioctls
> - */
> -
> -#define HT_CXLFLASH_VERSION_0  0
> -
> -struct ht_cxlflash_hdr {
> -	__u16 version;		/* Version data */
> -	__u16 subcmd;		/* Sub-command */
> -	__u16 rsvd[2];		/* Reserved for future use */
> -	__u64 flags;		/* Input flags */
> -	__u64 return_flags;	/* Returned flags */
> -};
> -
> -/*
> - * Input flag definitions available to all host ioctls
> - *
> - * These are grown from the bottom-up with the intention that ioctl-specific
> - * input flag definitions would grow from the top-down, allowing the two sets
> - * to co-exist. While not required/enforced at this time, this provides future
> - * flexibility.
> - */
> -#define HT_CXLFLASH_HOST_READ				0x0000000000000000ULL
> -#define HT_CXLFLASH_HOST_WRITE				0x0000000000000001ULL
> -
> -
> -struct ht_cxlflash_lun_provision {
> -	struct ht_cxlflash_hdr hdr; /* Common fields */
> -	__u16 port;		    /* Target port for provision request */
> -	__u16 reserved16[3];	    /* Reserved for future use */
> -	__u64 size;		    /* Size of LUN (4K blocks) */
> -	__u64 lun_id;		    /* SCSI LUN ID */
> -	__u8 wwid[CXLFLASH_WWID_LEN];/* Page83 WWID, NAA-6 */
> -	__u64 max_num_luns;	    /* Maximum number of LUNs provisioned */
> -	__u64 cur_num_luns;	    /* Current number of LUNs provisioned */
> -	__u64 max_cap_port;	    /* Total capacity for port (4K blocks) */
> -	__u64 cur_cap_port;	    /* Current capacity for port (4K blocks) */
> -	__u64 reserved[8];	    /* Reserved for future use */
> -};
> -
> -#define	HT_CXLFLASH_AFU_DEBUG_MAX_DATA_LEN		262144	/* 256K */
> -struct ht_cxlflash_afu_debug {
> -	struct ht_cxlflash_hdr hdr; /* Common fields */
> -	__u8 reserved8[4];	    /* Reserved for future use */
> -	__u8 afu_subcmd[HT_CXLFLASH_AFU_DEBUG_SUBCMD_LEN]; /* AFU subcommand,
> -							    * (pass through)
> -							    */
> -	__u64 data_ea;		    /* Data buffer effective address */
> -	__u32 data_len;		    /* Data buffer length */
> -	__u32 reserved32;	    /* Reserved for future use */
> -	__u64 reserved[8];	    /* Reserved for future use */
> -};
> -
> -union cxlflash_ht_ioctls {
> -	struct ht_cxlflash_lun_provision lun_provision;
> -	struct ht_cxlflash_afu_debug afu_debug;
> -};
> -
> -#define MAX_HT_CXLFLASH_IOCTL_SZ	(sizeof(union cxlflash_ht_ioctls))
> -
> -/*
> - * CXL Flash host ioctls start at the top of the reserved CXL_MAGIC
> - * region (0xBF) and grow downwards.
> - */
> -#define HT_CXLFLASH_LUN_PROVISION CXL_IOWR(0xBF, ht_cxlflash_lun_provision)
> -#define HT_CXLFLASH_AFU_DEBUG	  CXL_IOWR(0xBE, ht_cxlflash_afu_debug)
> -
> -
> -#endif /* ifndef _CXLFLASH_IOCTL_H */
> diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/filesystems/statmount/statmount_test.c b/tools/testing/selftests/filesystems/statmount/statmount_test.c
> index 8eb6aa606a0d..3ef652da7758 100644
> --- a/tools/testing/selftests/filesystems/statmount/statmount_test.c
> +++ b/tools/testing/selftests/filesystems/statmount/statmount_test.c
> @@ -26,13 +26,12 @@ static const char *const known_fs[] = {
>   	"hfsplus", "hostfs", "hpfs", "hugetlbfs", "ibmasmfs", "iomem",
>   	"ipathfs", "iso9660", "jffs2", "jfs", "minix", "mqueue", "msdos",
>   	"nfs", "nfs4", "nfsd", "nilfs2", "nsfs", "ntfs", "ntfs3", "ocfs2",
> -	"ocfs2_dlmfs", "ocxlflash", "omfs", "openpromfs", "overlay", "pipefs",
> -	"proc", "pstore", "pvfs2", "qnx4", "qnx6", "ramfs",
> -	"resctrl", "romfs", "rootfs", "rpc_pipefs", "s390_hypfs", "secretmem",
> -	"securityfs", "selinuxfs", "smackfs", "smb3", "sockfs", "spufs",
> -	"squashfs", "sysfs", "sysv", "tmpfs", "tracefs", "ubifs", "udf",
> -	"ufs", "v7", "vboxsf", "vfat", "virtiofs", "vxfs", "xenfs", "xfs",
> -	"zonefs", NULL };
> +	"ocfs2_dlmfs", "omfs", "openpromfs", "overlay", "pipefs", "proc",
> +	"pstore", "pvfs2", "qnx4", "qnx6", "ramfs", "resctrl", "romfs",
> +	"rootfs", "rpc_pipefs", "s390_hypfs", "secretmem", "securityfs",
> +	"selinuxfs", "smackfs", "smb3", "sockfs", "spufs", "squashfs", "sysfs",
> +	"sysv", "tmpfs", "tracefs", "ubifs", "udf", "ufs", "v7", "vboxsf",
> +	"vfat", "virtiofs", "vxfs", "xenfs", "xfs", "zonefs", NULL };
>   static struct statmount *statmount_alloc(uint64_t mnt_id, uint64_t mask, unsigned int flags)
>   {