[RFC PATCH 3/5] qemu: Create PXBs and auto-assign VFIO devs and nested SMMUs

Nathan Chen via Devel posted 5 patches 1 week, 3 days ago
[RFC PATCH 3/5] qemu: Create PXBs and auto-assign VFIO devs and nested SMMUs
Posted by Nathan Chen via Devel 1 week, 3 days ago
Add a pcie-expander-bus controller to the VM definition for each "nestedSmmuv3"
device that is generated when the "nestedSmmuv3" IOMMU model is parsed from the
VM definition. Assign each "nestedSmmuv3" device to one PXB controller, and
route any unmanaged "hostdev" VFIO devices with associated host SMMU nodes to
their corresponding PXB controller based on the "name" attributes of
"nestedSmmuv3" devices attached to these PXB controllers.

Signed-off-by: Nathan Chen <nathanc@nvidia.com>
 src/conf/domain_addr.c         |  26 ++++++-
 src/conf/domain_addr.h         |   3 +-
 src/conf/domain_conf.c         |   1 +
 src/qemu/qemu_domain_address.c | 134 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 162 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/conf/domain_addr.c b/src/conf/domain_addr.c
index a53ff6df6c..6d8ca89025 100644
--- a/src/conf/domain_addr.c
+++ b/src/conf/domain_addr.c
@@ -386,6 +386,8 @@ virDomainPCIAddressFlagsCompatible(virPCIDeviceAddress *addr,
             connectStr = "pcie-expander-bus";
         } else if (devFlags & VIR_PCI_CONNECT_TYPE_PCI_BRIDGE) {
             connectStr = "pci-bridge";
+        } else if (devFlags & VIR_PCI_CONNECT_TYPE_NESTED_SMMUV3) {
+            connectStr = "nestedSmmuv3 device";
         } else {
             /* this should never happen. If it does, there is a
              * bug in the code that sets the flag bits for devices.
@@ -565,7 +567,8 @@ virDomainPCIAddressBusSetModel(virDomainPCIAddressBus *bus,
          * dmi-to-pci-bridge
         bus->flags = (VIR_PCI_CONNECT_TYPE_PCIE_ROOT_PORT |
-                      VIR_PCI_CONNECT_TYPE_DMI_TO_PCI_BRIDGE);
+                      VIR_PCI_CONNECT_TYPE_DMI_TO_PCI_BRIDGE |
+                      VIR_PCI_CONNECT_TYPE_NESTED_SMMUV3);
         bus->minSlot = 0;
         bus->maxSlot = VIR_PCI_ADDRESS_SLOT_LAST;
@@ -690,6 +693,8 @@ virDomainPCIAddressSetGrow(virDomainPCIAddressSet *addrs,
     } else if (flags & (VIR_PCI_CONNECT_TYPE_PCIE_DEVICE |
+    } else if (flags & VIR_PCI_CONNECT_TYPE_NESTED_SMMUV3) {
     } else {
         /* The types of devices that we can't auto-add a controller for:
@@ -1030,6 +1035,11 @@ virDomainPCIAddressFindUnusedFunctionOnBus(virDomainPCIAddressBus *bus,
+            if (flags == VIR_PCI_CONNECT_TYPE_NESTED_SMMUV3) {
+                *found = false;
+                break;
+            }
             if (flags & VIR_PCI_CONNECT_AGGREGATE_SLOT &&
                 bus->slot[searchAddr->slot].aggregate) {
                 /* slot and device are okay with aggregating devices */
@@ -1087,6 +1097,20 @@ virDomainPCIAddressGetNextAddr(virDomainPCIAddressSet *addrs,
         a.function = function;
+        if (addrs->dryRun) {
+            virDomainPCIAddressBus *bus = &addrs->buses[addrs->nbuses - 1];
+            /* a is already set to the first new bus */
+            a.bus = addrs->nbuses;
+            a.slot = bus->minSlot;
+            if (virDomainPCIAddressSetGrow(addrs, &a, flags) < 0)
+                return -1;
+            /* this device will use the first slot of the new bus */
+            a.slot = addrs->buses[a.bus].minSlot;
+            goto success;
+        }
+    }
     /* When looking for a suitable bus for the device, start by being
      * very strict and ignoring all those where the isolation groups
      * don't match. This ensures all devices sharing the same isolation
diff --git a/src/conf/domain_addr.h b/src/conf/domain_addr.h
index 9781685903..2881f2dadb 100644
--- a/src/conf/domain_addr.h
+++ b/src/conf/domain_addr.h
@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ typedef enum {
 /* combination of all bits that could be used to connect a normal
  * endpoint device (i.e. excluding the connection possible between an
diff --git a/src/conf/domain_conf.c b/src/conf/domain_conf.c
index 24aff1cfbe..46f9b9b0cf 100644
--- a/src/conf/domain_conf.c
+++ b/src/conf/domain_conf.c
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
 #include "configmake.h"
 #include "internal.h"
diff --git a/src/qemu/qemu_domain_address.c b/src/qemu/qemu_domain_address.c
index 31004bfc7e..dee198a7d2 100644
--- a/src/qemu/qemu_domain_address.c
+++ b/src/qemu/qemu_domain_address.c
@@ -1627,6 +1627,19 @@ qemuDomainPCIAddressSetCreate(virDomainDef *def,
     addrs->dryRun = dryRun;
+    /* PXB indices must come before pcie-root-port indices in qemu,
+     * so add PXB buses to addrs before the pcie-root-ports. */
+    if (addrs->dryRun) {
+        for (i = 0; i < def->nnestedsmmus; i++) {
+            if (!virDeviceInfoPCIAddressIsWanted(def->nestedsmmus[i]->info))
+                continue;
+            if (qemuDomainPCIAddressReserveNextAddr(addrs,
+                                                    def->nestedsmmus[i]->info) < 0)
+                return NULL;
+        }
+    }
     /* pSeries domains support multiple pci-root controllers */
     if (qemuDomainIsPSeries(def))
         addrs->areMultipleRootsSupported = true;
@@ -2030,6 +2043,109 @@ qemuDomainValidateDevicePCISlotsChipsets(virDomainDef *def,
+static char*
+retrieveSysfsDevPath(virPCIDeviceAddress* addr, const char* path)
+    return g_strdup_printf("/sys/bus/pci/devices/%04x:%02x:%02x.%01x%s",
+                addr->domain,
+                addr->bus,
+                addr->slot,
+                addr->function,
+                path ? path : "");
+static char *
+nestedSmmuVfioHostdevFound(virDomainHostdevDef *hostdev, bool dryRun)
+    char* devPath = NULL;
+    char* devSmmuPath = NULL;
+    char* devVFIOPath = NULL;
+    g_autoptr(DIR) dir = NULL;
+    g_autoptr(DIR) smmuDir = NULL;
+    g_autoptr(DIR) VFIODir = NULL;
+    char* dir_iommu = NULL;
+    char* smmu_node = NULL;
+    devPath = retrieveSysfsDevPath(&hostdev->source.subsys.u.pci.addr, "");
+    if (virDirOpenIfExists(&dir, devPath) < 1)
+        return NULL;
+    devSmmuPath = retrieveSysfsDevPath(&hostdev->source.subsys.u.pci.addr, "/iommu");
+    if (virDirOpenIfExists(&smmuDir, devSmmuPath) < 1)
+        return NULL;
+    devVFIOPath = retrieveSysfsDevPath(&hostdev->source.subsys.u.pci.addr, "/vfio-dev");
+    if (hostdev->source.subsys.type == VIR_DOMAIN_HOSTDEV_SUBSYS_TYPE_PCI &&
+        (hostdev->info->addr.pci.bus != 0 || dryRun)) {
+        // We only want to route vfio hostdevs
+        if (hostdev->managed ||
+            (virDirOpenIfExists(&VFIODir, devVFIOPath) == 1)) {
+            // Get the hostdev's associated SMMU node name
+            dir_iommu = realpath(devSmmuPath, NULL);
+            if (!dir_iommu)
+                return NULL;
+            smmu_node = g_path_get_basename(dir_iommu);
+            if (!smmu_node)
+                return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    return smmu_node;
+static virDomainControllerDef *
+qemuDomainGetUpstreamCont(virDomainDef *def,
+                          virDomainDeviceInfo *downstreamInfo,
+                          int model)
+    size_t i;
+    for (i = 0; i < def->ncontrollers; i++) {
+        if (def->controllers[i]->idx == downstreamInfo->addr.pci.bus &&
+            def->controllers[i]->model == model)
+            return def->controllers[i];
+    }
+    return NULL;
+static int
+qemuDomainAssignNestedSmmuv3HostdevSlots(virDomainDef *def,
+                                         virDomainPCIAddressSet *addrs)
+    size_t i, j;
+    char* smmu_node = NULL;
+    virDomainControllerDef *rootPort;
+    virDomainPCIAddressSet *set = NULL;
+    if (def->iommu != NULL && def->iommu->model == VIR_DOMAIN_IOMMU_MODEL_NESTED_SMMUV3 &&
+        def->nnestedsmmus > 0) {
+        for (i = 0; i < def->nhostdevs; i++) {
+            if (!(smmu_node = nestedSmmuVfioHostdevFound(def->hostdevs[i], addrs->dryRun)))
+                continue;
+            /* Find a hostdev and nested SMMU pair */
+            for (j = 0; j < def->nnestedsmmus; j++) {
+                unsigned int nestedSmmuBus = def->nestedsmmus[j]->info->addr.pci.bus;
+                virDomainControllerDef *pxb;
+                if (!STREQLEN(def->nestedsmmus[j]->name, smmu_node, strlen(smmu_node)))
+                    continue;
+                /* Get the hostdev's pcie-root-port controller */
+                rootPort = qemuDomainGetUpstreamCont(def, def->hostdevs[i]->info,
+                                                     VIR_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_MODEL_PCIE_ROOT_PORT);
+                /* Skip if already assigned */
+                pxb = qemuDomainGetUpstreamCont(def, &rootPort->info,
+                                                VIR_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_MODEL_PCIE_EXPANDER_BUS);
+                if (pxb)
+                    break;
+                /* Assign the controller to the next available slot/func on
+                 * the corresponding PXB */
+                set = virDomainPCIAddressSetAlloc(nestedSmmuBus + 1,
+                                                  VIR_PCI_ADDRESS_EXTENSION_NONE);
+                set->buses[nestedSmmuBus] = addrs->buses[nestedSmmuBus];
+                qemuDomainPCIAddressReserveNextAddr(set, &rootPort->info);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
  * This assigns static PCI slots to all configured devices.
  * The ordering here is chosen to match the ordering used
@@ -2262,6 +2378,18 @@ qemuDomainAssignDevicePCISlots(virDomainDef *def,
             return -1;
+    /* Nested SMMUs */
+    if (!addrs->dryRun) {
+        for (i = 0; i < def->nnestedsmmus; i++) {
+            if (!virDeviceInfoPCIAddressIsWanted(def->nestedsmmus[i]->info))
+                continue;
+            if (qemuDomainPCIAddressReserveNextAddr(addrs,
+                                                    def->nestedsmmus[i]->info) < 0)
+                return -1;
+        }
+    }
     /* Host PCI devices */
     for (i = 0; i < def->nhostdevs; i++) {
         virDomainHostdevSubsys *subsys = &def->hostdevs[i]->source.subsys;
@@ -2286,6 +2414,12 @@ qemuDomainAssignDevicePCISlots(virDomainDef *def,
             return -1;
+    // Route hostdevs to nested SMMUs
+    if (!addrs->dryRun) {
+        if (qemuDomainAssignNestedSmmuv3HostdevSlots(def, addrs) < 0)
+            return -1;
+    }
     /* memballoon. the qemu driver only accepts virtio memballoon devices */
     if (virDomainDefHasMemballoon(def) &&
         virDeviceInfoPCIAddressIsWanted(&def->memballoon->info)) {