[edk2-devel] [PATCH 05/33] AMD/VanGoghBoard: Check in PlatformSecLib

duke.zhai via groups.io posted 33 patches 7 months, 3 weeks ago
There is a newer version of this series
[edk2-devel] [PATCH 05/33] AMD/VanGoghBoard: Check in PlatformSecLib
Posted by duke.zhai via groups.io 7 months, 3 weeks ago
From: Duke Zhai <Duke.Zhai@amd.com>

BZ #:4640

Chachani board jump to PlatformSec function after x86 releasing.

This module provides the SEC entry function, which does platform-related

early initialization.

Signed-off-by: Ken Yao <ken.yao@amd.com>

Cc: Duke Zhai <duke.zhai@amd.com>

Cc: Eric Xing <eric.xing@amd.com>

Cc: Igniculus Fu <igniculus.fu@amd.com>

Cc: Abner Chang <abner.chang@amd.com>


 .../Library/PlatformSecLib/Ia32/Flat32.nasm   | 551 ++++++++++++++++++

 .../Library/PlatformSecLib/Ia32/Platform.inc  |  69 +++

 .../Library/PlatformSecLib/PlatformSecLib.c   | 208 +++++++

 .../Library/PlatformSecLib/PlatformSecLib.inf |  68 +++

 .../PlatformSecLib/PlatformSecLibModStrs.uni  |  28 +

 5 files changed, 924 insertions(+)

 create mode 100644 Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/Ia32/Flat32.nasm

 create mode 100644 Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/Ia32/Platform.inc

 create mode 100644 Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/PlatformSecLib.c

 create mode 100644 Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/PlatformSecLib.inf

 create mode 100644 Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/PlatformSecLibModStrs.uni

diff --git a/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/Ia32/Flat32.nasm b/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/Ia32/Flat32.nasm

new file mode 100644

index 0000000000..b11f45768c

--- /dev/null

+++ b/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/Ia32/Flat32.nasm

@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@

+;/** @file

+; AMD VanGoghBoard PlatformSecLib


+; Copyright (C) 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.<BR>

+; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent




+; This file includes code originally published under the following license.



+; Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Intel Corporation.


+; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent


+; Module Name:


+;  Flat32.asm


+; Abstract:


+;  This is the code that goes from real-mode to protected mode.

+;  It consumes the reset vector, configures the stack.







+; Include processor definitions


+%use masm



+%include "Platform.inc"



+; CR0 cache control bit definition


+CR0_CACHE_DISABLE       EQU 040000000h

+CR0_NO_WRITE            EQU 020000000h

+BSP_STACK_BASE_ADDR     EQU FixedPcdGet32 (PcdPeiCorePeiPreMemoryStackBaseAddress)     ; Base address for core 0 stack

+PRE_MEM_STACK_SIZE      EQU FixedPcdGet32 (PcdPeiCorePeiPreMemoryStackSize)



+MSR_IA32_EFER           EQU  0c0000080h       ; Extended Feature Enable Register

+MSR_IA32_EFER_LME       EQU  8                ; Long Mode Enable


+MSR_SMM_BASE            EQU  0c0010111h       ; SMBASE Register


+SMM_BASE_DEFAULT        EQU  30000h           ; reset value of MSR MSR_SMM_BASE


+SMMMASK_ADDRESS         EQU  0c0010113h       ; SMM TSeg Base Address

+SMMMASK_ADDRESS_AE      EQU  0                ; Aseg Address Range Enable

+SMMMASK_ADDRESS_TE      EQU  1                ; Tseg Address Range Enable



+; In Modified Conventional Resume S3 Design:

+;   With Modified Conventional Resume path, the x86 resumes from sleep,

+; begins executing code from a predefined SMM resume vector and then

+; jump to ROM code to continue conventional resume.

+; EDX is filled with special signature "0x55AABB66" when jump to Sec,

+; this signature can be used to identify if resume back from SMM resume.







+NMI_DISABLE_BIT         EQU  0x80


+RTC_ADDRESS_REGISTER_A  EQU  0x0A  ; R/W[0..6]  R0[7]






+; External and public declarations

+;  TopOfStack is used by C code

+;  SecStartup is the entry point to the C code

+; Neither of these names can be modified without

+; updating the C code.


+extern   ASM_PFX(SecStartup)


+SECTION .text


+; Protected mode portion initializes stack, configures cache, and calls C entry point





+; Procedure:    ProtectedModeEntryPoint


+; Input:        Executing in 32 Bit Protected (flat) mode

+;                cs: 0-4GB

+;                ds: 0-4GB

+;                es: 0-4GB

+;                fs: 0-4GB

+;                gs: 0-4GB

+;                ss: 0-4GB


+; Output:       This function never returns


+; Destroys:

+;               ecx

+;               edi

+;                esi

+;                esp


+; Description:

+;                Perform any essential early platform initilaisation

+;               Setup a stack

+;               Call the main EDKII Sec C code




+global ASM_PFX(_ModuleEntryPoint)


+  ;

+  ; Check if system resumes from S3 SMM mode, if yes, continue to use S3 preserved stack setting

+  ;

+  cmp     edi, SMM_RESUME_SIGNATURE

+  je      S3_SecRoutine


+  JMP32   ASM_PFX(stackless_EarlyPlatformInit)



+  ;

+  ; Push processor count to stack first, then BIST status (AP then BSP)

+  ;

+  mov     eax, 1

+  cpuid

+  shr     ebx, 16

+  and     ebx, 0000000FFh

+  cmp     bl, 1

+  jae     PushProcessorCount


+  ;

+  ; Some processors report 0 logical processors.  Effectively 0 = 1.

+  ; So we fix up the processor count

+  ;

+  inc     ebx



+  push    ebx


+  movd    eax, mm0  ; BIST saved in mm0 at reset vector.

+  ;

+  ; We need to implement a long-term solution for BIST capture.  For now, we just copy BSP BIST

+  ; for all processor threads

+  ;

+  mov     ecx, ebx


+  push    eax

+  loop    PushBist


+  ;Clear Long Mode Enable

+  mov     ecx, MSR_IA32_EFER

+  rdmsr

+  btr     eax, MSR_IA32_EFER_LME          ; Set LME=0

+  wrmsr


+  ;Open smm ram

+  mov     ecx, SMMMASK_ADDRESS

+  rdmsr

+  btr     eax, SMMMASK_ADDRESS_AE          ; Set AValid=0

+  btr     eax, SMMMASK_ADDRESS_TE          ; Set TValid=0

+  wrmsr


+  ;Rebase SMRAM Base Address to power on default value

+  mov     ecx, MSR_SMM_BASE

+  rdmsr

+  mov     eax, SMM_BASE_DEFAULT

+  wrmsr


+  mov     ecx, APIC_BASE_ADDRESS

+  rdmsr

+  bt      eax, APIC_BSC                     ; Is this the BSC?

+  jc      IsBsp



+  cli                                       ; Family 17h AP just halt here

+  hlt

+  jmp IsAp



+  push ebp  ; BFV base address

+  ;

+  ; Pass stack base into the PEI Core

+  ;



+  ;

+  ; Pass stack size into the PEI Core

+  ;


+  ;

+  ; Pass Control into the PEI Core

+  ;

+  ; UefiCpuPkg\SecCore\SecMain.c:

+  ;

+  ; VOID


+  ; SecStartup (

+  ;   IN UINT32                   SizeOfRam,

+  ;   IN UINT32                   TempRamBase,

+  ;   IN VOID                     *BootFirmwareVolume

+  ;   );

+  call ASM_PFX(SecStartup)


+  ;

+  ; Sec Core should never return to here, this is just to capture an invalid return.

+  ;

+  jmp     $



+  ;Clear Long Mode Enable

+  mov     ecx, MSR_IA32_EFER

+  rdmsr

+  btr     eax, MSR_IA32_EFER_LME          ; Set LME=0

+  wrmsr


+  ;Open smm ram

+  mov     ecx, SMMMASK_ADDRESS

+  rdmsr

+  btr     eax, SMMMASK_ADDRESS_AE          ; Set AValid=0

+  btr     eax, SMMMASK_ADDRESS_TE          ; Set TValid=0

+  wrmsr


+  ;Rebase SMRAM Base Address to power on default value

+  mov     ecx, MSR_SMM_BASE

+  rdmsr

+  mov     eax, SMM_BASE_DEFAULT

+  wrmsr


+  mov     ecx, APIC_BASE_ADDRESS

+  rdmsr

+  bt      eax, APIC_BSC                     ; Is this the BSC?

+  jc      IsBspInS3



+  cli                                       ; Family 17h AP just halt here

+  hlt

+  jmp     IsApInS3




+  ;;

+  ;; Enable eSPI port 80 and FCH UART2 during S3 resume start

+  ;;

+  push  eax

+  push  ebx

+  push  ecx

+  push  edx

+  push  esi

+  push  edi


+  mov     eax, FixedPcdGet64 (PcdPciExpressBaseAddress)

+  or      eax, (PCIEX_LENGTH_BIT_SETTING | 1)

+  xor     edx, edx

+  mov     ecx, 0C0010058h

+  wrmsr


+  ;

+  ; Enable port 80 decode to eSPI ;

+  ;

+  mov  ebx, FixedPcdGet64 (PcdPciExpressBaseAddress) | (LPC_PFA << 12) | LPC_SPI_BASE_ADDR  ; PCI Configuration address

+  mov  ebx, dword ptr [ebx]

+  and  ebx, 0xFFFFFF00

+  add  ebx, 0x10000 ; Get the eSPI base address

+  add  ebx, ESPI_SLAVE0_DECODE_EN

+  mov  eax, dword ptr [ebx]

+  or   eax, ESPI_SLAVE0_DECODE_EN_IO_80_EN

+  mov  dword ptr [ebx], eax


+  ;

+  ; Program IOMUX for eSPI port 80, GPIO 30 and 31 to function 1

+  ;

+  mov  ebx, 0xFED80D1E

+  mov  eax, dword ptr [ebx]

+  or   eax, 1

+  mov  dword ptr [ebx], eax


+  mov  ebx, 0xFED80D1F

+  mov  eax, dword ptr [ebx]

+  or   eax, 1

+  mov  dword ptr [ebx], eax


+  mov  al, 0x33

+  out  0x80, al


+  ;

+  ; Program IOMUX for FCH UART2, GPIO 136 and 138 to function 1

+  ;

+  mov  ebx, 0xFED80D88

+  mov  eax, dword ptr [ebx]

+  or   eax, 1

+  mov  dword ptr [ebx], eax


+  mov  ebx, 0xFED80D8A

+  mov  eax, dword ptr [ebx]

+  or   eax, 1

+  mov  dword ptr [ebx], eax


+  pop  edi

+  pop  esi

+  pop  edx

+  pop  ecx

+  pop  ebx

+  pop  eax

+  ;;

+  ;; Enable eSPI port 80 and FCH UART2 during S3 resume end

+  ;;


+  pop     ebx

+  mov     edi, ebx


+  pop     ebx

+  mov     esi, ebx


+  pop     edx

+  pop     eax


+  pop     ebx

+  mov     esp, ebx


+  push    1    ; set Processor Count to 1 for S3 resume path which is not used finally.

+  push    0    ; set BIST to 0


+  push    ebp  ; BFV base address


+  ;

+  ; Pass stack base into the PEI Core

+  ;

+  sub     ebx, PRE_MEM_STACK_SIZE

+  push    ebx


+  ;

+  ; Pass stack size into the PEI Core

+  ;



+  ;

+  ; Pass Control into the PEI Core

+  ;

+  call    ASM_PFX(SecStartup)


+  ;

+  ; Sec Core should never return to here, this is just to capture an invalid return.

+  ;

+  jmp     $




+; Procedure:    stackless_EarlyPlatformInit


+; Input:        esp - Return address


+; Output:       None


+; Destroys:

+;                eax

+;                ecx

+;                dx

+;                ebp


+; Description:

+;        Any essential early platform initialisation required:

+;        (1) Setup PCIEXBAR access mechanism

+;        (2) enable IO port 80 to eSPI



+global ASM_PFX(stackless_EarlyPlatformInit)



+  ;

+  ;PcRtcInit start

+  ;

+  ;;

+  ;; Initialize RTC Register

+  ;;

+  ;; Make sure Division Chain is properly configured,

+  ;; or RTC clock won't "tick" -- time won't increment

+  ;;






+  mov     al,  FixedPcdGet8 (PcdInitialValueRtcRegisterA)

+  out     PCAT_RTC_DATA_REGISTER,  al



+  ;;

+  ;; Read Register B

+  ;;






+  in      al,  PCAT_RTC_DATA_REGISTER



+  ;;

+  ;; Clear RTC flag register

+  ;;






+  in      al,  PCAT_RTC_DATA_REGISTER



+  ;;

+  ;; Clear RTC register D

+  ;;






+  mov     al,  FixedPcdGet8 (PcdInitialValueRtcRegisterD)

+  out     PCAT_RTC_DATA_REGISTER,  al

+  ;

+  ;PcRtcInit end

+  ;


+  mov     eax, FixedPcdGet64 (PcdPciExpressBaseAddress)

+  or      eax, (PCIEX_LENGTH_BIT_SETTING | 1)

+  xor     edx, edx

+  mov     ecx, 0C0010058h

+  wrmsr


+  ;

+  ; Enable port 80 decode to eSPI ;

+  ;

+  mov  ebx, FixedPcdGet64 (PcdPciExpressBaseAddress) | (LPC_PFA << 12) | LPC_SPI_BASE_ADDR  ; PCI Configuration address

+  mov  ebx, dword ptr [ebx]

+  and  ebx, 0xFFFFFF00

+  add  ebx, 0x10000 ; Get the eSPI base address

+  add  ebx, ESPI_SLAVE0_DECODE_EN

+  mov  eax, dword ptr [ebx]

+  or   eax, ESPI_SLAVE0_DECODE_EN_IO_80_EN

+  mov  dword ptr [ebx], eax


+  ;

+  ; Program IOMUX for eSPI port 80, GPIO 30 and 31 to function 1

+  ;

+  mov  ebx, 0xFED80D1E

+  mov  eax, dword ptr [ebx]

+  or   eax, 1

+  mov  dword ptr [ebx], eax


+  mov  ebx, 0xFED80D1F

+  mov  eax, dword ptr [ebx]

+  or   eax, 1

+  mov  dword ptr [ebx], eax


+  mov  al, 0x88

+  out  0x80, al



+  ;

+  ; Program IOMUX for FCH UART2, GPIO 136 and 138 to function 1

+  ;

+  mov  ebx, 0xFED80D88

+  mov  eax, dword ptr [ebx]

+  or   eax, 1

+  mov  dword ptr [ebx], eax


+  mov  ebx, 0xFED80D8A

+  mov  eax, dword ptr [ebx]

+  or   eax, 1

+  mov  dword ptr [ebx], eax


+  RET32




+; Procedure:    stackless_PCIConfig_Write


+; Input:        esp - return address

+;                eax - Data to write

+;                ebx - PCI Config Address


+; Output:       None


+; Destroys:

+;                dx


+; Description:

+;        Perform a DWORD PCI Configuration write



+global ASM_PFX(stackless_PCIConfig_Write)



+  ;

+  ; Write the PCI Config Address to the address port

+  ;

+  xchg  eax, ebx

+  mov  dx, PCI_ADDRESS_PORT

+  out  dx, eax

+  xchg  eax, ebx


+  ;

+  ; Write the PCI DWORD Data to the data port

+  ;

+  mov  dx, PCI_DATA_PORT

+  out  dx, eax


+  RET32





+; Procedure:    stackless_PCIConfig_Read


+; Input:        esp - return address

+;                ebx - PCI Config Address


+; Output:       eax - Data read


+; Destroys:

+;                eax

+;                dx


+; Description:

+;        Perform a DWORD PCI Configuration read



+global ASM_PFX(stackless_PCIConfig_Read)


+  ;

+  ; Write the PCI Config Address to the address port

+  ;

+  xchg  eax, ebx

+  mov  dx, PCI_ADDRESS_PORT

+  out  dx, eax

+  xchg  eax, ebx


+  ;

+  ; Read the PCI DWORD Data from the data port

+  ;

+  mov  dx, PCI_DATA_PORT

+  in  eax, dx


+  RET32

diff --git a/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/Ia32/Platform.inc b/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/Ia32/Platform.inc

new file mode 100644

index 0000000000..c057d157d9

--- /dev/null

+++ b/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/Ia32/Platform.inc

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@

+;/** @file

+; AMD VanGoghBoard PlatformSecLib


+; Copyright (C) 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.<BR>

+; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent




+; This file includes code originally published under the following license.


+; Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Intel Corporation.


+; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent




+; Module Name:


+;   Platform.inc


+; Abstract:


+;   Platform Specific Definitions




+%macro JMP32 1

+  lea  esp, %%target

+  jmp  %1




+%macro RET32 0

+    jmp    esp




+; RTC/CMOS definitions


+RTC_INDEX      EQU 070h

+  NMI_DISABLE  EQU 080h    ; Bit7=1 disables NMI

+  NMI_ENABLE  EQU 000h    ; Bit7=0 disables NMI

+RTC_DATA      EQU 071h



+; PCI Configuration definitions


+PCI_CFG            EQU 1 << 01Fh  ; PCI configuration access mechanism





+; LPC-ISA Bridge PCI Config Registers


+LPC_PFA            EQU 00A3h          ; B0:D14:F3 (Legacy Block)

+  LPC_IO_PDE         EQU 0044h        ; IO Port Decode Enable

+  LPC_IOMEM_PDE      EQU 0048h        ; IO or Memory Port Decode Enable


+  LPC_WIDE_IO_EN     EQU 0074H

+  LPC_WIDE_IO2       EQU 0090H

+  LPC_SPI_BASE_ADDR  EQU 00A0H        ; SPI BAR = {SPI_BaseAddr[31:8],8'b0}

+                                      ; HFP BAR = {SPI_BaseAddr[31:8],8'b0} + 0x0000_1000

+                                      ; eSPI BAR = {SPI_BaseAddr[31:8],8'b0} + 0x0001_0000



+  ESPI_SLAVE0_DECODE_EN_IO_80_EN EQU  04h  ; Port 80 decode enabled


+APIC_BASE_ADDRESS       EQU 0000001Bh

+APIC_BSC                EQU 8       ; Boot Strap Core

diff --git a/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/PlatformSecLib.c b/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/PlatformSecLib.c

new file mode 100644

index 0000000000..4c27d9b5a2

--- /dev/null

+++ b/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/PlatformSecLib.c

@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@

+/** @file

+  Implements PlatformSecLib.c


+  Copyright (C) 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.<BR>

+  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent




+/* This file includes code originally published under the following license. */


+/** @file

+Platform SEC Library for Quark.


+Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Intel Corporation.


+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent





+#include <PiPei.h>


+#include <Ppi/SecPlatformInformation.h>

+#include <Ppi/TemporaryRamSupport.h>

+#include <Library/PcdLib.h>

+#include <Library/BaseLib.h>

+#include <Library/DebugLib.h>

+#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>

+#include <Library/HobLib.h>

+#include <Library/MtrrLib.h>




+  Entry point to the C language phase of SEC. After the SEC assembly

+  code has initialized some temporary memory and set up the stack,

+  the control is transferred to this function.


+  @param SizeOfRam           Size of the temporary memory available for use.

+  @param TempRamBase         Base address of temporary ram

+  @param BootFirmwareVolume  Base address of the Boot Firmware Volume.





+SecStartup (

+  IN UINT32  SizeOfRam,

+  IN UINT32  TempRamBase,

+  IN VOID    *BootFirmwareVolume

+  );



+  Auto-generated function that calls the library constructors for all of the module's

+  dependent libraries.  This function must be called by the SEC Core once a stack has

+  been established.





+ProcessLibraryConstructorList (


+  );




+  Entry point to the C language phase of PlatformSecLib.  After the SEC assembly

+  code has initialized some temporary memory and set up the stack, control is

+  transferred to this function.





+PlatformSecLibStartup (


+  )


+  //

+  // Process all library constructor functions linked to SecCore.

+  // This function must be called before any library functions are called

+  //

+  ProcessLibraryConstructorList ();


+  //

+  // Set write back cache attribute for SPI FLASH

+  //


+  //

+  // Set write back cache attribute for 512KB Embedded SRAM

+  //


+  //

+  // Pass control to SecCore module passing in the size of the temporary RAM in

+  // Embedded SRAM, the base address of the temporary RAM in Embedded SRAM, and

+  // the base address of the boot firmware volume.  The top 32KB of the 512 KB

+  // embedded SRAM are used as temporary RAM.

+  //

+  SecStartup (

+    SIZE_128KB,

+    BASE_64KB + BASE_128KB,

+    (VOID *)(UINTN)(PcdGet32 (PcdMemoryFvRecoveryBase))

+    );




+  A developer supplied function to perform platform specific operations.


+  It's a developer supplied function to perform any operations appropriate to a

+  given platform. It's invoked just before passing control to PEI core by SEC

+  core. Platform developer may modify the SecCoreData and PPI list that is

+  passed to PEI Core.


+  @param  SecCoreData           The same parameter as passing to PEI core. It

+                                could be overridden by this function.

+  @param  PpiList               The default PPI list passed from generic SEC

+                                part.


+  @return The final PPI list that platform wishes to passed to PEI core.





+SecPlatformMain (


+  )


+  MtrrSetMemoryAttribute (PcdGet32 (PcdMemoryFvRecoveryBase), PcdGet32 (PcdMemoryFvMainSize) + PcdGet32 (PcdFlashFvRecoverySize), CacheWriteBack);

+  return NULL;




+  This interface conveys state information out of the Security (SEC) phase into PEI.


+  @param  PeiServices               Pointer to the PEI Services Table.

+  @param  StructureSize             Pointer to the variable describing size of the input buffer.

+  @param  PlatformInformationRecord Pointer to the EFI_SEC_PLATFORM_INFORMATION_RECORD.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The data was successfully returned.

+  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  The buffer was too small.





+SecPlatformInformation (

+  IN CONST EFI_PEI_SERVICES                  **PeiServices,

+  IN OUT   UINT64                            *StructureSize,


+  )


+  UINT32             *BIST;

+  UINT32             Size;

+  UINT32             Count;


+  UINT32             *TopOfStack;


+  //

+  // Top of the stack is the top of the 512KB Embedded SRAM region

+  //

+  TopOfStack = (UINT32 *)(FixedPcdGet32 (PcdPeiCorePeiPreMemoryStackBaseAddress) +

+                          FixedPcdGet32 (PcdPeiCorePeiPreMemoryStackSize));


+  GuidHob = GetFirstGuidHob (&gEfiSecPlatformInformationPpiGuid);

+  if (GuidHob != NULL) {

+    Size = GET_GUID_HOB_DATA_SIZE (GuidHob);

+    BIST = GET_GUID_HOB_DATA (GuidHob);

+  } else {

+    //

+    // The entries of BIST information, together with the number of them,

+    // reside in the bottom of stack, left untouched by normal stack operation.

+    // This routine copies the BIST information to the buffer pointed by

+    // PlatformInformationRecord for output.

+    //

+    Count = *(TopOfStack - 1);

+    Size  = Count * sizeof (IA32_HANDOFF_STATUS);

+    BIST  = (UINT32 *)((UINT32)TopOfStack - sizeof (UINT32) - Size);


+    //

+    // Copy Data from Stack to Hob to avoid data is lost after memory is ready.

+    //

+    BuildGuidDataHob (

+      &gEfiSecPlatformInformationPpiGuid,

+      BIST,

+      (UINTN)Size

+      );

+    GuidHob = GetFirstGuidHob (&gEfiSecPlatformInformationPpiGuid);

+    Size    = GET_GUID_HOB_DATA_SIZE (GuidHob);

+    BIST    = GET_GUID_HOB_DATA (GuidHob);

+  }


+  if ((*StructureSize) < (UINT64)Size) {

+    *StructureSize = Size;


+  }


+  *StructureSize = Size;

+  CopyMem (PlatformInformationRecord, BIST, Size);


+  return EFI_SUCCESS;




+  This interface disables temporary memory in SEC Phase.




+SecPlatformDisableTemporaryMemory (


+  )



diff --git a/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/PlatformSecLib.inf b/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/PlatformSecLib.inf

new file mode 100644

index 0000000000..1c23fd4949

--- /dev/null

+++ b/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/PlatformSecLib.inf

@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@

+## @file

+# Platform Sec Lib Module


+# Copyright (C) 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.<BR>

+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent



+# This file includes code originally published under the following license.

+#/** @file

+# Platform SEC Library for Quark.


+# Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Intel Corporation.


+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent





+  INF_VERSION                    = 0x00010005

+  BASE_NAME                      = PlatformSecLib

+  FILE_GUID                      = E9536686-F280-4908-88DA-DBBCD0186A6A

+  MODULE_TYPE                    = SEC

+  VERSION_STRING                 = 1.0

+  LIBRARY_CLASS                  = PlatformSecLib

+  MODULE_UNI_FILE                = PlatformSecLibModStrs.uni



+# The following information is for reference only and not required by the build tools.


+#  VALID_ARCHITECTURES           = IA32




+  PlatformSecLib.c



+  Ia32/Flat32.nasm



+  MdePkg/MdePkg.dec

+  MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec

+  PcAtChipsetPkg/PcAtChipsetPkg.dec

+  UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dec

+  VanGoghCommonPkg/AmdCommonPkg.dec

+  ChachaniBoardPkg/Project.dec



+  DebugLib

+  BaseLib

+  BaseMemoryLib

+  PciLib

+  PcdLib

+  HobLib

+  MtrrLib



+  gPlatformPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFlashFvRecoverySize     ## CONSUMES

+  gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciExpressBaseAddress

+  gPlatformPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMemoryFvRecoveryBase

+  gAmdCommonPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMemoryFvMainSize

+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSerialClockRate

+  gPlatformPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPeiCorePeiPreMemoryStackBaseAddress

+  gPlatformPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPeiCorePeiPreMemoryStackSize

+  gPcAtChipsetPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdInitialValueRtcRegisterA     ## CONSUMES

+  gPcAtChipsetPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdInitialValueRtcRegisterD     ## CONSUMES



+  gEfiSecPlatformInformationPpiGuid   ## UNDEFINED # it is used as GUIDED HOB

diff --git a/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/PlatformSecLibModStrs.uni b/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/PlatformSecLibModStrs.uni

new file mode 100644

index 0000000000..f728e07695

--- /dev/null

+++ b/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/PlatformSecLibModStrs.uni

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@

+// /** @file

+// AMD PlatformSecLibModStrs.uni


+// Copyright (C) 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.<BR>


+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent


+// **/


+// This file includes code originally published under the following license.

+// /** @file

+// PlatformSecLib Localized Abstract and Description Content


+// Copyright (c) 2012 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>


+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent


+// **/



+#language en-US

+"SEC Platform Library "



+#language en-US

+"Provides a platform-specific function to be used during the SEC stage of POST. "





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Re: [edk2-devel] [PATCH 05/33] AMD/VanGoghBoard: Check in PlatformSecLib
Posted by Chang, Abner via groups.io 7 months, 2 weeks ago
[AMD Official Use Only - General]

> -----Original Message-----
> From: duke.zhai@amd.com <duke.zhai@amd.com>
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2024 2:50 PM
> To: devel@edk2.groups.io
> Cc: Zhai, MingXin (Duke) <duke.zhai@amd.com>; Xing, Eric
> <Eric.Xing@amd.com>; Fu, Igniculus <Igniculus.Fu@amd.com>; Chang, Abner
> <Abner.Chang@amd.com>
> Subject: [PATCH 05/33] AMD/VanGoghBoard: Check in PlatformSecLib
> From: Duke Zhai <Duke.Zhai@amd.com>
> BZ #:4640
> Chachani board jump to PlatformSec function after x86 releasing.
> This module provides the SEC entry function, which does platform-related
> early initialization.
> Signed-off-by: Ken Yao <ken.yao@amd.com>
> Cc: Duke Zhai <duke.zhai@amd.com>
> Cc: Eric Xing <eric.xing@amd.com>
> Cc: Igniculus Fu <igniculus.fu@amd.com>
> Cc: Abner Chang <abner.chang@amd.com>
> ---
>  .../Library/PlatformSecLib/Ia32/Flat32.nasm   | 551 ++++++++++++++++++
>  .../Library/PlatformSecLib/Ia32/Platform.inc  |  69 +++
>  .../Library/PlatformSecLib/PlatformSecLib.c   | 208 +++++++
>  .../Library/PlatformSecLib/PlatformSecLib.inf |  68 +++
>  .../PlatformSecLib/PlatformSecLibModStrs.uni  |  28 +
>  5 files changed, 924 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644
> Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/Ia
> 32/Flat32.nasm
>  create mode 100644
> Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/Ia
> 32/Platform.inc
>  create mode 100644
> Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/Pl
> atformSecLib.c
>  create mode 100644
> Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/Pl
> atformSecLib.inf
>  create mode 100644
> Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/Pl
> atformSecLibModStrs.uni
> diff --git
> a/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/I
> a32/Flat32.nasm
> b/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/
> Ia32/Flat32.nasm
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000000..b11f45768c
> --- /dev/null
> +++
> b/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/
> Ia32/Flat32.nasm
> @@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
> +;/** @file
> +; AMD VanGoghBoard PlatformSecLib
> +;
> +; Copyright (C) 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.<BR>
> +; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
> +;
> +;**/
> +
> +; This file includes code originally published under the following license.
Same here.
We should remove below Intel copyright block and put below above or below AMD copy right.
Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Intel Corporation.

Please check the similar instances in this patch set.

> +;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> +;
> +; Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Intel Corporation.
> +;
> +; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
> +;
> +; Module Name:
> +;
> +;  Flat32.asm
> +;
> +; Abstract:
> +;
> +;  This is the code that goes from real-mode to protected mode.
> +;  It consumes the reset vector, configures the stack.
> +;
> +;
> +;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> +
> +
> +;
> +; Include processor definitions
> +;
> +%use masm
> +
> +
> +%include "Platform.inc"
> +
> +;
> +; CR0 cache control bit definition
> +;
> +CR0_CACHE_DISABLE       EQU 040000000h
> +CR0_NO_WRITE            EQU 020000000h
> +BSP_STACK_BASE_ADDR     EQU FixedPcdGet32
> (PcdPeiCorePeiPreMemoryStackBaseAddress)     ; Base address for core 0 stack
> +PRE_MEM_STACK_SIZE      EQU FixedPcdGet32
> (PcdPeiCorePeiPreMemoryStackSize)
> +
> +MSR_IA32_EFER           EQU  0c0000080h       ; Extended Feature Enable
> Register
> +MSR_IA32_EFER_LME       EQU  8                ; Long Mode Enable
> +
> +MSR_SMM_BASE            EQU  0c0010111h       ; SMBASE Register
> +
> +SMM_BASE_DEFAULT        EQU  30000h           ; reset value of MSR
> +
> +SMMMASK_ADDRESS         EQU  0c0010113h       ; SMM TSeg Base Address
> +SMMMASK_ADDRESS_AE      EQU  0                ; Aseg Address Range Enable
> +SMMMASK_ADDRESS_TE      EQU  1                ; Tseg Address Range Enable
> +
> +;
> +; In Modified Conventional Resume S3 Design:
> +;   With Modified Conventional Resume path, the x86 resumes from sleep,
> +; begins executing code from a predefined SMM resume vector and then
> +; jump to ROM code to continue conventional resume.
> +; EDX is filled with special signature "0x55AABB66" when jump to Sec,
> +; this signature can be used to identify if resume back from SMM resume.
> +;
> +
> +
> +NMI_DISABLE_BIT         EQU  0x80
> +
> +RTC_ADDRESS_REGISTER_A  EQU  0x0A  ; R/W[0..6]  R0[7]
> +
> +;
> +; External and public declarations
> +;  TopOfStack is used by C code
> +;  SecStartup is the entry point to the C code
> +; Neither of these names can be modified without
> +; updating the C code.
> +;
> +extern   ASM_PFX(SecStartup)
> +
> +SECTION .text
> +;
> +; Protected mode portion initializes stack, configures cache, and calls C entry
> point
> +;
> +
> +;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> +;
> +; Procedure:    ProtectedModeEntryPoint
> +;
> +; Input:        Executing in 32 Bit Protected (flat) mode
> +;                cs: 0-4GB
> +;                ds: 0-4GB
> +;                es: 0-4GB
> +;                fs: 0-4GB
> +;                gs: 0-4GB
> +;                ss: 0-4GB
> +;
> +; Output:       This function never returns
> +;
> +; Destroys:
> +;               ecx
> +;               edi
> +;                esi
> +;                esp
> +;
> +; Description:
> +;                Perform any essential early platform initilaisation
> +;               Setup a stack
> +;               Call the main EDKII Sec C code
> +;
> +;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> +
> +global ASM_PFX(_ModuleEntryPoint)
> +ASM_PFX(_ModuleEntryPoint):
> +  ;
> +  ; Check if system resumes from S3 SMM mode, if yes, continue to use S3
> preserved stack setting
> +  ;
> +  cmp     edi, SMM_RESUME_SIGNATURE
> +  je      S3_SecRoutine
> +
> +  JMP32   ASM_PFX(stackless_EarlyPlatformInit)
> +
> +  ;
> +  ; Push processor count to stack first, then BIST status (AP then BSP)
> +  ;
> +  mov     eax, 1
> +  cpuid
> +  shr     ebx, 16
> +  and     ebx, 0000000FFh
> +  cmp     bl, 1
> +  jae     PushProcessorCount
> +
> +  ;
> +  ; Some processors report 0 logical processors.  Effectively 0 = 1.
> +  ; So we fix up the processor count
> +  ;
> +  inc     ebx
> +
> +PushProcessorCount:
> +  push    ebx
> +
> +  movd    eax, mm0  ; BIST saved in mm0 at reset vector.
> +  ;
> +  ; We need to implement a long-term solution for BIST capture.  For now, we
> just copy BSP BIST
> +  ; for all processor threads
> +  ;
> +  mov     ecx, ebx
> +PushBist:
> +  push    eax
> +  loop    PushBist
> +
> +  ;Clear Long Mode Enable
> +  mov     ecx, MSR_IA32_EFER
> +  rdmsr
> +  btr     eax, MSR_IA32_EFER_LME          ; Set LME=0
> +  wrmsr
> +
> +  ;Open smm ram
> +  mov     ecx, SMMMASK_ADDRESS
> +  rdmsr
> +  btr     eax, SMMMASK_ADDRESS_AE          ; Set AValid=0
> +  btr     eax, SMMMASK_ADDRESS_TE          ; Set TValid=0
> +  wrmsr
> +
> +  ;Rebase SMRAM Base Address to power on default value
> +  mov     ecx, MSR_SMM_BASE
> +  rdmsr
> +  mov     eax, SMM_BASE_DEFAULT
> +  wrmsr
> +
> +  mov     ecx, APIC_BASE_ADDRESS
> +  rdmsr
> +  bt      eax, APIC_BSC                     ; Is this the BSC?
> +  jc      IsBsp
> +
> +IsAp:
> +  cli                                       ; Family 17h AP just halt here
> +  hlt
> +  jmp IsAp
> +
> +IsBsp:
> +  push ebp  ; BFV base address
> +  ;
> +  ; Pass stack base into the PEI Core
> +  ;
> +  push    BSP_STACK_BASE_ADDR
> +
> +  ;
> +  ; Pass stack size into the PEI Core
> +  ;
> +  push    PRE_MEM_STACK_SIZE
> +  ;
> +  ; Pass Control into the PEI Core
> +  ;
> +  ; UefiCpuPkg\SecCore\SecMain.c:
> +  ;
> +  ; VOID
> +  ; EFIAPI
> +  ; SecStartup (
> +  ;   IN UINT32                   SizeOfRam,
> +  ;   IN UINT32                   TempRamBase,
> +  ;   IN VOID                     *BootFirmwareVolume
> +  ;   );
> +  call ASM_PFX(SecStartup)
> +
> +  ;
> +  ; Sec Core should never return to here, this is just to capture an invalid
> return.
> +  ;
> +  jmp     $
> +
> +S3_SecRoutine:
> +  ;Clear Long Mode Enable
> +  mov     ecx, MSR_IA32_EFER
> +  rdmsr
> +  btr     eax, MSR_IA32_EFER_LME          ; Set LME=0
> +  wrmsr
> +
> +  ;Open smm ram
> +  mov     ecx, SMMMASK_ADDRESS
> +  rdmsr
> +  btr     eax, SMMMASK_ADDRESS_AE          ; Set AValid=0
> +  btr     eax, SMMMASK_ADDRESS_TE          ; Set TValid=0
> +  wrmsr
> +
> +  ;Rebase SMRAM Base Address to power on default value
> +  mov     ecx, MSR_SMM_BASE
> +  rdmsr
> +  mov     eax, SMM_BASE_DEFAULT
> +  wrmsr
> +
> +  mov     ecx, APIC_BASE_ADDRESS
> +  rdmsr
> +  bt      eax, APIC_BSC                     ; Is this the BSC?
> +  jc      IsBspInS3
> +
> +IsApInS3:
> +  cli                                       ; Family 17h AP just halt here
> +  hlt
> +  jmp     IsApInS3
> +
> +IsBspInS3:
> +
> +  ;;
> +  ;; Enable eSPI port 80 and FCH UART2 during S3 resume start
> +  ;;
> +  push  eax
> +  push  ebx
> +  push  ecx
> +  push  edx
> +  push  esi
> +  push  edi
> +
> +  mov     eax, FixedPcdGet64 (PcdPciExpressBaseAddress)
> +  or      eax, (PCIEX_LENGTH_BIT_SETTING | 1)
> +  xor     edx, edx
> +  mov     ecx, 0C0010058h
> +  wrmsr
> +
> +  ;
> +  ; Enable port 80 decode to eSPI ;
> +  ;
> +  mov  ebx, FixedPcdGet64 (PcdPciExpressBaseAddress) | (LPC_PFA << 12) |
> LPC_SPI_BASE_ADDR  ; PCI Configuration address
> +  mov  ebx, dword ptr [ebx]
> +  and  ebx, 0xFFFFFF00
> +  add  ebx, 0x10000 ; Get the eSPI base address
> +  add  ebx, ESPI_SLAVE0_DECODE_EN
> +  mov  eax, dword ptr [ebx]
> +  or   eax, ESPI_SLAVE0_DECODE_EN_IO_80_EN
> +  mov  dword ptr [ebx], eax
> +
> +  ;
> +  ; Program IOMUX for eSPI port 80, GPIO 30 and 31 to function 1
> +  ;
> +  mov  ebx, 0xFED80D1E
> +  mov  eax, dword ptr [ebx]
> +  or   eax, 1
> +  mov  dword ptr [ebx], eax
> +
> +  mov  ebx, 0xFED80D1F
> +  mov  eax, dword ptr [ebx]
> +  or   eax, 1
> +  mov  dword ptr [ebx], eax
> +
> +  mov  al, 0x33
> +  out  0x80, al
> +
> +  ;
> +  ; Program IOMUX for FCH UART2, GPIO 136 and 138 to function 1
> +  ;
> +  mov  ebx, 0xFED80D88
> +  mov  eax, dword ptr [ebx]
> +  or   eax, 1
> +  mov  dword ptr [ebx], eax
> +
> +  mov  ebx, 0xFED80D8A
> +  mov  eax, dword ptr [ebx]
> +  or   eax, 1
> +  mov  dword ptr [ebx], eax
> +
> +  pop  edi
> +  pop  esi
> +  pop  edx
> +  pop  ecx
> +  pop  ebx
> +  pop  eax
> +  ;;
> +  ;; Enable eSPI port 80 and FCH UART2 during S3 resume end
> +  ;;
> +
> +  pop     ebx
> +  mov     edi, ebx
> +
> +  pop     ebx
> +  mov     esi, ebx
> +
> +  pop     edx
> +  pop     eax
> +
> +  pop     ebx
> +  mov     esp, ebx
> +
> +  push    1    ; set Processor Count to 1 for S3 resume path which is not used
> finally.
> +  push    0    ; set BIST to 0
> +
> +  push    ebp  ; BFV base address
> +
> +  ;
> +  ; Pass stack base into the PEI Core
> +  ;
> +  sub     ebx, PRE_MEM_STACK_SIZE
> +  push    ebx
> +
> +  ;
> +  ; Pass stack size into the PEI Core
> +  ;
> +  push    PRE_MEM_STACK_SIZE
> +
> +  ;
> +  ; Pass Control into the PEI Core
> +  ;
> +  call    ASM_PFX(SecStartup)
> +
> +  ;
> +  ; Sec Core should never return to here, this is just to capture an invalid
> return.
> +  ;
> +  jmp     $
> +
> +;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> +;
> +; Procedure:    stackless_EarlyPlatformInit
> +;
> +; Input:        esp - Return address
> +;
> +; Output:       None
> +;
> +; Destroys:
> +;                eax
> +;                ecx
> +;                dx
> +;                ebp
> +;
> +; Description:
> +;        Any essential early platform initialisation required:
> +;        (1) Setup PCIEXBAR access mechanism
> +;        (2) enable IO port 80 to eSPI
> +;
> +;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> +global ASM_PFX(stackless_EarlyPlatformInit)
> +ASM_PFX(stackless_EarlyPlatformInit):
> +
> +  ;
> +  ;PcRtcInit start
> +  ;
> +  ;;
> +  ;; Initialize RTC Register
> +  ;;
> +  ;; Make sure Division Chain is properly configured,
> +  ;; or RTC clock won't "tick" -- time won't increment
> +  ;;
> +
> +
> +  mov     al,  FixedPcdGet8 (PcdInitialValueRtcRegisterA)
> +  out     PCAT_RTC_DATA_REGISTER,  al
> +
> +
> +  ;;
> +  ;; Read Register B
> +  ;;
> +
> +
> +  in      al,  PCAT_RTC_DATA_REGISTER
> +
> +
> +  ;;
> +  ;; Clear RTC flag register
> +  ;;
> +
> +
> +  in      al,  PCAT_RTC_DATA_REGISTER
> +
> +
> +  ;;
> +  ;; Clear RTC register D
> +  ;;
> +
> +
> +  mov     al,  FixedPcdGet8 (PcdInitialValueRtcRegisterD)
> +  out     PCAT_RTC_DATA_REGISTER,  al
> +  ;
> +  ;PcRtcInit end
> +  ;
> +
> +  mov     eax, FixedPcdGet64 (PcdPciExpressBaseAddress)
> +  or      eax, (PCIEX_LENGTH_BIT_SETTING | 1)
> +  xor     edx, edx
> +  mov     ecx, 0C0010058h
> +  wrmsr
> +
> +  ;
> +  ; Enable port 80 decode to eSPI ;
> +  ;
> +  mov  ebx, FixedPcdGet64 (PcdPciExpressBaseAddress) | (LPC_PFA << 12) |
> LPC_SPI_BASE_ADDR  ; PCI Configuration address
> +  mov  ebx, dword ptr [ebx]
> +  and  ebx, 0xFFFFFF00
> +  add  ebx, 0x10000 ; Get the eSPI base address
> +  add  ebx, ESPI_SLAVE0_DECODE_EN
> +  mov  eax, dword ptr [ebx]
> +  or   eax, ESPI_SLAVE0_DECODE_EN_IO_80_EN
> +  mov  dword ptr [ebx], eax
> +
> +  ;
> +  ; Program IOMUX for eSPI port 80, GPIO 30 and 31 to function 1
> +  ;
> +  mov  ebx, 0xFED80D1E
> +  mov  eax, dword ptr [ebx]
> +  or   eax, 1
> +  mov  dword ptr [ebx], eax
> +
> +  mov  ebx, 0xFED80D1F
> +  mov  eax, dword ptr [ebx]
> +  or   eax, 1
> +  mov  dword ptr [ebx], eax
> +
> +  mov  al, 0x88
> +  out  0x80, al
> +
> +
> +  ;
> +  ; Program IOMUX for FCH UART2, GPIO 136 and 138 to function 1
> +  ;
> +  mov  ebx, 0xFED80D88
> +  mov  eax, dword ptr [ebx]
> +  or   eax, 1
> +  mov  dword ptr [ebx], eax
> +
> +  mov  ebx, 0xFED80D8A
> +  mov  eax, dword ptr [ebx]
> +  or   eax, 1
> +  mov  dword ptr [ebx], eax
> +
> +  RET32
> +
> +;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> +;
> +; Procedure:    stackless_PCIConfig_Write
> +;
> +; Input:        esp - return address
> +;                eax - Data to write
> +;                ebx - PCI Config Address
> +;
> +; Output:       None
> +;
> +; Destroys:
> +;                dx
> +;
> +; Description:
> +;        Perform a DWORD PCI Configuration write
> +;
> +;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> +global ASM_PFX(stackless_PCIConfig_Write)
> +ASM_PFX(stackless_PCIConfig_Write):
> +
> +  ;
> +  ; Write the PCI Config Address to the address port
> +  ;
> +  xchg  eax, ebx
> +  mov  dx, PCI_ADDRESS_PORT
> +  out  dx, eax
> +  xchg  eax, ebx
> +
> +  ;
> +  ; Write the PCI DWORD Data to the data port
> +  ;
> +  mov  dx, PCI_DATA_PORT
> +  out  dx, eax
> +
> +  RET32
> +
> +
> +;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> +;
> +; Procedure:    stackless_PCIConfig_Read
> +;
> +; Input:        esp - return address
> +;                ebx - PCI Config Address
> +;
> +; Output:       eax - Data read
> +;
> +; Destroys:
> +;                eax
> +;                dx
> +;
> +; Description:
> +;        Perform a DWORD PCI Configuration read
> +;
> +;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> +global ASM_PFX(stackless_PCIConfig_Read)
> +ASM_PFX(stackless_PCIConfig_Read):
> +  ;
> +  ; Write the PCI Config Address to the address port
> +  ;
> +  xchg  eax, ebx
> +  mov  dx, PCI_ADDRESS_PORT
> +  out  dx, eax
> +  xchg  eax, ebx
> +
> +  ;
> +  ; Read the PCI DWORD Data from the data port
> +  ;
> +  mov  dx, PCI_DATA_PORT
> +  in  eax, dx
> +
> +  RET32
> diff --git
> a/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/I
> a32/Platform.inc
> b/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/
> Ia32/Platform.inc
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000000..c057d157d9
> --- /dev/null
> +++
> b/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/
> Ia32/Platform.inc
> @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
> +;/** @file
> +; AMD VanGoghBoard PlatformSecLib
> +;
> +; Copyright (C) 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.<BR>
> +; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
> +;
> +;**/
> +
> +; This file includes code originally published under the following license.
> +;
> +; Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Intel Corporation.
> +;
> +; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
> +;
> +;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> +;
> +; Module Name:
> +;
> +;   Platform.inc
> +;
> +; Abstract:
> +;
> +;   Platform Specific Definitions
> +;
> +;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> +
> +%macro JMP32 1
> +  lea  esp, %%target
> +  jmp  %1
> +%%target:
> +%endmacro
> +
> +%macro RET32 0
> +    jmp    esp
> +%endmacro
> +
> +;
> +; RTC/CMOS definitions
> +;
> +RTC_INDEX      EQU 070h
> +  NMI_DISABLE  EQU 080h    ; Bit7=1 disables NMI
> +  NMI_ENABLE  EQU 000h    ; Bit7=0 disables NMI
> +RTC_DATA      EQU 071h
> +
> +;
> +; PCI Configuration definitions
> +;
> +PCI_CFG            EQU 1 << 01Fh  ; PCI configuration access mechanism
> +
> +;
> +; LPC-ISA Bridge PCI Config Registers
> +;
> +LPC_PFA            EQU 00A3h          ; B0:D14:F3 (Legacy Block)
> +  LPC_IO_PDE         EQU 0044h        ; IO Port Decode Enable
> +  LPC_IOMEM_PDE      EQU 0048h        ; IO or Memory Port Decode Enable
> +  LPC_WIDE_IO_EN     EQU 0074H
> +  LPC_WIDE_IO2       EQU 0090H
> +  LPC_SPI_BASE_ADDR  EQU 00A0H        ; SPI BAR =
> {SPI_BaseAddr[31:8],8'b0}
> +                                      ; HFP BAR = {SPI_BaseAddr[31:8],8'b0} + 0x0000_1000
> +                                      ; eSPI BAR = {SPI_BaseAddr[31:8],8'b0} + 0x0001_0000
> +
> +  ESPI_SLAVE0_DECODE_EN_IO_80_EN EQU  04h  ; Port 80 decode enabled
> +
> +APIC_BASE_ADDRESS       EQU 0000001Bh
> +APIC_BSC                EQU 8       ; Boot Strap Core
> diff --git
> a/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/
> PlatformSecLib.c
> b/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/
> PlatformSecLib.c
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000000..4c27d9b5a2
> --- /dev/null
> +++
> b/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/
> PlatformSecLib.c
> @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
> +/** @file
> +  Implements PlatformSecLib.c
> +
> +  Copyright (C) 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.<BR>
> +  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
> +
> +**/
> +
> +/* This file includes code originally published under the following license. */
> +
> +/** @file
> +Platform SEC Library for Quark.
> +
> +Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Intel Corporation.
> +
> +SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
> +
> +
> +**/
> +
> +#include <PiPei.h>
> +
> +#include <Ppi/SecPlatformInformation.h>
> +#include <Ppi/TemporaryRamSupport.h>
> +#include <Library/PcdLib.h>
> +#include <Library/BaseLib.h>
> +#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
> +#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
> +#include <Library/HobLib.h>
> +#include <Library/MtrrLib.h>
> +
> +/**
> +
> +  Entry point to the C language phase of SEC. After the SEC assembly
> +  code has initialized some temporary memory and set up the stack,
> +  the control is transferred to this function.
> +
> +  @param SizeOfRam           Size of the temporary memory available for use.
> +  @param TempRamBase         Base address of temporary ram
> +  @param BootFirmwareVolume  Base address of the Boot Firmware Volume.
> +
> +**/
> +SecStartup (
> +  IN UINT32  SizeOfRam,
> +  IN UINT32  TempRamBase,
> +  IN VOID    *BootFirmwareVolume
> +  );
> +
> +/**
> +  Auto-generated function that calls the library constructors for all of the
> module's
> +  dependent libraries.  This function must be called by the SEC Core once a
> stack has
> +  been established.
> +
> +**/
> +ProcessLibraryConstructorList (
> +  VOID
> +  );
> +
> +/**
> +
> +  Entry point to the C language phase of PlatformSecLib.  After the SEC
> assembly
> +  code has initialized some temporary memory and set up the stack, control is
> +  transferred to this function.
> +
> +**/
> +PlatformSecLibStartup (
> +  VOID
> +  )
> +{
> +  //
> +  // Process all library constructor functions linked to SecCore.
> +  // This function must be called before any library functions are called
> +  //
> +  ProcessLibraryConstructorList ();
> +
> +  //
> +  // Set write back cache attribute for SPI FLASH
> +  //
> +
> +  //
> +  // Set write back cache attribute for 512KB Embedded SRAM
> +  //
> +
> +  //
> +  // Pass control to SecCore module passing in the size of the temporary RAM
> in
> +  // Embedded SRAM, the base address of the temporary RAM in Embedded
> SRAM, and
> +  // the base address of the boot firmware volume.  The top 32KB of the 512
> KB
> +  // embedded SRAM are used as temporary RAM.
> +  //
> +  SecStartup (
> +    SIZE_128KB,
> +    BASE_64KB + BASE_128KB,
> +    (VOID *)(UINTN)(PcdGet32 (PcdMemoryFvRecoveryBase))
> +    );
> +}
> +
> +/**
> +  A developer supplied function to perform platform specific operations.
> +
> +  It's a developer supplied function to perform any operations appropriate to
> a
> +  given platform. It's invoked just before passing control to PEI core by SEC
> +  core. Platform developer may modify the SecCoreData and PPI list that is
> +  passed to PEI Core.
> +
> +  @param  SecCoreData           The same parameter as passing to PEI core. It
> +                                could be overridden by this function.
> +  @param  PpiList               The default PPI list passed from generic SEC
> +                                part.
> +
> +  @return The final PPI list that platform wishes to passed to PEI core.
> +
> +**/
> +SecPlatformMain (
> +  IN OUT   EFI_SEC_PEI_HAND_OFF  *SecCoreData
> +  )
> +{
> +  MtrrSetMemoryAttribute (PcdGet32 (PcdMemoryFvRecoveryBase),
> PcdGet32 (PcdMemoryFvMainSize) + PcdGet32 (PcdFlashFvRecoverySize),
> CacheWriteBack);
> +  return NULL;
> +}
> +
> +/**
> +  This interface conveys state information out of the Security (SEC) phase into
> PEI.
> +
> +  @param  PeiServices               Pointer to the PEI Services Table.
> +  @param  StructureSize             Pointer to the variable describing size of the
> input buffer.
> +  @param  PlatformInformationRecord Pointer to the
> +
> +  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The data was successfully returned.
> +  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  The buffer was too small.
> +
> +**/
> +SecPlatformInformation (
> +  IN CONST EFI_PEI_SERVICES                  **PeiServices,
> +  IN OUT   UINT64                            *StructureSize,
> *PlatformInformationRecord
> +  )
> +{
> +  UINT32             *BIST;
> +  UINT32             Size;
> +  UINT32             Count;
> +  EFI_HOB_GUID_TYPE  *GuidHob;
> +  UINT32             *TopOfStack;
> +
> +  //
> +  // Top of the stack is the top of the 512KB Embedded SRAM region
> +  //
> +  TopOfStack = (UINT32 *)(FixedPcdGet32
> (PcdPeiCorePeiPreMemoryStackBaseAddress) +
> +                          FixedPcdGet32 (PcdPeiCorePeiPreMemoryStackSize));
> +
> +  GuidHob = GetFirstGuidHob (&gEfiSecPlatformInformationPpiGuid);
> +  if (GuidHob != NULL) {
> +    Size = GET_GUID_HOB_DATA_SIZE (GuidHob);
> +    BIST = GET_GUID_HOB_DATA (GuidHob);
> +  } else {
> +    //
> +    // The entries of BIST information, together with the number of them,
> +    // reside in the bottom of stack, left untouched by normal stack operation.
> +    // This routine copies the BIST information to the buffer pointed by
> +    // PlatformInformationRecord for output.
> +    //
> +    Count = *(TopOfStack - 1);
> +    Size  = Count * sizeof (IA32_HANDOFF_STATUS);
> +    BIST  = (UINT32 *)((UINT32)TopOfStack - sizeof (UINT32) - Size);
> +
> +    //
> +    // Copy Data from Stack to Hob to avoid data is lost after memory is ready.
> +    //
> +    BuildGuidDataHob (
> +      &gEfiSecPlatformInformationPpiGuid,
> +      BIST,
> +      (UINTN)Size
> +      );
> +    GuidHob = GetFirstGuidHob (&gEfiSecPlatformInformationPpiGuid);
> +    Size    = GET_GUID_HOB_DATA_SIZE (GuidHob);
> +    BIST    = GET_GUID_HOB_DATA (GuidHob);
> +  }
> +
> +  if ((*StructureSize) < (UINT64)Size) {
> +    *StructureSize = Size;
> +    return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
> +  }
> +
> +  *StructureSize = Size;
> +  CopyMem (PlatformInformationRecord, BIST, Size);
> +
> +  return EFI_SUCCESS;
> +}
> +
> +/**
> +  This interface disables temporary memory in SEC Phase.
> +**/
> +SecPlatformDisableTemporaryMemory (
> +  VOID
> +  )
> +{
> +}
> diff --git
> a/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/
> PlatformSecLib.inf
> b/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/
> PlatformSecLib.inf
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000000..1c23fd4949
> --- /dev/null
> +++
> b/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/
> PlatformSecLib.inf
> @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
> +## @file
> +# Platform Sec Lib Module
> +#
> +# Copyright (C) 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.<BR>
> +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
> +#
> +##
> +# This file includes code originally published under the following license.
> +#/** @file
> +# Platform SEC Library for Quark.
> +#
> +# Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Intel Corporation.
> +#
> +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
> +#
> +#**/
> +
> +[Defines]
> +  INF_VERSION                    = 0x00010005
> +  BASE_NAME                      = PlatformSecLib
> +  FILE_GUID                      = E9536686-F280-4908-88DA-DBBCD0186A6A
> +  MODULE_TYPE                    = SEC
> +  VERSION_STRING                 = 1.0
> +  LIBRARY_CLASS                  = PlatformSecLib
> +  MODULE_UNI_FILE                = PlatformSecLibModStrs.uni
> +
> +#
> +# The following information is for reference only and not required by the build
> tools.
> +#
> +#  VALID_ARCHITECTURES           = IA32
> +#
> +
> +[Sources]
> +  PlatformSecLib.c
> +
> +[Sources.IA32]
> +  Ia32/Flat32.nasm
> +
> +[Packages]
> +  MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
> +  MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec
> +  PcAtChipsetPkg/PcAtChipsetPkg.dec
> +  UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dec
> +  VanGoghCommonPkg/AmdCommonPkg.dec
> +  ChachaniBoardPkg/Project.dec
> +
> +[LibraryClasses]
> +  DebugLib
> +  BaseLib
> +  BaseMemoryLib
> +  PciLib
> +  PcdLib
> +  HobLib
> +  MtrrLib
> +
> +[Pcd]
> +  gPlatformPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFlashFvRecoverySize     ## CONSUMES
> +  gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciExpressBaseAddress
> +  gPlatformPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMemoryFvRecoveryBase
> +  gAmdCommonPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMemoryFvMainSize
> +  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSerialClockRate
> +  gPlatformPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPeiCorePeiPreMemoryStackBaseAddress
> +  gPlatformPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPeiCorePeiPreMemoryStackSize
> +  gPcAtChipsetPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdInitialValueRtcRegisterA     ##
> +  gPcAtChipsetPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdInitialValueRtcRegisterD     ##
> +
> +[Ppis]
> +  gEfiSecPlatformInformationPpiGuid   ## UNDEFINED # it is used as GUIDED
> diff --git
> a/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/
> PlatformSecLibModStrs.uni
> b/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/
> PlatformSecLibModStrs.uni
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000000..f728e07695
> --- /dev/null
> +++
> b/Platform/AMD/VanGoghBoard/ChachaniBoardPkg/Library/PlatformSecLib/
> PlatformSecLibModStrs.uni
> @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
> +// /** @file
> +// AMD PlatformSecLibModStrs.uni
> +//
> +// Copyright (C) 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.<BR>
> +//
> +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
> +//
> +// **/
> +
> +// This file includes code originally published under the following license.
> +// /** @file
> +// PlatformSecLib Localized Abstract and Description Content
> +//
> +// Copyright (c) 2012 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
> +//
> +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
> +//
> +// **/
> +
> +#language en-US
> +"SEC Platform Library "
> +
> +#language en-US
> +"Provides a platform-specific function to be used during the SEC stage of
> POST. "
> +
> +
> --
> 2.31.1

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