Switched to a new branch '20230913125247.34748-1-sami.mujawar@arm.com' Applying: Platform/ARM: Add dynamic CPU node generation for FVP error: invalid object 100644 3acc0c6bc1b48b747e011022f2300b2fe3fa994b for 'Platform/ARM/VExpressPkg/ConfigurationManager/ConfigurationManagerDxe/AslTables/Dsdt.asl' error: Repository lacks necessary blobs to fall back on 3-way merge. hint: Use 'git am --show-current-patch=diff' to see the failed patch Patch failed at 0001 Platform/ARM: Add dynamic CPU node generation for FVP When you have resolved this problem, run "git am --continue". If you prefer to skip this patch, run "git am --skip" instead. To restore the original branch and stop patching, run "git am --abort".